MMA GSD For July is Dropping H-Bombs on Russia

I still want to see fucking Fitch/Shields at either WW or MW. Another interesting fight for him if he moves up is Chael Sonnen.
Damn, I was so stoked about Tito possibly getting the shot that Machida never even crossed my mind, lol.

Rashad's getting KTFO again. This time around I'm sure he'll constantly shoot on Machida, but it won't change anything.
Rashad is either eating a knee as he shoots, or getting constantly stuffed and picked apart on the feet in root to another humiliating KO. Either way, he isn't seeing a title shot anytime soon.
I didn't think Machida would accept such a huge fight against a top level opponent with less tham a month to prepare and he probably hasn't been doing much training.

It will be interesting to see who they give Davis once he's cleared to fight. I would give him Franklin if Ace gets past Lil nog. Or maybe even Tito though I don't see that one happening and Ortiz is saying he only wants huge names, of which Phil is not one. There really isn't any other options. Maybe Vlady if he gets past Gustaffson but I really wanna see The Mauler string together a few wins. Or maybe the loser of Rashad/Machida.
Tito should step up and say he wants to take his place. This is his big chance to REALLY get back in the mix, because he definitely can beat Rashad Evans.

...Whaaaaaaaat? One lucky win and Tito can take out Rashad? I don't agree my friend.

Evans vs. Machida II

Fuck yes.

Damn, now I'm torn on who to root for, I'm a fan of both guys.
...Whaaaaaaaat? One lucky win and Tito can take out Rashad? I don't agree my friend.

Damn, now I'm torn on who to root for, I'm a fan of both guys.

With respect xfear, I have to disagree this time.True one win after doing so horribly for so long doesnt warrant a high level fight but you have to remember that Tito already fought Rashad and would have won a decision had he not been deducted for grabbing the fence. I think Tito vs Rashad 2 would make more sense because their fight before was competitive and went the distance while Rashad-Machida was.....well it was short.
My main point is even though Tito had a not so hot streak, you can't count the guy out. He may have lost to Machida and drawn with Rashad but he lasted and put on 2 great wars. This would have been the best time for Tito to rise again but unfortunatly Tito has personal shit in the way once again and is missing what is probably his last golden oppertunity.
...Whaaaaaaaat? One lucky win and Tito can take out Rashad? I don't agree my friend.

Tito's already beaten Rashad once (technically it was a "draw," but if you watch the fight I'm sure you'd agree that Tito won 2 Rounds to 1), so there's no reason to completely count Tito out against him were they to fight again, especially with Rashad coming off a year and a half long lay off.
Machida's wife is saying he's turning the fight down as 3 weeks isn't enough to prepare.

They should just WWE it up and promote Rashad vs. a Mystery Opponent.

Either that, or cancel Fedor vs. Hendo, because that fight is going to be a money pit for Zuffa anyway, and move Hendo back to the UFC to fight Rashad for #1 Contendership.
Yea, Machida declined but Tito is actually reconsidering taking the fight according to my MMA Underground app. Also, BJ Penn's brother is making his pro debut in ProElite. Another bit of news, Cro Cop is fighting Roy Nelson........
Also, Cro Cop responds to Chael Sonnen's recent comments:

"I never liked to say any trash talk about anyone and I never go low on that level. Who is that guy...Chael Sonnen...I remember his face...I'm not the first one on which he had target on. When I was on UFC event last time I talked to some high ranked UFC official asking about this guy and saying: is he really crazy or just hungry for shameless promotion? The guy at UFC told me: He's both. So that says it all. he is both a crazy person and hungry of promotion.I'm not angry or anything at Sonnen, but I will say one thing, I hope nobody gets offended, I dont wanna sound disgusting and I am certainly not fan of any anthropologic theories, but you can see on that guy's face that he is limited and stupid and his IQ is not higher than the size of the shoes he's wearing. His way of communication, his idiotic talks and mockery about legends such as Minotauro, Fedor, Wanderlei Silva and me, the people whose fame he will NEVER reach. I can't be mad at him because he doesn't understand some things, like a little child. To be angry at him would be equal for me being angry at my little son who does funky things around the house all the time.

