Old School Ask A Question Thread.

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I'm pretty stunned that Bret agreed to do a match, even such as it was, but since wrestling has been his life since day one, it would be tough to keep him from it. Pile on the concussion, and traveling too much could become very uncomfortable, but he could certainly maintain an on-air GM or manager role if he wanted to.

I had a stroke myself a little over a year ago...it took a LOT of work to get back to the point where I can walk and work. I've been fencing for 23 years, and I've made it back to coaching but competing is another story. My left side has strength, but still has lingering nerve damage that prevent me from going hard for too long...also scares the crap out of me that I have a severed artery which may still have a blood clot sitting in it near my brain stem. Bret's was a bit different, so I'm not sure if he has the same issues, but I have to say I have tons of respect for him getting back in front of the cameras, and in the ring.
I don't think there's any doubt in anyone's mind that Bret Hart's injury is legit. He is a man of integrity. I get there are skeptics out there but there is no reason for anyone to questions the hitman. I think the much better thread would have been questioning the numerous injuries of Shawn Michaels over the years. He forfeited both the IC and world title because of injury. In the years since then, there have been numerous reports about HBK not wanting to drop the titles. In 1997 when he forfeited the WWF title he had a "career threatening" knee injury. He never even had surgury and was back within a couple of months. If anyone's integrity should be questioned, it should be Shawn Michaels
Anyone who wants to know the accurate story and details of Bret's injury and the aftermath can simply hear it from the man himself and read his book.

If Bret would not have got injured by Goldberg at Starcade 99, he sure would have continued to wrestle a few years more. He still looked good by the end of 99 and he was just getting his break at the World title in WCW.
Anyone who wants to know the accurate story and details of Bret's injury and the aftermath can simply hear it from the man himself and read his book.

If Bret would not have got injured by Goldberg at Starcade 99, he sure would have continued to wrestle a few years more. He still looked good by the end of 99 and he was just getting his break at the World title in WCW.

According to him, he had also finally been cleared in 2002 to resume training/weightlifting, and was considering a comeback. He was doing some regular cycling as part of his exercise regime, and then on the one fateful day he had the bike accident that caused the stroke.

Ironically, Bret says that he simply fell sideways off the bike, and that onlookers would see nothing "serious looking", and that he laughed at himself about the whole thing before realizing in horror that he couldnt move his left leg or arm.....
IMO to say Goldberg was the SOLE reason that Bret Hart no longer wrestles is not accurate. That botched kick was a major trigger in the downfall of the career of Bret Hart but the fact that OTHER events after the kick caused more problems its simply a matter of the botched kick being part of a domino effect on the health of Bret Hart. IMO anyways...
Here's my question.

From 1998 to 2002, why did the WWF hardly use Shawn Michaels in any capacity? Was he that hard to work with? I know he couldnt wrestle at that time, but making him commissioner had to be designed to give him an on-air role. Why did they use him like once a year?

And does anybody remember when Shawn superkicked the rock on the first ever SmackDown? was anything ever supposed to come of that??
From 1998 to 2002, why did the WWF hardly use Shawn Michaels in any capacity? Was he that hard to work with? I know he couldnt wrestle at that time, but making him commissioner had to be designed to give him an on-air role. Why did they use him like once a year?

You have to remember that Shawn Michael's back was broken in 98, and he ultimately realized his back was feeling fine enough for him to return to the ring in a regular wrestling capacity in 2002.
I think the reason Shawn wasn't used a lot during that period, is due to the fact that Shawn Michaels or WWE wouldn't want to risk anything with Shawn's back, even if it ment that he wasn't involved in the matches.

Your second question I have to leave unanswered although.
Here's my question.

From 1998 to 2002, why did the WWF hardly use Shawn Michaels in any capacity? Was he that hard to work with? I know he couldnt wrestle at that time, but making him commissioner had to be designed to give him an on-air role. Why did they use him like once a year?

And does anybody remember when Shawn superkicked the rock on the first ever SmackDown? was anything ever supposed to come of that??

