The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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This is probaly the only word I don't know when it comes to wrestling, what is a babyface? I never really understood that
what is going to happen to the rock will he come back?? Or is he done?
1) 'Face' is just the shortened term for 'babyface'. They are both the same thing, a good guy.

2) The Rock was injured during filming for his last movie, I don't think he's coming back and if he is, it's not going to be for a long, long time yet.

3) Does anyone know what Jmmy Hart's entrance music is called on the Smackdown vs Raw 2006 game and if he used it in real life or not?
the bass said:
has there ever been any well known wrestlers from Wales
I don't know of any but I've heard Smackdown is about to sign Gareth Johnes. He will wrestle under the name "The gaint Leek" and come down and wrestle dressed like a giant leek. He has been givien a six month contract after which,with all his credabilty destroyed and unable to be taken serouisly as a wrestler,because he will always be remembered as "the guy who dressed up as leek",he will be released with WWE's "best wishes". Vince denys this is yet anthoer silly gimmick based on a racial steerotype and says he believes he'll fit right in on Smackdown. I for one can't wait.:wwf:
Ipswichicon said:
I don't know of any but I've heard Smackdown is about to sign Gareth Johnes. He will wrestle under the name "The gaint Leek" and come down and wrestle dressed like a giant leek. He has been givien a six month contract after which,with all his credabilty destroyed and unable to be taken serouisly as a wrestler,because he will always be remembered as "the guy who dressed up as leek",he will be released with WWE's "best wishes". Vince denys this is yet anthoer silly gimmick based on a racial steerotype and says he believes he'll fit right in on Smackdown. I for one can't wait.:wwf:

Surely you must be joking. If this is true, I have to see it for myself. And if it is true, it just sounds crazy enough that I might have to give it my full support! Possibly the most insane gimmick ever!
RatedR said:
3) Does anyone know what Jmmy Hart's entrance music is called on the Smackdown vs Raw 2006 game and if he used it in real life or not?

Eat Your Heart Out by Rick Springfield according Wikipedia. Ive always wonderd what it was myself I'll try and get it to see if its correct.
Is Chris Jericho retired, semi-retired are just taking a break and also do you think he is interested in working for TNA?
gamehead said:
Is Chris Jericho retired, semi-retired are just taking a break and also do you think he is interested in working for TNA?
No one really knows. He's currently working on his band. However I'm sure he'll be back someday.And that will be in WWE he has prevouisly stated that he doesn't want to work anywhere else.:wwf:
Does anyone have any info on the rumored Stone Cold Steve Austin return?
Is Jeff Hardy Thinking about coming back to the WWE and maybe hooking up with lita and winning the WWe title?
Lashley-NextBigThing said:
Does anybody know who Leif Cassidy (Al Snow) was in the New Rockers with?

He was teamed with Marty Jannetty, kind of after the original rockers with Shawn Michaels and Mart Jannetty.:wwf: :wwf: :wwf:
HighflyaTNA said:
Is Jeff Hardy Thinking about coming back to the WWE and maybe hooking up with lita and winning the WWe title?

There is rumours swirling that the Hardy Boyz will re-unite, a little while ago there was rumours that Ashley would take Lita's place.

Jeff was backstage at a show a few days ago as it was near his home.

That's were the rumours started.

TNA has said they want to get him back.:wwf: :wwf:
This would be great if Jeff can behave himslef. It could help bring the tag team division back to the glory days of 2000-2001. Why not have the main tag team division on one show instead of a poor one on both(as has been latley)? Maybe this could help boost SD it needs something!:wwf:
ianhbk said:
There is rumours swirling that the Hardy Boyz will re-unite, a little while ago there was rumours that Ashley would take Lita's place.

Ashley seems like a really cool person, but in order to take Lita's place effectively, she needs to learn how to wrestle. Her in-ring work left a lot to be desired when she was on Raw.
A mark is someone who is under the impression that wrestling is real. I hope everybody on the forums arent marks, but you never know.
Hello, i live in indy and was wanting to go to The Great American Bash Press Conference but i didnt know how the seats work at a press confernece. what time should i get there. me and my girlfriend were going to get there at 6 am. but i just wanted to know if anyone had any ideas.

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