*MERGED* Compare and Contrast - The Rock & John Cena

Who will retire the greater legacy?

  • John Cena

  • The Rock

  • Same

  • Too Early To Tell

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Yeah, my bad. He has stf(trying to do it a whole fight), AA(just like the stf), shoulder(he does it 5,6 times in 1 match), killswitch, diving legdrop bulldog, and FKS. And he do each for like 4 times a match.

More like, Attitude Adjustment, STFU, Top-rope leg-drop, Irish Whip, Shoulderblock, Fist-drop, Fisherman suplex, Bull-dog, hip-toss, various grappling holds and that belly to back spin-out side-slam thing he does before the "You can't see me".

Yeah that's why the awarded shawn a W the next night. You gotta understand something, NO ONE OUTPERFORMED HBK, not this era's wrestler for sure.

I never said that Shawn was outperformed. I said that Shawn sure as hell didn't carry John Cena. Shawn is an outstanding wrestler, but John Cena is a good one as well.

That's because PG SUCKS comparing to attitude. Rock matches on weekly shows>>>cena PPVs macthes(including WM).

Good god, not another anti PG guy. John Cena puts on good matches like few others could, The Rock isn't really much superior to John Cena in terms of putting on a good match no.

Orton carried his ass in thier ironman match.

If there were any carrying done in that match, John did it. But there barely were, so Orton didn't carry him at all.
More like, Attitude Adjustment, STFU, Top-rope leg-drop, Irish Whip, Shoulderblock, Fist-drop, Fisherman suplex, Bull-dog, hip-toss, various grappling holds and that belly to back spin-out side-slam thing he does before the "You can't see me".

I never said that Shawn was outperformed. I said that Shawn sure as hell didn't carry John Cena. Shawn is an outstanding wrestler, but John Cena is a good one as well.

Good god, not another anti PG guy. John Cena puts on good matches like few others could, The Rock isn't really much superior to John Cena in terms of putting on a good match no.

If there were any carrying done in that match, John did it. But there barely were, so Orton didn't carry him at all.

LOL you call that a move. Everyone does the hip-toss.

"Good god, not another anti PG guy. John Cena puts on good matches like few others could"
It's not about being anti PG, cena simply sucks. Young fans don't know that because he was the face of the company when they start following wrestling. I really like orton, cause he's simply good. It's simple.

"The Rock isn't really much superior to John Cena in terms of putting on a good match no."
:lol: I won't mention his match with hogan which is argubly the greatest match ever nor his WM matches against austin, rock's match against taker and angle(last title match) owns every match cena ever been in.
LOL you call that a move. Everyone does the hip-toss.

I'm guessing you ment the Irish-Whip. Something that a lot knows how to do yeah, but it's still a part of their move set. So yes it's a move.

It's not about being anti PG, cena simply sucks. Young fans don't know that because he was the face of the company when they start following wrestling. I really like orton, cause he's simply good. It's simple.

All an opinion. A lot of the anti PG guys seem to hate Cena. I for one would much rather watch a Cena match than a Rock match to be honest. Of course it depends who the opponent is, Triple H vs The Rock was great, for example.

You're honestly saying that the young fans doesn't know that John Cena sucks because he was the face of the company when they started watching? Give me a break. They would've realized it eventually if it was what they were ment to believe.

:lol: I won't mention his match with hogan which is argubly the greatest match ever nor his WM matches against austin, rock's match against taker and angle(last title match) owns every match cena ever been in.

Hardly the greatest match ever, or his matches against Austin. It's all an opinion, and quite honestly it was merely the hype and the people involved that made Rock vs Hogan a big match for me. There's certainly matches that I believe John Cena have put on better than The Rock did with his. But that is once again an opinion.
wow this has generated(or degenerated) into quite a debate so ill just add my two cents into it.


first of all dude THE IRISH WHIP IS NOT A MOVE.if that is so then we should start calling hogan a 6 move wrestler.

also to say that cena puts guys over is like saying a guy who has a win-loss record of 500-25 has lost 25 times.actually im not kidding that there might be cena's record.

also this putting over stuff is a bit confusing.how can you say cena put hhh hbk angle over.id rather think its the other way round considering that they are legends of the biz.

