Occasional Pre-Show
to me it would be an amazing fued. i'd love shane to come back like some time next year after punk loses the title maybe before summerslam or something and have these two fued. picture this Punk vs say cena and or barrett, jericho etc at MITB, shane comes out attacks or distracts punk and loses the title. Shane comes out on the next raw and says punk hasnt done shit or something and at the time punk is fueding with vince aswell. So maybe have to two fued at summerslam because both of these guys have great wrestling ability. Shane o mac is the most under rated person to wrestle besides mcintyre. He had great fueds with orton and legacy and DX, blackman, bischoff, his own father and my favorite fued was with Kane. That fued was the fued of the year IMO in 2003 Unforgiven and Survivor series 03 were great matches put up by kane and shane. But anyways have shane and punk fed for a few ppvs but it was just an idea that came to my head. I think it would be a good way to start a stone vs mcmahon like fued with CM punk to become a big star against the boss.
But give me ur opinions on this remember it was just an idea.

But give me ur opinions on this remember it was just an idea.