Rock/Cena or Austin/Punk?

Which Match Would You Want To See?

  • John Cena vs. The Rock

  • Steve Austin vs. CM Punk

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Two dream matches in the WWE fan nation..

John Cena vs. The Rock already in the making for Wrestlemania 28 (So far..)

& CM Punk vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, a match many of people including Punk & Austin have talked about since there WWE All Stars "debate".

My Question is simple..

If only one of these matches could happen (DEFIANTLY) Which match would you prefer to see? & and why?
Easily Cena/Rock.

Punk is a great entertainer, but he isn't as huge or as good as John Cena, and he never will be. With John Cena vs. The Rock you get two of the best wrestlers in the history of the WWE, if not wrestling in general. With Stone Cold vs. Punk you get one of the best wrestlers ever vs. a guy who isn't even the top heel in the company. It would be like putting Edge against Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 18. He was getting to be a big name, but he wasn't there yet.
I would rather see Austin vs Punk because of the conflicting personalities. I think that the Rock coming in and attacking Cena makes him look like an asshole to the young Cena fans and could ruin his image for the future generation of fans. For Austin/Punk it would allow Punk to lose to Austin which many people would want to see. He is a heel high mid carder and a loss to Austin would do nothing but help his career. It would be like how Hogan beat Orton but WWE would have never had Hogan beat Cena and I doubt they will let Rock beat Cena. Overall I think Austin/Punk would be more unpredictable with more exciting violent build up while Rock/Cena is all jokes and respect for eachother.
I would rather see Austin Vs Orton at next years mania if Austin does infact come back.

I just dont like punk that much I cant like a guy that wont drink a beer and since I dont like him I dont want to see him in any matches I hope he goes to TNA cause I dont watch that garbage.

Maybe he could go to JCW there he would be be an awsome heel but in WWE I hope CM punk is future nedavored like his entire strait edge society was and how most of the new nexus will be shortly.
Definitely Cena vs Rock it is more of an epic match. Punk is great but he's not quite legendary status. Plus Austin will be 48 by next year and wouldn't have wrestled in nine years. I truly believe Austin when he said he wont wrestle again because he couldn't give the fans the match their used to from him.

On the the other hand The Rock will be 39 and is in way better shape. There's no doubt he's one of the biggest legends in wrestling history. Cena like him or not is the biggest star of this era. This match will be similar to Rock vs Hogan. Only in nostalgia status there's no way Rock will get booed in his home town of Miami. It will be more like Cena vs RVD at One Night Stand '06. Only this time 70,000+ are going to boo Cena out of the building.
i would say cena vs rock. these are two faces of the company in their time going at it. it is like rock vs hogan all over again. this match will be the biggest match in close to ten years.

austin vs cm punk would be a great fued, and im sure most people would like to see it. but cm punk is not big enough for it to matter as much. not to mention, austin had one of the best final matches ever. he lost to the rock at wrestlemania after the rock lost to austin twice. it was a great end to one of the best fueds, and it took 3 rock bottoms to keep austin down. there is no need for austin to have another match. his last one was perfect.
If it was:

Rock vs Cena / Austin vs Orton, well we could have something to debate!!

Right now, Rock vs Cena is so much better than CM Punk (Upper mid-card) vs Austin!!

First CM Punk had a awfull year, if it wasnt for Mysterio that SES crap could bury CM for good!!
Orton is Orton, a legend (i know you dont like it, but its true, deal with it) so Austin vs Orton sound much better than CM vs Austin!!

CM is nothing compared to this guy in terms of accomplishments and in terms of popularity!
A guy that stop watching WWE in 2005 dont know CM Punk, but knows Orton and they still can think about Orton vs Austin!!

Awww but dont get me wrong, i love CM Punk, his ring skills are amazing and is mic work, well i dont like it, but i know that a lot of people just love him!!!

One note: i'm pissed about Wrestling Observer saying that Kane vs Edge was the worst feud in 2010, when we had SES vs Big Show!
First, I want to say that I am a HUGE Austin mark so I voted for Austin vs. Punk because I would rather watch him then Cena and Rock HOWEVER:

As a pure wrestling fan, this question is unfair and it is an INSULT to Cena's popularity. I can't stand Cenas character but he is popular and come on people, the Rock is so much more in shape than Austin. Rock vs. Cena would be a much more fluid match. It will be so much more natural to watch. Where and this saddens me, if you watched Austin stomp a mudhole in Miz's lackey, you can tell Austin just is NOT in great shape cardio-wise.

Also, is Punk a better in ring performer than Cena? Yeah, I think so. His popularity however is NO WHERE NEAR Cena's.

Now if you made it an Austin in his prime vs. Orton match, then I would vote for this match without being a mark for Austin and Orton, because I think the storyline would be great and the match wouldn't be a let down.