A couple of reasons. As stated in the post right above Michaels back was in really bad shape after his Casket match with Taker and it looked like Michaels in ring career was finished. The other reason why you only saw Michaels sporadically between '98 and '02 was of 2 things: his backstage attitude and his drug problem. When Michaels was inactive during this time it was said by many that Michaels was a very difficult person to work with in any capacity, and he also had a few instances coming to shows pilled out of his mind, and 1 of those times it actually got Michaels fired. I've also heard that the plan was to bring Michaels back around 2000, but for the reasons stated above it didn't happen. He also had a few things going on such as his wrestling school.

In regards to your Rock question, the quick answer is no. I remember this happening, but nothing was ever really supposed to come of it. The reason it was done was to show that HHH and HBK were still buddies and still watched out for eachother. Now that you mention it, since DX reformed right after this I think it would of been sweet to see HBK become the manager of DX, maybe that was the plan but as far as I've heard it was just a 1 time deal, also remember this was at the end of the Russo days so 1 shot appearances like that were actually common.
A couple of reasons. As stated in the post right above Michaels back was in really bad shape after his Casket match with Taker and it looked like Michaels in ring career was finished. The other reason why you only saw Michaels sporadically between '98 and '02 was of 2 things: his backstage attitude and his drug problem. When Michaels was inactive during this time it was said by many that Michaels was a very difficult person to work with in any capacity, and he also had a few instances coming to shows pilled out of his mind, and 1 of those times it actually got Michaels fired. I've also heard that the plan was to bring Michaels back around 2000, but for the reasons stated above it didn't happen. He also had a few things going on such as his wrestling school.

In regards to your Rock question, the quick answer is no. I remember this happening, but nothing was ever really supposed to come of it. The reason it was done was to show that HHH and HBK were still buddies and still watched out for eachother. Now that you mention it, since DX reformed right after this I think it would of been sweet to see HBK become the manager of DX, maybe that was the plan but as far as I've heard it was just a 1 time deal, also remember this was at the end of the Russo days so 1 shot appearances like that were actually common.

Thanks for your answers. I actually remember a WWF Magazine from either 2000 or 2001 where it called Shawn Michaels the "come back kid", and said that he was going to be returning to the ring. The article was like 4 pages long. But nothing ever came of it.

I knew Shawn was a major prick back then, but I had no idea about his drug problems. I did hear that he was supposed to come back on air at Wrestlemania X7, but he passed out backstage or something and was sent home....
It is unlikely a program was planned for Rocky-HBK. Rock has hinted at personal issues between himself and Shawn, with speculation being that the Rock felt like he was mistreated/disrespected/something worse by Shawn.
Greetings, fellow fans of older wrestling. This is not the first thread I started but after posting up reviews of "WWF Monday Night Raw" a question somewhat tried to appear. Was Crush of the Nation of Domination the same person who came in the World Wrestling Federation around nineteen ninety-two or nineteen ninety-three? I saw a clip of another supposed guy fighting Shawn Michaels for the Intercontinental Championship at King of the Ring and although he was blonde, the facial features were kind of aligned similarly. You may know him as the Crush who tried bodyslamming Yokozuna on the ship. Oh after realizing this showed up in the undesired column I was unable to move it to the thread of asking a question. I'm sorry about that. Please feel free to move it.
Greetings, fellow fans of older wrestling. This is not the first thread I started but after posting up reviews of "WWF Monday Night Raw" a question somewhat tried to appear. Was Crush of the Nation of Domination the same person who came in the World Wrestling Federation around nineteen ninety-two or nineteen ninety-three? I saw a clip of another supposed guy fighting Shawn Michaels for the Intercontinental Championship at King of the Ring and although he was blonde, the facial features were kind of aligned similarly. You may know him as the Crush who tried bodyslamming Yokozuna on the ship. Oh after realizing this showed up in the undesired column I was unable to move it to the thread of asking a question. I'm sorry about that. Please feel free to move it.

They're the same Crush just different gimmicks. His wiki page can be found:

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