MMA GSD For July is Dropping H-Bombs on Russia

Some of the Dream fights have now been posted. Here's the Mousasi fight:


Not as brutal as hyped, but still pretty cool regardless to see Mousasi knock the guy's teeth out and then beat him out of the fucking ring, lol.


If Mousasi was that aggressive against Jardine he would have finished him, no doubt about it.
"I guarantee you Jon Jones don't fight me like a man. Just like his boy, his old teammate Rashad. He come from a team, the (Greg) Jackson team is the most boring team out there right now. I have to say that right now. Jackson, man, y'all are some boring fighters, dog. Y'all ruining MMA for me, straight up. All these gameplans and all this stuff."

Exciting fights, were his bouts against Keith Jardine, Lyoto Machida, and Matt Hamill, Joe.
Some of the Dream fights have now been posted. Here's the Mousasi fight:


Not as brutal as hyped, but still pretty cool regardless to see Mousasi knock the guy's teeth out and then beat him out of the fucking ring, lol.


If Mousasi was that aggressive against Jardine he would have finished him, no doubt about it.
Rampage putting his foot in his mouth. Already has an excuse lined up saying "he won't fight me." Also, sorry they make gameplans so they can win and make a living.
It may be an unpopular opinion here and I still don't know why I feel this way but....I have a weird ominous feeling that Rampage is going to tko Jones. Just this odd feeling. My brain says Jones all the way though.

And the 138 UK card is shaping up with a decent undercard including Thiago Alves.
I agree with Rampage's opinion on Greg Jackson's system, but there are most definitely exceptions, and Jon Jones is certainly one of them.

Also, while Jones' chin still isn't tested, regardless I see him destroying Rampage nonetheless. Jones won't let Rampage get inside on the feet and when Rampage goes for the clinch to dirty box, he's either going to get his ribs destroyed by a knee, or Jones will immediately take him down.
You a clown.


No but really, I think it's because I saw Jones start gassing against Bonnar AND Shogun. He even admitted, or his trainers did, to him gassing against Shogun. Rampage has a decent gas tank and if it's where it was at with the Forrest fight I see a chance for him to catch Jones coming out of a clinch once he's slowed.
I can certainly see Rampage clipping Jones but I don't know about actually putting him to sleep. I am leaning towards Jones but I would love to see Rampage get one more title run before his career is over. At the very least give me 5 more rounds of Page on Forrest violence.
Cruz showed improved wrestling and grappling against Faber, this is going to be interesting. Johnson is probably the only guy at BW that can match speed with Cruz but can he out power him?
Cruz showed excellent takedown defense against Faber. The only way you're going to beat Cruz is if you manage to KO or submit him. Johnson's good, but he's not going to do much of anything against Cruz who will coast to another decision win.

Excellent move by the UFC here though. People will absolutely tune in for a free title match, and it will help build interest in the lower weight classes.
Agree, they're far to smart to think that Cruz could headline a card without a supporting name like Faber. Not without giving it a massive undercard which would be difficult at this point in time because of all the fall cards being stacked to high hell. And Johnson to me is the poster boy for a UFC flyweight division.

Interesting move though, putting this on Versus and not on Spike. Could be pay back for Spike airing that Marquardt highlight block during the last Versus card. Could also be just because the UFC is obligated to give Versus a certain amount of shows this year and it was the best option for them. Either way, awesome that we get a free title fight.

Oh and I just realized...there is FOUR fucking title fights in the UFC in October. Fucking four. That's insane.
Personally, I think Mighty Mouse could possibly have the best takedown in MMA. First of all, he uses his peculiar striking to set it up and NEVER telegraphs his takedowns. Secondly, he's so fucking fast and small, that to me it looks damn near impossible to ever stuff the man's takedown attempts. Cruz is going to have a hard time, VERY hard time, from keeping Mighty Mouse from taking him down in a 25 minute fight.

I think I'm taking Mighty Mouse in an upset on this one.
In other news, Sean Mccorkle made some racist comments about Akiyama and joked about Evan Tanner's death in an attempt to become relevant. I also heard Fedor just had a baby girl but I'm not positive if it's legit.
I really like Shogun, but I want Forrest to win. The absolute shock on the internet and the excuses his fans would make for him would be hilarious.

Am I in the minority here just like I am everywhere in that I have no problems with Jon Jones? I mean, the reasons people give to hate him are insane and sad. They even say how immature he is compared to Rampage. I very much enjoy Jones.
I like Jon Jones a lot, but I was a Rampage fan first so I will be pulling for him in that fight. Oh, and fuck Sean McKorkle. He needs to fuck off already.
I'm quite tired of Rampage at this point. I was a huge fan of the man but he's just annoyed me for a while now. I laugh at him when he says Jon Jones won't come to fight him and that everybody using gameplans ruin the sport.
Jon Jones to me comes ass as pretentious and hides his arrogance behind fake smiles and jokes. The whole refusal to sign replica belts and shit, it's annoying. The same way Anderson seems fake to me. Oh, and Rampage owning the fuck out of him at the press conference was hilarious.

I think he's going to a true force in the sport no doubt, but I think he needs to get KTFO and humbled a bit. It's not even that fake or entertaining kind of cocky, it's hidden which just bugs the fuck out of me.
Personally, I think Mighty Mouse could possibly have the best takedown in MMA. First of all, he uses his peculiar striking to set it up and NEVER telegraphs his takedowns. Secondly, he's so fucking fast and small, that to me it looks damn near impossible to ever stuff the man's takedown attempts. Cruz is going to have a hard time, VERY hard time, from keeping Mighty Mouse from taking him down in a 25 minute fight.

I think I'm taking Mighty Mouse in an upset on this one.

I have to agree with jmt, I have loved seeing Demetrious come into his own since coming to the UFC and I really can see him taking Cruz. Not only was seeing him beat Yamamoto and Torres, but going through a round of the fight with Miguel with a busted leg while still keeping a vigorous pace. If that dude isn't an awesome beast then I don't know who is.

As for Jon Jones, I have major respect for him and he is a talented dude but I can't ever see myself becoming an actual fan, I think I want too many guys to knock his block off to be a fan :rolleyes: but I do kind of get a pretentious feeling from the guy, but oh well.

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