MMA December - Season's Beatings to All

BJ lumped his ass up before he gassed, and everybody knows how BJ is going to attack. BJ's boxing is like most mma boxing, undisciplined power shot after undisciplined power shot. Rewatch the fight, BJ was dominating it for a round and two minutes.

You call that "domination"? BJ was doing a good job, sure, but he didn't land anything of any significance. Diaz's black eye came from when he rolled on the ground and BJ was in perfect position to land some good shots when Diaz gave him his back. That's all BJ landed the entire fight.

Daley's power shot barrage was landing easily.

Only one really landed.

Hell, sorry ass Cyborg was outlanding Nick until he gassed.

No, he wasn't. Cyborg landed some great leg kicks (take note, Condit), but that was it. Diaz boxed him up that entire fight.

KJ Noons "pro boxing experience" is laughable at best. The only real guys he ever fought beat him. Oh, and KJ outlanded Nick in the second fight, but they weren't as effective as Nick's shots.

Dude, Nick cuts as easily as anyone in MMA (Fedor might be the only person who has him beat). If KJ was outlanding him, why wasn't Nick all busted up after 25 minutes of getting punched by a pro boxer? Give me a break right there man. KJ had one good moment towards the end of round 2 and that was it.

Condit picked Nick apart and exploited every hole in Diaz's striking game.

Condit throw weak ass leg kicks and ran away. Diaz wasn't prepared for that, yet I still feel he did enough to win rounds 1, 2, and 5. But still, Diaz prepared for a "dog fight," not for a guy to run all day. I'm positive Diaz would have been able to implore a new gameplan had they fought again as planned to.

Nick is a dynamo on the ground, one of the best, don't get it twisted, but his striking is wildly overrated. You're a fan, I get that, but you are absolutely delusional when it comes to Nick, as most of his fans are. Stop listening to the hype and really watch the fights.

I'm not delusional at all, and I've watched nearly every fight he's ever had more than once. I know Nick has holes with his defensive skills, but I think his detractors highly exaggerate it. The guy is an MMA fighter, not a pro boxer. These would be serious problems if he were in pro boxing, but in MMA? His style works and his boxing is superior to everyone in MMA in and around his weight class except Anderson Silva. That's a fact.

Check out this old post on Sherdog. This guy breaks down Diaz's boxing very well.

And here's another great article on it....
I think the fight will be pretty lopsided. I don't think GSP finishes Nick. I can talk for days about how much I dislike Nick and how I think he is overrated to the max, but I can't detract from his toughness. I just don't think he offers anything that GSP hasn't seen before and can't handle.
You call that "domination"? BJ was doing a good These would be serious problems if he were in pro boxing, but in MMA? His style works and his boxing is superior to everyone in MMA in and around his weight class except Anderson Silva. That's a fact.

No, it isn't a fact. It's purely an opinion you're trying to pass off as fact. The claim is ridiculous. The best technical boxing in mma belongs to Frankie Edgar. IIRC, you even believe this. If you compare styles, it's not even close. I'll even admit that Nick is a fine mixed martial artist and what he does works for him, but seriously, he's not a great technical boxer, and he's highly unlikely to ever be one. He's a brawler, and that's how he should be labeled.

We're clearly going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
No, it isn't a fact. It's purely an opinion you're trying to pass off as fact. The claim is ridiculous. The best technical boxing in mma belongs to Frankie Edgar. IIRC, you even believe this. If you compare styles, it's not even close. I'll even admit that Nick is a fine mixed martial artist and what he does works for him, but seriously, he's not a great technical boxer, and he's highly unlikely to ever be one. He's a brawler, and that's how he should be labeled.

Will Edgar ever fight at 170 or 185? Do you ever see Nick dropping down to 155 again? No, and my statement was in and around Nick Diaz's weight class. Until you can name a better boxer than Nick at 170 or 185 besides Anderson then my "opinion" of Nick having the best boxing in and around his weight class besides Anderson remains to be pretty much a fact.

