MMA GSD For July is Dropping H-Bombs on Russia

I want Hendo to come back to the UFC with the SF title and hopefully that scores him a title shot when he makes it back, as stupid as I might sound saying this I think has the best style to deal with Jon Jones and even though it's a small chance I think he could do it.

Of course he COULD do it, but I don't think his chances are higher than Machida or Rashad beating Jones. And I don't think either of them will do it either. Henderson has good offensive wrestling but has never had good defensive skills in the same field. Jones will definitely take him down and sub him within a round or two. That's the same reason I think Fedor will sub Hendo.
Of course he COULD do it, but I don't think his chances are higher than Machida or Rashad beating Jones. And I don't think either of them will do it either. Henderson has good offensive wrestling but has never had good defensive skills in the same field. Jones will definitely take him down and sub him within a round or two. That's the same reason I think Fedor will sub Hendo.

With Rashad though, I don't think he would try standing with Jones. I would guess he would try to implement the same game plan he used against Rampage but wouldn't be successful. As for Lyoto I think he has a pretty good chance but I don't think his style would work well against a guy with such ridiculous reach, speed and athleticism.
You do bring up a very good point in that Hendo's wrestling D is not the most powerful, and against a guy like Jones he would get controlled if Jon chose to take it there. I know it's not a great chance but I do think he's got a better chance than any other LHW right now.
Now against Fedor if Hendo ends up on the bottom then he is screwed but I don't see that happening, I either see Hendo taking him down and taking the G&P to him or scoring a right hand. I'm a big fan of both guys and I hate seeing Fedor going down but it's Dan Henderson's time to shine in my opinion.
On Lyoto and Chael throwing down....HOLY SHIT!
This fight has the potential of being amazing, and even though it will be very very difficult I have faith in my boy Chael, he can do it and decision Lyoto. And that's the bottom line.

Yes, but I don't know. Like Armbar said, there are so many options for Sonnen to be fighting than to all of a sudden go up to 205. The only thing I'd see that's logical about him moving to 205 is that he got bigger and wouldn't be able to go 100% in training while cutting that extra weight.
I think the reason Sonnen's fighting at 205 in the first place is because, look at him, he's huge. I'm sure he's put on a lot of weight while being away. Fighting at 185 would probably mean a 30 pound cut for him. By fighting Machida, he can gradually cut weight, and he also puts himself in prime position for a title shot against Anderson if he beats Machida, and just another part of the storyline between the two. Not to mention, it's a really low-risk fight for Sonnen.

I love how people already aren't giving Chael a chance to win. He outstruck and outgrappled the best fighter in the world for four and a half rounds, and everyone thought he'd get destroyed. He has three rounds to beat Machida, and I think he could do it. I'll need to rewatch the fight, but I'm pretty certain Rampage managed to take Machida down. If Rampage could do it, Chael definitely would.
Oh man don't even get me started on that Rampage/Machida fight. Biggest bullshit decision I've seen in a long while.
I love how people already aren't giving Chael a chance to win. He outstruck and outgrappled the best fighter in the world for four and a half rounds, and everyone thought he'd get destroyed. He has three rounds to beat Machida, and I think he could do it. I'll need to rewatch the fight, but I'm pretty certain Rampage managed to take Machida down. If Rampage could do it, Chael definitely would.

He got one quick takedown and Rampage was able to do nothing with it. Also, Sonnen gets his takedowns off of speed, not pure strength, which is how Rampage got that one takedown on Machida.

I just think after a year and a half long lay off, we can't be sure what we'll see from Chael. However, Machida has looked great in his last couple of fights against top quality opponents, so of course Chael is going to be the underdog, especially since Machida has a dominating record against wrestlers.

Oh man don't even get me started on that Rampage/Machida fight. Biggest bullshit decision I've seen in a long while.

