MMA GSD For March - The Michael Bisping Appreciation Station

From Middle Easy:

For those who have heard the rumor that an MMA organization 'suggested' we remove the Sunday Morning Rumor Mill in order to re-instate our press credentials, then you're absolutely correct. Initially, this rumor mill was going to start off with something so incredible, that I would literally need a small village of attorneys just to publish it. There's a point where you have to disregard news that could potentially change the face of an organization solely for the sake of not being 'that guy'. No one wants to be 'that guy', not even me. I'm sure the news will leak soon, but we're definitely not going to be the ones that do so.


And apparently, there's a sex tape that could be released real soon between an MMA fighter and MMA personality.

So, some big shit could be going down in the next week or so, lol.
Color me confused in regards to that tidbit JMT.

I'm enjoying the shit out of this UFC 100 Greatest Fights set, I'm at 82 right now, Trigg vs. GSP from UFC 54. I think I've seen this fight before on an episode of Unleashed, not sure. I enjoyed the hell out of the Chuck Liddell vs. Vernon White fight before this one though, that was a slugfest.

Oh and I watched Gomi's match against Guida from UFC 125 earlier today. I was sad.
Color me confused in regards to that tidbit JMT.

Yeah man, to sum it up... Middle Easy has a story so bad, that they were fearful of the backlash they would receive from the organization it's about if they had released it. It could be about UFC fixing fights, or covering up someone's steroid use... whatever it is, it's bad, and I'm curious as fuck to hear about it. Hopefully the news leaks soon.

I'm enjoying the shit out of this UFC 100 Greatest Fights set, I'm at 82 right now, Trigg vs. GSP from UFC 54. I think I've seen this fight before on an episode of Unleashed, not sure.

Very good fight.

I can't stand Trigg, but he's been in some epic fights. Wait to you get to Hughes/Trigg 2.

Oh and I watched Gomi's match against Guida from UFC 125 earlier today. I was sad.

Damn man, one of the worst losses I've suffered as an MMA fan. I will never watch it again.

Please make up for it and go watch some of Gomi's better moments, like his fights against Tyson Griffin, Kawajiri, Jens Pulver, Hayato Sakurai, Ishida, Ralph Gracie, etc. to see what the REAL Takanori Gomi looks like when he fights.

Guida's bouncy shit just threw Gomi off guard. Thinking about it now, Gomi should have gone for the takedown himself. Gomi is shit off his back, but on top he's one of the best in the game when it comes to ground and pound and submissions.
If it ends up being the UFC fixing fights, or anything of the sort, I will re-evaluate everything. After i've devoted so many hours to watching, reading, and talking about this sport coupled with the fact that i'm probably the biggest Dana/UFC supporter on this board would really kill me.
Yeah, I don't think the UFC has fixed fights either, but I'm just saying... the way Middle Easy is putting over the "rumor" they have, fixed fights was just one of the best examples I could come up with how devastating they're putting their tidbit over.

And I hope you have some luck with that, ITGG. I think those guys are being huge *****es about this. If you have something you're fearful of sharing, then don't mention ANYTHING about it. Keep the entire thing under wraps, instead of teasing people with that "I know something you don't know!" bullshit.
Best camp in MMA right there, baby. The lack of Nick Diaz in the picture is depressing though. Nothing would be better than a Nick Diaz/Sonnen picture together, lol.

And I remember reading Shields saying he was going to work with Sonnen this week... I'm very pleased about that. Though is it just me, or does Shields look fucking huge in that picture? Melendez looks a lot bigger than normal as well.
Yea, looks like he'll have quite a cut. I think altogether Jackson's camp is better, but these guys are up there.
Shields definitely looks pretty damn big. Lindland still looks out of it from being knocked out cold by Lawler, and is that David Douglas in front of Nate?
Little to none. I'm not counting him out like ITGG is, but I really don't see him winning this fight. I don't see him being able to get GSP to the ground, and GSP will most likely do what he did against Kos, and outbox Shields. I actually see this fight being a lower risk than the Kos fight because Kos has proven to have power while Shields has very little. That said, Shields does know how to win, and he knows it very well. If he shows up in the same shape as he did in the Kampmann fight though, than I give him no chance to win this.
How much of a chance do you guys give Shields against GSP?

Jake Shields is one of my favorite fighters, so I'm rooting for him big time, but man... first of all, you have to give all the credit in the World to GSP. Dude is fucking out of this World talented. However, I still believe Shields has the skill set to beat him.

That said, if the fight were taking place at 185, I would bet the house on Shields. But man, I think that weight cut is just too much for him, and from the looks of that picture above, it doesn't look like his training weight is down from when he was fighting at 185. That shit worries me against a caliber opponent like GSP. For Shields to out work GSP like he has the skill set and toughness to do, it will take a countless amount of energy to do so, and I'm just worried the weight cut can end up draining all the energy out of Shields.
I agree with that JMT. At 185 I see the fight going similar to the Hendo fight without the horrible first for Shields. GSP is a picture perfect WW. He is just to small for 185. No matter how much muscle he puts on to get to 185 he is just to small. One of the reasons I hate people who are saying he should fucking move up in weight. He is just to small for 185, and to big for 155. He is perfect at 170.
GSP does not need to move up to 185, anyone who believes he could beat Anderson is high as a kite. Anderson walks around as a LHW, when you combine that with his completely unpredictable striking , KO power and his BJJ, GSP would be overwhelmed in that match. Much of GSP's success has come because of technique and speed. He would get mollywhopped by Anderson and probably a couple of the top MW wrestling contenders like Sonnen
Just on the last fight of 116. Watched 100 earlier, well the main fights anyway.


GSP is simply awesome. Leben, Lesnar, Alves, Sexyama all very impressive. I really want the 100 Greatest Fights Blu Ray to come out over here now.
Just on the last fight of 116. Watched 100 earlier, well the main fights anyway.


GSP is simply awesome. Leben, Lesnar, Alves, Sexyama all very impressive. I really want the 100 Greatest Fights Blu Ray to come out over here now.

I actually prefer the undercard to the main card. Check out the Jones/O'Brien fight, Bonnar/Coleman, and Doloway/Lawler fights. They are all a lot of fun.
This may be a blessing in disguise. I want BJ to beat Fitch, but at the same time I feel there are more exciting fights for BJ at WW. Maybe Carlos Condit? That would be a fantastic fight.
Condit has asked for Penn via Twitter.

@CarlosCondit It would be an honor to fight a legend like BJ Penn, one of my favorite fighters ever. I'd take the fight in a second

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