He's child and he doesn't understand, I cant be angry at him! Saying that fights in Japan were fixed and that me along with other guys like Silva,Minotauro etc. did not win those fights legitimately is an ultimate and absurd nonsense. I broke peoples bones, tore muscles, ribs, faces, inflicted some serious and heavy damages to my oponnents etc...I got hurt myself too from serious attacks...that is far far away from any fix and it just sounds incredible how this guy that cannot do anything for himself other than babble cannot do the job in the ring and get attention with his fights, not with his trash talk."

"It is like saying that antilopes feed on tigers and not vice versa. That is the level of absurd that this guy brings. It doesnt make any sense, that is seriously crazy stuff that this guy is talking.

"I can't believe that somebody would take this guy seriously. He barks like the dog, desperately trying to promote his fights because he doesnt know any other way, certainly not with his fights. He graduated with a degree in bullshitting. So he is not an ordinary idiot, he is an idiot that has diploma in bullshitting. This is democracy, any idiot can say whatever they want. I just wish if he had 20 kilos more (40+ pounds more), I would kick his ass so hard that the steam would be blowing out of his rude ass. Or maybe if he comes in Croatia as a tourist one of these days, I hope to find him at the beach and make a little "conversation with him".

The reporter wanted to press more on Sonnen after this but Cro Cop was brief to close this topic: "Please don't ask me more about this idiot. He is irrelevant. I really dont wanna waste any more of my time on this guy."
Never thought I'd be rooting for Tito Ortiz but here I am. I'm a Davis fan but this really interests me and I'm looking forward to it. If Ortiz somehow takes this it absolutely puts him in the title hunt picture. Again, something I never thought I'd say, not anytime past 2004.

Some news coming in as well about Machida agreeing to the fight and then saying he wants more money. I don't blame him for asking for a raise before accepting it, but apparently he was a douche about it and asked for the extra cash afterwards. Not going to earn him any brownie points for sure. Interesting to see what they do with him now, I still think he gets the Ace fight if he beats Nog. I don't think he'd fight Nog so yeah.
I think Tito has a really good chance at winning this fight. He's basically beaten Rashad before, and Rashad's coming off a huge layoff, where Tito is riding some serious momentum coming off of his destruction of Ryan Bader. Furthermore, Tito literally has nothing to lose here. If he loses, he gains a shitload of goodwill in the eyes of Dana and the Fertittas for stepping up regardless and will have at least 2-3 more fights. There's no shame in losing to the #2 Light Heavyweight in the world, especially when nobody's expecting you to win. Rashad basically needs to turn in a dominating performance, and I expect him to have a lot of difficulty doing so.

Tito is going to win this fight, and it's going to shake the division up, big time.

As far as Machida goes, I think the chanting, seen in this video, has gone to his head. Seriously though, Ed Soares needs to fuck off.

Machida wanted Anderson Silva money for this fight. Dana's response? Accomplish what Anderson Silva has acoomplished and you'll make Anderson Silva money.
Can't blame Machida. I'm sure he would have ended up getting it if the UFC didn't convince Tito to fight instead.

Anyways, UFC 133 as a whole got a lot more interesting with Tito vs. Rashad now headlining. Couldn't be more stoked about it.
To say i'm so fucking goddamn excited would be an understatement, I just went from getting ready to snore through Davis-Evans to being happier than ever to know that now we get an awesome fight in Ortiz-Evans 2. I know Rashad is one of the best lightheavyweights in the world but Tito was the king of this division for years, and the man can still hang. I am hoping for a repeat of their last fight minus the holding the fence :rolleyes:
I liked Rashad back in the day before he got super douchy, his fight against Rampage broke the camels back on that one. So not only am I hugely behind Tito to keep this momentum going but I want him to win so he crushes Sugar. I want to see Tito crush Rashad with some of that beautiful signature GnP :smashfreakB:
BJ and Marquart are having a twitter battle. BJ said if he gets tested once a week and comes in clean, BJ would be happy to whoop that ass. Nate called him a bully and shot. Funny thing is, I have BJ winning. Also, Rashad is bitching some more saying the UFC Picks who will be champions and it isn't fair.
Matt Hamill is filling in for Matyushenko vs. Alexander Gustafsson. Hamill's going to get destroyed, Gustafsson is a monster who improves with every fight. Future contender.
So...137 and 136 are both looking extremely fucking stacked. UFC just tweeted that they're giving us Edgar/Maynard AND Aldo/Florian at 136. And 137 looks to have some interesting heavyweight bouts.

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