Depends on how you judge... American or Japanese criteria? American judging wise, Rampage won the fight 2 rounds to 1, or it was a draw if you decide to give Machida a 10-8 3rd Round. In Japan, Machida obviously wins the fight since usually all Japan scores a fight on is who did more damage.
He got one quick takedown and Rampage was able to do nothing with it. Also, Sonnen gets his takedowns off of speed, not pure strength, which is how Rampage got that one takedown on Machida.

I disagree that Chael's take downs are more speed then power. He telegraphs his take downs almost more than any other succesful wrestlers I can think of. They know it's coming but can't do shit about it because he's one of the absolute strongest dudes at 185. Hence why he doesn't set them up very often....there's no need. Now at 205 it would be a different story; the guys he'd fight are bigger and stronger in most cases the middleweights. So he would have to telegraph them less and rely more on speed.

Depends on how you judge... American or Japanese criteria? American judging wise, Rampage won the fight 2 rounds to 1, or it was a draw if you decide to give Machida a 10-8 3rd Round. In Japan, Machida obviously wins the fight since usually all Japan scores a fight on is who did more damage.

This exactly. People were all up in arms about it but I had Rampage winnnig going into the third. It was more Machidas fault he lost rather than Rampage being spot on in that fight. Machida didn't want to press the action until the third and when he finally did we saw what happened. Rampage won two rounds to Lyotos one and the third was definietly not a 10-8 for The Dragon so the right guy won.
Josh Koscheck just posted on his twitter that he will be releasing news on his next fight very soon. As some of you know, I am a pretty big Koscheck fan and cannot wait to find out who he will be facing in his return to the Octagon.

Also, the GSP vs. Diaz trailer got me so much more excited for that fight. I can't wait to see Diaz shock the world and defeat GSP.
Josh Koscheck just posted on his twitter that he will be releasing news on his next fight very soon. As some of you know, I am a pretty big Koscheck fan and cannot wait to find out who he will be facing in his return to the Octagon.

There was something about him and Stephan Bonner on a news site. I was reading it yesterday, and I forgot the goddamn link. Also, I don't know if there any truth to it, neither.
Bonnar would have to cut off a leg to get to MW which where they were talking about fighting at. Fun fight it would be but I don't see it happening.
Yeah, I heard the rumors about a fight with Bonnar but I don't see it happening. Bonnar will never make it to Middleweight, even for a catch weight bout. Penn is a good bet seeing as a win would put either guy back in prime title contention. Maybe Kos will finally get his hands on Matt Hughes as well.
There's also a rumor of Rory Macdonald taking on Kos...that would be a mega step up for Rory and I don't think he's ready for it.
Chael will be fighting at UFC 136, but against Brian Stann.

Assuming this is a #1 contender fight. Stann better take 8 weeks to learn how to throw a triangle because that's his only shot at winning this fight. Much easier fight for Sonnen, and I can't wait for the rematch against Silva that is forthcoming.
Charles Oliveira vs. Joe Lauzon is on for UFC 138. That will be an EPIC fight, especially if Lauzon's gas tank can last past the 1st round.

Also, Penn vs. Fitch is also in the works for UFC 138.

The Diaz/GSP card is already shaping up to be one of the best ever.

Chael will be fighting at UFC 136, but against Brian Stann.

Yes! Exactly what I wanted. Way to go UFC...
Charles Oliveira vs. Joe Lauzon is on for UFC 138. That will be an EPIC fight, especially if Lauzon's gas tank can last past the 1st round.

Also, Penn vs. Fitch is also in the works for UFC 138.

The Diaz/GSP card is already shaping up to be one of the best ever.

Yes! Exactly what I wanted. Way to go UFC...

Olivera is stepping in to face Cerrone at UFC on Versus 5. I like both men, but am a much bigger Olivera fan so I hope he kicks the shit out of Cerrone.
How you can stand listening to him, I will never know... Also, fucking A got my Silva avatar.
I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what kind of trash talk (if any at all) Chael will throw towards someone like Brian Stann.

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