CM Punk's next title reign?

Cena will hold the belt now for a while, and I think Punk is too high up to suffer defeat, after defeat, after defeat in Cenas title reign. Especially after the run he's had of late.

I reckon there is every chance he may challenge at the PPV after Extreme Rules, but would we don't know whats going to happen at WrestleMania yet, there could be some sort of swerve maybe?

I would expect Punk is probably in the minds of creative to hold the MitB should he remain heel. If he is due a face run, which he may well be, given the amount of merch he shifts as a heel, and a likely turn for Orton, Punk will probably be more/as much value as a face depending on the direction they take him in. Obviously he's big value whatever his position.

I would like to see Punk have a run against the likes of Ambrose, Rollins, maybe another feud with Daniel Bryan, maybe even a program with Christian or Wade Barrett. He could be used to elevate those guys without losing.

I just hope Undertaker isnt a roadblock for Punk. If he is really considering a 2015 retirement date, then WWE need to use him as much as possible between now and then.
WWE might shake things up and throw a new face into the WWE title picture. Maybe Ryback turns heel and keeps Cena busy for half a year, maybe Shaemus gets jealous and can't control his rage. I expect them to use Punk in the WWE title picture as a back up plan in case they need a quick ratings boost. John Cena vs Punk would be cool after a while to let their last fued cool down, the downside to it for me is that John will never go heel and will never lose clean to Punk. If Cena drops the belt, I'd like to see it happen clean to someone other than Randy Orton.

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I would like to see Punk win the World HeavyWeight Championship again, or put him with a good partner, and win the tag team titles. But I think he should work with the mid-carders like Kingston, Cesaro, Sandow, etc.
There's been talk of Punk taking time off for a spell, so I'm with Jack-hammer and say that Punk may not have another run this year. He deserves a bit of rest from all the abuse he puts his body through. Then again, who knows if Cena can have a long title run? He might be as sore as Punk, and if that's the case, I'd say Punk would take a siesta, come back and have the belt again.

I'm trying to think of anyone else who deserves a run with the WWE title and I can't think of anyone aside from Punk and Cena that should have it.

Overall, if Cena's healthy enough, Punk won't be champion for a while... maybe even a year.
I agree with most people on here. After he beats undertaker at Wrestlemania Punk should take a month or two off, then come into the World Heavyweight Championship title hunt. He did great things for the WWE championship and he could do it again for the WHC. I know a lot of the IWC doesn't agree with me, but Punk is one of the top heels in the history of the WWE, he could make that title mean something again.

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