MMA May - The Flying Dutchman

He's afraid of fighting guys his own size because although he has power his greatest asset in all his fights until he fought Vitor was his size difference from his opponents. But yeah long story short I doubt we ever see him back.

I'm definitely gonna pick up Chael's book as soon as possible, I didnt doubt it'd be like Jericho's books on roids.

I gotta say I love where the heavyweight division is now, but there was something fun about it when Andrei was at the top of the heap. He's so entertaining and seeing such a scary yet friendly and humble guy rewarded like that was fun to watch, I hate how far he's fallen.
Whenever there's a somewhat high profile fight occurring, I'll be sniffing around. I love combat sports, especially MMA, but I find that if I follow it closely I get increasingly disinterested. I rely on colorful adverts on TV and Xbox to serve as notification. I guess I'm the equivalent to a mark in the MMA realm; I only care about the big guys and the big fights.

With that said, with the exception of JWG, does anyone think Mir will win? I'd say, for what it's worth, that he's got an incredibly viable chance, but I think JDS is the safer bet.
I picked Mir in the prediction contest just to be different, but I honestly don't think he stands much of a chance. The guy has the skill set to beat someone like JDS, no doubt, but he doesn't have the chin or heart. If JDS gets Mir in trouble just one time it will be over as soon as it started.
I think that Mir can win. Just as JMT said, he has the skill set to beat a guy like JDS, and I think that if the fight goes to the ground, than it's Mir's fight to lose. Mir has to play it loose on the standup, and pick his spots, and he can beat JDS. Mir has to find a way to get close and clinch up with JDS, and push him against the cage. If JDS can pick his distances from Mir standing up though, than JDS will knock out Mir.
I was gonna say, it's a good thing Chael didnt spit on the Brazilian flag or anything like that in his tirades, having him formally apologize to Brazil would kill his anti Brazil bad ass feel. I feel like Chael would be the kind of guy to look into a few of their laws before doing anything reckless in the actual country.

And to get in on this Mir-Dos Santos talk, I am rooting for Mir but I'm well aware the chips are stacked against Frank. I'm a loyal fan and I think he's got a good shot as any to win this but I'm not blinded by my attachment to him and realize JDS is a clear favorite.
It's only gonna happen if he can close the distance well, he cant stay on the outside with Junior's reach, power or level of boxing. He could take a few of Nog's shots but you can't do that with Junior unless you've got a big beard & belly and everyone calls you Big Country. Dirty boxing while avoiding getting Carwin'd again and going for a trip, then attack the fuck out of that leg of JDS.

Now I have a question for you guys, is Mayhem gonna finish CB? I think we all agree if he comes in prepared he'll win but will he submit or TKO Dolloway?
Paul Heyman and Mike Tyson talk about Jon Jones.


Tyson's such a classy, well-spoken individual these days. You can tell he's currently at a really good point in his life. I'm happy for him, and I agree tenfold about his thoughts on this situation.
Ariel is reporting that Dana is hinting at a Brock Lesnar return to the UFC. That would say the least.
That would kind of make sense, at least as to why they showed Brock on the screen before the Mir fight. Still, not really sure what to make of it.
Vitor is out of his fight against Wandy at 147.

Some shit went down after the show involving Mayhem. No information available, but Mayhem isn't coming back to the UFC.
Rumor has it that Mayhem tried starting something with Dollaway's cornermen. Good riddance. With the MTV connection, Mayhem is a good fit for Bellator anyway.

Belfort being out of 147 sucks for a multitude of reasons. For starters, that promo last night was pretty fucking cool and actually piqued my interest in that dogshit card. Furthermore, that card was a real tough sell when it's a glorified TUF: Brazil finale. Who the hell fights Wanderlei now?

There's nobody left at 185 that isn't already booked or hurt. Munoz and Weidman are booked to fight, and neither of those guys are PPV Main Eventers anyway. Belcher is in that same position. Stann is booked against Lombard, and they wouldn't have him go into an environment where he'd be heavily rooted against. Maybe take Bisping out of his fight against Boetsch and do the Bisping/Silva rematch, or Franklin out of his fight against Cung Le and do Franklin/Silva II? Jake Shields could be ready to fight.

