Is John Cena jealous of The Rock?

I don’t think so. I think the little call out stuff is Cena having fun or the WWE egging him on to do so in hopes of Rock coming back, but I doubt Cena is jealous of Rock. Hell the only reason Cena does movies is to make him a bigger star in the WWE and not to leave the WWE as is movies suck.

Plus more people know who John Cena is than they know Dwayne Johnson. Hell if you go n the streets and without pictures say who is John Cena and who is Dwayne Johnson, more people will be able to say Cena is a wrestling while others will think Dwayne Johnson is the guy from Different World, Dwayne Wayne.

Cena is at the top of wrestling like Rock was, if anything Cena should be hating on Hogan, as Cena wants to be the biggest name in wrestling of all time. Rock is a sell little bitch who wants to get as far away from his ugly drug past called wrestling. Fuck Dwayne Johnson!
Really good question.

I have no qualms with Cena but think he would be better served by embracing what he has now than being bitter about what someone before him says. I understand why one would get sick of being asked "So when are you going to make the jump?" I think that is what Cena's beef is. He has little reason to be jealous. Rap album, movies, championships. If he is, then he needs to get over it.

But your post doesn't seem to be about Cena. Your question about why some others have not been called for being sell-outs is great. The only thing I can think of is the Rock has actually directly stepped-up in terms of financial success.

Bret Hart was told to go to WCW unlike Hogan. Hart begged and pleaded to stay but Vince couldn't afford him and maybe overall felt like Bret Hart had run his course in the WWE. Hogan stayed within the industry. So did Hart. Lesnar wasn't into it and wanted to try other things.

Who doesn't take an opportunity if there is the potential for huge financial gain? How many of us who have actually had a few years to work quit one job for a more financially beneficial one? Or push for a promotion? Or leave a company because of your enviroment?

I can't fault anyone who leaves the wrestling business voluntarily. This is a extremely demanding job and if your heart isn't into it, your screwing yourself, the people you work with, and the company. That means your screwing the fans. Look at Lesnar's last match at WrestleMania XX.

I don't like it. I hate when people come in, get to the top and then leave. But this is not a job where you go home after 8-12 hours of work and go home for a couple of days a week. This is a demanding job. I know Michaels and Taker get lighter schedules but they paid the price for years. If you are not in it, get out and find something you can at least find some enjoyment.

People need to be understanding of this and shouldn't be calling anyone a sell-out. They all have done what we would have done to further their careers and their lives. I don't like it, but understand it and truly wish them the best in their future endeavors.

thank u....and for anyone dissing me bout dissing the almighty Bret Hart....god i added one more t big not old....i starting watching like in the late ninetys like i just hear bout things and not know everything bout before then only human.....but thank u Rock did evrything in this busniness possible and he even put up goldberg and the hurricane (by the way where is that guy anymore).....and brock lesnar the biggest star in wrestling when he left and had a couple of title reigns under him too so yes it is as big......and the reason why i care is because the man did everything he could in the business and yet he's getting a guy who i gurantee it if any his movies did any good would leave too!
This isn't a question of jealousy or who's better. This is product of the Vince McMahon machine weaving a web for future pay-per-views or possibly Wrestlemania 26 by having Cena talk so much trash about Dwayne Johnson where it creates such a media blitz that the Rock sees the prospective dollar signs like Vince Mcmahon himself is seeing.
Cena is merley a willing puppet in this game, and not chancing on losing his "spot".
Might I ad that the Rock wasn't that great of a wrestler, he was just good on the mic, and that doesn't make a good wrestling performer.
As you can see by my name I am not a John Cena fan but I whole heartly agree with his views on Rock. I don't give a shit if you make more money at the movie or Rock has been told to "distance" himself from the wrestling business.

Rock wouldn't be in the situation he is, making his big dollars if it wasn't for the WWE. I have lost alot of respect cos I guaran damn tee you Vince asked him to appear at Mania and once again Rock says "Oh, my schedule is a little bit full" BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

I love Rock as a wrestler but he wouldn't have been anywhere without wrestling he'd probably be doing some crap job. He should remember who made him famous and who put him in the position he is in.

He does ramble on about how he loves the business and shit like that and he can't even show up for things like the 15h Anniversary of Raw. Jesus all the hate between Vince and Hogan and Hogan still turned up.

