**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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o my goodness, during that entire promo i was 9 years old again!!! i havent marked out like that in sooo long! of course i had a few ideas of the guest host being the rock, but they did i nice swerve with the women in heels. I thought it would be taylor swift or lady gaga or something.

When the music hit i was excited, then when he grab the mic and spoke the rock just took us back in time. I was surprised and very grateful that he didnt hold a single thing back in his promo. From michael cole to the gm to the miz and best of all to cena, i was dying laughing at every minute of it!! Especially how improvised half of it seemed (like telling cole he looks like a drunken hobbit lmao).

I guess we'll find out more with time about the full detail of his return and what it means but after tonight I think just about everyone realized that theres not a single current superstar anywhere near the level of the rock's promo skills. Hasn't lost a single step on the mic!
That idea I like.

I don't think its likely but I think it could be good. If they could settle this Rock/Cena conflict before Mania and maybe on Raw have the two shake hands to squash it then have Nexus come out to attack them. Not just run out and attack them though, they come out and start mouthing off. The Rock does his "Who....... in the blue hell are you?" stuff and gets some good shit talking in and Nexus attacks setting up your scenario.

Again, I strongly doubt thats the route they take but I would like that scenario.

I think The Rock has to be in a match at mania for anyone to pay $60 to $70 for a PPV. Cena vs The Rock would be a dream match but lets be real the guy kind admitted that he hasn't been in a ring in over 7yrs. A 6 or 8 man tag would hide the rust and you never know we may see Cena turn on his team . But the match I mention on top would be more simple to get off the ground.
yeah i think i may have came in my pants when his music hit! AND HIS PROMO!!!!!!! the man is gone 7 years and comes back and has the best promo since his last promo! that is saying something about wwe and wrestling in general. HE HAS TO WRESTLE CENA AT MANIA!

Look at the facts
1 he has a badass new version to his theme song! for one night? no way!

2 He basically called out cena (yes he also called out Miz kinda) but he ripped Cena a new one! Cena will have to try to defend himself (even tho there is nothing he could say that would help)

3 Miz-Cena=LAME Rock-Cena= One of if not THE biggest match of all time

Mark my words the main event of wrestlemania 27 will be Rock vs Cena and i CANT FUCKIN WAIT
I thought the POP was very good, but not phenomenal. For todays standards its probably the best in years but there has been much, much better pops in wwe's history

actually this pop was like the pop the rock got on regular basis back in the attitude days. which is saying something cuz none of us has heard a pop like tihs in AGES. even stone colds pop when cm punk played tht prank on raw 900th wasnt as good.

plus theres also the fact tht the tech team cuts back the sound of the audience when airing on tv. if ur there live u know tht the pops r pretty big.

LOL i almost died at tht justin beiber joke as well as the barneys anus one. signs of a cena heel turn.

the marine vs rundown
legendary vs gridiron gang
12 rounds vs faster

PS: was anyone actually curious as to what the GM was going to say
I absolutely loved how they teased us with the woman's legs walking out of the limo...then went to a commercial break so for 2-3 minutes we would discuss who we thought it could be. Totally throwing us off the mark! I didn't want to be spoiled so I avoided sites today and I especially avoided ones that said "WM guest host spoiler" in the last few days. I was thinking it would be The Rock but a lot of that was wishful thinking as well. So, when everything was silent and then his music hit...MY GOD! I was so excited! That whole promo was absolutely epic.

I was already planning to go to WM this year. I wasn't sure, I was going back and fourth. Its going to take me nearly 2 days to get there and 2 days to get back as I will be busing it from Ontario, Canada all the way to Atlanta. However, as soon as I saw The Rock I knew I had to do it. I MUST. I want to be there when he walks out, whatever he does, no matter what, I want to be in that crowd. WM tickets are going to sell like hot cakes again. In just ONE promo with not even one match made official yet, WWE just guaranteed WM27 will be a legit sellout.

