MMA May - The Flying Dutchman

The more I think about this, the more absolutely furious I get. I cannot comprehend why somebody who has access to everything he could ever possibly want would do this. It's not as if he cannot afford to have somebody drive him around at all hours of the day. I really hope this is just a speedbump for Jones and doesn't turn into anything severe...
Americans are very forgiving to first time DUI offenders, as long as no one innocent got hurt. Everyone who drinks alcohol regularly winds up drinking-and-driving every now and again; it's just most don't get caught.

I'm not a big Jon Jones fan, but I know in the grand scheme of things this will not end up being a big deal at all. He'll still beat Hendo's ass in September, and he'll still remain the most dominant MMA fighter on the planet and the face of the UFC for many years to come.

In the meantime, we can laugh our asses off at this photo.

Dana looks so douchey in that picture^^

I'm pretty much with Jeff on this. Dude's an idiot for getting caught, but a lot of us are definitely guilty of drinking and driving.

If anything, this might actually win some fans over for Jones. A lot of people don't like him due to his holier than thou attitude. This could sway some people's opinion on him as he's showing that like everyone else, he's human.
Americans are very forgiving to first time DUI offenders, as long as no one innocent got hurt. Everyone who drinks alcohol regularly winds up drinking-and-driving every now and again; it's just most don't get caught.

Although they shouldn't be so forgiving. Fact is, he put not just himself in danger, but hundreds of innocent people as well. It's not as if he got pulled over and failed the breathalyzer, he wrapped his car around a fucking telephone pole. That is bad, really bad, especially considering he has more than enough money to rent a limo for the night.
Despite having millions of dollars, good god, it must kind of suck to be Dana right now.

1.) Diagnosed with Miniere's Disease
2.) Ratings are in the shitter for UFC on Fox and TUF
3.) Buyrates have been in the shitter.
4.) He has fighters testing positive for steroids, marijuana, and getting hurt all the time.
5.) He lost out on a card set to take place in front of 80,000 Brazilians
6.) The #1 fighter in the company just got arrested for drunk driving.
AC "Mr Diaz you tested positive several yrs ago for Marijuana and you told the Commission at that time it was a isolated incident and it wouldn't happen again"

Diaz "Yes"

AC "you tested positive again so how soon after testifying did you start using again"?

Diaz "when I got home"

AC "so you just told us that to get through the hearing"?

Diaz "Yes". For those who are wondering how Diaz's hearing went.
I'm beyond pissed with the punishment Diaz received. He basically got the same treatment the Saints got from Goodell. The NSAC admitted that they couldn't prove that Nick had anything illegal in his system for the fight, yet they give him that harsh of a suspension and fine anyway? Steroid abusers, TRT users, women beaters, DUI offenders... they don't get anywhere near the severe punishment Nick got.

They only suspended him that harshly because he dared to take them to court. They know that was completely unfair.

The only bright side is if GSP/Condit happens in November, then Nick will be back in time to face the winner. I will be rooting as hard for GSP in that fight as I am Anderson in the Anderson/Chael fight, if not much more. Why? Besides still being bitter at Condit over the Diaz fight, you can say what you want about GSP, but the guy knows Diaz is the best and he wants to fight the best, like a true champion. GSP is a true champion. He can play it safe sometimes which I criticize him for (and I only do that because I know if GSP didn't play it safe, he more than has the ability to finish fights in awesome fashion), but still... he won't back down from anyone. He will demand a fight with Diaz, whereas I expect Condit to weasel his way out of it.
That is, if Diaz decides to quit whining and come out of "retirement."

I still believe that if GSP and Diaz ever fight, we will see an entirely new GSP, the one we've been dying to see since the second Serra fight. I hope this fight does happen so I can see GSP utterly decimate Nick Diaz. Mark my words, we will see the destruction that GSP is truly capable of if he ever fights Nick Diaz.
Condit isn't somebody who will bring that out. Condit is a nice, quiet guy who gives GSP no ulterior motives. Sad, but true. We all want to see Diaz/GSP and its a travesty we have to wait.
I loved the quote from Cesar about it being NBD if you test positive for roids or get a DUI but smoking pot legally gets the book thrown at you. It is pretty frickin ridiculous with all the shit that's been going on but oh well.

I still believe that if GSP and Diaz ever fight, we will see an entirely new GSP, the one we've been dying to see since the second Serra fight. I hope this fight does happen so I can see GSP utterly decimate Nick Diaz. Mark my words, we will see the destruction that GSP is truly capable of if he ever fights Nick Diaz.

I agree, you never know with GSP and his recent approaches to his fights but I do believe this one would get him to that place where he just unleashes hell. I wanna see GSP vs Diaz but I cant root against Condit so I just hope that they would fight if GSP lost to Carlos.

Also Swick is returning at UFC on Fox 4 for his first fight since he got wrecked by Paulo Thiago back at 109, that is unless he gets hurt again before then.
I live Swick, actually, I adore him. Watching his YouTube videos and reading stories about him shows he is one of the most easy going, chill guys in the entire sport. It breaks my heart that he's had this streak of terrible luck, it couldn't have happened to a better guy. I hope he stays healthy for this fight because he is damn good and is always exciting. Can't wait for him to fight
Im a big Swick fan too but it's hard to get too excited until the day of the even considering I think he's been scheduled for 3 events since 109 and dropped with injury before each of them. But if he does come in I hope we see the Swick of old, throwing lightning fast combos and giving us a show, and if he comes back in good shape that shouldnt be too hard considering his opponent is Damarques Johnson.
Also, UFC on Fox is looking absolutly amazing. Probably wont do great numbers and I'd like to have Aldo on there, but it is seriously fucking stacked.
Yes it is, I'm beyond excited for it and I'm planning on getting tickets when they come out(next week I think). The fact that I'll be watching Mir fight in the main event of a PPV this weekend live and seeing Stann live in the main event at Fox 4 is something I've been dreaming about for years. 8 years I've been waiting to go to one and now I'm doing two within a few months.

Also am I the only one who misses the corny names they used to give PPVs? Sorry I'm feeling nostalgic and I've been watching a bunch of cards with Mir on them in preparation for this weekend and I dont think I ever realized just how terrible some of them were. I mean Payback and Full Force werent too bad but Ill Will? That's just hilarious.
Remember when they named a UFC "Knockout" and there wasn't a single knockout on the card? lol

That was the night Keith Jardine got the upset over Chuck Liddell.
Haha yep, 76 was decently entertaining but no KO's :p

And that's the most epic video ever, that oughta be the officially trailer.
Just read that Anthony Johnson missed weight by 10 pounds for his fight tomorrow in Titan FC.

Why doesn't he just move up to 205? He's never going to get back to the UFC.
If any of you are on the fence in picking up Chael's book, do it.

I've been reading it all week, it's a goddamn riot. I'm sending it out for him to sign this weekend, I'll post a review once I finish it.

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