What Would You Like To See Happen With The WWE Title Over The Next Twelve Months?

After last weeks show and Brock Lesnars return I made a prediction about what would happen (Disaster on the horizon = F5), and now it looks like the seeds may have just been planted for an incoming Brock Lesnar Title run (getting cosey with Laurinaitis). Here is what I would like to see happen to next 12 months leading up until Wrestlemania 29.

At the draft, rumoured to be April 23rd have Cena be drafted to Smackdown after Extreme Rules. This keeps him and Brock apart after their short fued, also allows Cena to give Smackdown some star power and he can rebuild himself over there before returning to Raw full time later in the year. He can still make appearences on Raw as it is 'The Supershow'. WWE wins.

Brock Lesnar vs John Cena
I think this is the perfect PPV for Brock to return against Cena. I would make this match brutal and have John Laurinaitis screw Cena by putting a stop to the match. It cements the Brock and Laurinaitis partnership and gains heat for Lesnar. It also plays to Cenas 'never give up' attitude. Brock looks a beast, Laurinaitis gets heat and Cena doesn't look weak off the back of another loss.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho vs Mark Henry
Punk retains, but doesn't beat Chris Jericho, he beats Mark Henry. This will give the Punk vs Jericho fued more legs and adds a point of difference.

Number 1 Contenders Match - Brock Lesnar vs Mark Henry
Laurinaitis calls for a Number 1 contenders match to take place between Mark Henry and Brock Lesnar. I would make this a squash match. Have Lesnar destroy Mark Henry to make him look even more dominant. Brock can take a few weeks off as this match needs no story.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho
Make this some kind of gimmick match like submission. Wrestling purists will love this. Have Punk go over again and retain.

John Laurinaitis was right when he said there was a disaster on the horizon. That disaster is Brock Lesnars F-5 and Punk must defend the title at No Way Out against him. Brock can play off the fact this is inside a cage and he is a cage fighter. It is the perfect opportunity for Brock to get his title match is this PPV.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Brock Lesnar
Brock gets his title match in a cage, they can play off this giving him an advantage. Lesnar wins the gold.

WWE Title - Brock Lesnar (c) vs CM Punk
Punk loses his rematch with Laurinaitis declaring this is his 1 and only chance at Lesnars title. Punk is out of the title picture and continues his fued with Laurinaitis.

MITB Ladder Match - John Cena
Cena wins the MITB Ladder Match. This puts him right back into the title picture which he hasnt being around for a while and also allows him to move back into the Raw playground fulltime. Have WWE play off the fact the winner can challenge any title holder.

Brock is in the ring and gloating he has beaten the best WWE has to offer. Cue the return of The Great One. He challenges Brock to a match at Summerslam 2012 - 10 years in the making of their first bout which Brock won.

WWE Title - Brock Lesnar (c) vs The Rock
Rock wins by DQ after Lesnar is disqualified so he keeps the title. Rock gives a 'Rock Bottom' to Lesnar and then John Cenas music hits. Cena comes down and cashes in his MITB briefcase and wins the Title. He then gives an AA to Rock who is nursing injuries on the floor.

Rock was badly beaten by Brock and the AA and is injured indefinately and unable to compete. Meanwhile Brock challenges Cena to a Title match at Night Of Champions.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs Brock Lesnar
Cena wins the match by DQ as Brock is once again disqualified. Brock beats down Cena after the bell. He is out of control.

John Laurinaitis in order to preserve his GM Role is under pressure from the board of directors to suspend Brock Lesnar. Brock is suspended until further notice. This allows him to make lots of appearences in Wrestlemania season and gives him a rest from travelling. Brock delivers an F-5 to Laurinaitis before he leaves. Lord Tensai is the next challenger to John Cenas gold.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs Lord Tensai
Tensai has been built up strong the last few months but it is 'Super Cena' who comes out on top here. Cena retains the gold.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs CM Punk
The Rock returns and costs John Cena the title. A distraction and a Rock Bottom later and CM Punk is your new WWE Champion. Rock doesnt garner heat from this because he is seeking revenge for the injury at Summerslam and Punk is still a face.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs John Cena vs Wade Barrett vs Lord Tensai
Punk defends his title successfully. I would make this fatal 4 way because the Fatal 4 Way PPV has gone and it means Cena doesnt have to lose to Punk again. Punk can pin somebody else in the match. I think and hope Barrett moves to Raw. I think he will get a title run in 2013.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Wade Barrett
Barrett is kept in the main event, but Punk retains the title.

