MMA GSD For February - Where Vitor Laments His Foot Fetish

I haven't looked into it so if Overeem wins who gets a title shot?

Not exactly sure. Probably one of the other guys who lost in the tournament or one of the alternates. I definitely think if Overeem makes it to the final then they might as well make it a title fight then and there.
His twitter is filled with bashing on Fedor and his fans.

Dana's a classless piece of shit, end of story. I've always tried to give the man the benefit of the doubt and focus more on his positives than negatives, but he's on my bad side for good now. Fuck him.
Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK. What a depressing fight. Terrible terrible news.

I feel so hollow.
His twitter is filled with bashing on Fedor and his fans.

Dana's a classless piece of shit, end of story. I've always tried to give the man the benefit of the doubt and focus more on his positives than negatives, but he's on my bad side for good now. Fuck him.

White did go over the top but I can understand him feeling justified by all of this. He offerred M1 and Fedor shitloads of money, any opponent he wanted tons of benefits and they turned him down. Fedor is still the GOAT just not the best right now.
Dana's going to get killed by the Russian Mob.

[YOUTUBE]_EZ_lxgJRFA&feature=feedlik[/YOUTUBE] My god what a massive cunt the guy who called Dana out is. Here's his interview with Helwani. M1 fucking suck.
Questions from a noob:
Does Fedor's two losses drastically affect his name value?
Could / would he ever go to UFC and would he draw effectively? Or struggle there like Cro Cop?
Does Fedor/Overeem still have a nice ring to it after these two losses?
Dana's going to get killed by the Russian Mob.


Haha... WAR Russian Mob!

And Guy, hate to break it to you man, but that Brett Rogers Twitter you were quoting in the SF LD is a fake. King Mo confirmed it when "Rogers" was going at Saki, lol. That Twitter is hilarious, though.

Questions from a noob:
Does Fedor's two losses drastically affect his name value?
Could / would he ever go to UFC and would he draw effectively? Or struggle there like Cro Cop?
Does Fedor/Overeem still have a nice ring to it after these two losses?

1. Maybe to newer fans, but if someone was a Fedor fan last night when they watched that fight, I GUARANTEE they're still a Fedor fan today, and if you're a Fedor fan, then you still believe in him 100%.

2. Never say never, but if I were a betting man, I would bet that we won't ever see Fedor in the UFC.

3. Definitely. I just think now Overeem would be the HEAVY favorite going in, whereas before last night it would have been split 50/50 amongst fans predictions.
The events of last night still haven't fully settled with me. I am still pretty much in shock at what I watched.
MMA Judging by the way, is fucking ridiculous. Two judges actually scored the first round for Fedor, 10-9, and the second round was clearly a 10-8 for Silva, with only one judge scoring it that way. If Fedor did somewhat decently during the third round, looking at a fight from the perspective of a moron judge, they likely would have scored it 10-9 for Fedor, and there's a chance he could have walked out of that fight with a decision.

MMA Judging by the way, is fucking ridiculous. Two judges actually scored the first round for Fedor, 10-9, and the second round was clearly a 10-8 for Silva, with only one judge scoring it that way. If Fedor did somewhat decently during the third round, looking at a fight from the perspective of a moron judge, they likely would have scored it 10-9 for Fedor, and there's a chance he could have walked out of that fight with a decision.

Unreal. not it wouldn't have been unreal, it would have been a victory. Ya know, how fights are won. Two rounds to one makes it a win. Not sure what is so unreal about that. If the third was super close and it went to either man, then sure people would have been okay with that. But if Fedor won the first, and most people believe he did, and Silva CLEARLY won the second and Fedor managed to get the third then he wont the fight. This isn't Pride dude, it's never going to be get over it. The judging sucks yeah, but this wouldn't have been a fucking robbery. We get it, you don't like Fedor. The worst mma fans are the ones who let their like or dislikes for a fighter cloud their judgment.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend I still think he can beat any UFC heavyweight. I still think he could give anyone in the top trouble and would be incredibly difficult to put away, heart doesn't diminish with time. There's so many things that led to where he's at: wear and tear after brutal wars, aging, size difference and the evolution of the game. The fighters are getting bigger and faster and he has always been a small heavyweight. I don't want to see him retire and I'd like to see him go out on a high note, but mma is a heartless game. Time shows mercy to no one.
I'm pulling for Reem and Sergei for sure now. Reem has to take this, I don't see anyone giving him trouble honestly. not it wouldn't have been unreal, it would have been a victory. Ya know, how fights are won. Two rounds to one makes it a win. Not sure what is so unreal about that. If the third was super close and it went to either man, then sure people would have been okay with that. But if Fedor won the first, and most people believe he did, and Silva CLEARLY won the second and Fedor managed to get the third then he wont the fight. This isn't Pride dude, it's never going to be get over it. The judging sucks yeah, but this wouldn't have been a fucking robbery. We get it, you don't like Fedor. The worst mma fans are the ones who let their like or dislikes for a fighter cloud their judgment.

