Make or Break for CM Punk?


Getting Noticed By Management
Last year WWE Champion CM Punk, was so very close to being the Main man in WWE. In my Opinion he was just as if not more entertaining to watch than John Cena. Since winning the WWE Title in November, Punk seems to have become very ordinary.

The reasons for this in my opinion are:

-The return of The Rock and now Brock Lesnar have taken the focus away from Punk in the main Fued. John Cena has been given both these guys to build the main fued around.

-Since winning the WWE Title, WWE have tried to turn CM Punk into a babyface type of Champion. Punk can pull cutting edge promos (2011 Summerslam Contract Signing, 2011 Shoot promo to name 2) which he hasn't done much of in 2012.


The ongoing fued with Chris Jericho has been quite interesting, although the latest segment on Raw this week was awful. Punk saying the alphabet backwards while walking along a red line in the ring left me scratching my head. It was far to predictable that Punk was bluffing acting drunk, and it made both Punk and Jericho look a bit stupid.

When 2012 came Punk and Cena were the two i couldn't wait to see on Raw each week. CM Punk for me now is starting to become unwatchable. I think this fued with Jericho needs to end at Extreme Rules.

Punk needs a really big name to fued with to gain that edge back that we all loved him for in 2011. I think Cena,Rock, and Lesnar are the only 3 who could bring out the best in Punk again, and i think it will happen at some point this year. Maybe Brock should of targeted Punk instead of Cena when he returned, Cena doesn't need Brock to put him over whereas i think Punk does. With talk of Brock v Orton at Summerslam ,it looks like WWE are having Lesnar go through all the top none champion faces before he gets to Punk.

There is also rumours about a Steve Austin (1 more match) return for CM Punk. If Austin does make some appearences this year and does some Segments with Punk leading to a fued, this will be gold for Punk.

So what do others think? Will CM Punk lose the Title and become lost in the roster? or will we see the old CM Punk again from last year?
Couldn't disagree more, that drunk punk thing had me rolling round on the floor, btw i know CM Punk would never drink on purpose, but am I the only one who though Jericho may have spiked his drink?? considering Punk has never had a drink in his life, it was some pretty amazing acting. As much as people kid themselves about liking his wrestling talent, the only reason they went apeshit for him last year was because he was successfully sticking it to Cena. IMO Punk is as good as he ever was, that chairshot flying elbow thing to Mark henry was kickass, acting drunk to get jericho in the ring? kickass, street fight with Jericho this sunday? kickass. Just because he's not shooting everytime he picks up a mic (not that he'ss playing by the rules either, that WWF thing they tryed to bleep out, hilarious) doesn't mean he's lost his edge.
Frankly, I thought the segment this week was the most redeeming part of the entire angle. And it even started off terrible, because I didn't want to believe CM Punk was drunk. I hated it. He's straight edge. In an era of steroids and drug scandals, why CM Punk didn't become the poster boy until last year, and in fact feuded with a drug addict in an angle about his drug addiction and was somehow the heel in that angle, was baffling to me.

Simply, Punk finally got his hands on Jericho, and I enjoyed every minute of it. The Ric Flair walk during the alphabet, complete with hair flip. Getting the crowd to recite it along with him. And finally popping Jericho with the mic, and then absolutely mobbing all over him until Jericho could finally make an escape. It made me care about this belligerent train wreck of an angle for the first time since before Wrestlemania, and actually want to see the finish at the PPV.

I don't think you'll see Punk become lost in the roster. He sells too many shirts. And, frankly, I don't understand the tunnel vision of the modern wrestling fan. Yeah, Brock's back. Yeah, The Rock was back. Yeah, they're kinda a big deal. That doesn't mean guys like Mark Henry and CM Punk haven't been putting on consistent main event quality performances every week on free TV. That doesn't mean if CM Punk isn't immediately feuding with Brock, that Punk is a failure as a champion and a human being, and this is his collapse. They're trying to tell a story here with John Cena. And they're trying to tell a story, albeit a bad one, with Punk.