Royal Rumble Match - The Rock
The Rock is entered into this match and eliminates John Cena last. This adds to their fued. The Rock is going to Wrestlemania for a title match.

Also: Brock Lesnar returns from the crowd and eliminates a returning Undertaker from the Rumble match setting up their Wrestlemania 29 match. He wants to end the streak and kill the deadman. Lesnar is a man out of control and a real threat. He beats Kane at Elimination Chamber in a tune up match.

The Rock says he is challenging for the WWE Title leading to a potential match with CM Punk at Wrestlemania 29. But Punk has to defend at the Elimination Chamber first.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs John Cena vs Wade Barrett vs Lord Tensai vs Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger
John Cena wins the gold setting up a huge rematch against The Rock at WM29 for the WWE Title. This is even bigger than their first bout and adds to a now 2 year old fued!

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs The Rock
John Cena retains the gold by beating The Rock and getting revenge for his Wrestlemania 28 defeat. The fued FINALLY ends!

Hope you enjoyed the read. This is what I would like to see and do if I had the powers! You probably think different. Thats fine!

BTW - Superstars such as Miz and Del Rio would be on Smackdown so not a part of the title WWE picture at any point in 2012/2013.
I like your ideas but i would change a bit of it.
Seriously who would want to watch tensai vs cena then the 5 moves of doom to beat an unstoppable monster i don't know if i could take anymore.
And im not sure about the buyrates for cena vs rock part II for the fact everyone would know that cena would go over they wont have rock win 2years in a row so i wouldnt watch wm29. i couldn't stand the fact that a year on he still wouldnt of turned heel and is burying everyone he steps in the ring with so if you think thats what will happen over the next year ill be pissed off.
I agree Cena vs The Rock again at next years Mania I wouldn't want to see that. If anything I wanna Lesnar vs The Rock at Mania next for the WWE Championship. Thats the match that is nearly 10 years overdue since Brock beat him to become champion at Summerslam oh so many years ago. Cena needs to take a back seat for a while he is stale and his matches are boring. I honeslty believe The Rock beating Cena at WM28 and now his program with Lesnar is to take Cena out of the Title picture for a little while. How many times can the road lead back to CM Punk facing Cena. Lets see CM Punk face Lesnar. Lets see Lesnar Vs Sheamus ok maybe throw Brodus in the mix. Hell even Lord Tensai if he can garner any kind of reaction from the fans. For the simple fact he doesnt speak and his mouthpiece only speaks Japanese the people really dont know what to think cause well they dont know what his purpose is. The title picture needs change!!!! Constantly having Cena in it is has gotten old. They did with Orton they took him out of the title picture on smackdown. The same thing needs to happen with Cena for a while. Push some of the other talent up into the main event. You have Lesnar you have Punk I'd like to Brodus in there at some point.
Cena should be drafted to Smackdown to reinvent himself as well as give Smackdown some star power. This also keeps him and Brock apart after their short feud. Plus get rid of 'The Supershow' and make the brand split legit with making storylines more meaningful. Raw gets: Randy Orton, Christian, Cody Rhodes/Smackdown Gets: John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Dolph Ziggler, A.D.R.

Brock Lesnar vs John Cena (No Holds Barred)
I would make this match brutal and have Brock "injure" Cena. Ref stops the match even though Cena wants to continue. This keeps Cena looking strong yet cements Brock as the new "War Machine" of the WWE.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho (Ladder Match)
Chris Jericho includes liquor into the match. Maybe he spits beer in his face or smashes a bottle over his head as they are on the ladder. It plays into the storyline with Jericho saying I told you liquor would be your downfall.

Number 1 Contenders Match - Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton
Brock wants Jericho after injuring Cena. Orton wants Jericho after beating Kane @ Extreme Rules. So Johnny puts them in a No. 1 contender match. During the match they end up having a brawl on the stage and Brock spears Orton off the stage. Both get taken out and counted out.

WWE Title - Chris Jericho (c) vs CM Punk (Iron Man Match)
Make this to where Jericho wants to prove he's the best in the world and it plays into the Over the Limit PPV. Make it to where they are tied with a minute left. Punk puts Jericho in the Anaconda Vise and Jericho passes out at the end. Both men look strong and Punk has an excuse for one more title match.

John Laurinaitis says since Brock and Orton couldn't contain themselves in a ring. They will have a steel cage match to cement a No. 1 contender. Jericho tells John he's tired of Punk and wants John to get rid of Punk. So they make a loser leaves brand match @ N.W.O.

Number 1 Contenders Match - Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton (Steel Cage)
Brock in a cage, they can play off this giving him an advantage. Both men look good but Brock dominates at the end and wins.