Like I say Rock should remember who made him, simple as that.

Do you know what the rock is now, an not the shiitty actors like Steve and Cena..not shitty wrestler actors who movies arent even rated by critics..he's a legit actor..Cena has two jobs HA! Its too bad 12 rounds was BELOW The ROCK'S MOVIE! 2) Honestly do you want the rock to show up to every possible event..Rock did his thing last year, he showed up, he did the whole rock get what in return? To get insulted by his "apparent friends" about his 90 minute stint..wrestling unfortunately has an incredible dark side..what would you think if rock returned to the ring..thas a great way to suicide your acting career, think: why else did mickey rouke remain quiet about fighting jericho in the ring..theres a reason why jericho's match sucks..cause WWE honestly believe rourke would fight jericho in the squared circle..which obviously aint gonna happen now! So before everyone starts agreeing with Cena, think outside the box on what he's saying...

But if you ask me, I think McMahon is playing a role in this somehow..really its not the right thing to do cause for all we know, Rock can simply dismiss future WWE events once he does retire as an actor, or refuse to go into the HOF, for this reason really dont want one person saying shit about you behind your back and running around telling every single media outlet the same thing..
I can understand the Rock leaving for Hollywood to go and do movies for more money and for the fact he won't be putting his body through any more abuse. I'm sure we would all do the same if we were in his position. The guy is a great actor but has only done one or two good movies. The thing that pisses me off is that he is trying to distance himself from wrestling like his too good for it and better than it now that he's a movie star. He has to remember Vince gave him the stage to showcase his talent and charisma had Vinnie Mac not gave him the opportunity who know's what he'd be doing now. The WWE gave Dwayne Johnson that chance and now he's trying to distance himself from it and us?? I don't think John Cena is jealous I think he's calling Dwayne out for the fact that Dwayne Johnson doesn't have a passion for wrestling and used it to further his acting career. I also think Cena feels like he abondoned us WWE and wrestling fans something Cena stated he would never do no matter how many movies he made.
No. Cena is not jelous, he's pissed as any other Rock fan would be. The Rock could have came out and simply said that he was done with wrestling and has decided to take the career change to movies... which is fine. I'm sure he'll never forget that the WWE was the stage that put him in his place today. But the Rock comes back and talks like he's part of the business and loves the business and yet he couldn't even come back to do the 15th Anniversary Show. The only reason he came back for the HOF last year was to induct his Grandfather and Father... do you think he would be there if they weren't? He wouldn't even work on the DVD that came out last year. Even though Cena is one of the most popular wrestlers today (I would not say one of the best wrestlers but then again Hogan wasn't either) and yet he is still a fan deep down and I think that the Rock not comming back for anything other than to induct his family pisses Cena off. The match doesn't have to happen at WM26... put it at Summerslam or something, the match will sell itself.
I only skimmed a few words of each post, so if someone already said this, I apologize. I just get tired of reading "Cena sucks and is jealous" over and over.

Anyways, Cena doesn't have any real beef with the Rock, I don't believe. I mean, Cena's been on top for years, and Rock has been gone for years, but it's just over the last couple months that this has really come out. I think the first comment Cena made about it was just him speaking how he felt, and there was nothing wrong with it. But, I think him saying all these things recently is leading up to a bigger story, or is the WWE trying to get him to goad the Rock into a bigger story.

I don't think Cena just goes out on his own looking to bash Rock. In the original interview he did, he said nothing but good things about Rock, and how he has no problem with Rock moving on to a better life. The only thing he said basically amounted to he felt a little let down because Rock told all wrestling fans that he loved wrestling, and Cena wishes that Rock would just come back a few more times and show the fans how he still appreciates them. I heard the interview all the way through. From that, people started making up all sorts of things, and then you didn't hear Cena really mention it again.