We're in a golden age of pure wrestling right now, even if some of the angles are kinda hit or miss. I would wager, if someone crunched the numbers, that the average length of a match is already way up in 2012 alone, versus the past five years. Stop obsessing over who is on top of what, and enjoy it.
I don't agree with the OP here, Punk isn't at a make or break point in his career. Cena is still the man, but I get the feeling that the feud with the Rock and the feud with Lesnar are doing what they're supposed to do, rejuvenate Cena's character. He's already starting to get more aggressive and I see that continuing. Think of it this way, Cena feuds with The Rock, then he feuds with Lesnar, who's the most likely feud to follow? Punk. Cena and Lesnar are being used to draw in the viewers, the quality of the shows (which for me is continuing to improve) is what people are going to stay for. People tuned in for SCSA and VKM to feud, but they stayed because guys like the Rock, Mankind, D-X etc were entertaining. For keeping viewers they need to be sold on more than just one star. There needs to be quality throughout the roster and it seems to me that WWE are in a build phase right now.

The next few months are going to be really interesting.
Punk is number two in the company now out of the permanent fixtures, so not including Rock and Lesnar. Cena's still the man there is no doubt about that but Punk's just behind him. He's over enough that even if this Jericho feud isn't everyone's piece of cake he will still be over when it's finished. Not every feud he has is going to be brilliant but I still think he is regularly one of the top 3 things on WWE TV on a weekly basis. Don't think you can ask that much more of the guy.
I just hate that once again his match is being overshadowed by another big PPV match. Sure, Brock returning is huge, but the title (the WWE title at that because rightly or wrongly we all know that is the number 1 belt) should always (or almost always) be the most important thing in the company. That's meant to be the prize that every wrestler in the world wants to have.

Obviously Rock and Cena is a pretty gigantic exception to the rule there, but as big as Brock coming back is, this shouldn't be overshadowing Punk and the title. It damages the value to the belt, and although I'm a massive Punk mark, I'm not just saying this because I want him to be "the man", I'd say the same thing regardless of whoever has the belt. The belt, the guy with the belt, the feud surrounding the belt, it should be the most important thing at basically all times.
And it even started off terrible, because I didn't want to believe CM Punk was drunk.

But if WWE has come up with a storyline that takes us out of our comfort zone, that's a good thing. Edgy plots and unexpected events are what keep things exciting and fresh......and I'm of the belief it's exactly the kind of thing Punk was demanding when he staged his "protest" that he insisted was real and had him close to leaving WWE. It takes a charismatic figure with speaking and acting ability to bring this off, and Phil Brooks has that in abundance. Plus, since they've set up this straight-edge business for a long time now, it was bound to be something that would be put to the test sooner or later. That the adversary in all this is Chris Jericho only adds zest to the program. I mean, if Primo Colon was challenging Punk's straight-edge character, who would care?

Consider the same principle with John Cena: losing to the Rock and Tensai, and having his problems with Brock Lesnar are surely elements that take us out of our comfort zone, right? Ironically, many people hate the guy for his "Super Cena" routine because they didn't like the way he flawlessly conquered all......and now probably many of the same people hate him because he's doing an anti-Super Cena, a man who might be experiencing a crisis of confidence.

IMO, a lot of these fans wouldn't know good character development if it came along and suplexed them into the wall.
CM Punk will not be lost in any shuffle, any time soon. While there is a point to be made that his program with Jericho has flown rather largely under the radar, it is still the most compelling program Punk has had since becoming WWE Champion. Of course guys like Rock and Lesnar are going to overshadow most of the talent in the eyes of many fans, but Punk has an incredible contingent of IWC and 'smart' fans that place him much higher than any of the returning part timers.

His merchandise continues to sell well, he continues to be over more than any other babyface on Raw right now, and he's doing more WWE friendly promotion than ever before.

I agree to some extent that his character has lost a bit of his edge, when compared to where he was circa MITB or Summerslam last year, but that's not to be blamed on Punk. It only stands to reason that once he won the title, and became one of the main faces of the company, he was going to be watered down, to be more acceptable to the main stream, and non IWC fans. Plus, with his merchandise selling well, it's important to make sure he is still marketable to younger fans, that aren't as concerned with whether or not he's breaking kayfabe with his promos.

