Occasional Pre-Show
In my opinion john cena and cm punk have had the best matches so far this year. MITB-best bout so far, Summerslam-another great match, Monday night raw-Also a great match especially for RAW.
At mitb the landscape of wwe did a 180 turn IN PUNK VS CENA obviously.
But is this the modern day stone cold vs the rock. I mean everytime rock and stone cold had a match it was always a great match including all 3 of there wrestlemania bouts and other ppv bouts. But i see this fued heading in a new direction. Punk has sent the wwe world into questions on everyones mind. And punk is number 1 in merch sales beating cena this is a leteral war betweek these two as the top dog in the WWE. And if there is anyone who can get cena to turn heel its cm punk he was right about him being wat he hates the New york yankees. I see this fued lasting years and will be an eventual showstopping type match at a future Wrestlemania in my opinion. What do u people think?
They've already had great mactehs is this going to change the wwe it already has obviously but idont think its over. I see a face punk vs a heel cena in the near future.
Give me your opinions on this it might not make alot of since but just give me your opinions on cena vs punk being the biggest fued we've seen since hhh, hbk and rock vs stone cold etc

At mitb the landscape of wwe did a 180 turn IN PUNK VS CENA obviously.
But is this the modern day stone cold vs the rock. I mean everytime rock and stone cold had a match it was always a great match including all 3 of there wrestlemania bouts and other ppv bouts. But i see this fued heading in a new direction. Punk has sent the wwe world into questions on everyones mind. And punk is number 1 in merch sales beating cena this is a leteral war betweek these two as the top dog in the WWE. And if there is anyone who can get cena to turn heel its cm punk he was right about him being wat he hates the New york yankees. I see this fued lasting years and will be an eventual showstopping type match at a future Wrestlemania in my opinion. What do u people think?
They've already had great mactehs is this going to change the wwe it already has obviously but idont think its over. I see a face punk vs a heel cena in the near future.
Give me your opinions on this it might not make alot of since but just give me your opinions on cena vs punk being the biggest fued we've seen since hhh, hbk and rock vs stone cold etc