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is it just me, or is john cena a really shitty wrestler? great guy, good with kids, can't wrestle. whether or not he wins at survivor series, i don't really care. his hype on tv is getting old. in fact, it's just not needed. no wife, no kids, shouldn't he be better than he is without all the baggage most of the other wrestlers have? seriously, get off of cena, and move on to somebody younger, and with a lot more talent. such as....ted debiase perhaps?
What happened to Dean Malenko for him to retire?

I'm assuming it was just because he was getting old, he retired beforre Eddie and Chris died and Perry went AWOL if that helps.
Ive been coming to wrestling sites for the better part of a decade and I have no idea why I never asked this or even thought about this but how do these sites get their information? I know they are wrong sometimes but alot of the time they are correct. Is it a mole inside the WWE or does Vince actually allow these reporters to come backstage and stuff? I just dont understand how they seem to find about about all these lockerroom issues the day after they happen, if Vince is so against these internet sites and worrying about people finding about spoilers you would think he would try to get to the bottom of it and figure how who is leaking this information or not allow any of these reporters or writers backstage. I know this may seem like a dumb question but just something that I was wondering.
Not a dumb question at all, a valid question.

From all the wrestling books and autobiographies I have read and such, one can assume that people who work for the WWE or any other wrestling company who have positions in creative department can leak certain information. One example would be in Eric Bischoff's book, Controversy Creates Cash (Which everyone should read) Eric says that he had to keep things secret from Vince Russo when he was working with him because Eric knew that he would just tell the 'dirt sheets' and internet websites straight away.

Also I remember reading somewhere, can't remember 100%, that Stephanie McMahon ordered that all company computers and cell phones be checked for outgoing emails and calls to certain people and places etc.

So as you said, it would be a mole. I don't think there's any way Vince would let someone ruin his storylines.
When Sting became the Crow Sting, was the 1st time he showed up in the rafters the NITRO when the NWO had the birthday celebration? i seem to think he was in the rafters before that.
The birthday celebration, which I believe you mean was the one with the crow flying down to the ring, was at a Clash of the Champions. Sting had been in the rafters for a long time before that.
Yea thats what i thought. Thanx. Does anybody know where i can find the video of the 1st time Sting debuted as the Crow Sting in the rafters?
I dont know whether this would be classified as a closed question because it may not have a definitive answer but Ill ask anyway since I dont know where else to do it at. Does anybody know the reason why WCW went out of business cause I really dont know the whole story behind it? Im not looking for responses like "Vince Russo sucks" or "The storylines were horrible", I mean it literally like from a business standpoint how did it go out business? Cause I was looking at their ratings and Nitro was still drawing ratings in the 2s which is twice as much as TNA and it still had to be one of the highest if not the highest rated shows on TBS or TNT. So I really dont understand why either station or any station for that matter wouldnt give them a deal.
Yeah this isn't a closed question but in very short, there's no one reason for it. A bunch of things from the way the contracts were set up, the Time Warner merger, WWF simply getting better and a lack of new young stars being put over.
Has there ever been any instances of matches where the wrestler who was supposed to lose didn't want to and kicked out of the finish or didn't tap when they were supposed to on purpose?
I haven't seen that specifically, but there have definitely been instances where a wrestler has been forced to shoot fight a bit. Regal vs. Goldberg is a classic example of this.

I have also seen a cage match ebtween Bruiser Brody and Lex Luger where I think Brody was meant to win as they announce him as the winner at the end. What actually happens is Brody no sells all of Luger's moves, so Luger gets pissed off and just climbs out of the cage.
Another example was that at WM 8. Sid wasn't supposed to kick out of the leg drop from Hogan, but Papa Shango, the guy that was supposed to break up the pin, got to the ring late and Sid had no other choice but to kick out.

Another which wasn't exactly the same but was close was at I believe Superbrawl 98 (could be wrong on that) when there was a gauntlet match for the WCW TV Title. Rick Martel, the planned winner, tore his ACL at the beginning of the match and the wrestlers had to make up the finish on the fly.
With Nigel McGuinness' contract being up this month (May 2009) in ROH do you think it is time he gets another shot at the big time? Granted both WWE and TNA failed to realize his talent back when he had try out matches a few years back, but he has stepped us his game tremendously and can also cut a great promo. I saw that in a recent interview money right now seems to be what is on his mind and preparing for the future since he is 33 years old now. I highly doubt WWE would pick him up, but TNA would be my logical choice if he does leave especially since they are running the whole British Invasion angle with Doug Williams, Brutus Magnus, and that other guy. What is everyone else's thoughts?
I have a very random question but its something I've always wondered. When an American wrestler goes to Japan or Mexico and wrestles Japanese or Mexican wrestlers how do they call the match?
While this may not be the best answer as he wrestles there frequently, I remember a Steve Corino interview where he said that he spoke Japanese for the spots. I'd assume that the workers either are bilingual to an extent or simply know enough wrestling related terms to get them through a match.
Are there any independent wrestling promotions operating out of Ohio? Specifically, the Dayotn area.
Whatever happened with hulk hogan's new wrestling promotion? last year he said he was close to launching the program and it would rival WWE, but i haven't heard any news since?
What is the kayfabe purpose of a valet?

For 2 reasons.

1. It boosts a wrestler's confidence to have a beautiful woman by his side.

2. Most importantly, she can be use as a distraction to get the upper hand of an opponent. The best example I can give you of this is the video below, the main event from Summerslam 1989. Look at how The Mega Powers use Miss Elizabeth to get the victory over Randy Savage and Zeus.


And you know, kayfabe wise... it could be argued that Miss Elizabeth is the winiest manager in professional wrestling history. With Elizabeth by his side, Savage had a year run with the IC Title and a year run with the WWF Championship, and the second he lost her... he lost the WWF Championship and his career went downhill, until he got back with her.
Yeah I posted it here because I thought maybe a trained wrestler would happen to look and be able to tell me. No they don't wear cups, you can go to and look for the Q & A where he says that, I went to find it but he doesn't have a search option and the archive goes all the way back to 2004.

Edit: It is amazing what a few google searches can do (From, Lance Storms site.

Q: A lot of wrestlers wear knee and wrist protection, but do wrestlers wear cups? I just watched one of my old ECW tapes and saw you and Credible with the cinderblock on Dreamer's junk.....ouch.
A: So many people ask this question and the answer in no we do not wear cup. If we wore a cup and took a hard bump face down we could drive the damn thing through our pelvis.

I would tell you, then I would have wasted my time paying for a wrestling school. it entails what you're wearing and how you fall, thats all I'll say.

What is the kayfabe purpose of a valet?

The purpose of the Valet/Manager is to get the crowd riled up during a match, in some cases is the person who does the majority of the speaking during promos. Yes managers/valets can be used for distraction purposes for heels, and can be used to draw heat to the heel during the match.. if the valet/manager is on the opposing end.
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