**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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But if he tells us he is back for good, and then leaves again for Hollywood in a few months, after he has collected his Wrestlemania paycheck, then I got three words for him.


I understand where you're coming from with this. It's one thing to see him back and it's oh so painful to see him leave. Realistically, it's a short term deal, maybe a few months of seeing the Rock. The dream would be seeing him back full time, but thats probably not going to happen.

But really this sets up the perfect angles to put Cena over / turn him heel if you ask me. He's the WM host as of now, but the seeds have been planted for what seems to be Rock vs. Cena.

What if Rock vs Cena happens? And the stipulation is somewhere over the lines of "Loser Leaves the WWE". And Cena wins. In effect, he wouldn't be "breaking" his word, as per the words he used in his comeback promo (yes I know this is all scripted, but work with me here). John Cena gets to be the man that "Retires" or sends the Rock off for good. He's either viewed as a hero for getting rid of the "wrestler who lost his passion and became an actor" or he becomes the biggest heel in wrestling history for denying fans the chance to see The Rock on WWE programming.

It's perfect if you ask me. Chances are, we won't see The Rock past Wrestlemania. And this scenario offers the perfect the chance for him to leave the WWE and go back to Hollywood without looking to be all that big of a jackass.

As for the perspective about his passion for the sport, that's an endless debate. There will be people who say that he should have stayed a wrestler, while some may say that he did the right thing chasing his Hollywood dreams. The way I see it, his charisma transcends the live crowds of wrestling and he makes that transition to Hollywood perfectly. It's not really two different things as both are forms of entertainment. Sort of like imagining Jerry Rice playing the XFL or Arena League but he's so damn good, it's a shame if he doesn't transition to the NFL .

We'd all like to see The Rock back as wrestling fans. You know it and I know it. But what he said in his promo has to be taken kayfabe. If we take it literally that he's "home" and "back for good", chances are, we are all going to be disappointed. Let's enjoy the ride while it lasts.
My guess and it might be an unlikely one...but a guess none the less:

John Cena loses in the Elimination Chamber this Sunday - a build up continues between John Cena and The Rock and they have a similar official "passing of the torch" type match a la Hollywood Hogan vs. The Rock at Wrestlemania 18. I wouldn't doubt the same sort of result either (The Rock being cheered and John Cena being booed, just like Hulk Hogan was cheered as a big heel and The Rock was booed as a big face)

That's certainly a way to make up for not having another Shawn Michaels vs. Undertakeer match that's for sure haha. You take Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker out of the last two Wrestlemania's and those Wrestlemania's are seriously mediocre. I'm sure they're pretty fearful of that happening this year...and a Rock vs. Cena match could certainly bring it back up to snuff.

That's just my opinion of course.

The Rock mentioned on his Facebook page recently that he won't wrestle again. With that said, last night he'd "never leave." I think this means that he's leaving the door open to work with the company for the foreseeable future. In other words, Wrestlemania will not be the last time we ever see The Rock in a WWE ring.

He appears to be in great shape and I'm sure he'd have no problem wrestling in a match again but he just doesn't want to. Now that he's come back, hopefully any time there is a major event on RAW or Smackdown, I hope he'd consider coming back for it. Will he appear at the Smackdown tapings tonight? It's the 600th episode?

As for what he said about Cena, The Rock can say whatever he wants and doesn't have to back it up in the ring. We all know what he did in the ring. He's a legendary superstar that reached the top at a young age and will never be forgotten. He can talk all the trash he wants. He earned that right.
I wanted to mark out for the Great One, but ZTWHITE, you pic marked me out for sth else... :worship:

Anyways, back to the People's Champ, The Brahma Bull, The Most Electrifying Person in the WHOLE DAMN ENTERTAINMENT... I dont have to say that I marked out it should be taken as default.. Anyone who grew up on Rock and SCSA would mark out, jizz in their pants for this one promo.. Heck we have been missing it. The best part about it..

Let me qwwote





Oh Believe Me.. we all can see you..."