same thing with edge.granted cena was a champ before edge but didnt cena beat edge inhis speciality match:the tlc.so who do you think gave whom the rub.

also didnt he just bury sheamus by saying he just accidentally fell over onto the table????

and just a question have you seen rock vs austin from wm 17.and when did you start watching wrestling???? no offence meant actually but im guessing this is the reason why our views differ so much

anyhow id like to know what cena matches(except possibly his match with hbk on raw in england) are better than rock/austin at wm 17.

also a final question.you seem to like cena.why do you like john cena the on screen character?.remember its about the on screen character not about the real guy.im sure he is a cool guy in real life.

also the rock was the face of the company for a brief period in 2001 and then again in 2002 when he put lesnar over.actually if you look from 2000 to 2002 no one can say he was the face for a complete year
first of all dude THE IRISH WHIP IS NOT A MOVE.if that is so then we should start calling hogan a 6 move wrestler.

Wikipedia said:
Irish whip

Also called a hammer throw. A move in which the wrestler grabs one of his/her opponent's arms and spins, swinging the opponent into an obstacle such as the ring ropes, a turnbuckle, or the stairs leading into the ring. An Irish whip into the ring ropes is usually used to set the opponent up for another technique as he/she bounces off. An Irish whip into the turnbuckles usually sees the opponent remain in the corner, allowing a follow-up attack from the wrestler; the opponent may remain standing or slump to the ground, usually in a seated position, which will vary the attack. One occasional use of the Irish whip is to try to "hit for the cycle" by whipping one's opponent into each corner in turn. Some professional wrestlers can use this move as an advantage by running up the turnbuckle and using a high flying move.

Certainly it's a move. And don't start off with "Wikipedia is a lie", because it's a move.

also to say that cena puts guys over is like saying a guy who has a win-loss record of 500-25 has lost 25 times.actually im not kidding that there might be cena's record.

Are you honestly telling me that John Cena does not put anybody over? Give me a break. John Cena has put plenty of people over, as well as feuded with them to make them significant and get them noticed.

also this putting over stuff is a bit confusing.how can you say cena put hhh hbk angle over.id rather think its the other way round considering that they are legends of the biz.

I never said that. If I've said anything related to HHH, HBK, Angle and John Cena, it has been that John have had great matches with all 3 of them, and that's not a lie. John had a pretty good debut match against Kurt, and some good matches with him during their feuds, he had numerous great matches with Triple H, and he had 2 fantastic matches with Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania and their Wrestlemania rematch.

same thing with edge.granted cena was a champ before edge but didnt cena beat edge inhis speciality match:the tlc.so who do you think gave whom the rub.

John Cena feuded with Edge to the point where he was pretty much worthy of calling a main event stay if you ask me. John Cena defeated Edge in his speciality match, doesn't necessarily mean that Edge didn't look strong and looked like he could hang with Cena, cause that's what Edge did. Edge and Cena was a pretty good feud that got Edge noticed in the main event.

also didnt he just bury sheamus by saying he just accidentally fell over onto the table????

Hardly, he's a part of why Sheamus got noticed. He hasn't lost clean to Sheamus no, but he certainly had a finger in there to make Sheamus a noteworthy talent, alongside with Triple H.

and just a question have you seen rock vs austin from wm 17.and when did you start watching wrestling???? no offence meant actually but im guessing this is the reason why our views differ so much

I started watching in 2009, but yes I saw the match. But I don't believe I ever said it was awful or bad, I said Hogan and The Rock was big because of the names involved, and that I didn't truly see the big deal in the wrestling aspect of the match.

anyhow id like to know what cena matches(except possibly his match with hbk on raw in england) are better than rock/austin at wm 17.

I have taken quite a liking to John Cena vs Batista at Wrestlemania for one, or John Cena vs Triple H, John Cena vs Shawn Michaels. All 3 matches I'd most likely rather watch than Rock / Austin.

also a final question.you seem to like cena.why do you like john cena the on screen character?.remember its about the on screen character not about the real guy.im sure he is a cool guy in real life.