I highly doubt that Punk's stock will be falling any time soon. There's strong reason to believe he will win his match at Extreme Rules, and once Jericho leaves, there will be a large void for credible opposition for him on the Raw brand, unless the push Cena or Lesnar into the title picture. That means Punk will most likely be holding on to the title for some time yet, and helping establish some new heel challengers in the process.

Also, when you take in to account that there are the constant whispers of a possible Punk/Austin match at Wrestlemania next year, it's easy to see that WWE intends to make him a staple and foundation of the product for a long time to come. They wouldn't even consider the possibility of that high level of a match with a talent they weren't sure they were going to back in the long run.
Obviously Rock and Cena is a pretty gigantic exception to the rule there, but as big as Brock coming back is, this shouldn't be overshadowing Punk and the title. It damages the value to the belt, Punk isn't at a make or break point in his career.
Punk is FAR from being at a make or break point in his career. He's hasn't been a main eventer for a full year yet. While I agree that he's yet to have had a truly epic feud aside from John Cena, his feuds have been entertaining and Punk's popularity only continues to grow.

Punk isn't as big of a star as Cena or The Rock. These guys didn't become the mega stars that they are over night. It took a lot of time and effort for Cena to become the biggest star in the WWE and it's going to take a lot of time and effort for Punk to potentially be as big.

As usual, I think this thread is another in a long line of threads in which an OP is trying to make some sort of point and completely misses the mark by ignoring a few key facts. Punk is hugely over right now and that's not changing anytime soon. He's had interesting feuds in the near 6 months he's been WWE Champion and some outright fantastic matches. Right now, fans are digging everything that Punk is doing, so he's about as far away from a make or break time in his career as you can get.
Punk has lost alot of steam and I said last year when the IWC were wanking over him that he would never be 'the man'. He will be a main eventer, but will never reach other susperstardom others have.

Recently he has become a bore. The fued with Jericho has had its moments, but in the main has bored me. I was really looking forward to it aswell but it feels anticlimatic. I feel Jericho has dragged Punk through the mud more than Punk has himself.

Punk hit his peak in his fued against Cena and then Triple H. Since then he has lost steam. Maybe someone like Brock Lesnar, or a heel Randy Orton can bring something better out of him. Infact, fuck it, get rid of this babyface shit he is doing. Punk was at his best in his fued with Orton late 2010/early 2011.

I am not a fan of CM-Punk by any stretch of the imagination, I've personally found his title reign to be vanilla and the only fueds I have really enjoyed have been with HHH and Cena over the summer.

In spite of that I have to agree with the consensus that Punk is going nowhere, he is still majorly over with the majority of fans and the consensus on here and amongst WWE fans in genereal seems to be that he has had a solid title reign. The fact that WWE let him go over a reurning Jericho at mania and probably again at Extreme Rules is testament to their faith in him and like a previous poster mentioned he's unlikely to drop the title any time soon.

Yes he has definently become less interesting since the summer or even in my opinion since the days of the straight-edge society but thats WWE it ebbs and flows no superstar can interest everyone all the time. WWE goes with the majority and the majority seem to still be liking Punk.
Plus, with his merchandise selling well, it's important to make sure he is still marketable to younger fans, that aren't as concerned with whether or not he's breaking kayfabe with his promos.

Whilst I agree with the main thrust of your argument, I have to contend with you on this.

Remember he was outselling Cena in merchandising terms, before they decided to make him more 'marketable to younger fans', so that means kids liked his edgyness, and responded to that by buying his shirts. So why would wwe need to worry if he's marketable to kids, when it's his edgyness that got him ahead of Cena in merchandising terms anyway? Isn't that exactly the same mistake they made with Cena 7 years ago when fans started getting behind him?
I actually think the Punk Jericho has been pretty good. Once they got in to the the alcoholism aspect I could feel it better.

