**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Is it just me or is booking Brock and Rock a year in advance, as you suggested, a HUGE mistake. First of all, this match didn't need the year of hype to make it big, in fact I could have settled with it being started at survivor series or even around the Rumble. Hell, during the summer of Punk I didn't think twice about this match. But anyways, the reason booking anything with Brock so far in advance is a mistake is because look at what happened in the UFC, brock had to miss two major fights because of his illness. Who is to say it won't strike up again around Mania and cause them to have to cancel a major match. The WWE was very lucky that this match was able to happen and Cena never got hurt despite working a full schedule still. Anything can happen between now and next year and so booking a match a year in advance is not something I think they should risk. I'm not sure where they can go from here now though because I don't see much value in a rematch after Cena lost the big one and has to go back to work full time, really sucks for him imo as I think he should have gone over. They do need to debut some new stars tomorrow, hopefully Albert and Batista come back to keep that night after mania excitement going.

I don't think it's a great idea to try and book any match one year in advance again. Cena was rear ended by a car that was rear ended by a semi truck two or three weeks. There are so many ways that could have went wrong. While his long term health and career is more important than one match, it would've threw a pretty big wrench into things. Orton, Christian, Wade Barrett, Del Rio have all messed time with injuries lately.
So many factors in this one. I for one thought Cena had this one but he gloated a little too much and it cost him!! As far as a heel turn goes ehhh really i dont see it. I think Cena will just go about his business he lost he will get over it. Now Batista and Brock being around should be interesting to say the least.

I thought Batista though said he was done with the business because its PG and stuff and really he thought he had no place. If the rumors are true on batistas part then i guess money changes the whole landscape. Batista always liked the money more than the business!! As far as Brock signing a so-called one year contract i like it.

Brock is a legit bad ass dude and I for like Brock V Cena at next years Wrestlemania!! Brock beat Cena but it was early in Cenas career. Now the buildup for this one if it happens which i think it will will be interesting to say the least. Brock i think will be welcomed back with open arms the crowd will eat this shit up!! The rock was a one time match once in a lifetime there cant be another one!
It may be 'Once in a lifetime' thing, but it definitely doesn't look like a closure on Rock vs Cena. There is definitely more to come.

While I don't see Cena's heel turn coming, but I do see Cena playing 'I have lost everything I had earned in last 10 years'. Not only Cena, I see other superstars like Punk, Jericho or John Lunartis telling this to Cena. Some will tell sympathetically still treating him as legend, and others will tell sarcastically making fun of him. He will be denied Championship matches from now on and will be forced to compete with mid-carders. Now his challenge is to get past this and rebuild everything again.

If Rock comes to Raw (or any PPV again), I don't think Cena will have the mental toughness to run down Rock again. Rock is going to have a clear edge over Cena verbally, and will easily get under his skin. This is probably the start of a nightmare for Cena, and the one Cena was most afraid of, much like job cut for people who are nice and can't play tricks. May be, common man will be able to relate to this NEW struggle of Cena
My prediction tomorrow is Lesnar and Undertaker at WM 29. Cena will get Rock at SimmerSlam. Batista will be back because he isn't making the money he wants in MMA. Personally I think Batista is too old to return and be the competitor that WWE needs him to be. Lastly yes, my prediction is Austin and Punk as the big draw for Mania 29. Should be the best card yet. Just wish WWE would put more mid card talent over at WM. Cody Rhodes needed the win tonight. I also feel that Dolph needed to pick up the victory for his team also. Miz could have been a factor in the overall decision but I feel Ziggler needed to be over. Miz is still looked at as a main eventer and Dolph is the super mid carder. Oh and hey WWE, let Santino wrestle. He is really good in the ring. Show everyone that he is great in the ring and not some ridiculous gimmick.
I was hoping The Rock would win tonight. Logic said he should. Now I'm very interested to see what the WWE will do with John Cena from here.