I mean I do feel sorry for the kids, with their super-hero being gang-fucked in front of them and then made to do a ride while sitting on a donkey with his face painted black, but i guess we needed a catalyst to spark something new in the now stale John Cena character.. I mean we all thought that Nexus was started for the same purpose but in the end the retirement thing was so crap, it killed the excitement.. Now we all hope that this is the beginning of the end for the Super Hero and more of a man John Cena...


I loved every second of Rocky on RAW. It just showed you how MUCH Cena sucks in reality. Rocky got them screaming at the top of their lungs in mere minutes, whereas Cena was dying on the mic an hour earlier and all he got were some little kiddies screaming his name every now and then.
I understand where you're coming from with this. It's one thing to see him back and it's oh so painful to see him leave. Realistically, it's a short term deal, maybe a few months of seeing the Rock. The dream would be seeing him back full time, but thats probably not going to happen.

But really this sets up the perfect angles to put Cena over / turn him heel if you ask me. He's the WM host as of now, but the seeds have been planted for what seems to be Rock vs. Cena.

What if Rock vs Cena happens? And the stipulation is somewhere over the lines of "Loser Leaves the WWE". And Cena wins. In effect, he wouldn't be "breaking" his word, as per the words he used in his comeback promo (yes I know this is all scripted, but work with me here). John Cena gets to be the man that "Retires" or sends the Rock off for good. He's either viewed as a hero for getting rid of the "wrestler who lost his passion and became an actor" or he becomes the biggest heel in wrestling history for denying fans the chance to see The Rock on WWE programming.

It's perfect if you ask me. Chances are, we won't see The Rock past Wrestlemania. And this scenario offers the perfect the chance for him to leave the WWE and go back to Hollywood without looking to be all that big of a jackass.

As for the perspective about his passion for the sport, that's an endless debate. There will be people who say that he should have stayed a wrestler, while some may say that he did the right thing chasing his Hollywood dreams. The way I see it, his charisma transcends the live crowds of wrestling and he makes that transition to Hollywood perfectly. It's not really two different things as both are forms of entertainment. Sort of like imagining Jerry Rice playing the XFL or Arena League but he's so damn good, it's a shame if he doesn't transition to the NFL .

We'd all like to see The Rock back as wrestling fans. You know it and I know it. But what he said in his promo has to be taken kayfabe. If we take it literally that he's "home" and "back for good", chances are, we are all going to be disappointed. Let's enjoy the ride while it lasts.

if he had not called the WWE "home", not said he was there to stay, I would give him a free pass on it. Obviously, he is there short term. But if you are only going to be around for a few months, don't tell everyone you are there to stay, because its a big fat fucking lie. Be honest with the fans. I don't believe Dwayne Johnson was. I agree completely about enjoying it while it lasts, I am just looking for some honesty from him about how long it will be.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
The Rock is a damn liar! I agree that last night was the best promo in a long long time.
I can't believe he said he was back for good. There's no way that's true. He has already said that he will never wrestle again. What's he gonna do? Just cut promos? The place went nuts last night when he announced he was back for good. I would be surprised if we see him 5 times before he leaves for another seven years.
I have a confession to make. Usually here in India Raw comes on a week late but I watch it by downloading the episode. This time I did not do that because the moment I read the results on the WrestleZone maain page, I knew that there was only one thing worth seeing. So I just went off to Youtube and watched Rock's promo.

The point is after watching the promo I just realised how pathetic WWE is today. After watching that promo I do not want to see Cena spewing out his lame ass jokes every night.( I read that he made fun of Cole's manhood. I can only imagine how pathetic it sounded.) I do not want to see guys like CM Punk and Miz put on their acting shoes to show how they got pwned by a Cena promo when in reality a 8 year old could have come up with an answer. The wisest thing that WWE did was put that promo at the end of the show because no matter how good the matches might be nothing else was worth watching.

People always get confused and think that the Attitude Era was what was so great about the WWE and that if it came back then that would be the solution to all problems. The fact is the Attitude Era would have been nothing without the likes of Rock and Austin and if it came back now it would be just as lame as the current era is. People say Hogan was charismatic, DDP was charismatic, Nash was charismatic, Cena is charismatic. Well charisma is Rock and Austin's bitch. The rational part of me understands that it is impossible to have such charismatic guys in every era but the fan in me feels very sad.