Also, Edgar's boxing is definitely very good, but you're overrating him. This is the same guy who Maynard "outboxed" in two fights before blowing his load and then Edgar being able to take control of the fight. Hey, if you can make that claim about Nick's fight against BJ, then I can make it about Edgar's fights against Gray. ;)

And Nick has a tremendous boxing trainer and spars with Andre Ward, plus various other legit boxers. His style is very much pure boxing standing up, not brawling. If he was some bum who only threw haymakers then you'd have a point, but the way he uses the jab, throws body punches, and mixes up his light and power shots makes him much more than just a "brawler."
Will Edgar ever fight at 170 or 185? Do you ever see Nick dropping down to 155 again? No, and my statement was in and around Nick Diaz's weight class. Until you can name a better boxer than Nick at 170 or 185 besides Anderson then my "opinion" of Nick having the best boxing in and around his weight class besides Anderson remains to be pretty much a fact.

Nick is a natural 55er. The only reason Nick isn't at 55 is because his brother and Gil are there. He's not going to go up to 85 because Shields is there (not to mention that he'd be severely undersized).

At 70, Thiago Alves' boxing is at least as good as Nick's.

At 85, Bisping's boxing is at least as good. Vitor's boxing is more technically proficient.

Also, Edgar's boxing is definitely very good, but you're overrating him. This is the same guy who Maynard "outboxed" in two fights before blowing his load and then Edgar being able to take control of the fight. Hey, if you can make that claim about Nick's fight against BJ, then I can make it about Edgar's fights against Gray. ;)

Fair enough, but I was comparing styles. Frankie's footwork and head movement >>>> Nick's, but he's got an issue with keeping his hands up and a suspect chin. That gets him into trouble.

And Nick has a tremendous boxing trainer and spars with Andre Ward, plus various other legit boxers. His style is very much pure boxing standing up, not brawling. If he was some bum who only threw haymakers then you'd have a point, but the way he uses the jab, throws body punches, and mixes up his light and power shots makes him much more than just a "brawler."

Yeah, he trains with Andre Ward. Ward may be the best p4p boxer in the world. And we've all heard that "Nick holds his own", but seriously, what are they going to say "Well, Andre beat the fuck out of Nick today", because I can say with 100% certainty that's what actually happens. Ward beats Nick's ass with one hand behind his back. With ease.

It's not the way he mixes up his shots that make him an overrated boxer. It's the fact that he's most often flat footed and he can't deal so well with an opponent who actually moves. He doesn't ever take his head off center and he doesn't tuck his chin when he throws, and it leaves him open for counters, and he often gets countered, but he's got a chin made of iron, so he gets away with it.

Again, let's just agree to disagree. It'll be easier.
Josh Koscheck vs. Robbie Lawler is on for UFC 157.

Good fight. I think Lawler stuffs Koscheck's takedowns all day and knocks his ass out.
Kos by wrestlerape. He's going to be gun shy about striking since GSP smashed his face in and he's going to look to wrestle early and often.
We can only hope Robbie does just that. Does anyone like Kos?

INDYjon and IrishCandian are big Koscheck fans. They get a kick out of his heel persona.

Even I don't mind Kos as much as of late, but I have to root for the more exciting fighter here. I think Robbie stands a good chance too as long as the weight cut doesn't affect him too much. Robbie's TDD is very, very good.
I vote that starting next month, we move our monthly thread series to the sports section. Get some conversation going in there with the new relaxed spam rules.
I was reading an article on my phone today off the MMA Junkie app about how Chris Leben has gotten his life back on track and how he is done messing up. I really want to believe him, but I can't. This is like the third time he has made this claim.

Returns at UFC 157 vs. Kenny Robertson.

Just so I'm clear, as this thread and the prediction contest are the only two things that keep me around so I'm pretty out of the loop... half of these posts in this thread, and in any normal thread would have probably been warning/infraction worthy. Is this no longer the case? Can I move the prediction contest over there as well?
Just so I'm clear, as this thread and the prediction contest are the only two things that keep me around so I'm pretty out of the loop... half of these posts in this thread, and in any normal thread would have probably been warning/infraction worthy. Is this no longer the case? Can I move the prediction contest over there as well?

This thread will definitely be okay, but I'm not so sure about the Prediction Contest. We'll have to ask Sly about that.
Yea, the NWS now feature a relaxed spam rule where as long as a post contributes in someway to the thread, it won't be considered spam. This thread would be fine I'm sure, but like JMT said, we'd have to get Sly's permission for the prediction contest. This is just an idea to get some posts in the sports section, and advertise to some more people, maybe get some new regulars.
Goldie's out for an indefinite amount of time.

We make fun of him a lot but he seems like a really good dude, hope everything is okay.

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