If Brock Lesnar returns, I fully expect him to be the next contender to the Undertaker's streak. This is assuming the Undertaker doesn't retire. But if Taker says he wants to have one more Wrestlemania match, it should be against John Cena, no question.

The two out of three thing for Cena/Rock is an "I don't know" for me. It was built as "Once In A Lifetime", and I do think it should stay that way. Like a "no turning back" type of thing. I wouldn't have a problem with it, but it doesn't need to be done. Now Rock can say he beat the biggest superstar in the 80s, 90s, and the 00s (Hogan, Austin, and Cena respectively) at Wrestlemania.
everything worked out the way it should have. the rock's legacy is not tarnished, cena can now get a much-needed character development, with that win sheamus has brought more credibility to the royal rumble match, cm punk is the undisputed best in the world and is here to stay, and above all the streak is still alive . 20-0 baby! plus they didn't bring brock back to action yet. a lot to happen now.
My prediction tomorrow is Lesnar and Undertaker at WM 29. Cena will get Rock at SimmerSlam. Batista will be back because he isn't making the money he wants in MMA. Personally I think Batista is too old to return and be the competitor that WWE needs him to be. Lastly yes, my prediction is Austin and Punk as the big draw for Mania 29. Should be the best card yet. Just wish WWE would put more mid card talent over at WM. Cody Rhodes needed the win tonight. I also feel that Dolph needed to pick up the victory for his team also. Miz could have been a factor in the overall decision but I feel Ziggler needed to be over. Miz is still looked at as a main eventer and Dolph is the super mid carder. Oh and hey WWE, let Santino wrestle. He is really good in the ring. Show everyone that he is great in the ring and not some ridiculous gimmick.

I'm just gonna say that I think the reason Cody lost tonight was because he's been working with some nagging injuries that he needs to have heal up. I think I remember reading that somewhere, so if that's the case then it was probably best to have Big Show win it.
i was surprised to see The Rock win but once cena set up for the peoples elbow i told my uncle "rocks gonna get up and hit a rock bottom for the win" and of course i was right! im not sure whats next for cena or rock or if rock will even wrestle again but im sure we will find out more on raw i hope for the love of god brock lesnar doesnt face the rock next year id much rather see lesnar face the undertaker at wrestlemania 29 send dwayne back to hollywood and as for cena....i just cant see the heel turn coming he just got a new t-shirt tonight and from what i read lord tesnai is his next fued and a train is a big dude he will probably be the heel
What if Cena completely disappears for several months? Think about it; if ever there was a time where they could go without Cena, it's post Wrestlemania. You've potentially got Batista, lesnar, a little bit of the rock, some SCSA, Jericho, punk, some time to build new rivalries, Rhodes, ziggler,Sheamus, and Bryan....all those guys can step up and carry the E for awhile and move the younger guys towards the main event scene. Say 3-4 months Cena is gone, people speculate on where he is till he almost becomes a bit of an afterthought. Then around summerslam....he comes back out of nowhere. The fans would be refreshed, most of the Haters would be gone, he can spin a new evolution to his character, and start the set-up towards WM29. Just a thought...I think it would work.
Year in advance booking is DONE. I only see one match with that even being a possibility (Taker vs Lesnar) WWE Dodged a HUGE bullet with Cena staying healthy (although I believe they knew Cena would go no matter what).

Three possibilties I see happening from here:
1. Kane will Feud with Sheamus
2. Cena will STILL be Cena ;(
3. Punk/Jericho Will continue
1. i think building a Mania a year in advance has huge dividends and might become a regular thing from now on. This year had so much hype it was ridiculous.

