The ask a question thread is for questions that will be asnwered but not lead to discussion. The question you asked about it being disrespectful as opposed to just asking why he had no profile, was enough to make it clear that it didn't belong in that thread. You don't have to justify yourself. Nobody is out to get you
Anyway I can see why it may be viewed as disrespectful, but at the same time the profiles are generally used for "characters" which even includes a dog.(probably as a joke) Announcers are included but they in a sense are "characters" as well due to interraction with the wrestlers and their roles in helping further storylines. Lillian Garcia has had a more prominent role being picked on, having the Viscera angle, etc than Chimmel so she's in a sense also a "character" while Chimmel doesn't really do those things. So him not having a profile is justifiable. Plus who is more likely to get a profile a "diva" or someone who simply announced matches, which is important, but if everyone imporant has a profile than the time keeper would as well.
While he has been around for years, it's not a matter of one having it so the other should nor is it a matter of respect or seniority. Really it's just a matter of who is considered prominent in some form to storylnes and who isn't. You're more likely to see somoene like Lillian or in the past Earl Hebner or Nick Patrick in skirmishes with wrestlers than someone like Chimmel.
Really things like profiles, the power 25, or even the WWE hof (The Pro Wrestling HOF is the primary one) etc aren't meant to be taken nearly as seriously as some of you guys do. They're based on certain "intangibles" or basic reasons, which when considered by us, let us know why some people are excluded, placed in certain rankings, etc. I'm sure that WWE as a whole respects him. Him not having a pic on their website isn't likely a shot on him.