I like John Cena not necessarily just because of the character he portrays, but because his matches are entertaining to watch, and because he's definitely the premiere guy when it comes to getting a high profile match in this period of WWE. John Cena you could say is quite a role model in terms of his character, which is also a good reason to like the guy.

also the rock was the face of the company for a brief period in 2001 and then again in 2002 when he put lesnar over.actually if you look from 2000 to 2002 no one can say he was the face for a complete year

Yeah sure, but hardly a noteworthy period as the face of the company. Austin was always the superior guy, but he wasn't around so...
Certainly it's a move. And don't start off with "Wikipedia is a lie", because it's a move.

Are you honestly telling me that John Cena does not put anybody over? Give me a break. John Cena has put plenty of people over, as well as feuded with them to make them significant and get them noticed.

I never said that. If I've said anything related to HHH, HBK, Angle and John Cena, it has been that John have had great matches with all 3 of them, and that's not a lie. John had a pretty good debut match against Kurt, and some good matches with him during their feuds, he had numerous great matches with Triple H, and he had 2 fantastic matches with Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania and their Wrestlemania rematch.

John Cena feuded with Edge to the point where he was pretty much worthy of calling a main event stay if you ask me. John Cena defeated Edge in his speciality match, doesn't necessarily mean that Edge didn't look strong and looked like he could hang with Cena, cause that's what Edge did. Edge and Cena was a pretty good feud that got Edge noticed in the main event.

Hardly, he's a part of why Sheamus got noticed. He hasn't lost clean to Sheamus no, but he certainly had a finger in there to make Sheamus a noteworthy talent, alongside with Triple H.

I started watching in 2009, but yes I saw the match. But I don't believe I ever said it was awful or bad, I said Hogan and The Rock was big because of the names involved, and that I didn't truly see the big deal in the wrestling aspect of the match.

I have taken quite a liking to John Cena vs Batista at Wrestlemania for one, or John Cena vs Triple H, John Cena vs Shawn Michaels. All 3 matches I'd most likely rather watch than Rock / Austin.

I like John Cena not necessarily just because of the character he portrays, but because his matches are entertaining to watch, and because he's definitely the premiere guy when it comes to getting a high profile match in this period of WWE. John Cena you could say is quite a role model in terms of his character, which is also a good reason to like the guy.

Yeah sure, but hardly a noteworthy period as the face of the company. Austin was always the superior guy, but he wasn't around so...

uhh yeah so i guess the irish whip is a move then i guess you could have added punch and kick as well.why leave them out????

and i said edge vs cena was a good feud. i just said that edge put cena over rather than the other way round

and i never spoke about hogan vs rock.i did not like the match myself.but the austin/rock match is a special one to me.it has been given some high ratings too by the wrestling observer newsletter.

and you are right bout sheamus :my bad.but still cant remember anyone else cena put over.now you cant say orton coz he is really at cena's level

and if you cant get by my name austin is my fav wrestler and in most cases i prefer austin to rock.but yeah i gotta admit that rock was the top guy for a while even if it was due to austin not being around.

but you gotta admit both austin/rock put more guys over than cena
wow this has generated(or degenerated) into quite a debate so ill just add my two cents into it.


first of all dude THE IRISH WHIP IS NOT A MOVE.if that is so then we should start calling hogan a 6 move wrestler.

also to say that cena puts guys over is like saying a guy who has a win-loss record of 500-25 has lost 25 times.actually im not kidding that there might be cena's record.

also this putting over stuff is a bit confusing.how can you say cena put hhh hbk angle over.id rather think its the other way round considering that they are legends of the biz.

same thing with edge.granted cena was a champ before edge but didnt cena beat edge inhis speciality match:the tlc.so who do you think gave whom the rub.

also didnt he just bury sheamus by saying he just accidentally fell over onto the table????

and just a question have you seen rock vs austin from wm 17.and when did you start watching wrestling???? no offence meant actually but im guessing this is the reason why our views differ so much

anyhow id like to know what cena matches(except possibly his match with hbk on raw in england) are better than rock/austin at wm 17.

also a final question.you seem to like cena.why do you like john cena the on screen character?.remember its about the on screen character not about the real guy.im sure he is a cool guy in real life.

also the rock was the face of the company for a brief period in 2001 and then again in 2002 when he put lesnar over.actually if you look from 2000 to 2002 no one can say he was the face for a complete year

LOL I keep telling him irish whip is not a move.