2. i have watched wrestling for many decades and i was very disappointed in the result of the main event. i can't and don't understand the reasoning about having a seasonal wrestler win as it doesnt do anything for his career, seeing how his career is over. a wrestler or individual who cares about the business would not demand to massage his ego but rather demand to elevate others around him. It's the difference between selfishness and generosity. Bad move on Vince's part (unless he has bigger plans for Cena) and a definite bad move on Dwayne's.
personally, i saw nothing to gain from the Rock and Cena match. it is too late for this. had it been 5 years earlier, then it would be the passing of the torch but Cena is so established now, he didn`t need to beat the Rock. plus, it isn`t like Rock was coming back for any extended time that we would see Rock fight and rebuild his career after a loss. there was just no good reason to have this match other than the obvious $$$$

as for where does it go, Cena comes out tomorrow and says `yeah, i lost but it`s monday night and only one of us is here. and only one of us will be here next monday, and the monday after that, and the monday after that`. remember show HBK swept away his loss to Hogan? same thing here. in a month, the loss will be meaningless.
Okay, if Lesnar is really coming back, there is no question that he will be coming for Taker. Is everyone forgetting that Taker challenged Lesnar live during UFC. But why would WWE bring in Lesnar a year before having him wrestle Taker? I'll tell you why, it because they are going to set up a Lesnar/Triple H feud. HHH vs Taker was dubbed "The end of an era", so what better way to build upon that then to bring in the one guy that would have the best position to end Taker's streak (not that he will), but also benefit from all the hype without giving him a title run... Brock Lesnar.

Lesnar will end up being a heel during his course in WWE this year, and he'll end up being a much better version of Randy Orton's "legend killer" gimmick from a few years ago where Orton fought a WWE Legend every week and ended up kicking every one of them in the head, only Lesnar will be going after Taker, and every person who stands in his way of getting to him.
Here's what's goin down tomorrow guys:

1.) Cena and Rock open the show and shake hands ending the feud (this way the Rock can still put Cena over. Remember this is suppose to be once in a lifetime).

2.) From here I see Cena feuding with whatever Albert is going by Lord Tensai or whatever?

3.) Laurinaitis as the sole gm will continue to mess with Punk and probably Sheamus as well.

4.) Cody Rhodes will get the IC Title back at Extreme Rules.
There's no way they have a Tensai/Cena feud right off. That's insane, they'd have to squash Tensai immediately. Have him wrestle until he gets his new persona over......otherwise, he's still Albert to everyone that doesn't keep an eye on over-seas wrestling.
For everyone going "Why the hell did they call it once in a lifetime?" I just have one question for you: You are confused and interested in what happens next, aren't you?

I mean come on this was built to make you feel like a one-time thing. But John Cena in Jolly Giant Green? Both coming out as faces? This is like Rock/SCSA 1 at 15. It's good... but there is much better to come. The build to this entire ppv was shoddy and not on purpose. But it makes us pine for more. This ain't the end. Whether it's SummerSlam and/or next year I can't wait. All I know is a heel turn (thinking Cena given the cockiness doing the elbow and all the smiling) will happen and the matc(es) will be more intense between them. Rock already shot G.I. Joe. Thus he probably won't have any super-big projects anytime soon. I am glad to see the WWE is having at least one more star-studded Wrestlemania feud.

Then again these are my hopes. I had hopes The Rock would be more involved than he was and look where that got us. It's perhaps that this will be played off and John Cena will prove himself some other way. All I know is the Rock/Cena thing is not over. If it is then I just might pull back on watching WWE for awhile because it's annoying getting thoughts toyed around too much.
thank god that talentless pg douche didn't beat rocky
Saying he's talentless would mean other people could do what he does. WWE would LOVE for more guys to generate as much revenue as he does.

Also "douche"? How about only wrestling twice and one of those is in your home stadium and you are booked to win?

I hope this means a character evolution for Cena, I'm excited. I think there needs to be a rematch. Rock winning not only shits on Cena, but this entire generation which, as Bret hart (who knows more about wrestling than we do) says is pretty damn talented.