Except Fedor clearly lost the first round.
Except Fedor clearly lost the first round. he didn't. Out of the ten or so people I was with only 1 of them thought he lost it and I'm the only big Fedor fan among them. Two of the three judges also scored it for Fedor. It wasn't a huge 10/9 round but it was awarded to the right guy.
Yeah, Big Foot's only accomplishment in the 1st round was pinning Fedor against the cage, but that really counts for Fedor as that was just good takedown defense on his part. The stand-up was close, but since it was Big Foot who started clinching once punches started being thrown, he's the one who ends up looking like he lost the exchanges. And Big Foot also spent some of the 1st round on his back as well, with Fedor on top of him laying some ground and pound.

It was a 10-9 round for Fedor, in my book. You can say I'm biased, but I think my explanation above justifies my scoring.
I just re-watched the first round, and I still give Silva the first. He pinned Fedor to the cage, which like it or not, is him putting pressure on and controlling Fedor. In addition, I thought he got the better of the striking exchanges as well. Then, he scored that takedown at the end of the round. I would say that Fedor maybe had a dominant position for about a total of a minute. Silva, in my mind, did more to take that round. Sorry.
Oh, Bisping already has an excuse lined up for when Rivera literally punches him from Australia back to England.
Recent rumors have circulated regarding Michael Bisping and Jorge Rivera’s upcoming battle set to take place at UFC 127 on February 27th in Australia. One of the rumors was that Bisping had a severe case of staph-infection in his arm. The rumor turned out to be true and Bisping admittedly was almost forced to pull out of the fight because of it. However, “The Count” wanted to clear the air and explain things from the source. Here is what he told ESPN:

"It was something I picked up in October and then it flared up again at the start of camp. The first couple of weeks it was really bothering me, and I couldn't really use my arm at one point. My manager did say to me, 'maybe you're gonna have to pull out of the fight', but we still had time. Fortunately the antibiotics have cleared it all up and now the arm's great. My manager was saying, 'you're doing great, hopefully we're on our way to a title shot, so you don't want to derail anything'. He wasn't saying, 'let's pull out', but he was saying that I should think about it. But we still had plenty of time and it cleared up."

Bisping is lucky that the staph-infection has cleared, because he is indeed working his way back up the middleweight ladder after winning his last two fights, and if he were to pull out of his next fight it would surely derail his plans to continue that climb.
Alistair's thoughts on the Fedor loss:

Fedor has fought like a lion and never gave up, felt sorry for him because it was hard to watch the GOAT lose like that, respect to Bigfoot Silva great performance on his part.

Class act...

Also, fuck that Dana White ********er Jim Rome. I already hated this douche before, but now it's gone to an even bigger level.
I didn't see the Rome thing, but it probably went something like this, blah blah, hand movement, then pause, blah blah, hand movement, pause, etc.

Definitely class act by Overeem. Also, glad to see that both brothers said they would have no problem fighting each other, if by some chance it came to that. If only friends and brothers from both mma and boxing would be like them.

I don't even know why ESPN even tries to cover any MMA outside of the UFC. They bash the shit out of EVERYONE not under the precious UFC banner.

I guess Rome forgot that Fedor beat 2 former UFC Champions in 2009 (both were still in their prime, coming off good fights in the UFC), and was trying to fight Randy Couture that year as well, who was the UFC Heavyweight Champion at the time.

Plus, anyone who actually thinks guys like Lesnar, Big Country, Carwin, Mir, Kongo, Struve, etc. are better than guys like Overeem, Big Foot, Werdum, Sergei, and Barnett are fucking ******ed. The only elite Heavyweights the UFC has right now are Cain Velasquez and Junior dos Santos (unless Big Nog somehow makes a resurgence). Everyone else is too inconsistent to be considered truly elite at this point in time.

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