What's Next For CM Punk?


Hello once again guys, just wanted to ask for your opinions on what's next for "The Voice of the Voiceless", CM Punk?

He's currently in a fued with Nash/HHH, even though Nash supposidely got 'Fired', I think he'll come back after the HHH and CM Punk match at NOC and lay them out. But now to get to the topic, this fued with HHH/Nash could last until Hell In A Cell, but then what happens to CM Punk?

Does he go back to the title picture or does he enter a fued with someone in the midcard? It's a question that will be answered in the coming months, but I want to hear your opinions on what is next for Punk. Post below and share your thoughts, Thankyou and God Bless.
I would like to see another title reign. I would also like it if Punk would win the Rumble. either way, wrestlemania might be a long time ahead but he should definatley main event with the wwe championship on the line.
I would like to see another title reign. I would also like it if Punk would win the Rumble. either way, wrestlemania might be a long time ahead but he should definatley main event with the wwe championship on the line.

I, too, would like to see another title reign. He is my pick to win the Royal Rumble. But i do hope he doesnt just drift back into the mid-cards after all of this, i have a feeling though that this Nash/HHH/Punk angle is far from over
I don't see him winning the rumble because I see it being CM Punk v Undertaker @ Wrestlemania, to pass the time till then Id like to see him pick up the feud with Cena again because I think there is still a lot of mileage in that one it all ended too quickly for my liking on the basis that it is the general belief that Cena will be champ come WM I suppose it would be for the title between him and Punk!
I, too, would like to see another title reign. He is my pick to win the Royal Rumble. But i do hope he doesnt just drift back into the mid-cards after all of this, i have a feeling though that this Nash/HHH/Punk angle is far from over

ive got a bad feeling that he will lose to hhh or beat him because of nash starting a nash/hhh feud, leaving punk doin very little, i cant see him having the title at wm(as much as i would like it) but maybe a stone cold match, one can always hope hehe
I would like to see another title reign. I would also like it if Punk would win the Rumble. either way, wrestlemania might be a long time ahead but he should definatley main event with the wwe championship on the line.

totally with you on this.

I think the WWE have behaved digustingly, post Cena - Punk Undisputed Championship match.

The fact that they arrogantly shoved Cena straight back in the title picture (what they want, not us), after a clear message was sent to Cena by the (yes partisan) audience in Chicago.

We are supposed to simply accept that Punk is only given a Kane like WWE championship reign? (ok not that short, but it feels that way).

we are sick of this b*st*rd always being in the title picture.

If anyone should have been feuding with Del Rio, it's punk. Let superman slum it with Nash at HHH.
I want to see him have a feud with Christian since Smackdown guys can come onto raw all the time now. I know this is a long shot to happen but I think these guys could put on some serious matches. They could feud about Christian telling Punk he is not the best in the world and that he is. He could say how Punk is just a joke (which he really is not) and bam feud. Sure this will probably not happen as much as I would like it to. So from here I think they will continue his feud with HHH/Nash for the next few months. I would not mind him to have a feud with Del Rio as that would be a fresh idea and could lead to some decent matches. So what is next for Punk, I see him continuing this feud with HHH/Nash or a feud with Alberto. Either way I will tune in each week to find out what happens.
totally with you on this.

I think the WWE have behaved digustingly, post Cena - Punk Undisputed Championship match.

The fact that they arrogantly shoved Cena straight back in the title picture (what they want, not us), after a clear message was sent to Cena by the (yes partisan) audience in Chicago.

We are supposed to simply accept that Punk is only given a Kane like WWE championship reign? (ok not that short, but it feels that way).

we are sick of this b*st*rd always being in the title picture.

If anyone should have been feuding with Del Rio, it's punk. Let superman slum it with Nash at HHH.

You're right, I'm getting sick of Cena being in every title match at every ppv. Seriously, look at this years ppv's, John Cena has been in WWE title match nearly every time.

But that's just how Vince McMahon likes it, he loves John Cena because he think's Cena's good for business. Hell, Punk could make twice as much as money if he got the same amount of title matches that Cena's got.