Is anyone else planning to attend WM for sure now due to The Rock's involvement?


P.S. I don't think The Rock will be wrestling at WM27. This will just be the big face off between The Rock and John Cena. That will be a sure fire WM moment. Its going to be epic. However, I do think 100% that for the next year WWE will try and try and try and try to get The Rock to agree for one more match at WM28 since its in Miami. I mean, no doubt The Rock will be inducted into the hall of fame next year!
There's only one thing for certian, Rock will be on RAW next week. How could he not be?

Anyway, this match between Cena and Rock, which is being overally rumored and hyped about right now, has a huge chance to happen. Even though Rock said he does'nt want to wrestle, he might HAVE to.

You would'nt say that stuff Rock said tonight to Cena and not follow up. I can possibly see WWE rushing around thinking, "how in the hell will we get Rock to wrestle and what's gonna happen."

This match is way to damn big not to happen. People have alway's said "it's impossible, Rock's not coming back." Well, he's back! And he went after John Cena.

I would'nt be surprised to here rumor's about a Cena/Rock match at Wrestlemania, plus a possible HHH/Taker match, is insane to think about, and would have major buyrates.
I dont see him on Raw next week .. I think they hold off until mania UNLESS he faces cena. That is what is gunna get PPV buys. BTW .. If cena doesnt win the chamber sunday , hes deff going against the rock at mania
btw hes no longer just the most electrifying man in sports entertainment

Haven't felt this good about wrestling in a long, long time. Damn, he just OWNED the mic skills of everyone for the past 7 years, never mind just Cena!!

The WWE need to wake the hell up and realise that THIS is what we've been missing. Time to dump the PG crap for good and get some attitude around the place again.

Great RAW, Welcome back Rocky!!
Okay, seriously just watched his entrance alone like 5 or 6 times straight. Holy Shit was that a pop! I haven't heard a pop like that in a long time. The promo he cut was the best promo in the last 4-5 years. This coming from a guy that has cut one live in 7 years. That just shows you how great he truly is. I'm a Cena fan, but my gosh Rock tore him a new one in under 3 minutes. Cena is great for pg, but he's no where near the level of the Rock. Seriously, Rocky in one promo became the most over person in the company right now and he might not even be on the show next week. That's saying something about the top stars now.

Now, I'm not sure if he's going to wrestle, I highly doubt he is. However, I would die to see Rock vs Cena right now. To all those who have been talking about sting possibly returning, (myself included.) stating that you can build a match in the short amount of time between EC and Mania. Look what the Rock just did. He built a match that probably won't happen in 3-4 minutes. Also, someone as already mentioned this, but I believe it's true. There has to be something there for Rock to go and rip the top star in the company a new one. And there not be some sort of match to it. Cena the top dog in the company just got torn to bits. In my mind there has to be something. We'll find out at EC. If Cena doesn't win its going to be Rock vs Cena.

I doubt I'll sleep tonight because I'm still going nuts over that promo... God it was nice to remember what the Attitude era was!
All I can say is, in all the years I have watched Cena and all the years I've watched The Rock...John Cena has never created a reaction like such.

All this talk of The Rock losing that reaction after so many years gone, tonight proved he is still the most electrifying man in sports entertainment when it comes to connecting with the crowd.
All I gotta say is, after 7 long years of reliving history on YOUTUBE by watching old Rock videos, I think I just saw a ghost! OMG! I was doing jumping jacks and cartwheels seeing the Rock back! Normally I dont post on this forum but damn it! I just could not resist! Not only did the Rock just single-handedly end John Cena's and The Miz's 5-second career, I think along with them, he just buried TNA! This is a MAJOR MAJOR...BLOW to TNA. If the Rock is here for a while or even the short-term like Bret was, its gonna mean more losses for TNA and heck of a lot profits for the Rock! Can't wait to see WWE's stocks sky-rocket tomorrow morning at the opening bell of the stock exchange!