But, now all of a sudden, it's come out several times, and I really think Cena and/or the WWE is trying to get Rock interested in a storyline and have Rock come back for a couple of shows. I don't think it's Cena being jealous, I think it's just showmanship.
Plus more people know who John Cena is than they know Dwayne Johnson. Hell if you go n the streets and without pictures say who is John Cena and who is Dwayne Johnson, more people will be able to say Cena is a wrestling while others will think Dwayne Johnson is the guy from Different World, Dwayne Wayne.
Uhh absolutely no way. Dwayne Johnson is known by millions who watched wrestling while he was there and millions more who have seen him in movies. Cenas exposure isnt even close to Dwayne Johnsons.
Plus more people know who John Cena is than they know Dwayne Johnson. Hell if you go n the streets and without pictures say who is John Cena and who is Dwayne Johnson, more people will be able to say Cena is a wrestling while others will think Dwayne Johnson is the guy from Different World, Dwayne Wayne.

That's a ridiculous statement. If for no other reason than the fact that wrestling in general was such a huge deal and was much more accepted by the mainstream when Rock was on top than it is now with Cena on top. In 1998-2001 wrestling was considered cool by the culture in general. So names like Rock, Austin, Goldberg, etc. were on everyone's lips. Since Cena has been the top dog wrestling has moved back into it's shell as a nitch market. It isn't the flavor of the month anymore. You can't walk down a high school hallway and see a dozen WWF/WCW shirts anymore. People don't know who Cena is. Mind you, if roles were reversed I'm sure Cena would just about as big a name as Rock is. It's not Cena's fault. It's just the time when he came around.

The Rock started out in movies as The Rock for a few years. Then he became Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Now he's Dwayne Johnson. He spent enough time in each phase of name changing that people absolutely know that Dwayne Johnson = The Rock without any prompting.

The Rock is one of the top 3-4 most recognizable names in wrestling history along with Hogan, Austin and Flair. Cena has a looooong way too go and wrestling has to become much more mainstream again if he ever wants to get near that rare air those guys are already in.
If you look at the interviews, Cena never says the word's "the Rock sold out" or anything to that affect. His beef is with the fact that when the Rock was with the E, he told all the fans that he was wrestling for life, and proclaimed his love for the business. Cena is just saying that if the Rock fully didn't mean it, he shouldn't have said it, because as we've all seen in the past couple of years John Cena eats, drinks, breathes, sleeps, dreams, fucks the WWE. It is the central focus of his life, and he'll prob still make movies, but only WWE films.

Cena just wants us, the fans to be happy, and with how the the Rock used to phrase his words, you'd expect him to be Stone Cold'ing and showing up on a PPV and maybe 1 or two Raws a year, even just to tell someone to smell what he's cooking.
That's a ridiculous statement. If for no other reason than the fact that wrestling in general was such a huge deal and was much more accepted by the mainstream when Rock was on top than it is now with Cena on top. In 1998-2001 wrestling was considered cool by the culture in general. So names like Rock, Austin, Goldberg, etc. were on everyone's lips. Since Cena has been the top dog wrestling has moved back into it's shell as a nitch market. It isn't the flavor of the month anymore. You can't walk down a high school hallway and see a dozen WWF/WCW shirts anymore. People don't know who Cena is. Mind you, if roles were reversed I'm sure Cena would just about as big a name as Rock is. It's not Cena's fault. It's just the time when he came around.
Yeah and I think Ive got a good example that illustrates this fact. When the Rock was around youd see average everyday people giving the eyebrow or saying Rocks catchphrases. It actually got annoying hearing people tell others to "know your role" or "it doesnt matter..." all the time. I have never seen a single person in public say anything like "you cant see me" or make any john cena reference at all.
Give John Cena the same amount of time that The Rock has been in the public eye and it would be exactly the same. Tons of people already say Cena's catchphrases, but until Cena becomes a bigger household name for longer it won't seem as normal. If someone busted out an Austin catchphrase you'd think it was normal. If they busted out a Rene Dupree catchphrase, you'd think they were insane.

I do agree with you, man. I don't want Rock to turn up at every event but it would be nice to see him at a few and no matter what anyone says he wouldn't be where he is if he didn't wrestle in the WWE first.

I understand he is a big time actor and that he has to have principles but I just don't see why he can't turn up for a few event.

Here's a question that I wanna get your opinion on cos you know what you're talking about. Do you think Rock would come to WrestleMania if he was offered HBK as his opponent? Just something to think about cos Rock swore blind he regrets not wrestling HBK.