As for the promo itself I do not think I can say anything that has already been said. While his ripping of Cole was VINTAGE!, what he said about Cena are what a lot of us want to say about him. Cena will possibly retaliate next week with the only weapon he has at his disposal: The Truth but I am pretty sure it won't be half as entertaining as Rock's promo. I do hope that the two of them have a match at Mania but it does not look likely if The Rock's words are to be believed.

I believe that Rock's coming back might have done more harm than good. Yes it has given us momentary happiness but it has also made us realize how lame the current world of pro wrestling is. After WrestleMania when he is gone we will have to endure the same mediocrity that we have been enduring ever since The Great One left and that fact does not amuse me at all.

You know the rest.

So I finally turned the television off at 11:23 pm last night - and oddly enough I was wondering what Bonnie Hammer at USA networks was thinking with Raw's epic 20+ minute overrun and howexcited she must have been by the potential ratings boon - and I TRIED to get to sleep. Easier said than done. I was fired up. Usually I'm able to forego the end of Raw in favor of a longer night's sleep, but last night, it was the very definition of must see TV. It was, in a word, electrifying.

So, in classic internet forum fashion, I had to find a flaw in it.

Don't get nervous or angry just yet - it's mostly positive stuff. But I want to take a moment to look at all angles of the return of Dwayne.

The Good

1. Wrestlemania just got a MASSIVE shot in the arm. Casual wrestling fans who were ticket and merchandise buyers in the late 90's and early 00's will catch wind of this, and will likely purchase the pay-per-view. The idea of a Rock / Cena show down is intriguing to say the very least, especially when you consider the strong likelihood that Cena is in the title picture with The Miz.

2. Monday Night Raw just got a MASSIVE ratings boost. As I mentioned previously, the over run last night for Raw was longer than its been in probably WELL over a decade, and USA was wise to keep rolling with it. When the numbers come out, the 10:45 pm - 11:30 pm numbers will be a harbinger of what's to come on the Road to Wrestlemania.

3. All is forgiven. Rock came out last night, and without ever losing an ounce of who he is and why he's one of the all time greats, he was humble and contrite. He didn't apologize for leaving - he THANKED fans for keeping him in their hearts, even though a strong contingent of fans felt betrayed by what had happened. This once again goes a long way in speaking about the classy and forgiving nature of many pro wrestling fans. Once you're in with us, you never really leave. Just ask Hogan from Wrestlemania 18.

4. Rock proved that "PG" doesn't have to be watered down. Sure, he dropped some "damns" and some "asses." Hardly a crisis situation. The Attitude Era started with the word "ass," in "Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass." The ensuing weekly envelope pushing from Torrie and Dawn Marie making out to every blood bath Hell in a Cell that followed took the WWE to a point where today's programming seems almost sterile. Rocky came out and struck a balance between the two. Save the stronger language for the huge, late night moments. But keep it within reason. He did that.

5. Somehow, Michael Cole just got stronger. The run that The Rock gave Cole, and the subsequent crowd reaction to Cole, only served to enhance Cole's character. He played off The Rock wonderfully - from his smug look when the e-mail arrived to his pout after The Rock had verbally destroyed him.

The Bad

1. The youth suddenly doesn't seem so strong. It's been 7 years since The Rock was a major player in WWE, and yet in just ONE shit, he completely obliterated everything that everyone else has been doing. 7 years out of the business, and after just one night back he's the biggest draw in the company. WWE may be able to turn this into a positive by using Rocky as a mentor for the young kids like Miz and Morrisson, but you can't feel good about the rest of the roster when The Rock can show you in 20 minutes just how inferior everyone else is to him.

2. Sudden dependency on aging stars. Many fans have criticized TNA for its overutilization of aging wrestlers, and yet, all of the biggest news in the WWE lately has been the returns of guys like Austin (to host Tough Enough), Rocky (to host Wrestlemania), Booker T (to commentary) and Kevin Nash (to do something and tweet incessantly). Plus, a fair portion of Wrestlemania is rumored to be built around Triple H vs The Undertaker, leaving Wade Barrett and S(h)eamus seeking a program to work.