I'm excited for Raw tomorrow, that's all I know and that's really the bottom line.
I'm not a big fan of Cena never have been and I doubt I ever will be but last night he and the Rock told the story of that match so well. Massive respect to Cena last night, he performed so well and he actually for once managed to sell the match and the moves.

Absolutely delighted for the Rock though. Yeah yeah he's never there anymore, other guys deserve a chance, he left for 7 years and all that but in the words of JR 'Are you kidding me? Do people not realise what this guy did for this business? His family too. The Rock took the WWE to heights never seen before and whilst even as a big fan I wasn't too happy with his 7 year absence he deserved his moment last night.

Cena's moment will come though. I don't for one minute think this is it between them. Whether it be next year or after that they will go at it again and Cena will then cement his legacy too. I think the lure of having Rock beat Austin, Hogan and Cena at WM was too much for Vince. He had to have the Rock win last night and I think we may see Dwayne in the HOF next year.
I'm not a big fan of Cena never have been and I doubt I ever will be but last night he and the Rock told the story of that match so well. Massive respect to Cena last night, he performed so well and he actually for once managed to sell the match and the moves.

Absolutely delighted for the Rock though. Yeah yeah he's never there anymore, other guys deserve a chance, he left for 7 years and all that but in the words of JR 'Are you kidding me? Do people not realise what this guy did for this business? His family too. The Rock took the WWE to heights never seen before and whilst even as a big fan I wasn't too happy with his 7 year absence he deserved his moment last night.

Cena's moment will come though. I don't for one minute think this is it between them. Whether it be next year or after that they will go at it again and Cena will then cement his legacy too. I think the lure of having Rock beat Austin, Hogan and Cena at WM was too much for Vince. He had to have the Rock win last night and I think we may see Dwayne in the HOF next year.
Why does this "for once" crap keep coming up? Cena pretty much always performs well and has put guys over clean in the past (another "for once"). Do we not remember his stuff with CM Punk where he made Punk look like a million dollars? TWICE?

great match though. People who dislike it "because it was slow" or whatever other ****** excuse don't understand pro wrestling.
Gotta give credit to Cena. I'm not much of a fan of his character, but he was all pro last night.

The carry job he did for the Rock should not go unrecognized. Rocky was not in ring shape, and it showed. Without having worked a singles match in 9 years, he couldn't be expected to be in ring shape either, but Cena did a masterful job of keeping the Rock going and giving him logical rest spots throughout the match.

He also did the best thing for advancing his story by jobbing clean. It could not have been easy for him to lose last night, but after coming out and talking about how he NEEDED to win at Wrestlemania, losing clean opens up far more compelling story arcs than if he'd actually won. Credit to him for realizing that in this case, one step back does mean two steps forward.

All things considered, I thought Rock looked good too. His haters will harp on his ring shape, how winded he was, and how he didn't need to win, but truthfully he did need the win more, and for a guy that hasn't been in the ring in so long, he still did better than I'd honestly expected. If he is going to be coming back as a special attraction wrestler, then he needs the credibility that he got from winning his first match back against the biggest name of the 2000's. Now he can put the next guy he fights over, and not only not lose face doing that, but have the next guy go over bigger because they won't be beating a washed up peoples champ.

I just hope they do take note of his ring shape and for his next match, make sure his schedule's cleared enough to work some house shows prior to the big match.

Now if only they can get someone to show them both how to properly put on a sharpshooter and STF. :)
Gotta give credit to Cena. I'm not much of a fan of his character, but he was all pro last night.

The carry job he did for the Rock should not go unrecognized. Rocky was not in ring shape, and it showed. Without having worked a singles match in 9 years, he couldn't be expected to be in ring shape either, but Cena did a masterful job of keeping the Rock going and giving him logical rest spots throughout the match.

He also did the best thing for advancing his story by jobbing clean. It could not have been easy for him to lose last night, but after coming out and talking about how he NEEDED to win at Wrestlemania, losing clean opens up far more compelling story arcs than if he'd actually won. Credit to him for realizing that in this case, one step back does mean two steps forward.