There are some more options if Silva goes back up to Light Heavyweight. Gustafsson might be ready for a fight. Phil Davis is another option. Rashad could be ready. Bonnar would be interesting.

On the other hand, maybe Fitch or Koscheck could move up? BJ probably weighs 185 right now.

They're in a tough spot. I'd just scrap the goddamn piece of shit card altogether.
They're in a tough spot. I'd just scrap the goddamn piece of shit card altogether.

Pretty much how I feel.

Also, looks like JDS vs. Cain II.


The only way I would have bitched about this is if Hunt had a fight last night and won. But, since that isn't the case, Cain deserves a rematch after last night's performance, and I'm positive he'll do much better this time around against JDS than he did on Fox.

I think Dana's being a jackass though with his comments on Cormier. The UFC shouldn't tell fighters what weight they should fight at, ESPECIALLY fighters who fight ABOVE their "natural" weight class.
I've already made clear my thoughts on Cormier fighting at LHW. A weight cut, especially at age 33, is a lifestyle change that would take away at least 6 months of his career, and especially when the last time he tried cutting weight for the Olympics, he had kidney failure. I'm not responding to that pretentious douchebag in that thread. Those are the facts, Cormier cannot and shouldn't cut to 205.

I just think JDS vs. Cain II is a tough sell when the first fight was over in a minute on free TV. There's really nobody else though for JDS. Werdum is an even tougher sell.
Good riddance to Mayhem, guy promised to be better than ever and put on one of the shittiest performances I've ever seen and was still being a cocky little prick, its only funny if you win fights Miller. See ya.

147 is definitely down the shitter for me, that fight was the only reason I cared about the card, now I have no interest.

As much as I'd enjoy a few other guys getting a crack at the title Cain does make the most sense right now, maybe Cromier in the near future but for now it works.

Alot of fighters looked like shit last night, Mayhem was horrible, Brandao was good for a few minutes and then fuckin quit and Frank was an idiot and didnt stick to the game plan. But the card in general was awesome so not too upset, I met a ton of fuckin guys.

Brad Pickett(ran into him about 5 times)
Lavar Johnson
Rory Macdonald
Josh Rosenthal
Jon Anik
John Dodson
Shane Del Rosario
Johnny Hendricks
Rumor has it that Mayhem flipped out on an MGM employee, kicked over a table, flipped out on multiple UFC employees, and threw a bottle at C.B. Dollaway's cornermen.
The absolute best and classiest champion in all of combat sports giving JDS some major praise...

I'm going to pop a blood vessel if I read that post on Lesnar in the MMA section one more time.
In some tragic Boxing news... not only did Johnny Tapia pass away, but Paul Williams has been in a very serious motorcycle accident and is currently paralyzed from the waist down.

My prayers and best wishes go out to Williams. Hopefully the doctors can pull a miracle off in his surgery tomorrow.
Oh that thread is a gem, I personally enjoyed these little bits.
"his career in UFC was nothing more than him being a hype man and nothing more."
"Then he fights Frank Mir and Lesnar Taps to a knee bar or foot lock whatever people choose to call it."
That's poster of the year material right there. :icon_razz:

On the subject of Tapia and Williams that really sucks, Tapia will be missed and sure hope that Williams comes through the surgery for the better.

Mike Brown ended up retiring today, really glad I got to see him in his last performance. I've always been a fan and always enjoyed his fights but he hasnt been the same fighter for a while and it's the right time to hang em up.

Patrick Cote has been campaigning for his octagon return since his last win and is 4-0 outside the UFC since he dropped a dec to Lawlor at 121. Now that Vitor is out of the Wand fight and 147 desperately needs quality fights he's trying to get the nod to replace him. Normally I wouldnt say this one would happen but considering everyone at MW is busy unless Wanderlei fights at LHW it's the best option and I think it'd make a great fight. Thoughts?

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