So I guess you can say my vote was tainted in a way because I just love Austin, period.
I would rather see Austin Vs Orton at next years mania if Austin does infact come back.

I just dont like punk that much I cant like a guy that wont drink a beer and since I dont like him I dont want to see him in any matches I hope he goes to TNA cause I dont watch that garbage.

Maybe he could go to JCW there he would be be an awsome heel but in WWE I hope CM punk is future nedavored like his entire strait edge society was and how most of the new nexus will be shortly.
That has to be about the stupidest fucking reason I have ever heard for not liking someone. I have to ask if you posted this drunk because your spelling and grammar are atrocious.

As for the question, give me Punk-Austin. Those two would put on a better match than Cena and The Rock. Austin was a better worker than The Rock when they were both at the top and Punk is better than Cena. I think Cena-Rock is the bigger money maker, but Punk-Austin would be the better match. And that's not to say I don't want to see Cena-Rock. I very much do. But if I had to choose only one, I'd take Punk-Austin.
rock vs cena just cause its actually gonna happen, we can dream about austin vs punk all we want which isnt gonna happen.. but if i wanna c any twitter beefs go down, i want to see hulk hogan "the ********" vs bret hart hahah
I would rather see Austin Vs Orton at next years mania if Austin does infact come back.

I just dont like punk that much I cant like a guy that wont drink a beer and since I dont like him I dont want to see him in any matches I hope he goes to TNA cause I dont watch that garbage.

Maybe he could go to JCW there he would be be an awsome heel but in WWE I hope CM punk is future nedavored like his entire strait edge society was and how most of the new nexus will be shortly.

WOW, taking a wrestling show far too serious I see. Further making your comment so dumb. You hate him so much which means he is DOING HIS JOB that much better.

Who wants to bet he wanted Orton fired when Orton was kicking Stephanie and HHH's heads off?

Bottomline, as I said before. Rock is in better shape than Austin. Cena is more popular than Punk.

Oh and as much of an Austin supporter as I am. The Rock worked pretty darn hard himself. If he wasn't a great worker would he be where he is today? I don't remember who made the comment above but that was a silly reason for wanting to see that match over Rocks match.
Well, John Cena vs The Rock would be exciting, and a great feud also, but in the ring, it won't be great.

I choose CM Punk vs Stone Cold any day, because:

1. They are both great on promos, like Cena & Rock, so the feud can be break

2. They both of drawing power

3. They both have great in ring ability, Stone Cold said it himself, he could work full time if he wanted to, so he's basically in Undertaker's or HHH's position, but maybe even better.

Rock vs Cena will obviously excite everybody, but the match itself will be another Hulk Hogan vs The Rock, great moments, the match will be good, but the match won't be great.
Soo many threads about this with the slightest of variations. Come on people.

Of course Rock/Cena is the better "sports entertainment" event, a bigger draw, and more likely to happen.

I personally vote for Austin/Punk. It would be a golden feud between those two. Of course Austin wouldn't be able to fully unleash with the PG rating hanging over his head, he even has to remind himself to reel on his middle finger during the couple of appearances he has made so far. Punk would have pure gold to work with on the mic about Stone Cold's lifestyle and how the dumb, drug addicted fans would so obviously choose him as their idol.
Well, John Cena vs The Rock would be exciting, and a great feud also, but in the ring, it won't be great.

I choose CM Punk vs Stone Cold any day, because:

1. They are both great on promos, like Cena & Rock, so the feud can be break

2. They both of drawing power

3. They both have great in ring ability, Stone Cold said it himself, he could work full time if he wanted to, so he's basically in Undertaker's or HHH's position, but maybe even better.

Rock vs Cena will obviously excite everybody, but the match itself will be another Hulk Hogan vs The Rock, great moments, the match will be good, but the match won't be great.

So wait, you are saying that Austin is in better shape than The Rock?
Or better yet, are you comparing The Rocks shape to that of Hulk Hogans at that time? Please tell your post was a joke. The Rock is in TREMENDOUS shape. Much better than Austin and I am a HUGE Austin fan but Austin can NOT move around the ring like Rock can. Hell even in Austins last match against Rock at Mania, the Rock carried a lot of that match.

Hey look if you prefer Austin, you prefer Austin. As my original post I basically said I would rather see Austin/Punk because of my love for Austin not because I believe their match would be better but don't give us some lousy attempt at facts by saying Austin is in better shape than Rock thats why Rock and Cenas match would stink because Rock is like Hogan!!!???? REEEALLY?
So wait, you are saying that Austin is in better shape than The Rock?
Or better yet, are you comparing The Rocks shape to that of Hulk Hogans at that time? Please tell your post was a joke. The Rock is in TREMENDOUS shape. Much better than Austin and I am a HUGE Austin fan but Austin can NOT move around the ring like Rock can. Hell even in Austins last match against Rock at Mania, the Rock carried a lot of that match.