I don't hate Cena, but mix it up like you said, start fueding him with HHH and Nash for a couple of months because Cena and HHH have got history. Then give Punk the recognition he deserves. But that's not going to happen because the WWE system (on raw) is F****D!
I think Punk/HHH/Nash goes on for a month or so more to flesh it out a bit, because I believe Punk will eventually face Nash (if he's still with the company. If not, they may end it earlier and put him in a mini-feud to kill time before the Rumble). After that program finishes up, I think Punk should be put into a WWE Championship angle with ADR. I think Punk and Del Rio would put on a great program, trading the title back and forth for a while. I hope they don't shuffle him back down to midcard, like they did Miz. He's got too much popularity right now to take him out of the main event picture.

I also agree that they took the belt off Punk way too soon, but at least they took it off of him and kept it off of Cena for a while w/o making either look weak. IMO, they need to let Cena take a step out of the title picture for a while. I'm not a huge fan of the guy, but I give him his due that he is a hell of a worker, as far as how much he puts into the company. They're obviously rewarding him for that. Punk would be great to push up there, but I don't see it happening right now. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure VKM is going to put the belt back on Cena at NOC, or at least keep the Cena/Del Rio feud up for a while until Rock comes back at Survivor Series.

Punk being the top guy in the company would be great for us true wrestling fans, but VKM apparently believes Cena (the Hulk Hogan of the 2000s, to a degree) on top is what's best for business.
I could see punk facing del rio for he title, anything less would probably kill hs momentum. If he faces say miz or truth than he will go from main focas to upper mid card. He won't face cena cause they would need to turn him heel to make the fued have a wheels. And their is only one fesiable wrestler besides del rio that wouldn't kill his momentum and thats nash. But that would have to happen at survivor series, anything earlier and it will take away from his fued with trips and i on't think is has the legs to go past.
well if wwe is smart after the fued with triple h he will move back into the title picture and end up taking the title again hopefully this time they give him a long run im sure fans wouldnt have a problem with it
Punk and Stone Cold for Mania! If it does happen, in the build up Punk has to come out in a huge truck full of Diet Soda and spray it on Stone Cold when he is cutting a promo.
punk is going to be in his current fued for a few months. it is only the beginning of the story. just relax. the title match isn't the main story line for once, be happy for a little bit of change. while cena and the rock are buting head on the road to wm cm punk will be in the title picture. punk is a new face, let him build to a long title reign. it will make it more glorious.
You're right, I'm getting sick of Cena being in every title match at every ppv. Seriously, look at this years ppv's, John Cena has been in WWE title match nearly every time.

But that's just how Vince McMahon likes it, he loves John Cena because he think's Cena's good for business. Hell, Punk could make twice as much as money if he got the same amount of title matches that Cena's got.

I don't hate Cena, but mix it up like you said, start fueding him with HHH and Nash for a couple of months because Cena and HHH have got history. Then give Punk the recognition he deserves. But that's not going to happen because the WWE system (on raw) is F****D!

Totally, 100% agree.
After all that build up, they went and did EXACTLY what Punk was talking about. They find a way to get Punk out of the title picture and put Cena in a feud with Del Rio. What is it with this guy? How much money is he really making for this company if half of the arena is booing him on a weekly basis? Is it just that he's been the face for so long that they couldn't see the company carried by anyone else? I mean they could have taken this Cena/Punk feud SOOOOO many different GREAT directions and yet we end up with HHH/Punk and Cena/DelRio. I pray they don't drop Punk down to the mid card after NOC. Because the reality is Nash being fired is a work and their definitely going to have him do a run in, at NOC. But then what?
I'm with the posters who say he's got to either get back into the title picture after NOC going after Cena (because he TOO has a championship rematch clause) OR he's got to win the royal rumble. But either way it makes absolutely NO sense to have him drop out of the title picture after such an epic push.
First off, Nash is NOT gone for good and most likely will feud w/Punk going into Survivor Series. As for whats instore for Punk after that, unless it is a mania match w/Stone Cold Steve Austin Punk NEEDS too return to the title pictutre. Not only is Punk a tremendous athlete and the Fan Favorite/Number 1 or tied for the Number 1 spot in the company, if he doesnt return to the title picture and remain the "main guy" then WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS ALL FOR?????? Punk made the threats of leaving, leaves CHI-town w/the wwe title, and talks all about how he doesnt give a shit about being fired cause he is the best and deserves to be treated as such and be the champ and have his face on all the mugs and posters. For GOD SAKE they are even posting stuff in wwe mag about how he is gonna change the company and his contact demands. I REALLY freakin hope Punk made demands like being in the main event, being champ, having his merch everywhere, cause thats wat this is all about! If he says he wnats to change things, LET HIM CHANGE THEM! They have already given the ball once or twice and he has sored with it! let him hold onto it and see what he can do for ur buisness, that why you resigned him!!!!!
Did anyone read the Twitter posts from one of the former creative guys who got let go? It's on WZ's front page.