WWE Title - Chris Jericho (c) vs CM Punk (Last Man Standing)
Punk gets up at the last second and wins his title back with Jericho being forced to only appear on Smackdown. Also, this plays into Jericho leaving and having to do a tour with Fozzy for a month or two.

WWE Title - Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk (c)
Laurinaitis says like last ago year Punk will be leaving the WWE but this time for good with Brock beating him to a pulp. Ref gets knocked down in the match and Brock has Punk up for the F-5...someone comes through the crowd and its a returning John Cena. Cena F-U's! Brock and costs him the match and the title.

MITB Ladder Match - Randy Orton
Randy Orton has been put on the back burner for awhile because of being on Smackdown and Punk-Jericho/Rock-Cena. So give him a gift for putting over Brock and being on the back burner for awhile.

CM Punk is in the ring and says he has beaten everybody Laurinaitis has put in his path still proving he's "Best in the World". More Importantly he's ready for the next challenge for his WWE Title. Cue the return of The Great One. He challenges Punk to a match at Summerslam 2012 for title. Meanwhile Cena is on a rampage interrupting matches and promos until he gets what he wants which is a match with Lesnar. Johnny makes the match Brock vs Cena in Extreme Rules.

Brock Lesnar vs John Cena Extreme Rules
Its a back and forth match. Brock sets Cena up ready to use a chair but Cena ducks hits and F-U. Brock kicks out so Cena picks up the chair and hits Brock in the head! Afterwards applies the STF and Brock is unresponsive so Ref calls for the bell. Brock never got pinned or submitted and it shows a different side of Cena. Which will be foreshadowing in the future.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs The Rock

CM Punk almost has Rock beat but Laurinaitis and Otunga come down to interfere. Laurinaitis distracts while Otunga tries to hand Rock a chair. Rock wont accept and out comes Cena. He takes out Laurinaitis and Otunga and gives a nod/sign of respect to Rock. Rock sets up for the People's Elbow, Cena slides in and hits Rock with the chair in the head. Punks pins Rock and retains the WWE title.

Rock comes out and says he doesn't care for an explanation he just wants to whoop Cena's ass. Laurinaitis says Cena is exclusively on Smackdown now his hands are tied. Rock says sooner or later he'll get his hands on Cena. Rock is about to leave but Cena sneaks him from behind and F-U's him off the stage. Now Rock is off T.V. for a while and Cements Cena has changed since being gone.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton
Randy Orton cashes in his money in the bank and challenges Punk. However Laurinaitis adds Brock to the match. Brock pins Punk and is the New WWE Champion. Then takes out both Punk and Orton with the belt.

WWE Title-Punk vs Lesnar (c)
Punk wants his rematch that night and gets it. Johnny says if Punk loses it will be a long time before he sees WWE gold again. Punk and Lesnar is a close match-up but Lesnar wins and retains. This way it looks like he doesn't need help to win.

WWE Title - Lesnar (c) vs Randy Orton HIAC
Its an even match-up but Lesnar finds a way to win. After the match he destroys Orton, then the Referee, then all the Camera men screaming. Lesnar just goes nuts and the commentators play off he is a wild man.

Laurinaitis comes out and says he is so proud of Lesnar. He's doing exactly what he wanted and is bringing legitimacy to the WWE. Then we hear "No Chance that's Whatcha Got". McMahon says he has seen enough. He and the Board of Directors feel what Lesnar did is inexcusable. Lesnar will be fined and suspended indefinitely. Also Laurinaitis yooooour Fired!!! Out comes HHH the new GM of both Raw & Smackdown. HHH makes a tournament for the vacant title leading into Survivor Series.

Cena says he got screwed last night in the triple threat HIAC match. He wasn't even pinned. He wants a rematch for the title and wants it now. Out comes The Rock and lays him out with a Rock Bottom. They go back and forth for the next few weeks. HHH says they will have a street fight at Survivor Series.

Rock vs Cena Street Fight
Cena wins this time being absolutely brutal. We don't see Rock once again for awhile.

WWE Title - Christian vs CM Punk

Christian wins and is the New WWE Champion. Then we her Lesnar's music... he comes out and does the belt motion.

HHH says he believes Lesnar has changed somewhat and warned him he better behave himself or else. So Lesnar is a challenger for Christian's title along with two others. They all will compete in a TLC match for the WWE Championship.

WWE Title - Christian (c) vs Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes vs Brock Lesnar Brock wins his title back and shows he can win in any kind of match. As previously with the Steel cage, HIAC, and now TLC. Plus we haven't seen a fatal four-way in a long time.

