Could Punk's record title reign of 434 days be broken?

I think that Cena could break it along with his record-tying 16th title reign. Nikki did it for AJ Lee, so it'll make sense that Cena (Nikki's man) does it for CM Punk.
I think it'll happen someday, though I think Rollins is probably their best chance at this particular point in time. Rollins already has the distinction of being the first to cash in MITB at WrestleMania, which he did successfully, in what'll probably be a classic WrestleMania moment that set new levels for the MITB concept. Rollins is also the first dual champion in WWE since the Ultimate Warrior, though I'm not counting instances in which a title was unified with another, a quarter century ago. Rollins' obviously has a lot of support among WWE management, he's got the goods in the ring & on the mic, fans are firmly invested in him so the idea of him breaking Punk's record isn't far fetched. Today marks day 178 of Rollins' time as WWE World Heavyweight Champion, meaning he's a little less than 1.5 months of surpassing Lesnar's 224 day run to give him the 4th longest run of the past 10 years.

I know some aren't completely satisfied with Rollins' reign but, then again, look at how many net fans ALWAYS complain about EVERY title run when it doesn't begin matching up with their ideal fantasy. Then, they'll compare said title run to the runs of childhood favorites while forgetting or skipping over the alleged shortcomings of those due to the nostalgia associated with them. For instance, with CM Punk, Punk's run often got the same complaints as Rollins is getting: "WWE's making him look weak", "Punk's getting boring as champion", "I think Punk should be booked this way", etc. Additionally, there were complaints regarding Punk's matches often not happening at the end of the night as if this tainted everything and magically rendered it all irrelevant.

As MITB has been brought up by others, the concept is no longer the absolute guarantee that the contract holder wins the title. We've seen two examples of it cashed in where the holder has failed to win the strap, so who is to say that Sheamus won't be the third?
People that say that it doesn't matter are wrong. It does matter and it's indeed an accomplishment for the 'modern era' of professional wrestling. Yes, being a 'champion' is a scripted accomplishment, but that doesn't take away the fact that you were "hot" enough to carry the belt for a year and be profitable for a major company as their (or one of their) top guys.

If I could, I wouldn't try and break CM Punk's accomplishment, because this is pro-wrestling and CM Punk is a pro-wrestler in heart, so it's likely that one day, he will return. Returning as the guy that held the championship the longest is something that should be used in order to hype him up. It just really makes the accomplishment really special as it took more than 20 years for someone to hold it that long. If they have another guy breaking it, in the span of three to four years, it would be just silly and obviously immature.

However, if it does make sense in the long run... Then, why not? Imagine their goal is for Seth Rollins to turn babyface by Royal Rumble's time. That alone would extend his reign, because now he's a different character with a lot of different opponents. Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, Big Show and even Kevin Owens are the ones that comes to mind that could potentially be break down in five to six months of storyline (imagine you get until SummerSlam at August 21 and it's done). So as long as they manage to make a title reign entertaining television and at the same time good enough to fill arenas, then, by all means they will be able and most likely will top CM Punk's record.

If that should be done? I don't know. I wouldn't try to do it on purpose like they did with Nikki Bella, though. It needs to be natural, and the way Seth Rollins is being overexposed... I wouldn't do it. He needs to play second or third most important match on a PPV, from time to time. Just like CM Punk did.
firstly, i dont see it happening, though i would LOVE for Seth Rollins to hold the title that long as i'm a huge fan of his. even his music (which i found generic at first) has grown on me. Rollins as champion has been a fun ride and he reminds me a bit of CM Punk, but like others said, with Money in the Bank and with there only being one champion, i dont see a title run lasting 434 days.
Well, I wouldn't put it past WWE to book someone to do it. They did it with a pointless reign in Nikki Bella that only drove down interest in the women's division. I would have rathered they waited and did it with someone like Charlotte or Paige if they really wanted AJ's reign to be second longest.

Rollins is at the very least an intersting champion. 435 days puts him as champion into June of 2016. That's two PPVs after WrestleMania, the third consecutive Royal Rumble winner failing to capitalize, and Sheamus having a month left to cash in. It's a lot of moving parts and I'm not crazy about another failed Rumble winner, with that event getting a lot of heat the last couple years.

