Will the Rock-Cena fued get as intense as the Bret-HBK fued?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Ever since The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson made his epic return to the WWE. Rocky has been VERY verbal about his feelings towards John Cena. He said it out loud on RAW the day after Wrestlemania 27 that he just doesn't like John Cena. The feelings can be mutual in various ways between the Rock, the boys in the back, and the WWE universe.

So the match is on at Wrestlemania 28 in Miami, Florida between John Cena vs the Rock 36? days in advance in the Rock's backyard that is South Beach!

By the grace of God WWE chairman Vince McMahon prays nothing bad happens to John Cena/his WM dream match between now and Wrestlemania 28 on April fool's day next year in 2012. But I think, the WWE universe thinks, and Vince McMahon knows the outcome of the match between Cena & the Rock. With the Rock winning it. Because why would Vince bring back the Rock to compete and have him lose to John Cena in his hometown? Not to mention have the Rock lose in his first match back in the WWE?

But what if the Rock and John Cena end up having a shoot fight in the middle of the ring live in front of the live crowd at Wrestlemania? Unplanned and unscripted and uncencered! The Rock (or Dwayne) and John Cena have been going at it alot on Twitter the social network with disses on each other. So this is beyond the WWE, and this is not a work either.

This beef remind me of the epic real-life fued Between WWE Hall of Famers Bret Hart & Shawn Michael from back in the 90's. Bret & Shawn have done everything there is to do to one another. Shoot, backstage fight, the Montreal screwjob (well that was Vince). But 13 years later, they've called for a truce.

But what if, the Rock-Cena fued get as intense as the Bret-HBK fued?
It wont for the simple fact that HBK/Bret was actually personal. There was real tension since Bret was leaving and we didnt know what would happen since the two had genuine beef with each other. The real life factors are what made Bret/HBK special. The Cena/Rock feud was flawed from the begining. Why exactly did they not like each other in the first place? I think it had something to do with a comment Cena made in a magazine or something to that effect. Come on, a rivalry based on a little magazine comment will never hold a candle to the real life rivalry between Shawn and Hart. WWE will try to make it as intense as they possibly can but people have a really bad interpretation of what this all is. Rock/Cena isnt going to be the next Rock/Hogan or the next Bret/HBK, its just Rock/Hogan and thats it.
I don't think that it will be nearly as personal, just based purely on the fact that the rock and cena will have much less personal interaction between now and wrestlemania then hbk and bret hart had. Sure they may take shots at each other through twitter and other social media, but if you think the rock is going to be on raw week in and week out building this match, your delusional.

Also, HBK and Bret Hart legitimately did not like each other, while Cena and Rock can barely find a reasonable excuse to feud at all.

By the grace of God WWE chairman Vince McMahon prays nothing bad happens to John Cena/his WM dream match between now and Wrestlemania 28 on April fool's day next year in 2012. But I think, the WWE universe thinks, and Vince McMahon knows the outcome of the match between Cena & the Rock. With the Rock winning it.

I respectfully disagree here. I don't see the value in Cena losing to the Rock. Why would Vince Mcmahon job out his top talent (Cena) to a guy that is going to the leave immediately after his match (Rock)? If anything, I see the Rock losing to Cena in order to put him over, and thus put pg era over.

The way I see it, he's going to book this exactly like he booked Rock vs Hogan. He's going to to have the older generation (Hogan) put over the younger generation (Rock) in a symbolic passing of the torch.
I don't think that Cena VS The Rock will get as intense as Michaels VS Hart because for that to happen we would need a modern counterpart of the Montreal Screwjob. Cena and Rock do have issues with each other but nowhere near anything as controversial as what happened between Michaels and Hart. It could get intense leading up to the match, but isn't it meant to be like that? Regardless, no feud could ever live up to the real life intensity between Michaels and Hart. Not even Cena and the Rock.
The Cena/Rock feud was flawed from the begining. Why exactly did they not like each other in the first place? I think it had something to do with a comment Cena made in a magazine or something to that effect. Come on, a rivalry based on a little magazine comment will never hold a candle to the real life rivalry between Shawn and Hart.