Rock says his journey to once again be WWE champion has not stopped. He took a detour with Cena but him and Cena are over. You can't stop the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eye brow raising...sit back and watch....cook up a big dinner....the rock will be your next Royal Rumble winner. Meanwhile HHH wants to shake things up. So Cena and Barrett is traded to Raw for CM Punk and The Miz to Smackdown.

WWE Title - Brock Lesnar (c) vs Christian
Christian is kept in the main event, but Lesnar retains the title.

Royal Rumble Match - The Rock
The Rock is entered into this match and eliminates four or five people. John Cena comes up from behind and eliminates Rock. Him and Ziggler are the last two. Cena F-Us Ziggler and Cena is celebrating like he has it won then we hear The Rock's music like is about to come back out. Cena is like what was that then Ziggler drop kicks Cena over the top rope.

Ziggler says he is challenging for the WHC. Plus Brock will be busy with Randy Orton. So the No.1 Contender for the WWE Title will be decided in Elimination Chamber.

WWE Title -Brock Lesnar (c) vs Randy Orton

Brock wins and is going to be the champion going into Mania.

Number 1 Contenders Match-Cody Rhodes vs John Cena vs Wade Barrett vs Christian vs Kofi Kingston vs The Rock

John Cena and The Rock are the last two. They fight all over the chamber with Rock hitting a 3rd Rock Bottom to win. So he gets his title opportunity with closure to him and Cena and now faces a man he never has beaten Brock Lesnar!

WWE Title - Rock vs Brock (c)...(The Rematch-Ten Years in the Making)
They build it up as Brock is the monster that has been unstoppable. Rock has traveled a year long journey to be champion one more time. However the last time these two met Rock lost to Brock and hasn't help championship gold since. This match will be a back and forth battle with Rock finally beating Brock to become WWE Champion. The crowd goes wild and we get one last run out of the Rock.
that sounds all pretty good, but i'd be happy with either cena or brock against undertaker, but idk about another match between the two, cause it was just that a once in a lifetime, you were so hyped to see who'd win, anyway, if the rock wins the title again ( and which i think he will ) he'll change the design, probably diss the belt saying only a guy like john cena etc would wear this, causing the long needed title change
I have a sneaky feeling 1 man could change all these predictions, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

After watching the latest Raw Supershow during the Punk v Henry title match, we saw a segment after the match with Chris Jericho pouring beer all over CM Punk from 2 crates of booze he carried to the ring. Jericho did indeed humiliate Punk Austin style.

There has been a lot of speculation recently about a Punk v Austin match at WM29. Austin has said he will work 1 more match if the situation is right, and he also said he would love to wrestle CM Punk! During that segment on monday it looked to me that Chris Jericho is fueling a Steve Austin Return. I might be totally wrong here but i just get a feeling Austin is going to return very soon. Somewhere down the line in the near future Austin could be a Special Guest Referee in a Punk v Jericho Title match. Austin could screw Punk out of the strap setting up this dream WM29 match. If Jericho were involved in a Punk/Austin Fued it would make for great viewing.

To answer the OP's Question "How would you like to see the WWE Title picture for the next 12 months?" I think his predictions are pretty good (unless Austin returns)
i like most of this but i dont wanna see mark henry involved in the punk y2j fued its fucking amazing and i hope they have a no holds barred match at extreme rules cause the fued is intense and they need to have a street fight type of match since the already had a good wrestling match at mania

but i like brock and rock at summerslam i hated the rumor of it being at mania

taker vs brock for the streak they could use the shit taker said to brock at that ufc fight saying taker was asking brock if he wanted to try and end the streak

plus cena vs rock 2 for the title with a more intense angry cena beating the rock at mania yes yes yes

but sadly we will get crap i bet
I'm not sure if i would want Stone Cold to screw CM Punk out of the title. I feel like that is an easy way out and there is a more creative way to do it. Plus i doubt they would bring Stone Cold back just to make him a heel. They would want the biggest draw they could get and that's in the fan favorite Stone Cold.
As unrealistic as this is, I personally would like to see Punk keep the title until next years 'Mania and defend it against Royal Rumble winner Daniel Bryan. Punk loses to Bryan and we get a ROH code of honor handshake after a 35 minute match. That's what I want to see. Probably no way in hell that would happen though
Very good 12 months if this is even close. One thing you are missing and I haven't read every body's replies, so sorry if it's been said. But Rock will win the gold one more time.
"Ref stops the match even though Cena wants to continue"

for Extreme Rules ^ that's certaintly a possibility as a potential outcome to their match. As for the title picture, if CM Punk isn't champ and does get that Stone Cold match @ WrestleMania

