MMA August - Where Frankie Edgar Needs 10 Rounds For A Title Defense

There's a few SF guys in there, nobody stood out aside from Bristol Marunde or whatever his name is. Should be a compelling how just based of the coaches but the guys sound good too.
I screamed when I saw that. I can't even think of words to describe how overwhelmed I am right now. I can't even think straight
It's beyond overwhelming, one minute we have an underwhelming main event and now we have a super fight. Itll be very interesting to see how Edgar fight him, damn this is good! Aldo ftw! 134 was pretty huge but this is crazy, Only way they'll ever top this card in Brazil is if they get all their Brazilian champs defending on the same night which is a fan's wet dream for me.
I'm gonna say it, if Frankie can't beat Aldo, he is gonna go on an Anderson Silva/GSP type run with that title. Frankie is the most well rounded guy Aldo will have fought in a long long time. Koch and KZ may have KO power but what Frankie lacks in pure power he makes up for with good technique. I thought Mendes could give him trouble but it took what, less than a minute to handle him?
Supposedly that rule is to prevent kicks to the head of a defenseless opponent, while preserving soccer kicks as a whole. What's funny is, when Huerta got punted, he was as defenseless as a person can be. Stupid fucking rule.
Answering my own question, Nam was released by Bellator, but as per the release, Bellator has match making rights over Nam, meaning he won't be able to hve a fight without Bellator's approval. With the suit, they hope to resign him to one of their tournaments rather than Nam signing to the UFC or SF

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