They're definitely highlighting Sheamus' briefcase. When the cash in is far off, they usually don't mention the luggage unless it's when addressing the holder as Mr. MITB. We saw Sheamus go for it at NOC, so logic dictates that they pull the trigger soon, but on who?

Personally, I'd save Sheamus' win for 2016. Maybe make Sheamus the first person to wait a year, cashing in at MITB against the title winner from WrestleMania. Rollins holds the title for one year, losing it at the event he won it at to either Roman Reigns or Dean Ambrose (whoever is the babyface).

There's no logic in switching gears to Sheamus when the Celt doesn't have any momentum. His beard is more over as a heel than he is, that's not heat. A face would have to capture the title, then drop it to Sheamus. That or the Rollins face turn occurs, but that just sounds terrible to take an over heel like Rollins, turn him face and sub him out for a crowd snoozer in Sheamus. But this is WWE.

I'd say it's possible we could have a long title reign, but max we'll see is a year if Rollins goes to Mania 32. The Punk title reign was a great run, but it had issues. A returning Jericho failing to capture made little sense, Ryback should have won hands down, and Punk even had to turn heel part way through to freshen it up, which was a great move but what if Rollins turns face?

They've been booking him as Triple H's neutered lap dog for well over a year. They turn Rollins face and he magically grows a pair. All his finishes have been screwy. The closest thing to a clean finish was MITB vs Ambrose and rolling up Sting. Maybe the victory over Sting is the beginning of a teticle transplant for Rollins?

I'm not sure, but I know a face turn will suck if he doesn't grow a pair fast. Why do I get behind this guy losing his title? I think the best booking sees Rollins go a year, dropping the title in the Shield triple threat to Ambrose or Reigns. Reigns redeeming himself one year later makes sense. What might make even more sense is if Lesnar is in the match and not Ambrose, things coming full circle is WrestleMania.
That's why everyone says it's the 'modern day record'. Long time fans know full well that Bruno and Moolah have the real records, but realistically those records are untouchable since those classic multiple year reigns are an impossibility in the modern era.

But I do agree with you, there is no need to surpass the 434 day modern record with so many deserving talents having not held the WWE Title.

"modern day record".. That sounds ridiculous.. It's not a record at all.. Punk is the one to bring up the "modern day record" and you guys bought right into it.. It was just a way for him to brag he was the champion for a very long time.

People still continue to use these phrases CM Punk use to say, like pipebomb, modern day record, when in reality none of that means anything... Bruno has the record, end of discussion.
Punk's reign isn't a record. If they ever show a longest WWE champion list on WWE TV or, Bruno's gonna be on top, not Punk.

If we want to head down that path, AJ wasn't the record holder, Moolah was. Back then she held it for years as she would tour the regional promotions and put the title on the line against the local champ. Even when she lost she would retain the title as the local lass wouldn't be prepared to drop everything(as this was considered a second job/hobby for most) and go on the road for peanuts.
If we want to head down that path, AJ wasn't the record holder, Moolah was. Back then she held it for years as she would tour the regional promotions and put the title on the line against the local champ. Even when she lost she would retain the title as the local lass wouldn't be prepared to drop everything(as this was considered a second job/hobby for most) and go on the road for peanuts.

Yes, but that was the "Woman's" title. The "Divas" belt has a separate history that only began in the 2000s. The WWE title's history still goes back to Bruno's day. Similar to the tag team belts.. the title's today don't share history with the belts Demolition, Legion of Doom, Hart Foundation, New Age Outlaws, etc held. It's a different history.
Actually, the reason why CM Punk was able to reach 434 days as WWE Champion was because:

1. The World Heavyweight Championship Title was active.
2. John Cena won his Money In The Bank cash-in match by disqualification, therefore CM Punk still retained his WWE Championship Title.
3. CM Punk was managed by the Voice of the Voice of the Voiceless.
4. CM Punk is the straight edge.