He thinks that HHH will slowly start putting himself in the spotlight again and push Punk back to the midcarders.

While I don't know if this is an opinion of a bitter guy or someone who has seen this before, it does make the match at NOC more interesting.

I don't see HHH's ego letting him have Punk beat him. I see a win for trips, albeit not a clean one.
What's next for CM Punk is that he will lose to Triple H at night of champions (expect a screw job of some sort, possibly involving the "fired" Nash) with the feud continuing until Survivor Series and ultimately having Punk come out on top.

What I wish would be next for CM Punk would be him ditching 'Cult of Personality' and going back to his old theme music.'Cult of personality' is fine and it fits his character, but his old theme was by far the best entrance music in the WWE today. I actually do think his crowd reaction is suffering from it.
What's next for CM Punk is that he will lose to Triple H at night of champions (expect a screw job of some sort, possibly involving the "fired" Nash) with the feud continuing until Survivor Series and ultimately having Punk come out on top.

What I wish would be next for CM Punk would be him ditching 'Cult of Personality' and going back to his old theme music.'Cult of personality' is fine and it fits his character, but his old theme was by far the best entrance music in the WWE today. I actually do think his crowd reaction is suffering from it.

Fire burns was a good theme but it was actually originally meant for Randall Orton. I like his new theme, Cult of Personality fits more to his new character.

I really hope HHH puts Punk over, or I mean just loses the match. HHH doesn't need another win and he certainly doesn't need to hog the spotlight all the time.
Once Triple H put his COO job title on the line, that pretty much gave away the result of the match. He's going to win, with interference from Nash (and maybe Waltman). Why would they already have him out as the COO after just a month and a half?

I really hope this doesn't happen, but I could definitely see them putting Punk with Nash and Waltman just because that's the only way to surprise anyone with this storyline really. Then Punk could say, "You thought they were your friends and I had them in my back pocket the entire time."

Anyway, after this feud with Triple H or Nash (if he does wrestle Nash), I could see him facing The Rock at Survivor Series. We know he's going to be there, and they both put on epic promos. Punk's made it clear that he's no fan of Dwayne's for saying he wasn't leaving ever again and then turning around and doing the exact opposite after Mania. If not The Rock, I could see a feud with Christian. Christian needs a good feud now that the one with Orton has concluded. I think I'd like this one a lot. The 3rd option I think would be The Miz if he doesn't win the tag titles with R-Truth.
This post is mired by a little bit of smoke since you really cannot tell what is in line for punk after the Nash and HHH feud. I have a feeling that this is going to go on through survivor series and end there. Im hoping for a good bout maybeeee a Triple threat with punk nash and HHH. i really the ace in the hole is going to be laurinitis. As uncomfortable as he is being in front of a camera he better get used to it. That shot we seen last week with nash and Ace getting in that car is a big a point of this story ( I think) as this match with Hunter is gunna be. Nash is "fired" what was laurinitis saying to him in the limo?? I think its gunna be a power struggle with HHH and laurinitis since laurinitis will lobby for Nashs' job meanwhile HHH is against it.

Back on topic though, I think after survivor series punk will set up for the Rumble and most likely win it. He still has beef with the rock and cena for what he said during that shoot promo. That cannot be forgotten in this story. I really think Punk is gunna end up in the rock and cena feud for a brief amount of time because there still is some unfinished business there.
CM Punks WWE magazine cover debut..also happens to be this guys..@Rickymodelpro follow on twitter...(guys that CMpunk is stepping on, on the cover)

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