THANK YOU ROCK for making me still be a fan and praying you'd come back one day! PLZzZ for the love of God, take John Cena down to the corner of Know Your Role Blvd. and Candy-ass Lane and check him DIRECTLY into the SMACKDOWN HOTEL!!!!!
according to dave meltzer. john cena has the power to go away from the script, but doesn't want to because he wants to be a "company guy."
What I am wondering though, is at what point did John Cena talk Trash about the Rock? Was it on WWE tv or during interviews about movies or something?
Finally the rock has come back to Monday Night Raw. I'm so happy with him coming back to the WWE and he absolutely owned Cena and am looking forward from now til WM :)
What I am wondering though, is at what point did John Cena talk Trash about the Rock? Was it on WWE tv or during interviews about movies or something?

A few years back Cena trash Hogan and The Rock about not caring about the business and the fans that they were all about the money, thats why the Rock said in his promo that he aint back for the money.
What I am wondering though, is at what point did John Cena talk Trash about the Rock? Was it on WWE tv or during interviews about movies or something?

Cena criticized the rock several time around 2008 in several interviews about the rock's lack of commitment to the wwe and questioned his loyalty to the fans. This is not the first time the rock publicly owned cena in regards to his comments. He mocked cena in the hall of fame.
To all those who say they aren't sure if he's going to wrestle, or those that say he simply won't, I think if he doesn't he's just killed off any chance he'll ever have at being valued again. During the first few minutes of his promo he said (and I quote -- haha, see what I did there?);

"It's not because of the money. It's not to promote a movie. I'm back in the middle of this ring because of you. When I left, when I left the WWE 7 years ago, I dreamed big ..And you guys dreamed big with me. You helped me accomplish my goals, accomplish my dreams because you never left my side. And I want to take this moment to tell you all here, your live here. Millions watching around the world, I want to tell you thank you. I love you. And it is because of you that I'm back in this ring and it's because of you and I GIVE YOU MY WORD, I am NEVER EVER going away. Simply put ladies and gentlemen, The Rock is back!"

For him to just be here for Wrestlemania and leave, he'd be hated by more wrestling fans then probably anyone. I mean, he was possibly the most sought after return in all of Professional Wrestling, even more so then Bret Hart. If he comes back, makes that promise, then just up and leaves ..it can't end well.

And to those who say he has "one more match in him," you guys have to be doing drugs. Dude has years left in him. Full time road schedule if it was required, though no doubt it wouldn't be. There's no way he's only got one more match left. That said, he should be used as a special attraction. Big feuds, big matches, but often doing promo work.

Still yet, I'm super stoked to see that The Rock has returned. That might have been the most EPIC moment in all of RAW history. And, I know that's high praise, but it truly might have been the best moment. And I know there's a WHOLE LOT to compare that too what with the Attitude era giving us such great entertainment, but that still might have been the biggest moment in RAW history.
This guy is in a completly diferent league than the rest. On one hand its amazing to have him back, but at the same time, his presence casts a shadow of reality over the rest of the wrestlers.

Now lot of young fans and most of us (old 30+ yrs old) fans realize the actual level of quality in wrestling at the present time.
welcome back rock, it was long long awaited.
Now then Rock has cut his promo and trash talked Cena. He has initiated a feud or may be just giving a teaser. But it could be over now. Not sure if he will appear again on RAW, since his only job (as been said so far) is to host wrestlemania.

It could be equally damaging for Rock as well, if Rock is cutting a promo next week and ranting on his take on current crop of WWE, with Cena coming out and say "Rock, you job is just to host wrestlemania, go back to the locker room and wait for wrestlemania".
I don't think Cena will do it, but GM can. May be they can keep 4-5 minutes of window on every raw, without GM intervening and without a timer going on the main screen.
GM could also intervene at every use of cuss words by Rock.