Hey look if you prefer Austin, you prefer Austin. As my original post I basically said I would rather see Austin/Punk because of my love for Austin not because I believe their match would be better but don't give us some lousy attempt at facts by saying Austin is in better shape than Rock thats why Rock and Cenas match would stink because Rock is like Hogan!!!???? REEEALLY?

1st thing the reason why Rocky carried Austin at WM X-9 was due to to Stone Cold had a stroke the night or 2 days before their match. An Austin vs Punk match could give Punk the Austin like rub from WM13 where Bret gave him the biggest rub he had in his career up into then and MADE him into a ME player. Cena vs Rock is just gonna be showmanship while Austin vs Punk would be a story teller type of match.
I think you're jumping the gun on the Austin vs. Punk thing anyway. I don't think a little Twitter war is enough to speculate that there is anything in the works. After this past Monday you could speculate that maybe Austin vs. The Miz may happen someday. Though personally I'd much like to see him against Punk.

But yeah I'd much rather see The Rock vs. Cena. I'd actually pay to travel to Wrestlemania for The Rock vs. Cena but not Punk vs. Austin. Though it might not necessarily be a better wrestling match, it would definitely would be a better overall experience. More people would brag that they were at the Wrestlemania where Rock and Cena finally clashed in a match than they would Austin vs. Punk.
If we are voting on a "Dream Match" which is what it seems to be here, then my vote is for Rock/Cena. As much as I like Austin, Cena and Rock both is and were at the top during their careers. Punk is still trying to establish himself and isn't at the top of anything yet. Usually when you think dream matches, you think best of the best and Austin/CM Punk doesn't strike me as best of the best. I don't really think how they will fare in the ring has anything to do with it.
We all agree that the Rock is better (at this point) in the ring than Austin, but how can anyone even begin to think Cena is better than Punk? Cena is obviously the face of the company but every time Punk has been given an opportunity to do something, he THRIVED at it, and it's this talent/success that caught Austin's attention in the first place. As an announcer he was amazing, when feuding with Hardy he was the most over heel in 09, when dominating Royal Rumble '10 while on the mic the crowd was booing him out of the building, this man has just about the complete package (he lacks size).

As interesting as Rock/Cena will be at WM28, I would much rather pay to see the beer-guzzling face of the Attitude Era battle against the only straight-edge World Champion in WWE history. Do you not see how that feud just already clicks without even hearing a promo or seeing an attack? It's drunk vs. sober, the lone star vs. the leader of 2 separate groups already, the bald hero vs. the bearded villain, the ultimate foil matchup that we could possibly produce! Now add Austin's unparalleled promo ability with Punk's extraordinary mic skills and we have one of the most exciting feuds of the new millennium without question.

Austin vs. Punk all the way
Sure, Austin vs Punk would be cool to seem but it isn't NEARLY the event that Rock vs Cena is going to be. The amount of mainstream coverage Rock facing off with Cena is going to get will be insane.
At first I was going to pick Austin vs. Punk cause I'd be more interested in hearing the straightedge vs. anti-straightedge promos and I'm sure a match between these two would be good but it would be obvious that Austin would win cause Punk is not a bigger or equal name, so I'm going to go with Cena vs. Rock simply for the fact that no one will be able to predict who wins and obviously it's more bigger than Austin vs. Punk.
Definitely two "dream matches" although one of them wasn't even widely thought of until the release of WWE All Stars. I think CM Punk has the most wrestling ability out of all four of these men, and he would be a naturally heel to the face of the legend in Stone Cold Steve Austin. While Cena and Rock flow together very well in terms of character, neither of them really NEED next year's WrestleMania match. CM Punk is still on that level of former World Champion that could or could not be something big in the future. I'm not doubting his ability, just the WWE's use of him. I think if he went up against Stone Cold he'd lose that "tweener" fan appeal, and EVERYBODY would be against him. I know whenever I see Punk live, I always cheer for him. Granted, I'm from Chicago so that's pretty natural. But there are almost always CM Punk chants started at Raw and on PPVs. Even at WrestleMania he got a pretty great reaction that divided pretty nicely between him and Orton. That shouldn't happen if he's trying to be the best heel possible. Yes, this is an age of marks that cheer for whoever is the coolest, but still... it SHOULDN'T happen if wants to be a truly vile and believable heel. I think a feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin is just what he needs to put him over the edge as a future legend and a giant heel in the wrestling world.
I don't care for The Rock and Cena to be perfectly honest. The Rock isn't a good wrestler and neither is Cena. Austin was always the better wrestler before his neck injury and even after he was decent. I would be more interested in seeing Punk/Austin go at it since they could pull off a great feud while cutting out all the bullshit in between. The Rock is in much better shape to perform though so of course thats gonna happen before Austin gets back into the ring. I'm sure after some training he could but I doubt it will happen.

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