John Cena VS The Rock III

For a third match to work Cena would obviously need to win at this Wrestlemania. The crowd, for the most part won't be happy with that outcome and I would think that Vince would want to hold off on the rubber match until Mania or Summerslam.

I could easily see Cena beating the Rock fair and square at Mania, have Brock Lesnar run in afterwards and attack Cena to prompt the Rock to re-enter the ring and help Cena out. That way, Cena and Rock close the show together to keep the crowd happy, Extreme Rules is set as a 3-way match for the title or as Rock & Cena vs Brock & Punk and we have an easy set up for Rock vs Brock at either Summerslam or Wrestlemania 30, with Rock vs Cena 3 being at the other of those two events. If I had to call it I'd say we'll see Rock vs Cena again at next year's Wrestlemania.
^ but what about that heavily speculated/rumored Cena-Taker match that so many think will happen at Wrestlemania XXX

be it vs Taker or The Rock AGAIN, I think regardless Cena's sitting in a pretty good position
I've been wanting a Cena vs Taker match at Mania for years, he's the only one I can think of that could actually end the streak.

It's a very interesting situation for how they could get there though. They could easily turn Cena heel during or after this Mania to give a year long build to him challenging Taker at WM XXX, but here's the problem I have with that and it's not the usual merchandise line.

If Cena turns heel that means you have a top level heel roster of Cena, Brock, Punk, (possibly after Mania too) Orton, Ziggler, the Shield and Henry vs Kane, Bryan, ADR, Sheamus, (maybe) Triple H, Jericho (for however long he sticks around) and Ryback.

It's too skewed for the heels. You could maybe have Punk disappear for a bit after Mania and come back face, not sure how great it would work though. You could keep Orton face but he's obviously crying out for a turn. The Shield, Henry, Ziggler and Brock are too naturally heelish to turn, so the odd man out is Cena, he's just too natural a face to join that group.
I think a third time may be pushing it, but it would still be a marketable match. However, if there are rumblings of Austin returning and running an angle with Punk, that match may quickly overshadow a 3rd encounter.

My vote for a name: End of an ERA (lol)
I think people are reading too much into Rock's appearance at Extreme Rules. I still say he will tag with Cena to take on the Shield. At Mania, Shield and Cena win their matches. Raw after Mania opens with Cena. Rock interrupts saying he will get his rematch at Summerslam. Shield interrupts taking out Rock and Cena. They challenge Shield to a match at Extreme Rules with a third man as their partner.

I agree with the poster who said "the final chapter" as the tag line. It's about as good as you're gonna get. Cena wins. There is no way Rock reclaims the title. No way Rock can endure an Iron man match. He gets winded after about 15 minutes so an Iron man match is out of the question.

The thing that worries me is the possibility of Rock/Cena III at Mania 30. WWE has had the same match main event 3 separate Manias (Rock/Austin) and another high profile match at 3 manias (HHH/Taker) of course neither one of those were at 3 straight Manias but that could very well be a possibility. However, I still feel they will save it for Summerslam to give it a high profile match without using Cena/Punk for the third straight year.
1. What would the tagline be for a third match between the two

'The Final Encounter' - just so the IWC get pissed off when they have Rock vs Cena IV

2. What PPV would it be at

Extreme Rules. Makes perfect sense.

3. Who would win

John Cena - have him allign with Mr Excitement and pick up the victory. Then at Extreme Rules have him completely and viciously destroy Rock and put him on the shelf for a bit. Until Summerslam when we get Rock vs Cena IV.

4. Would it work as a Iron Man Match

Nah. 1 on 1 is just fine for these two.
Would it work as a Iron Man Match

I don't think we'll ever see Rock in an Iron Man match....that is, presuming he even wrestles again after WM29. He just isn't in "wrestling shape" anymore and I doubt he'll abandon movie-making long enough to get there.

People who decry pro wrestling as "fake" should see Rock's three matches in the past year, especially the one at WM28. He was so gassed after a few short minutes that I wondered if he'd be able to complete the show. To his credit, he did, although he had to engage in a few "rest" periods along the way. The spectacle increased my appreciation of what it takes to be a pro wrestler.

Fake or not, it takes a specific type of physical conditioning to be able to compete in a wrestling match, especially in front of an arena full of people and TV cameras. I remember a TV show years ago in which a bunch of dancers were trying to show they were better athletes than football players. They competed in a modified aerobics contest and while the football players were strong and well-built, their tongues were soon hanging out from the cardio workout while the dancers kept....well, dancing. This was used to prove the dancers were better athletes which was, of course, ridiculous: they were simply better trained for the type of workout that constituted the contest.

Watching Rock's struggles last year at WM provided a clear indication of how truly hard it is to function in the ring. He did well to carry on as long as he did.....but an Iron Man challenge would have made him look terrible in front of millions (and millions!) of his loyal fans.
No this one is over folks. The torch was passed, Rock is in his 40's now and has nothing left to prove. I enjoyed his comeback, but that's it now. Once you pass 40, your body starts to shut down. HBK was lucky to carry on for so long, Taker is saved for just main events now.
^ yep Rock's injury probably ended his career. He could return, but iMO big time long shot.

However all that aside, IMO a lot of the appeal toward a third match got thrown out after the second one ended.

From the lukewarm crowd reaction to the predictability of Cena winning to all that awkwardness post match (Cena exiting ring shortly after getting the pinfall) then the handshake followed by Cena saluting Rock and Rock saluting him back all to pass the torch to a now 11 time WWE champion

if that's Rock's last in ring appearance as a fan it's kinda disappointing, but continuing to wrestle might just be too risky on his movie career and more importantly his body

*said in the other thread regarding The Rock (if he's done or not) but IMO they thought he was trying to double dip with promoting his movies and wrestling at the same time (be it a limited schedule) and if Rock wanted to return it should be on a more regular basis, with no movies in the way
1. I can see it. Just call it Cena vs Rock III

2. Put it at SummerSlam then they can be buddy buddy afterwards.

3. Cena, it's the passing of the torch

4. As awesome as Cena is, Rock wouldn't be able to handle it.

I don't think a third is necessary. Just leave it like it is.
I don't think it is necessary at all, but it would be an easy sell. Just call it Cena/Rock 3 just like the poster above said. Cena would need to go over, and the torch would finally be passed. I think it should be at Summerslam though, not Wrestlemania again. I wouldn't mind seeing it, but like I said it seems like they finished their business at Mania this year.
Actually, thinking about it, now that The Rock has 'done the honours' as it were, I wouldn't be surprised if he won the belt back from Cena at SummerSlam this year.

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