Um, Cena made a very public statement when he made it clear he did not like The Rock as a person, that he felt The Rock was fake and a liar and that he doesn't love the WWE. The tension between Rock & Cena is real or WAS. The Rock was probably payed off to call a truce with Cena for this match
there's absolutely no chance this fued will ever reach that intensity. the simple reason is that when Hart and HBK had their rivalry, it was real. they respected each other and everything but they hated everything about the other person. no matter what Cena and Rock do, it will never reach that point because anyone posting on these message boards will know that it's just an angle. the same way we were all blown away with what Punk did, we all knew deep down it wasn't a real shoot. The Montreal Screwjob is the most reality we've ever really gotten in wrestling and i find it hard to ever think that wrestling could ever offer us that type of drama again.
No, I dont think itll be as intense and it has nothing to do with the talent involved. Sure back in the day few people could work the mic like HBK and Hart. Fast forward to today, and you could pretty much say the same about Rocky and Cena. The main difference really comes down to the media. Back then, they didnt have Twitter or Facebook. If you were caught up in this feud, you were pretty much living and dying between shows because thats all there was. It allowed for that tension to start building as the next show grew nearer and you were wondering who was gonna say what and who was gonna do what.

With today though, Rocky and Cena are both very active on their Twitter and with radio/tv interviews. Their last feud was handled off camera as much as it was on. Instead of having to wait an entire week to let that tension build, there was a day or two before the next punch was thrown. Theres no reason to suspect that the new feud is going to be handled any differently. Sure, its gonna get heated but I honestly dont think its going to get as intense as the HBK/Hart feud.
This feud is going to be all sizzle and no steak just like the Rock/Hogan program at WM19. It's ALL about the draw and numbers at the gate and buy rates PERIOD.
I hope to god WWE does the right/smart thing. Which is 2 possible outcomes.

Either Cena wins and turns heel(which he should finally do). Its such a perfect setup. We all hate cena and i will hate him after he wins. Why not turn him heel? Its a bigger payoff in the long run and could be just like that massive heal turn austin did at WM17. Hes been playing the hulk hogan characacter for 7-ish years now. Time for a change.


Rock wins...which he should. Because hes better. It makes no sense for the rock to come back to lose a match and then fuck off after. Everyone is expecting the rock to lose and take his paycheck. Why not have him win? Plus you would get a summerslam payoff/re match where cena can go over then. Have him lose to the rock. The Rock could gloat for months straight and vince can stroke rocks massive ego cock until summerslam.
This feud is going to be all sizzle and no steak just like the Rock/Hogan program at WM19. It's ALL about the draw and numbers at the gate and buy rates PERIOD.

The Rock vs Hulk Hogan match was at WM18 just to let you know mrJGoose.

Yeah it's all about the big draw, numbers at the gate and buy rates. Business is business. But this fued burns deeper than Vince McMahon's pockets, and that's pretty damn deep!

I guess we will just had to wait until the road to Wrestlemania in Janurary '12.
No way this feud gets as intense as Michaels and Hart. Rock isn't around enough for the feud to even get on the same level. Hart and Shawn really truly hated each other during there feud. Maybe I'd Rock cut a promo every couple of weeks on Raw but guy is pretty busy as GI Joe or some shit so I don't see it happening.
First off before Rock came back all the crap Cena said about The Rock was simply to please the wrestling community. Cena created this image that he was (and not that he isn't) all about the WWE and will never leave the WWE. Remember back when Cena was saying this stuff about The Rock, everyone was pretty upset about how The Rock left WWE/wrestling. Cena was just trying to push himself as the new face of the company. He wanted the wrestling community to embrace him and he wanted them to be reassured that he wasn't going to leave the WWE like The Rock did. I highly doubt Rock really even cared that Cena said that. Rocky was done with wrestling and the WWE at that point. Plus he knows that you have to say things and do things to make a name for yourself in the wrestling business.

The fact is HBK/Bret feud was based on real life tension. The Rock/Cena feud is based on $$$. Vince knows he has a money maker for next years WrestleMania, so he is going to with the best of his ability try to make this feud look personal.
No it won't. Bret and HBK had a real personal beef that came from the lockerroom to the ring. It shouldn't be that way but it was. Vince a promoter took a side and went out of his way to make sure that no matter what Bret looked like the bad guy and continued to do that even after Bret left for WCW, after Owen died as long as he could while protraying HBK as a model performer. That was a fucking lie, but that's what he did.