Hulk Loves The Oil Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's a ridiculous statement. If for no other reason than the fact that wrestling in general was such a huge deal and was much more accepted by the mainstream when Rock was on top than it is now with Cena on top. In 1998-2001 wrestling was considered cool by the culture in general. So names like Rock, Austin, Goldberg, etc. were on everyone's lips. Since Cena has been the top dog wrestling has moved back into it's shell as a nitch market. It isn't the flavor of the month anymore. You can't walk down a high school hallway and see a dozen WWF/WCW shirts anymore. People don't know who Cena is. Mind you, if roles were reversed I'm sure Cena would just about as big a name as Rock is. It's not Cena's fault. It's just the time when he came around.

The Rock started out in movies as The Rock for a few years. Then he became Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Now he's Dwayne Johnson. He spent enough time in each phase of name changing that people absolutely know that Dwayne Johnson = The Rock without any prompting.

The Rock is one of the top 3-4 most recognizable names in wrestling history along with Hogan, Austin and Flair. Cena has a looooong way too go and wrestling has to become much more mainstream again if he ever wants to get near that rare air those guys are already in.

This couldn't be more true. Even my friends who have never watched wrestling know who The Rock, Stone Cold, and Hulk Hogan are, yet they don't have a clue who John Cena is. Heck, they don't even know HBK or The Undertaker.

Personally, I think Cena is slightly jealous of The Rock and is basically using Dwayne's fame to promote his own movies. Unlike Cena, The Rock was already a mainstream star when he got into movies and he got one of the largest paycheques for a debut film. Not only that, The Rock's films have been successful while very few of Cena's films come close.

While I do think The Rock could make some appearances like Stone Cold does, I don't think he "sold out". He had nothing else to achieve in WWE, having held every major title and was a record breaking 7 time WWE champion (at the time) before leaving. There was really nowhere for The Rock to go but down. He could have remained in the WWE and overstayed his welcome like Ric Flair did, or he could have left while he was on top. The latter is the ideal way to retire. Take a look at Hogan and Stone Cold. They didn't overextend their careers, they retired while they were still in a decent point in their career: past their prime but not washed up. That's exactly what The Rock did.

Another thing is that The Rock was exactly like what Cena is now back when he was getting into movies. He did "work two jobs" like Cena claims to be doing. If Cena does hit gold in the box office, I wouldn't be surprised if he flat out leaves WWE like The Rock did. Cena is already a huge star in WWE and he got there in quite a short time, much like The Rock did.
That's a ridiculous statement. If for no other reason than the fact that wrestling in general was such a huge deal and was much more accepted by the mainstream when Rock was on top than it is now with Cena on top. In 1998-2001 wrestling was considered cool by the culture in general. So names like Rock, Austin, Goldberg, etc. were on everyone's lips. Since Cena has been the top dog wrestling has moved back into it's shell as a nitch market. It isn't the flavor of the month anymore. You can't walk down a high school hallway and see a dozen WWF/WCW shirts anymore. People don't know who Cena is. Mind you, if roles were reversed I'm sure Cena would just about as big a name as Rock is. It's not Cena's fault. It's just the time when he came around.

The Rock started out in movies as The Rock for a few years. Then he became Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Now he's Dwayne Johnson. He spent enough time in each phase of name changing that people absolutely know that Dwayne Johnson = The Rock without any prompting.

The Rock is one of the top 3-4 most recognizable names in wrestling history along with Hogan, Austin and Flair. Cena has a looooong way too go and wrestling has to become much more mainstream again if he ever wants to get near that rare air those guys are already in.

That’s what I’m talking about, everybody knows who “The Rock” is, but asking people who is Dwayne Johnson may get different answers. Dwayne Johnson doesn’t want to be assoated with “The Rock” and tries to get away from it at every chance possible. He was probably made as hell doing “The Rock Obama” on SNL. My thing is that John Cena would be recognize for wrestling more than Dwayne Johnson would now. And that’s my problem with Dwayne Johnson as tries so hard to get away from wrestling, He is an actor and acted for years like he like wrestling, when all he did was try to get away from it. Yeah he as great, but he doesn’t like wrestling.