3. No matter what, this will likely end in a let down. Rocky had stated in past interviews that he didn't want to come back in a wrestling capacity. Whether he comes back as a General Manager or just as a guest host, or even if he goes the extra step and does wrestle "one last match," the chances of us coming away from this satisfied are less than stellar. I don't think the buzz of last night has worn off enough for most casual fans to grasp the very real possibility that, as much as we want to see The Rock wrestle and compete again, that is probably not going to happen.
Rocks promo last night, particularly on Cena, was incredible... good old "Attitude era" stuff that is sorely missed by folks like me in todays WWE product. When the first expletive got bleeped, I thought "here we go again", but then they opened things up a bit and let him flow like it was 1998. Good stuff to be sure.

In that "war of words" between Cena and Rock over the last two or three years though, Cena is definitely in the right. Don't get me wrong... Rock got more pops last night than Cena and Orton put together, and that was just in the arena. The folks at home (including me to an extent) were likely marking out even harder. The problem is, we all want to believe... believe that Rock is really "home" and "back for good." Truth be told, I don't buy it one bit.

In 2011, Dwayne Johnson, actor, has existed about as long as the Rock, wrestler. During his 7 year hiatus, it can be effectively argued that he turned his back on the company when it needed him most. If he really considers WWE "home", why did it take him so long to contribute anything of value? What did he turn his back on "the boys" for anyway? To go make movies that were only slightly less awful than what Hogan was a part of? To go from the heir apparent of Stallone and Schwarzeneggers legacy to parading around in a tu-tu in the latest Disney "it'll be out on video a week after the theaters" train wreck?

On one hand, I can completely understand the pop Rock got. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was happy to see him in light of the PG-era. About midway through the promo though... pretty much at the point where he referenced the "trash talk" that Cena had said prior... I began remembering. I remembered that he left the business high and dry during that oh so crucial transitional period from Austin/Rock to Cena/Orton. That period that would've kept long time fans around as the WWE re-found itself once again. Those matches he'd have had that would've given additional crediblity to the younger guys making a name for themselves.

The notion that his star might've began to wane or he was growing stale at the time is absolutely no excuse. Many of the other greats gave back to the business after their time in the spotlight seemed over... Flair made guys like crazy. Terry Funk did the same in a slightly different, but mostly similar way. What made Rock the exception? Because he had aspirations of starring in movies? Because he was "busted up" from his time on the road?

I'm no advocate of John Cena, but he was absolutely right in his comments that were quoted prior. Rock certainly loves his fame that he attained from WWF/E. He loves the people to a certain extent for bestowing that fame upon him. He didn't love them enough to even acknowledge "sports entertainment" (let alone pro-wrestling) when he was doing the movie thing for nearly a decade and arguably, failing miserably. He didn't love the company that effectively "made him" when he would consistently disavow any knowledge of the time he spent there. He transformed into Dwayne Johnson, potential movie star and left Rock for dead. Now we're all supposed to believe again because Rock dropped a few catch phrases and ridiculed Michael Cole? I'm not so sure.
7 years ago or a little more every time the Rock was coming back I was saying the same thing. I am happy but at the same time if he is not staying he shouldn't be coming back because he expose how bad the rest of the product is and how no one has any star power in this era.

I want him back in the ring and I think it need to happen. Rock said he's done it all in wrestling and accomplished all his goal, by why bash Cena like that if he really don't intend to wrestle. I think they were just reeling for a fish to see if it would catch.

If The Rock host Mania and that's it I am thinking of buying it, if The rock face Cena in a match I am not thinking anymore, I am buying it.

I just hope he didn't meant he was never going away like "The Rock is not there anymore little Jimmie but he will always be in your heart."

We'll see but I really hope he stays and if he stays he won't just be cutting promos all the time, he will eventually get the urge to step in the ring and will do it.
Did Rock actually say he was "here to stay" or did he say he would "never leave"?

I thought he said he would "never leave"....well that can be interpreted many ways. He could be off screen for 6 months and come back for a one off appearence, or he can always be connected with WWE until they ahve someone both parties agree on?