Rock and Cena won't come to anything that big. They aren't the same calibre performers that Bret and HBK were and they have no real personal animosity between them, so it will be fun to watch but it won't be as nearly as intense.
Will Cena/Rock be like Hart/HBK......Nope
With Hart/HBK they really did not get along during that time. Brett thought Shawn was a punk and Shawn just did not care. The whole backstage story has been covered so many times, they decided to do a DVD on it..lol Good old JR, Brett, And Shawn..now that will be good.
But with Cena/Rock, it is all planned, no real issues between the two, just keep the twitter war going till the rumble, because the road to mania starts there, and keep the storyline going.
Alot of people have already commented that it will be almost the same as HognVRock at mania. I agree, I can see "The passing of the torch" moment that they are banking on. If the Rock puts him over, just think how much better the heel turn will be when it happens.
Bret vs HBK was too personal. As Bret once said there was a rumor Shawn started about him and Sunny which led to the lockeroom brawl and unrest in Bret's house. Now that's personal. Cena v Rock could be personal if they decide to take it there because as the OP stated social media disses. They have that advantage and bigger media outlets to hype it up even more. In my opinion if something really personal (momma jokes) gets said to take it to that level it will come from the Rock,it's in his nature.
First of all, Rock's not winning the match, and if he does, it would be an absolutely dreadful decision. Rock literally has nothing to gain from a win. His career as a full time professional wrestler is over, he's an actor now, while John Cena is the top superstar in the WWE. Wrestling etiquette has always been the guys who's retiring/leaving should put the other guy over on the way out. This will likely be the last match Rock ever has, and thus he should certainly be putting over Cena so that Cena can continue on as the face of the WWE with even more credibility than before.

I don't think it will get as personal backstage as Michaels and Bret, either. Cena and Rock might not like each other, but neither has an ego as big as those two did, not even close. If Rock had that kind of legitimate hatred for Cena, he would not have even agreed to come back and do this match. The match itself will go off without a hitch, I'm sure, and by all rights should be one of the greatest WrestleMania matches of all time.
Bret vs HBK was too personal. As Bret once said there was a rumor Shawn started about him and Sunny which led to the lockeroom brawl and unrest in Bret's house. Now that's personal. Cena v Rock could be personal if they decide to take it there because as the OP stated social media disses. They have that advantage and bigger media outlets to hype it up even more. In my opinion if something really personal (momma jokes) gets said to take it to that level it will come from the Rock,it's in his nature.

Momma Jokes? It's in the Rock's nature? What do you mean by that? Are you saying that since the Rock is half-african-american that telling momma joke's are in his nature? That's B.S!

I'm pretty sure that the Rock wouldn't take it that far. Because the Rock wouldn't talk about someone else's Moms. We've seen Ata Maivia-Johnson before, so what's there to talk about? And if anybody's stupid enough to talk about the Rock's Moms (including John Cena). The Rock's not going to wait until Wrestlemania 28 in Miami to whoop somebody's ass! He'll be there at that next weeks Monday night RAW ready to Rock 'N Roll towards the backstage/lockerroom ready to kill a MF!

What would you do if somebody said something about yo moms "son"?
While Cena and The Rock have traded words and I'm sure Cena does have a bit of animosity for a guy that essentially quit the job he's worked his whole adult life for, I don't see it.

They don't HATE each other. Might not like each other, but they don't HATE each other. They haven't worked with each other for years, feeling that the other is the guy they have to be better than. They haven't been at each others throats on a weekly basis. They also didn't feel like friends before success got in the way.

So, it's simply not going to rival it in that sense. However, I think that for a month or two leading into WrestleMania, it could get interesting on television. How they one up each other. The things they say. Who gets the upper hand going into Mania. So on and so forth.
The fact that Rock isn't backstage all the time is significant, because with him not being around I don't think it could possibly escalate to that point. When you think about Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, those were two guys who were constantly down each other's throats, and who created a hostile working environment for each other and for everyone around them. Michaels especially was a real pain in the ass during that time; not to mention his drug habits and such. Bret was a stubborn guy as well, as evidenced by the whole Screwjob thing.

Rock and Cena don't really fall under any of these categories. They might not be particularly fond of each other, but they're also not ready to tear each other apart. I'm pretty confident that even when they're around each other more next year, it won't progress to those levels. Remember that Rock isn't around the environment much anymore, Cena can handle it very well, and it's generally much less hostile than it was in the 90s.
If Rock was to actually make regular appearences as early as RR yes it could be. These two are both great on the mic and could really have some intense moments. I really dont see that happening though as the Rock is a movie star first and a wrestler second we will be lucky to see him on 2 Raws before WM
NO, and the reason is simple, HBK and Bret Hart was personal, it had real life intensity, and it's probably one of the top 3 feuds in WWE history.

How can you compare that to The Rock returning, having back and forth insult promos with John Cena, and then SHAKING HIS HAND after they backed off The Corre?

Well in my opinion Cena and Rock is just a fantasy match in the making, not even a feud, all they do nowadays is insult eachother using social networking, that can never be compared to the Bret/HBK feud.
I think they are trying to build that much heat. Not sure if it will make it there. I think the only way for this to go huge is for Cena to have a true heel turn.

Although it sounds as if The Rock is going to be at Survivor Series in NYC according to the video response he posted today.


The Rock's first match (as Rocky Maivia) was at Survivor Series in NYC.

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