Look at Brock Lesnar, he left the WWE and wrestling pissing a lot of people off, but he didn’t turn his back against wrestling. He still wrestled after the WWE. He still mentions his WWE past and talks positive about wrestling. He doesn’t try to get away from the WWE and just be a MMA fighter, no he stills mentions wrestling in his past. And unlike Dwayne Johnson, instead of giving us this fake excuse for not wrestling saying he’s moved on, he still has the passion in his heart, no Brock said it easy, he didn’t like the WWE schedule and he wanted to do a real sport. I can respect that. I can’t respect Dwayne Johnson and that bullshit he gives.

I wouldn’t care if Dwayne Johnson never step foot in a wrestling ring again, but at least don’t shun pro wrestling. Do movies, do all that stuff you want to do, but don’t shun something you said you loved for so many years when that was a lie. It doesn’t mean showing up on Raw, but stop with the wrestling was in my past or lets not get into my wrestling past as that was the past. Hell even Bret Hart speaks on wrestling and he should be bitter towards it more than Dwayne Johnson. The Rock is one of the greats of all time, I still love his matches and promos, but Dwayne Johnson is a prick.
I believe if John Cena makes it in Hollywood(doubt it though), he would still mention wrestling and not try to get away from it. Dwayne Johnson does everything he can to get away from wrestling. I truly doubt that he will ever be in the WWE Hall of Fame, not because the WWE will not allow it, but that he will turn it down as it won’t fit his image. So fuck Dwayne Johnson. I’m not a Cena fan, but at least cares about wrestling, unlike Dwayne Johnson who is a prick.

I do agree with you, man. I don't want Rock to turn up at every event but it would be nice to see him at a few and no matter what anyone says he wouldn't be where he is if he didn't wrestle in the WWE first.

I understand he is a big time actor and that he has to have principles but I just don't see why he can't turn up for a few event.

Here's a question that I wanna get your opinion on cos you know what you're talking about. Do you think Rock would come to WrestleMania if he was offered HBK as his opponent? Just something to think about cos Rock swore blind he regrets not wrestling HBK.

Honestly I'd prolly buy a front row seat to see the rock wrestle one last time, but regardless whoever the opponent is, he will never do it..I gotta agree with Total Impact to some extent. Johnson left the business and has moved to calling him a prick is a little over the top. Johnson was apart of WWE for the past 2 yrs: cutting a promo in WM23 and even returning to his true colors in the HOF..does that make him a prick no..but to some extent, he did claim that he loved the business, but fails to discuss his past or even speak about wrestling at all..and by the looks of it, he referred to Steve Austin, Y2J and Mic Foley as characters, rather colleagues in the ceremony..

I dont think its right to say he doesnt care, its just that when you're in hollywood, you are profiled as a figure and you gotta maintain that figure at any cost..wrestling unfortunately has an incredible dark side, that the media highlights..he's just trying to protect his career and at the same time rise to really i dont think Rocky has much of a choice..but I admit, he did lie a little about saying he loved the business...
Cena wishes he could be as successful as The Rock both in the ring and movies. Now I'm not saying The Rock has made great movies, but some had great plots to them. I think it's just the whole idea of wild, high action spots is overrated and him being a wrestler its just too obvious. I think it's kind of funny Cena has been trashing The Rock and probably due to Flair putting him over as the new face of WWE.

I'm not being negative Cena on everything but in my opinion and it's the truth that WWE trashes all the people who are not on good terms. Look at Hulk Hogan for example. The Rock is just as big and deserves as much credit as Steve Austin for the success of the attitude era and quite frankly I had no problem with The Rock leaving WWE. Sure the fans were mad at him and said he sold out if you look at the WWE the past few years storyline wise, why sit there and let your character get old and bland? He did some jobs on the way out (i.e. Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Evolution) so if Cena is jealous, let him be cause he can't measure up to Rocky.
OK, now lets look at the other, The greatest wrestler ever in WWE history, topping both austin and hogan, and then he held the company up with DX when austin was gone

you are aware rock never outsold austin or hogan nor did he ever draw like them, except maybe if he was standing in the ring with them. also rock, while a great talker and great entertainer, is a mediocre wrestler at best. also when was this "holding up the company" when austin left, austin left a year after rock. austin has also returned whenever asked and gives the crowd a show. rock came back once and gave a half assed tag match with mick foley. i dont ever post things on here but i couldnt let this go unchecked.
I dont think Cena is jelous of the rock, just dissapointed.