Rocks a movie star now, we all know it but looks like he is here to stay for the short term anyway. Maybe there will be a "firing angle" which gives him a year off. There is NO QUESTION WHATSEOVER about WM28. Its in Miami, he will be there.
Rocks promo last night, particularly on Cena, was incredible... good old "Attitude era" stuff that is sorely missed by folks like me in todays WWE product. When the first expletive got bleeped, I thought "here we go again", but then they opened things up a bit and let him flow like it was 1998. Good stuff to be sure.

In that "war of words" between Cena and Rock over the last two or three years though, Cena is definitely in the right. Don't get me wrong... Rock got more pops last night than Cena and Orton put together, and that was just in the arena. The folks at home (including me to an extent) were likely marking out even harder. The problem is, we all want to believe... believe that Rock is really "home" and "back for good." Truth be told, I don't buy it one bit.

In 2011, Dwayne Johnson, actor, has existed about as long as the Rock, wrestler. During his 7 year hiatus, it can be effectively argued that he turned his back on the company when it needed him most. If he really considers WWE "home", why did it take him so long to contribute anything of value? What did he turn his back on "the boys" for anyway? To go make movies that were only slightly less awful than what Hogan was a part of? To go from the heir apparent of Stallone and Schwarzeneggers legacy to parading around in a tu-tu in the latest Disney "it'll be out on video a week after the theaters" train wreck?

On one hand, I can completely understand the pop Rock got. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was happy to see him in light of the PG-era. About midway through the promo though... pretty much at the point where he referenced the "trash talk" that Cena had said prior... I began remembering. I remembered that he left the business high and dry during that oh so crucial transitional period from Austin/Rock to Cena/Orton. That period that would've kept long time fans around as the WWE re-found itself once again. Those matches he'd have had that would've given additional crediblity to the younger guys making a name for themselves.

The notion that his star might've began to wane or he was growing stale at the time is absolutely no excuse. Many of the other greats gave back to the business after their time in the spotlight seemed over... Flair made guys like crazy. Terry Funk did the same in a slightly different, but mostly similar way. What made Rock the exception? Because he had aspirations of starring in movies? Because he was "busted up" from his time on the road?

I'm no advocate of John Cena, but he was absolutely right in his comments that were quoted prior. Rock certainly loves his fame that he attained from WWF/E. He loves the people to a certain extent for bestowing that fame upon him. He didn't love them enough to even acknowledge "sports entertainment" (let alone pro-wrestling) when he was doing the movie thing for nearly a decade and arguably, failing miserably. He didn't love the company that effectively "made him" when he would consistently disavow any knowledge of the time he spent there. He transformed into Dwayne Johnson, potential movie star and left Rock for dead. Now we're all supposed to believe again because Rock dropped a few catch phrases and ridiculed Michael Cole? I'm not so sure.

Rock wanted to break into Hollywood. He wanted to be DWAYNE JOHNSON, not the Rock. WWE is looked down upon by many in the film industry. Whats wrong with wanting to disassociate yourself with it in order to be taken seriously and "get over"?

Christ, what the hell you want from this man! He wrestled his last fight in 2004, he returned in 2007 (pre taped) and again in 2009 (pre taped). WWE has and always will be in his blood - as he proved last night!

The Rock isnt a snob, but others are. He stayed out of the ring to build a career in acting, do something else. He achieved everything in WWE possible.
Riiiight because Bret Hart totally didn't stick around until at LEAST SummerSlam of 2010 after everyone said WM 26 would be his last match. Hulk Hogan didn't stick around after WrestleMania 18. And Ric Flair never stepped into a ring after HBK sent him into "retirement". Seriously, The Rock could easily have been planning this for a while with Vince, and to be honest I think it was just perfect... it also had me eating my words cause I honestly thought we'd never see him in a WWE ring again at all.

But see, here's what I've noticed after watching last night and again this morning cause I had to watch Raw late at night so maybe I was dreaming it... but after hearing him say "I'm not promoting any movies" I actually got off my couch and went to search for any movies he's supposed to be filming in the near future. And by god, this mother fucker is right. The next movie that he's in is Journey 2 and its release date is in the year of 2012, but it's already finished filming... This means that Rock has from now until at least 2012 to stick around in the WWE some more.

