CM Punk vs. Shane?


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to me it would be an amazing fued. i'd love shane to come back like some time next year after punk loses the title maybe before summerslam or something and have these two fued. picture this Punk vs say cena and or barrett, jericho etc at MITB, shane comes out attacks or distracts punk and loses the title. Shane comes out on the next raw and says punk hasnt done shit or something and at the time punk is fueding with vince aswell. So maybe have to two fued at summerslam because both of these guys have great wrestling ability. Shane o mac is the most under rated person to wrestle besides mcintyre. He had great fueds with orton and legacy and DX, blackman, bischoff, his own father and my favorite fued was with Kane. That fued was the fued of the year IMO in 2003 Unforgiven and Survivor series 03 were great matches put up by kane and shane. But anyways have shane and punk fed for a few ppvs but it was just an idea that came to my head. I think it would be a good way to start a stone vs mcmahon like fued with CM punk to become a big star against the boss.
But give me ur opinions on this remember it was just an idea.

Yes, you might be the only one. Shane should not be in the ring, especially taking up a main event spot. He would be good in an on air role, like a gm or maybe even a commentator. But not in the ring. I guess if he was going to be in a feud, Punk would be the perfect guy to carry him through the matches. But NO
This would've been awesome around the time they were negotiating punks contract. Sadly WWE only pushed it till the PPV but if they wanted to play the storyline longer this would've been a great addition to what was and should've been an great feud. maybe punk could've feuded with Vince and Shane wouldve added a nice little twist to it. Unfortunately Shane has left the company and now HHH plays as the McMahon family muscle. I always appreciated Shane as a wrestler beyond all the crazyness he used to pull off. But his matches always told good stories.
Too Be honest and I don't know if I am alone with this opinion but it would be nice to have the Mcmahons removed from television. but if this feud was to happen, it should be a handicap Match Both Mr Mcmahon and Shane Mcmahon vs. CM Punk.
Shane McMahon would be a bombshell, but there's absolutely no indication that he's going to deviate from his current position.

I think CM Punk has much bigger fish to fry (Rock, ADR, Jericho ((can only hope) and anyone else, since he's a perfect tweener right now)

If Shane came back at all, it would be against Kevin Nash to defend his Brother-in-law and Sister, as well as to undermine Johnny.
That is an outrageous idea. Why not have punk vs. Jon Lauranitas? Hmm yea you can make Johnny ace be the next new "super evil, corrupt" boss. I mean people straight up hate Johnny ace. It's not like cena case where in most cities most people cheer some boo. Johnny ace has the "IT" factor for being the next A-hole (i don't know why people don't cheer that). He is great!

Also there would be no purpose for Shane to come back to this company as just an on-screen star. I am sure Shane does not have an ego that big and from shane's part it would be selfish. Hypatheticly speaking if he is one of the executives in the company in real life that would look okay.
I think Shane McMahon won't be coming back in the company for good. So this feud would be impossible.

But if this would happen, it would just be like the stonecold-mcmahon feud. And I don't want to see CM Punk following Austin's footsteps. He should create something on his own.
Could not agree with keehlnate anymore punk should not follow in austins footsteps. He need to be his own man. I always saw punk as a "hardcore guy." he is being that guy on the mic. Now they need to allow him to bring that in the ring. I clearly remember punk as that when he came on ECW. Punk always was his own thing.
I do not think this would be all too interesting. Shane's matches were never all that great and I would not want to see this one. Shane is never coming back anyway so this would be impossible. Even if he did come back I would rather see Punk feuding with Laurinaitis if he HAD to feud with an authority figure. Bringing Shane back just for this feud would be a bad idea because there are so many others currently on the roster who Punk could face instead. They need to stop trying to recreate Austin VS Vince, Punk VS Shane would hardly even come close.
I agree with Dagger on this one. Most notably that Shane is not returning. He seems to be trying to distance himself from the wrestling business as much as possible, trying to get on the MMA bangwagon, and create his own legacy outside of daddy's shadow. He wasn't to prove that he doesn't need his dad or the WWE, and that he can be successful outside of both. So far, no luck.

As for the match itself, I have no idea why that would come about, how that would really be interesting, and or why anyone would want to see it. Shane is not a wrestler, never was, and probably never should have been involved in that capacity although he did do some crazy shit that provided some shock moments. If Punk is to feud with any authority figure, everyone else has hit the nail on the head with John Laurinaitis. That's the only thing that would make sense, but I am willing to bet anything he doesn't get in the ring with Punk, he gets someone else to do the dirty work, much like he has thus far.
First of all, Shane is not an employee of WWE nor does he pan on being one anytime soon.

Secondly, Shane was only good for his mic work and being a spot monkey during matches. He made for high spots that became memorable moments.

Thirdly, what would be the benefit of this match besides settling your own personal curiosity? Nothing about the feud is worth having, even if Shane was on the WWE's payroll again.

It would just be a waste of time.
No way I want to see this, Shane is good on the mic but I want to see a feud between two guys who could put on great matches and Shane is not someone who could do that. I like Shane, I enjoyed watching him when he was involved in the company, hell who didn't love his match against Steve Blackmon? But Shane is the kind of wrestler his dad is, they can do the basics and put on a decent match but they are not superstars and I do not want to waste a guy who's so over like Punk on a feud with someone like that. On top of that Shane is not with the WWE anymore and I don't think I see him coming back, maybe sometime in the future he'll come back for an appearance and or a quick match but I don't see this ever happening and I don't want to.
No, No, No, and hell No. Let's leave the Attitude Era in the past where it belongs. No more of the McMahons legitimate or otherwise and their in-laws, outlaws, ex-laws, and whatever. Even back then Shane's only real talent was falling off stuff. It's time to move on.
so you want to see the hottest guy in the company and the guy whop is going to win the WWE Championship in the next month go up against a 40 odd year old non wrestler who has had nothing to do with the business for three years.............and has been estranged from his own father on air for what...8 years???????? Surely this ia a piss-take, no serious fan could ever want this to happen.

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