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Is JD michaels related to HBK, I've been wondering it for a while.
im new to this but ive been interested in wrestling on the independent circut...are there any in philadelphia that are hiring?
Speaking of which, were can one go for training? what are good schools, who will take good care of you, and what do they cost?? In the same philly area, if at all possible...
Look at Ring of Honors website, look at CHIKARA there should be at least something. But Ring of Honor you have to keep an eye on. And if you really want to go to a good school from what I understand, apply for Lance Storms academy, that is if you don't mind moving to Canada temporarily.
I cant move anywere, becuase of my job. itd really have to be in the somehwat immeadiate area. 200 miles er so. How much would a good school generally cost?? And by "take good care of me" I mean trainers who would actually give a fuck if you came out a decent wrestler by the end.
Ring of Honor is something like $2000 Im not to sure. But I have no idea the etire give a crap part. I know that there are some decent schools out there I just don't know them due to me being outside of the usual Wrestling centres of the world.
I cant move anywere, becuase of my job. itd really have to be in the somehwat immeadiate area. 200 miles er so. How much would a good school generally cost?? And by "take good care of me" I mean trainers who would actually give a fuck if you came out a decent wrestler by the end.

Ring of Honor has the the best school (from what I have heard) in the U.S.
here is there info taken off their website, granted it is old but the contacts are still the same

The Ring Of Honor Wrestling Academy will be starting new classes during the week of May 26th, 2008 with head trainer, DELIRIOUS. The school is located at 701 Canal St. in Bristol, PA (close to I-95 and the PA turnpike). The facility includes a full size ring, weight lifting equipment, a video library, and countless other resources.

The school is for people with previous wrestling experience to no wrestling experience at all and will help you to learn everything you need to know in order to start your wrestling career. The school is open to wrestlers (male or female), referees, managers, and valets.

Please be aware there are NO GUARANTEES! Each student is different and the length of their training is different. Some students may advance more rapidly than others, some will advance more slowly.

Some of the things your training will cover include:
-Emphasis on the fundamentals
-Conditioning and weight training
-Ring psychology
-Development of timing and positioning
-Continuous evaluation
-Advice on character development
-Assistance with promos

The cost for the ROH Wrestling Academy is as follows:
$750 down payment on the first day of class
$300 per month starting with the second month
*training is expected to be a 6 month program so the total cost should be $2250.00

If you would like to pay for the entire class on the first day of training you will receive a discounted price of $2000.00.

You must be 18 years of age to enroll in the ROH School, however, with the consent of a parent/legal guardian you may enroll at the age of 17.

For more information or questions please email [email protected].

I know around here in Milwaukee there is a local wrestler, Silas Young, who will train you and you travel with him on the weekends to different shows and you train before the show.

You may want to check out a local indy wrestling site and they may have schools for cheaper, or more money.
Or possibly local wrestlers who are looking to train people, to make some money.

hope this helps
I am just wanting to see if there is any wrestling feds here in Louisville Kentucky that isnt too hardcre seeing as how I have kids and all but is free to join and wrestle. Dont have to be paying just something that would be good to get back in to. I used to be a hardcore Champion in Tennessee but, that was before I had kids. If you can think of anything then please feel free to let me know.
If u r looking for a non hardcore one the OVW or DCW if u want to go back to HARDCORE the IWA Midsouth
I'd assume by a translator. Although, chances are unless you go to Mexico (which very few non-Hispanic wrestlers do, the majority of Japanese or European wrestlers would speak some English.
It's always been a dream of mine to become a valet and eventually a wrestler and I was wondering if any of you could tell me how good Squared Circle Training or the CZW Academy are for training.
Well the local news in his city didn't say anything.So I'm gonna go with a work.
It's always been a dream of mine to become a valet and eventually a wrestler and I was wondering if any of you could tell me how good Squared Circle Training or the CZW Academy are for training.

CZW academy is good, if you wanna be a wrestler that can do semi-well then get out of there and make a name for yourself at CHIKARA...CZW has alot of...politics.
How does a wrestler communicate with a wrestler who speaks a different language? It's always bothered me.

It's very difficult sometimes. Depending on the experience of the luchador I'm in the ring with, I usually just have the referee (who almost always is bilingual) translate my spots. Every now and then, if the guy is very professional to work with, he understands and obliges body motions and very little verbal communication is required. As well, it helps to ask the promoter to book you later in the card so that you have time to work out your match using either the ref who will ref for your match or another worker who speaks english and spanish backstage. I've had good and bad experiences. It just depends on the worker and the environment. Good question, Mr. Sam!
Has there been any news on gail resigning with tna, or is she still with wwe. I haven't seen anything on the main site. But it would be nice to know.
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