And what do you know... it just so happens that The Rock created controversy with the Raw GM. Obviously, this is just wishful thinking, but even still I'm not going to shoot down the possibility that he might indeed be back to the WWE. Right now, the schedule for movies seems to be as open as ever and I really am hoping that he's here so I'm going to keep watching to see what happens. Who knows, he may even be involved with Taker vs. his rumored opponent at Mania (I'm not going to say who it is because something tells me that it's not anything for certain who Taker's opponent truly is).
I wonder where this all leaves Cena? In one 2 minute bit, Rock managed to take everything that Cena was about and flush it down the toilet. It was awesome, of course, but I wonder where this leaves Cena and his sugar-pop character.
Riiiight because Bret Hart totally didn't stick around until at LEAST SummerSlam of 2010 after everyone said WM 26 would be his last match. Hulk Hogan didn't stick around after WrestleMania 18. And Ric Flair never stepped into a ring after HBK sent him into "retirement". Seriously, The Rock could easily have been planning this for a while with Vince, and to be honest I think it was just perfect... it also had me eating my words cause I honestly thought we'd never see him in a WWE ring again at all.

But see, here's what I've noticed after watching last night and again this morning cause I had to watch Raw late at night so maybe I was dreaming it... but after hearing him say "I'm not promoting any movies" I actually got off my couch and went to search for any movies he's supposed to be filming in the near future. And by god, this mother fucker is right. The next movie that he's in is Journey 2 and its release date is in the year of 2012, but it's already finished filming... This means that Rock has from now until at least 2012 to stick around in the WWE some more.

And what do you know... it just so happens that The Rock created controversy with the Raw GM. Obviously, this is just wishful thinking, but even still I'm not going to shoot down the possibility that he might indeed be back to the WWE. Right now, the schedule for movies seems to be as open as ever and I really am hoping that he's here so I'm going to keep watching to see what happens. Who knows, he may even be involved with Taker vs. his rumored opponent at Mania (I'm not going to say who it is because something tells me that it's not anything for certain who Taker's opponent truly is).

I agree with this. Rock said too many things last night that is hinting at a long-term involvement with WWE. And for his movie career, he could always do what he did before, which was take small breaks from WWE to film his movies. But it's true. He has at least a year between movies and I really feel like if wrestling gets back in his blood, then he is here to stay. And i sure hope that is the case.
OK, so, for the last few weeks I haven't watched a single live moment of RAW. I just haven't wanted to. So, every Tuesday morning, I get up, go to class, and afterward I go to the library to relax before I start my homework.. Today, was like every other Tuesday. Until, I read the RAW results from last night.

Holy.. Shit!

Finally! The Rock has come back! So naturally I went straight to YouTube. When the lights went out and The Rock's music hit and the crowd erupted I got chills like I haven't had in a very long time. The Rock delivered one of the greatest promos of his career last night and he proved why the WWE sucks today. Yes, sucks. He ripped The Miz and Cena apart and it was amazing. He ripped Michael Cole apart and it was old school. He hit us with every typical Rock quote and I loved each and every minute of the 30 minutes. I can not wait for Wrestlemania, even if The Rock just sits in a director's chair at ringside and delivers commentary after every match.

I read through only a few of the comments before mine, and some were good. I don't care if The Rock sticks around or not. I don't expect him to. I don't care if he lied to us. I would absolutely love for him to stick around and be the WWE champion for the next five years. But last night absolutely proved that in wrestling, only once in a while does a legend of truly great caliber come along.
My children are Cena fans. That's cool because they enjoy watching wrestling with me, and they have so much fun when they see him on TV.

But I completely freaked out when The Rock came out. I wouldn't go as far to say that The Rock completely ripped Cena a new a-hole (ok, he did!!!), but The Rock drew the line on the sand. It will help Cena, though. Imagine if he becomes a heel, not a tweener, but a real heel. And the possibility that Cena can be challenged creatively, that would be great. Only one could imagine. I'd pay to see Rock vs. Cena (kinda like Hogan vs Rock @ WMX8), but it won't happen, and I don't think it'll be pretty. Can the The Rock go after being off for 7 long years? We know he still can do a great promo. The Rock of 2011 may not be The Rock of 2000-2001, but we have to wait and see.

