Austin vs.Hogan or Cena vs. The Rock

Oh, and just a quick little aside, but The Rock DOES NOT deserve to be in the HoF...yet. Give it some more time...the guy was only an active competitor for 6 years...hardly enough time to cement a real legacy. Let his work age and let's see if he comes back to the business in some fashion...until that point, keep him out of the's for WRESTLERS, not ACTORS.
I think more likely than any of those matches is Cena vs Hogan. Yeah, you heard it, Cena vs Hogan. Firstly, Austin is in an absolutely bad physical condition to wrestle and would probably loose a limb if he was to wrestle. Secondly, The Rock has said he ain't coming back and obviously has no time since he is too much into movies. Hogan probably can put on a decent match and a match with Cena would be great hype and be awesome as far as storytelling will go since both have similar wrestling styles and appeal.
Just pay them the big bucks and get this for wrestlemania next year cause at the moment wrestlemania doesnt look like much. everyone is getting old and the only matches we wanna see are these. At least lets see the rock vs cena. rock is still younger than most of the roster.
Cena v Rock v Austin-


The Rock-"I know what they said. Save your strength"

Edit: Forgot to explain what I meant..

But in all seriousness I would like to see Austin/Cena. Let's get real, Rock won't return to the ring, especially with his great acting career. Austin/Cena would be a true "passing the torch" kind of match. Of course, Austin is physically unable to wrestle these days.

And I think its about time everyone moved on from Hogan. He was a great the 80s and is way past his prime!
Rock vs Cena because of the way it is playing out now. Putting the Rock in the HOF is a must and next year would be great and have him face Cena would be perfect. I'm over the the fact I will never see Hogan vs Austin but I can settle happly with Cena vs Rock but I not getting my hopes up.
If they booked Austin/Hogan for a match I'd probably stop watching. Okay, I wouldn't, but the rest of the card would have to be amazing for me to buy it. The combined age of these 2 is 99. Wow. A good match like this would be hard to achieve with 2 in good health (HBK/Flair is probably the best I can think of), but both have problems with their bodies and haven't wrestled in how long? This match would just be horrible.

I'd actually look forward to Rock/Cena. I'm not a huge fan of Cena but him and The Rock could have an electrifying match. Seriously, I'd mark out huge for that.
I'd say Austin/Hogan if it was 5-10 years ago. But nowadays it just couldn't possibly live up to the hype. But for the life of me, I would still absolutely love to see Hogan try to take a Stunner.

Rock/Cena is the bigger match and Rock would walk Cena through the match well enough to make it great (at least Rock/Hogan calibre.)

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