All things considered, I thought Rock looked good too. His haters will harp on his ring shape, how winded he was, and how he didn't need to win, but truthfully he did need the win more, and for a guy that hasn't been in the ring in so long, he still did better than I'd honestly expected. If he is going to be coming back as a special attraction wrestler, then he needs the credibility that he got from winning his first match back against the biggest name of the 2000's. Now he can put the next guy he fights over, and not only not lose face doing that, but have the next guy go over bigger because they won't be beating a washed up peoples champ.

I just hope they do take note of his ring shape and for his next match, make sure his schedule's cleared enough to work some house shows prior to the big match.

Now if only they can get someone to show them both how to properly put on a sharpshooter and STF. :)
Cena's STF isn't as bad because he's a big dude. The torque on the leg and squeezing the sides of the neck with his massive forearms (as opposed to wrenching back) would legitimately work. Rocks' sharpshooter looks fuckin horrible though. It's a simple fix too, just flip the legs and you don't really have to hold them because they lock in place. I don't know much about the actual technique, but those 2 things I'm pretty sure of.

I agree with your post. They both looked great and Cena was a real pro. Anyone else notice that Rock was REALLY blatant with his spot calling? During cena's first bearhug Rock say "so you wanna do the DDT?" I know I heard a lot more, but that one stands out the most. That's something else that you can't really train without doing.
LMAO!! Cena got his ass handed to him in a silver plate.

To be honest, Rock wasn't in a vey good in ring shape, and surprisngly, Cena DID carry him. I hope he'll be in better shape for thier next match(Yes, I believe there will be a Rock-Cena II & III).

And by the way, HHH and Taker stole the show.
Cena's STF isn't as bad because he's a big dude. The torque on the leg and squeezing the sides of the neck with his massive forearms (as opposed to wrenching back) would legitimately work. Rocks' sharpshooter looks fuckin horrible though. It's a simple fix too, just flip the legs and you don't really have to hold them because they lock in place. I don't know much about the actual technique, but those 2 things I'm pretty sure of.

I agree with your post. They both looked great and Cena was a real pro. Anyone else notice that Rock was REALLY blatant with his spot calling? During cena's first bearhug Rock say "so you wanna do the DDT?" I know I heard a lot more, but that one stands out the most. That's something else that you can't really train without doing.

What I've noticed is Cena almost breaking Rock's neck with that f'd up leg drop, and I've also seen him botch that 1st Rock Bottom.

What is done is what is done, both superstars gave us all they had. It was a great night, and Rocky coming out on top was the right decision, It was in his hometown, afterall.
What I've noticed is Cena almost breaking Rock's neck with that f'd up leg drop, and I've also seen him botch that 1st Rock Bottom.

What is done is what is done, both superstars gave us all they had. It was a great night, and Rocky coming out on top was the right decision, It was in his hometown, afterall.
The leg drop from the top? How did he almost break his neck? Most guys fall with the impact. You don't know how to perform the move and you don't know how it actually felt, maybe it was just well worked. It's SUPPOSED to look like he's breaking his neck.

Also, how did he botch the Rock bottom? By Rock not sweeping the legs? I DO know some Judo and the Rock Bottom is essentially an STO, that's Rock's fault for not sweeping the leg. What is cena supposed to do? flip his legs up and around?

I also see a second match, maybe not a third, but a second for sure.
Whats great is that creative went somewhere I never thought they would. Letting someone get a clean win over cena on the biggest stage of all time. I was expecting a run in, or some interferance, or hell even a double count out, but nothing like that happened. The match itself wasnt by any means the best match I've ever watched, and after a years hype, it was bound to achieve below par expectations, but the outcome was a welcome surprise.
As others have mentioned I hope this leads to a new character development for cena. And supercena is no more.

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