With that being said, I feel this could be a one time deal for the The Rock, and that after WM, that'll be it. But I was glad to show my children see a glimpse of what I used to watch on WWE.
Some thoughts I have after last night......

First and foremost, is there any doubt who the greatest entertainer is in professional wrestling ever?! I admit I am a Rock-mark, but I told friends of mine to turn on USA last night when he came out and sure enough each one of them ended up with a huge grin and texting me how great it was to relive their child hood. Wrestling for me has always been about being entertained by fake fighting and good promos and stories - after watching Rock last night I remember what hooked me in the first place and really nothing compares in hindsight.

Its been speculated and stated that The Rock won't wrestle, and that somehow this may lead to a let down for casual fans. The fact is, he doesn't need to wrestle. He needs to come out, cut promos, inject WWE with some electricity, and show up. He said last night he isn't going anywhere, but that leaves plenty of room for debate. was his appearance last night a one time thing before the big show, or is he going to appear every week...will he be with WWE after Mania???

Another thought, maybe he is the GM. I see how using the GM-alarm to get Cole involved helps Cole's character, but you don't interrupt the greatest return in 10 years with a stupid gimmick unless it has serious meaning. I would love to find out The Rock is now with WWE in a more permanent capacity as Raw GM. He can even appear remotely via satellite and cut pre-recorded promos. The bottom line is, Rock, on WWE programming, will draw ratings. After last night I plan on buying Mania. After last night, my friends who have not watched a minute of wrestling since middle school plan on watching Raw next week.

I am still giddy about this, its not every day you get to really feel like you are 10 years old again. Greatest Wrestling Moment in last 10 years.

**One more thought...with The Rock back, Cena can finally go heel. The Rock made work of Cena and his character last night in about 5 minutes. It would have taken 100 years for WWE to figure out the right way to make Cena a real heel and yet the Rock cut a promo and like magic, Cena is a joke. The biggest rub of all may be for the Miz who is a rising star and has similar qualities to and young Rock. a potential verbal feud between the two may really hype Miz as a real-deal main eventer.
Thoughts on The Rock being special guest referee in the match between Cena and the Miz...he won't "wrestle" but laying the smack down on their candy asses is still almost a guarantee...a main event with him as referee between the two most comparable characters in the game to his very own would make 'Mania worth the price

The final 20 minutes of Raw was just amazing! Well, I am maybe first one here to be little disapointed, because when the lights went off, and there were those lightnings on t-tron, I was sure that it was Sting. :laugh: lol Despite the fact, that he's probably never coming to WWE, I had big feeling, that stinger would arrived on Monday night Raw. I can dream, can I?

But when I heard the Rocks music, it was almost as epic as to get Sting to 'E. It was without doupt best promo/moment in years at wwe. The rock compeletely owned Cole and Cena in like 10 minutes and I laughed my ass off when Cole just finally Shutted up in front of Great one.

