Rock vs CM Punk vs John Cena WWE title match

I think this is the direction WWE will go in. Not only because I don't expect Taker to be back for a match, but Punk has been involved with the title for nearly a year and a half now and while he had a great match at last years Mania for that title, it was overshadowed by the Rock/Cena and Taker/HHH matches. I have to believe Punk will be featured in the biggest match at Mania this year.
I love the fact that this question is still unanswered at this point. I love even more that everyone was so quick to jump on "it's gunna b Rock/Cena again" and now so many think, "definitely a triple threat."

That being said I don't want a Triple Threat. I would rather see Rock/Punk III or Rock/Cena II. If they do a Triple Threat I hope it is at least elimination style or some other stip. Triple Threats generally come off as too hokey for me. In the though I'll still be watching.

Btw, where is Austin? Is his knee that fucked up? Is it so hard to come to the smallest agreement with Vince to make some type of televised showing? Is he too busy insulting current talent to European newspapers? Fuck it, he should show up and make it a Fatal Fourway. Fandango can be his sexy ring valet.
I would love to see a triple threat but only if undertaker isn't competing or faces Lesnar. That way we get two good epic main event matches. I believe punk deserves to be in the WWE title match as he did have the belt such a long time but barely headlined a few ppvs with it.

On the other hand, I was disappointed with Cena vs rock last year so would love to see them have a better match.

If it does end up being a triple threat then I'm hoping we get stone cold Steve Austin as special guest referee. The last two WWE title matches have had chaos & Cena vs punk will be chaotic on Monday so have them announce a special ref.

Cena can win & Austin can stunner punk before the end. That way we get punk vs Cena whilst rock goes to film movies as punk will be saying he got screwed. It would also plant the seeds for Punk vs Austin at Wrestlemania XXX.

This wrestlemania had been more unpredictable than I originally thought & there is Defiently a few twists left in setting up the WWE title match :)
I just hope the E has the good sense to job the Rock, who is Teflon, and not have Punk take the fall.

I think you can count on this being the likely scenario. If Cena and Rock are both in the WM main event, whether Punk is there or not, the story is Cena overcoming and making good on his failure to beat the Rock last year. Cena simply must pin the Rock at Mania, there really is no other logical way to book it. Besides, there will be plenty of oportunities afterwords for him to finally pin Punk in a title match.
After the year CM Punk has had, it would be pretty disappointing if he doesn't end up in this match. It doesn't look like Taker will be coming back for this years Wrestlemania, but even if he were I'd still be more interested in seeing Punk in this match than in one against Taker. HBsam31 raised two good points that I agree with. Punk vs. Taker would've been a lot more intriguing if Punk still had the title and he were facing Taker in a streak vs. streak match for the WWE Title, at least then some people might've actually believed Punk was gonna end the streak and retain the title because Taker usually disappears for a year after his match at Mania is over with. And Cena has never beaten Rock and Punk has his number too, the odds would be stacked against him, so that would make the Triple Threat match a lot more intriguing. Plus after the long history these 3 guys have with each other, the score needs to be settled once and for all. I know this match is also a possibility for Extreme Rules since Rock is advertised for the pay-per-view, but I think a match of this caliber after the story they've had for the past 2 years, is more fitting for a big stage like Wrestlemania.
While Creative might always come up with a storyline that calls for a Triple Threat, I hope they can leave this one as Cena vs. Rock. I believe this plan was formulated over a year ago, and it was agreed by Cena & Rock that: "I'll job for you in '12 and you'll return the favor in '13." If that's the case, adding Punk to the equation would only detract from what Cena is apparently destined to accomplish this year.

As the #1 man in the company, Cena was a hell of a sport to agree to lose to a guy who comes in only occasionally (which presumes Cena has the corporate power to refuse). Not only that, the defeat is something Cena has had to live with for a year. Now, the year is almost up and it's time to get back on track. After all, John Cena is the future of WWE, not the Rock. The two-year plan was a bold move by WWE (Can you imagine Hulk Hogan agreeing to something like this in his prime?) but it's time to get Cena back on top where he belongs, despite the screaming we're going to listen to from the Cena haters.

Plus, by the time WM29 rolls around, C.M. Punk will apparently have failed to win back his title at Elimination Chamber........after all, if Punk wins it back at EC, what would be the purpose of having Rock at WM at all?

No, John Cena unselfishly did the job a year ago and had to live with the "failure" for a whole year. It's time to set things straight; have Cena win a one-on-one with the Rock at WM, have them finish as friends....and let Rock return to Witch Mountain to pursue his chosen profession.


First of all, how is John Cena the 'future' of the WWE? He's pretty much been the face of the company since 2005.

Speaking as a Rock fan, even I was shocked that he won, so I can only imagine how butt hurt the more arrogant Cena fans were at him winning, who pretty much despise The Rock and think he's a piece of shit, and your highlighted points prove that.

From Seth Mates.

''Rock has one massive piece of ammo to use on Cena. Rock could argue that unlike other superstars, he left the business still on top and didn't feel the need to hang around and take other guy's spots. Rock could argue that by his leaving when he did it gave the opportunity for someone like Cena to be showcased. If Rock we were really selfish and didn't respect the business, he would have hung around for more paydays and taken up a lot more main event spots, much like others who we all know. It was almost exactly around the time that Rock left that Cena started to take off. The point right here, that point right there would silence Cena and his backers. Food for thought.''
I am dissapointed that they didnt go with tripple threat. Reason is quite simple: It would be much sweeter that Cena beated Punk and Rock(two men that he admited on Raw few weeks ago that he cant beat) at the same night at the biggest stage of them all. Much more epic and much more Cena-like that way. He would look like an underdog(storyline wise) and come out as the winner. Like this looks like they decided to go with the route that Cena beats Punk now, Punk moves to Taker and we get Rock/Cena 2. Rock would have an ammo, Cena would have an ammo, its just, unlike last year when we didnt know what route WWE will take for the winner, the route is pretty much straightforward here. Thats my only - for this Mania mainevent, predictability. Other then that, it should draw very big and it should be a good match. :)

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