What i am trying to say is, unless Rock is a GM, i won't make sense for Keep allowing Rock to use the cuss worlds.
If he was to come back and wrestle I would see him like Sting used to do in TNA. Basically work TV / PPV only and no house shows. Think about it, if Rocky appears on just Monday nights, and PPV that's 5 shows a month give or take to appear on. That's doable.

I would agree that he has no desire to do a full schedule with his family and kids.

We aren't sure how much Vinny Mac is paying him to do this but I can bet it's the most expensive WWE contract Vinny Mac has ever signed. Your probably looking at 6-10 mil just for a few months, and maybe a little more after that.

I don't think that we will see a full time return of the Rock, he's got 2 movies coming out (Fast Five is one of them, and another at the end of the year according to Wikipedia), and he's probably got other things going on as well. From now until Wrestlemania and maybe a month or two after that is what we will get of the Rock for at least this year.

There is a reason why Vince did this though. I'm not criticizing Vince for doing this I think it was a smart move and you encouraged a lot of people to order Wrestlemania just for this. Is it because of the PG-era that others have stated? Maybe he realizes that his company is going in the dumps with Paul and Stephanie taking over? Or maybe he's trying to cash in on something before he leaves the company next year?

All this should be discussed because the Rock while he might say he's in it for the fans, in reality he's not.
wudnt be awesome if he comes back next week and does the ppls elbow on the the GM laptop like he did on Al Snows 'head' once. and then says tht hes running the show till wrestlemania
Wow I can't believe the Rock has finally come back! I seriously marked out when I heard his music. Without a doubt the best promo in a long ass time. He ripped on Cena and pretty much destroyed his catchphrase. Now maybe we'll finally get to see what we've all been wanting for the last couple years, Cena to turn heel. Hopefully the Rock will change his mind and decide to wrestle a match at WM. Cena vs Rock would be one of the biggest matches in wrestling history.
I don't think he will. In reality I think once Wrestlemania is over, the Rock will reveal himself as the GM.

Think about it, Cole couldn't read the message tonight. Rock stopped him. The only reason logically he would do that is if he is the GM.

If that's true then we just got spoiled tonight on many sources. One either Miz or Cena will not be champion / challenger for the WWE title at Wrestlemania and Rock will have a match with either one of them. Then after Wrestlemania is over he will announce that he is the GM and that he still plans on saying everything from a laptop. In regards so he can be out of the arena.

It makes sense, he did say he was never leaving. Kind of makes you think.
I gotta say, when i heard the music i legitametely marked out for the first time in a llllllllllllllllooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg time. now i have enjoyed things involving jericho and such. i was excited when he returned, and when he wins titles, but this was on another level. i am trying to study for a midterm, and just put everything down when i heard the music. i was bummed when i saw the heels because i thought it was steph. but that was just epic. i havent been captivated like this in a long time. the jokes and little things he did made me smile and laugh. damn, the rock is just so much better than anyone in the wwe today hands down. he is a presence. he just showed dominance over everything and anything. what cena has done for the past 6 years, the rock just destroyed. he makes cena look like the biggest fool ever. one of my favorite things about the night was watching some of the kids in the audience do the thumbs down and boo. he just destroyed their hero. not that i like kids to be sad, but im so tired of the wwe being run just for kids. i actually felt like this show was directed to me, and the rest of the fans who have watched for a long time, even through this pg crap.
i thought wrestlemania was going to suck this year. miz vs cena, del rio vs edge, cm punk vs orton, hhh vs taker (again). after bret coming back last year, and the actually pretty damn good work of batista as a heel, not to mention one of the best matches ever, with hbk vs taker II. i thought wrestlemania took the biggest fall ever and would be the worst one yet. but now i am more excited more wrestlemania than any other ppv in the past decade. the rock being back is the highlight of my wwe experience since i was a kid. the rock's return is bigger than any other, even bret's. it makes hogan going to tna look like a joke.

Im excited to be a wwe fan again. thank you vince for thinking of us for the first time in a long time.

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