I can't wait till next week. How will Cena respond to the rock, and will this lead, that rocky is some sort of guest ref or something on Cena's match at mania. Yeah, everyone of us is hoping that we would see The Rock-John Cena at Wrestlemania, but everyone also know that, that ain't gonna happen. Now all we can do is to wait couple weeks and see, what wwe creative has offer to us.
That was incredble. Nostalgic. And it gives me one particular (perhaps false) hope... The Rock vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania..
I, only a few weeks ago, watched youtube video of The Rock at Hall of Fame teasing a showdown with John Cena, and this was from years ago. But they planted the seed back then.
.. And now, John Cena is the 'face' of the company. Much like The Rock had been prior to WMX8. I feel like this is all too poetic, all too epic, and now since this promo and the Rock calling out Cena it's all too close to being real without it being a let down to settle for a few stare downs and a Rock Bottom at Mania or guest referee. This is Vince's chance to deliver on that huge match he's been wanting to promote for WM. The circumstance are right right now, and he'll never get this opportunity again. Ever. It has to be now. Vince should beg, and the Rock should concede, and Cena should be fired up. But he shouldn't go heel.
I believe is should be a parallel of the Rock/Hogan WM18 showdown. Yes they will chant for the Rock over Cena, but Cena, since turning super-face hasn't given up on the fans. And he didn't do it when his back was against the wall with Nexus (even though I wanted to see it), and he shouldn't do it here. I think the Rock has this one match in him, if not more. And I think he can take what he dished out in the past. Hogan, previously the biggest superstar in WWE history and face of the company, jobbed to the Rock on the grandest stage. The Rock should job to Cena, for the sake of the WWE.
Who would take Cena's place at top face once Cena's heel and Rock is gone? Morrison isn't ready, and Orton is evil. WWE needs a child favorite... a take your vitamins/ eat your vegetables/ "I can't be pinned cleanly" superhero, and The Rock will graciously except defeat, because Cena, unlike the Austin or Hogan, will somehow kick out of the 3rd Rock Bottom, (we all know it) but The Rock won't kick out of that last AA, or maybe he will, but he will tap to the surprise reversal into the 3rd STF.
I think this would be the way to optimize the return of The Rock... to, at least at Wrestlemania, prove The Rock wrong... for The Rock to job to Cena and "prove" the new WWE lockerroom has it. What's better for WWE's product right now? That, or Cena heel, Rock dominated, end the PG Era, let the kids down new-new WWE? (Won't happen)
This is the opportunity that only comes around once an era, and has to be what Vince is pushing for. An opportunity for John Cena to do the best angle he's ever done, and to come out on top in order to sell more tickets and more merchandise than ever before, and establish a future legend (though not Rock calibur)... but it's not about Cena being better or worse, it's about credibility for Cena, and the product as a whole. The Rock is the utility. The best.
And judging from his return last night, it could also be [some of] the best stuff he's ever done. The Rock... What a great year and great WrestleMANIA this is shaping up to be.
This promo, the crowd reaction, the fact the man still looks like he could own a WWE ring, shows why the product is so much inferior today than when The Rock reigned. That one promo was better than anything any of the current roster has ever spit out, hell best promo in 7 freaking years! WWE should beg, plead, cut about ten useless talent and pay guys like The Rock and Stone Cold whatever the freaking hell they want and teach these minor league boys playing in the big time how to really be over. The Rock back in WWE? For however long it lasts I'll take it.
Now....When rock came out i was like oh aight cool, kinda saw that coming(full disclosure, I missed the part with the heels and the limo) but when he got on the mic....As matt striker said at the rumble(And I Quote..) "NO way bro, I'm Marking out....this is a mark out moment!"....In a few moments in the "overtime" of raw, The rock was able to:
1) add massive buys to wrestlemania.
2) Made USA exec. very very happy cause raw ratings will be higher in the next few weeks then at any time in recent memory.
3) Make the miz vs cena match at wrestlemania look like a disappointment oppose to Rock vs cena
4) Make the Undertaker's AND HHH's impending returns seem like an afterthought
5) Make Cena a "heel" for the next few weeks. (almost like a trial run to see how the fans react)
7) Show the young guys how to talk on the mic
8) make cole seem bigger then he was. it was like holy shit cole is believable as a heel against the Rock
9) IF TNA THOUGHT FOR A MILLASECOND THEY MIGHT HAVE A SLIGHT CHANCE OF GOING AGAINST WWE/RAW THAT DIED LAST NIGHT. (I am going to watch TNA in the next few weeks to see just how empty the joint will be cause if the fans remember WCW/ECW...the attitude era's big player just came back in the other company

Now I don't think we will see Cena vs Rock at wrestlemania and full disclosure I was hoping he would have said the Undertaker instead of Cena but to have that much power that you can essentially make Cena heel (IE what hogan did to him) is amazing. Great promo, great entrance, great energy....epic moment
The Rock's promo was brilliant! I have not laughed out loud at WWE Raw in some time as I did tonight! His jokes at John Cena's expense, the timing and delivery of them, were dead on. And don't even get me started about his whole reaction to Michael Cole and the Raw GM!! Excellent! For once, I couldn't stop watching.

This will definitely change this years Wrestlemania for my husband and I (although he was kind of hoping to see Stone Cold host). While we were planning to watch the PPV anyway, I believe that having the Rock as host will simply make it that much more enjoyable in that his mic skills and character should make it hard to get bored!

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