Brock-Rock could be for the WWE title

but where does that leave John Cena?
Personally, I would love to see CM Punk hold the belt until Summerslam and that is where he drops it to Brock Lesnar and Brock holding it until Wrestlemania where he drops it to The Rock. Now, do I think that will happen? No. The plan laid out here by the OP is pretty good. And seems to be closer to the way WWE moves the belt on to different guys all the time. I feel that CM Punk holding the belt until Summerslam would be great for bringing value and prestige back to the title that has been lost with all of the quick title changes.

Think about how rare it used to be for the WWE title to change hands. Now it seems like 3 months is a long title run. The belt feels like more of a prop anymore. It certainly doesn't help that there are technically 2 World titles due to the brand extension.

Back in the day there were just 3 titles in WWE - World, IC and Tag Team. Having so many titles makes to compete for makes them less valuable because they aren't as rare as they used to be. It just feels watered down.
There are a lot of variables to consider when it comes to the next 12 months.

1. Already stated... Stone Cold Steve Austin. He says he has one more match in him. He has been praising Punk's work, but also on his DVD he regrets his walk out when he was meant to job to Lesnar. Could the WM big time match be Lesnar vs. Austin?

2. Daniel Bryan's popularity. It came out of nowhere, actually it came out of 18 seconds. The man's name or "Yes" is being chanted in just about every single segment, the guy is so over, that Vince may have no choice but to move Punk/Jericho to Punk/Bryan. These two could be the new Bret/Shawn. And have an epic rivalry moving the company towards the future.

3. Wade Barrett, this man's push was a highlight and it was obviously leading somewhere. The man is 6 foot 6, is one of the best mic workers in the biz and his gimmick is one of being extremely intelligent. He could feature in the title picture somewhere, much the way Del Rio fitted in last year.

4. Brock Lesnar - the guy is a dominant machine. He could very well after Cena move straight to Punk and become Champion until maybe Cena or Orton costs him the title. (There are rumours of Lensar/Orton at Summerslam)

5. John Cena - he took a loss at WM at the expense of the Rock, he has been dominated by Lesnar, a lengthy title run may feature to get him back on top??
"Ref stops the match even though Cena wants to continue"

for Extreme Rules ^ that's certaintly a possibility as a potential outcome to their match. As for the title picture, if CM Punk isn't champ and does get that Stone Cold match @ WrestleMania

Brock-Rock could be for the WWE title

but where does that leave John Cena?

I think it is aswell. Cena would come out of it looking strong despite a loss. Brock would look like a wrecking machine.

I recently read that Brock and Orton will be at Summerslam. We probably wont see Rock back until 2013 if rumours are true.

As for Cena, maybe get traded to Smackdown so Brock can flourish as 'the face of WWE'.
I really don't want to see Punk lose it any time soon. All of the heels on Raw are incredibly boring and I don't want to see him lose the championship to somebody like Dolph Ziggler or The Miz. The only person I wouldn't mind seeing him lose to would be Brock Lesnar, but hopefully they'll have something decent planned for Punk afterward.

If Brock wins the title, he'll probably hang onto it for a reasonable amount of time. The only people I could see taking it from him would be Randy Orton or John Cena. Maybe The Rock, if they end up crossing paths.

Basically, I would like to see Punk hang on to it for a long time, but if not, I want them to keep it on people who deserve it, like Orton, Cena, Brock, or The Rock. Just don't give it to one of these nobodies on Raw who barely get a reaction from the audience.
I don't see the Rock winning the Rumble but see him winning the belt at the Rumble and going into Wrestlemani as the WWE Champion.

I see the Rock winning the belt at Royal Rumble and the next night say he has done everything there is to do in the WWE and he will retire a champion - Music hits and Paul Heyman walks out and tells the Rock that there is one thing he hasn't done and will never do and that's beat this man - enter Brock Lesner.. Lets be honest a Brock/Rock feud would be horrible if Lesner had to try and compete on the mic.

The Rock beats Lesner at Mania to retain the title. Lesner in anger gives the Rock the F-5 and while he's dazed CM Punk hits the ring and cashes in the money in the bank he won at a previous PPV and pins the Rock for the title.. This allows both the Rock and Brock to leave the WWE

CM punk would have pinned the Rock after beating Stone Cold Steve Austin earlier in the night allowing him to brag to Chris Jericho that he now has pinned the Rock and Austin in the same night..

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