When will CM Punk's WWE Title reign end?

Hopefully at the next possible opportunity. I feel he's gone ridiculously stale as both the Champion and a babyface.

His promo recently how he hadn't changed at all since last year's "shoot" was laughable.
CM Punk's title reign will end to John Cena at Night Of Champions. There have been a lot of talks that Cena will be put back into the WWE title picture real soon. Night Of Champions is in Boston too so yeah I can def see this happening.
CM Punk's title reign will end to John Cena at Night Of Champions. There have been a lot of talks that Cena will be put back into the WWE title picture real soon. Night Of Champions is in Boston too so yeah I can def see this happening.

God I hope not.

Not because I hate Cena or anything but the other night on RAW Cole was running down the list of who Punk has beaten for the title and yet I don't remember him saying Cena. I think if Punk does not a get a clean win over Cena his title reign will be a sham. I think that's why people view Cena above Punk even tho Punk is the champ, let them work a program and really see who the "best in the world" is.
I'm hoping it won't end soon because it would be cool if he were able to break the one year mark. The last time anyone did was Cena 6 years ago. If they want to fully establish Punk as a top tier talent then a lengthy world title reign is crucial in helping him reach that status. I doubt that a year long title reign will end up happening. One could argue that Punk has had a lengthy reign already. 214 days is incredibly long, longer than any reign since Cena in 2006-2007. It would benefit him for it to last a bit longer. I just wish he closed more PPV's with his WWE Championship matches, but that is a topic for another thread.

I think that the Money In the Bank winner will be the one to defeat him. They could have him cash in on the 1000th episode of Raw, which would lead to a rather cool moment. The potential for a historical moment is there, so WWE will probably follow through with that and provide it. Or they will just end up putting the title back on Cena. We will just have to wait and see.... I'd like to hope that it will either be as a result of a cash-in at the 1000th episode due to the historical value of making a new champion on that episode, or after he has passed the 1 year mark.
I honestly don't think his title reign is in jeopardy in 2012. I could be wrong, but I believe that The Rock is gonna win the 2013 Rumble and the storyline will set up as follows:

Rock (beat Cena at last year's WM) vs. Punk (with one of the very longest title reigns ever by that point)...

Sports entertainer with the prototypical wrestling build vs. The anti-superstar, professional wrestler.

We shall see.
I'm glad you mentioned the Cena in 06-07, because you're right, the title reigns are similar.

CM Punk has been a great champion so far and the fans are not getting tired of him. With this in mind, it wouldn't make much sense to have the title change hands due to Punk being stale or anything.

However, with that being said, I think there's no time better than the present than for Kane to get a well-deserved title reign. I think Kane would make a great champion for 2-3 months.

Daniel Bryan isn't quite ready for a long title reign; even though he is a great wrestler and a phenomenal heel.

I would allow Punk to keep the title until at least SummerSlam. I think Punk should beat Orton before his title reign is over since Orton buried him last Wrestlemania.
Usually title reigns end when the champion is beat in a decision that would require him to drop the belt or injury. I don’t think there is another way unless there is something new. So I am going when he losses the belt his title reign will end. When, I don’t really know. How, don’t know that either. Where, sometime in the future. Who, not really sure yet, but probably whenever Cena want his belt back.

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