As for Punk he is at the mercy of doing something too well. The whole edgy promos and "shoot" style couldnt go on for ever they had to switch it up, he needs to transition in the same way Austin did. Prob is he is playing second fiddle to what they are doing with Cena, and unfortunately it has to be that way. Cena right now is beyond the title.
Punk is great at what he does when given enough time. I want to see how he transitions back to having a feud with Laurinitis as I see thats ultimately where they are going Raw wise as Johnny signed over the whole show to Lesna basically. A fight for the WWE will happen again.....
Punk is over period! But but but I am bored of him. I have been bored of him since he was done feuding with HHH. Punk's promo with Jericho was great. I always thought that Punk's character was the type of character that out thinks his foe. All the getting mad and yelling stuff just bores me. Any time he says he is going to kick someone's ass i laugh a little(for real). I never can believe that he is going to do that I see him more of the "smart" villian.(even though he is a face) Like I said this is just me but also like I said at first. Punk is still a top star.
Everybody knows Punk hit a roadblock when he met with the unstoppable force known as Triple H. Simple explanation? Punk cut that promo and H paid him back for it.
Everybody knows Punk hit a roadblock when he met with the unstoppable force known as Triple H. Simple explanation? Punk cut that promo and H paid him back for it.

Oh, fuck off. Triple H made Punk look like a million fucking bucks. How many people had to interfere fro Triple H to win? How many fucking Pedigrees did it take to put him away? Christ, man. There other ways of putting people over other than having them get the win. It's wrestling, it's not a real sport.

As for the topic, ugh. They FINALLY start building a title feud around something more than a heel interfering in all of the faces matches and they actually do something creative, yet you morons still bitch about it. This feud has been executed perfectly, shut the hell up.
As long as Punk is still on Raw often and put in good PPV matches against guys who can actually wrestle then I will be happy. I don't think he will ever get lost in the shuffle. He has too many fans and he is too great of a wrestler along with his mic skills. The WWE (Vince) would be really stupid to downsize him in the near future. I don't know about you guys but I was sick and FUCKING tired of Batista vs. Cena all the time or JBL and I am now getting a bit tired of Sheamus.

I want guys who can actually wrestle really well. I want some classic matches dammit!
It's not make or break with Punk. His stuff with Jericho after mania has been great, and given that Extreme Rules is in Chicago, I am guessing his match will steal the show. He will have the home crowd advantage and they will help make his match electric. He is the number two guy behind Cena, and he sells a lot of merchandise. He hasn't been in the main event for even a year, and he won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
Punk vs. Jericho for the WWE title IS the top of the heap. Come on guys, we all know Cena isn't much of a wrestler. He's a brand for WWE, a polarizing and profitable brand. Punk and Jericho are the best wrestlers in the business, period. Out of their respective generations they are the best at talking, wrestling, putting on a match that tells a story and captivates the crowd, and either one could make the crowd cheer or boo at the drop of a hat. If Cena was the WWE champion right now his feud with Brock would be a HUGE mess... How does Brock pass the rest of the roster on his way to a title shot? If Brock wins the title what's the plan to get the belt off of him? Cena has won enough championships in WWE to cement his place in the Hall of Fame, he's actually above winning championships (and how many guys in WWE can say that? Jericho has yet to have a lengthy WWE title run since he unified the championships with LOADS of outside help!) I feel like the WWE title means a lot more than it did a couple of years back, like when Triple H hogged it for a year on Smackdown and stunk up a PPV match with Kozlov while the crowd booed. The title isn't on Vince's current favorite, it's on the guy the fans love, who has wrestled the best and entertained us the most throughout his WWE run.
Punk will always be in Cena's shadow. There's no way for Punk to be the main man unless Cena retires or something, which isn't happening any time soon. They are using both of them accordingly I believe. Punk hasn't been a top dog since last year in the WWE. His runs as WHC were less then stellar. He IS the WWE champion right now and has been for quite a while. This Jericho feud isn't the best, but it's not terrible. The lead up to WM28 was terrible but now it's looking good and their match at extreme rules WILL be the best match match of the night, no doubt.

A Lesnar vs Punk scenario can't happen until Punk loses the belt. Lesnar won't become champ unless he wants to go full time. I'm guessing Punk's next feud will be with Tensai and that will put him over and he will be back to where he was last year just without all the shooting.

Punk is not in a make or break situation. Punk has already made it and will remain a top superstar until he retires. He proved himself last year and he does not need to cross any more lines or anything like that. Punk's in ring ability and his general mic skills are good enough. If there weren't so many decent heels I would say Punk should go heel since he's a great heel, but this is fine.

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