Cena see's himself in the same position as the Rock and is making a different decision (to stick it out with WWE) and is finding it hard that the Rock didnt make the same decision.

On a side note, i have the Rock on and he has a statement telling Cena to shut his mouth lol
I'll agree that Cena really has no reason to be mad at the Rock. Personally I think it's fuckin ridiculous. I don't think Cena is jealous, he just doesn't understand the situation. He may be a movie star.... but Cena will NEVER be able to leave wrestling for good like the Rock has. Cena says he does both.. but he will always need that wrestling cushion to get by because he just does not have the talent of the Rock. The Rock's the only wrestler in history (from what I can see) that was able to leave wrestling, do movies, and not have to come back to wrestling a year later. Until Cena has the opportunities that the Rock had he should keep his mouth shut. The Rock leaving wrestling has nothing to do with his passion (He obviously had to work his ass of to get where he got) but he was smart enough to leave when he had hit his peak.
Man im not a fan off Cena but i will admitt he is the strongest and best of this Generation. He is the Now Hulk Hogan. I think cena is trying to boil the Rocks blood by saying all this stuff. Cause Cena knows that he is better than the Rock. The Rock didn't give a damn about Wrestling, when he got too Hollywood he threw wwe away not thinking of the consequences. Personally The Rock should come forward and fight this. I wish this happened months ago cause if it did a week from now we wud all b lukin forward to the rock vs john cena.
he's just mentioned how sort of hypocritical The Rock was, according to Cena, The Rock said that he has passion for this business, but jumped to Hollywood a few years later. Cena's not jealous, he's just telling people that even if he does become as big as The Rock, he won't leave the business cause he legitimately loves it.
Man im not a fan off Cena but i will admitt he is the strongest and best of this Generation. He is the Now Hulk Hogan. I think cena is trying to boil the Rocks blood by saying all this stuff. Cause Cena knows that he is better than the Rock. The Rock didn't give a damn about Wrestling, when he got too Hollywood he threw wwe away not thinking of the consequences. Personally The Rock should come forward and fight this. I wish this happened months ago cause if it did a week from now we wud all b lukin forward to the rock vs john cena.

How did The Rock throw anything away, Cena is defintly jealous of Rock, Rock accomplished all he wanted in the wwe, and no one has any right to bad mouth him because he got out and excelled in hollywood, before the wrestling business chewed him up and spit him out. Im sorry if Cena is mad at the Rock for not sticking around long enough to become washed up. Cena eventually the wrestling business will get tired of your 2 dementional charecter, and move on, and as far as movies, you need to get used to the phrase "Straight to Video" because the Rock's "Witch Mountain" which has been out for a month already did better over the weekend than your "Marine 2" which for some reason your calling "Twelve Rounds", which opened 7th, and will be on a blockbuster shelf by the time I finish typing this. So stop trying to compare yourself to the Rock, because in everyone else's reality but yours Cena you simply cant see him.

............Oh and try getting a movie thats not from WWE studio's
I doubt Cena's jealous of The Rock, he's the face of wrestling at the moment and although The Rock was probably a bigger star in his day, if Cena loves wrestling as much as he claims that shouldnt bother him at all.

It's just smart business by the WWE, I havent checked things recently but from what I've heard ratings and buyrates are down, Stone Cold/Hulk Hogan appearances arent drawing anymore as the novelty has worn off so Vince uses his biggest star today to goad one of the biggest star's of all time back into the business for a while, hopefully improving it for a bit. A Rock return should draw.

At least thats what I think this is all about.
he's just mentioned how sort of hypocritical The Rock was, according to Cena, The Rock said that he has passion for this business, but jumped to Hollywood a few years later. Cena's not jealous, he's just telling people that even if he does become as big as The Rock, he won't leave the business cause he legitimately loves it.

Here's the thing, he won't become as big as The Rock. Cena gets movie deals with WWE Films, Rock was getting offers that were not related to WWE. So even if Cena actually wanted to leave, I don't think he's in demand like the Rock was. His acting skills just aren't on par with the Rock.

Financially, the Rock would be an idiot not to make the jump to Hollywood. At some point, you have to look out for yourself and your family. Wrestling doesn't last forever. A lot of the old guys that still wrestle way past their prime aren't doing it just because they love the biz. Its the only thing they know how to do to put money on the table.

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