"and just a question have you seen rock vs austin from wm 17"
This match is a good example. Austin was the top superstar at that time(rock comes 2nd), to show that they were very close each others level, austin didn't get the clean W. Now let's get back to superman, all of his rivals got dominated big time, from orton to batista from batista to edge. The only time i saw him lose clean was against triple h and hbk.
uhh yeah so i guess the irish whip is a move then i guess you could have added punch and kick as well.why leave them out????

Punches and kicks (unless it's muay-Thai kicks, which takes training to perform precisely) are hardly moves that takes anything to perform, or for that sake to learn. Sure it's not "hard" to learn an Irish-Whip, however it's not something you watch in general street fighting, therefore it's considered a wrestling move.

and i said edge vs cena was a good feud. i just said that edge put cena over rather than the other way round

Hardly. John Cena was already an established main event wrestler around the time that Edge got his hands on the title and entered the feud of the two. John Cena had won the world title in early 2005, only to loose it early 2006 to Edge, after reigning for 280 days.

and i never spoke about hogan vs rock.i did not like the match myself.but the austin/rock match is a special one to me.it has been given some high ratings too by the wrestling observer newsletter.

I'm just saying I didn't speak about Austin / Rock, I spoke about Hogan / Rock, so it's hardly significant that you addressed Austin / Rock as an argument against me.

Yes the match is special, to you, and to many other wrestling fans. Again, I'm not saying it was a bad match. But there's matches I would rather watch, and some of them includes John Cena matches.

and you are right bout sheamus :my bad.but still cant remember anyone else cena put over.now you cant say orton coz he is really at cena's level

I never said Orton, I would say Triple H really put that guy over more than Cena did. But Cena put over Edge, Sheamus and Wade as significant mentions that I remember right now.

and if you cant get by my name austin is my fav wrestler and in most cases i prefer austin to rock.but yeah i gotta admit that rock was the top guy for a while even if it was due to austin not being around.

Well then we got that straight.

but you gotta admit both austin/rock put more guys over than cena

I never said otherwise. I'm just saying it's wrong to say John never put anybody over.
uhh yeah so i guess the irish whip is a move then i guess you could have added punch and kick as well.why leave them out????

and i said edge vs cena was a good feud. i just said that edge put cena over rather than the other way round

and i never spoke about hogan vs rock.i did not like the match myself.but the austin/rock match is a special one to me.it has been given some high ratings too by the wrestling observer newsletter.

and you are right bout sheamus :my bad.but still cant remember anyone else cena put over.now you cant say orton coz he is really at cena's level

and if you cant get by my name austin is my fav wrestler and in most cases i prefer austin to rock.but yeah i gotta admit that rock was the top guy for a while even if it was due to austin not being around.

but you gotta admit both austin/rock put more guys over than cena

Y2J beating both of them in 1 night, enough said. He also beat each of them individual after that(austin at No Way Out 02 and rock at Royal Rumble 02 just to make HHH's victory at WM looks big :)). Pls, close this thread cause this comparison is a lame joke. Rock is on another planet.

Name some of those cena matches which YOU think are better than Hogan/Rock()...alright, that's not fair. I won't mention rock's WM matches with austin nor his WM match with hogan, let's say his last title match "rock vs angle vs taker" vs "any cena match you choose". And don't say his matches with HBK, cause we all know HBK will make anybody looks great.
Name some of those cena matches which YOU think are better than Hogan/Rock()...alright, that's not fair. I won't mention rock's WM matches with austin nor his WM match with hogan, let's say his last title match "rock vs angle vs taker" vs "any cena match you choose". And don't say his matches with HBK, cause we all know HBK will make anybody looks great.

I've already listed a handful of matches that I enjoyed more. Triple H vs John Cena, John Cena vs Batista and John Cena vs Shawn Michaels. And I don't see why I couldn't choose Shawn Michaels, just because he could make anybody look good? It doesn't have anything to do with looking good that made the matches great. At least not the majority of it. It's primarily due to the people involved, as well as the match in itself.

John Cena overall just has matches that I enjoy watching more than The Rocks matches, something I've already told you quite a handful of times. However that doesn't mean that The Rock doesn't have great matches either, don't get me wrong on that. Like I mentioned, I loved the matches between Triple H and The rock, for example Wrestlemania 16 had one of my favorite Wrestlemania main events.

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