Okay, those last 2 may or may not be valid reasons, but it didn¡¯t hurt to have the Best Manager In The World while being the Best Wrestler In The World. Point is, having the Money In The Bank briefcase doesn¡¯t guarantee a WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title reign, and in John Cena¡¯s case, even if Mr. Money In The Bank wins the match. It only guarantees a WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title match.

It does guarantee the title reign. There had been few cases where the MitB winner hasn't successfully cashed in. Anyone that wins the title is destined to win the title.

Whenever it failed, Cena was somehow involved and WWE can't do experiments on Cena. When Sandow tried to cash in, Cena defeated him because Sandow wasn't main event material. So, I'm fine with that.

Then, Cena himself failed to win the title because, he wouldn't cash in on a bruised opponent. He wanted to win the title fair and square. Thus, he couldn't cash in.
Just like being the Royal Rumble winner, or being the King Of The Ring, being Mr. Money In The Bank does not guarantee a WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title reign. It only guarantees a WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title match. Guarantee would indicate that every Mr. Money In The Bank in history won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt by cashing in the MITB briefcase, which in your post, states that 2 of them failed.
It will happen someday, but I don't know when or who the wrestler will be who can hold the belt that long. I wouldn't be against Rollins breaking the record, but I expect WWE will want a face to walk out of WM next year as Champion- so unless Seth turns face before then (which is possible), I think he'll drop the belt before he hits 365 days with the title.

What everyone needs to remember is that WWE only brought up that Punk was the "longest reigning champion of the modern era" to boost his status and make the title seem even more important. We all know that there are plenty of wrestlers in the past who've held the WWE title longer than Punk did- Bruno, Hulk, Backlund etc.

Until WWE decide that there is someone worthy of holding the title longer than Punk did, they just won't mention Punk's "record".
It can but not right now. I don't think wwe will get behind anyone like they did with Punk. Don't forget, while Punk was champ Cena was involved in a huge angle which kept him away from the title scene. Right now, they seem to be trying to build new champs so I can't see them making someone a long term champ at the expense of guys like Rollins. My guess is it will be a good 5 years minimum before we see it broken - need to clear out some of the older talent before they can get behind someone for that long.
Kinda curious here.

What is considered to be this 'modern era' of professional wrestling that CM Punk is the record holder for? And what makes whatever wrestling preceeded the beginning of this 'modern era', not as modern? Because Hulk Hogan's longest reign, which ended right before Wrestlemania 4 (seemed pretty modern to me), eclipsed that Punk reign by about 1000 days or so.

Who would be the next guy to hold the title longer than Punk? Hard to say. They seem invested on keeping the belt on Rollins for a while longer still at least, especially if he's up against Kane next... but another 250 days? Past Wrestlemania 32? Not that I wouldn't put it past them, but you can really only run with the chickenshit heel champ for so long before you start turning people away.

If not Rollins though, then for obvious reasons it doesn't happen anytime soon, and you'd probably want to do it with a kickass babyface.
I think it can be beaten. I would have expected somebody like Reigns or Cena to do it though. I just don't think they'll make it as obvious as during the end of Nikki's record on how they're trying to break the record. Realistically it makes sense for the record to be broken.

I'd hate for Seth to lose the title at WrestleMania where his title loss would be overshadowed by whatever two part timers they decide to end the show with. I could see him making it to June, around the time he'll break the record, probably get cashed in on and begin the chase as a legit top face.
I think it can and will happen someday. Seth has a very good chance at breaking the record he is around 180 days right now. King of the Ring is in June at the middle or end of the month, so if Sheamus was to wait til KOTR Seth could beat the record around June 6th or so. The question is who are Seth's next opponents going to be, HIAC looks to be Kane. If there was a face turn for Seth than his reign could last even longer, because you would not have that cheating to win thing that Seth does. There are only 9 months left til the record is broken look at it this way Seth wins 1 to 3 more times, turns face and than he is good for another 6 title defenses and that puts you right around June.
If not Seth than I would say John Cena in his record tying title reign, which also could be his farewell tour.

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