What's Your Favorite Moment in CM Punk's Title Reign?


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CM Punk became champion waaay back at Survivor Series 11, and since has become the owner of the 4th longest title reign in the last 16 years....

Theres been hundreds of title reigns and some happen to have some incredible moment happen during them? whats your favorite moment during CM Punk 7 month title reign?

I will be biased and say his best and my favorite was at wrestlemania because he got to stand on that stage at the biggest stage of them all and yell BEST IN THE WORLD.... and actually leave the wwe champion and creat a magic wrestlemania moment with his match against Jericho...

I had 2 favorite moments, and the first was when he regained the WWE title at Survivor Series in NYC. The best part about it was when Howard Finkel was "his personal ring announcer" for that match (Punk was feuding with Del Rio and took a shot at Ricardo at the time). Another was also WrestleMania when he beat Chris Jericho, and need I say cleanly, to retain the WWE title in the grandest stage of them all. That proved to me that Punk is the real deal.

I cherish the moments while Punk is still WWE Champion.
My favorite moment/defense was against Jericho at Extreme Rules. Specifically, when he elbow dropped Jericho through the announce table.

It's refreshing to see a world champion that isn't all about power. In this match we got technique, weapons, and high risk action. It's not often that you see the main event guys (Cena, Sheamus, etc.) jumping off the ropes to the outside, through a table no less.

This match really showed off Punk's all-around ability, and while the match might not have been a 5 star classic, it's definitely my favorite part (so far) of Punk's reign.
there's alot for me. love the promos with him and Bryan and him and Jericho and even him and Laurenitis. the wrestling with Punk vs. Bryan/Jericho and even Kane has been really good and the current story is the most interesting thing going. the 2nd most intersting thing currently in WWE is who is the new GM going to be, but seriously, unless Cena has a feud with a bigger star, they need to put Punk's matches on last now as they are much better with wrestling and it's more interesting now.
I have alot of favorite Punk moments during his title reign. I love everything about Punk. His interviews/promos are amazing. I liked the time when he acted drunk to get in the mind set of Jericho. Last week when he called Daniel Bryan a "Goat Face Moron." I also love Punks in-ring ability. He has had incrediable matches, I espeically loved the one with Jericho at Extreme Rules. Their is too many to mention.
I'd say it's either this feud with Bryan and Kane. It's worked well for me Bryan and Punk had some great matches and now they've bring in Kane and AJ to the feud its been really good. There have been some funny moment's something that doesn't really happen in the WWE these days or The Feud with Jericho not just the WM match but the whole feud on complain I would have is that they didn't have submission match. That would have been ace. (Just a quick point. It says a lot when 7 month's is the 4 highest title reign in 16 years)
I would have to say his Wrestlemania match, that was the best. Although, he still should have lost the title to Kane at No Way Out...still a little peeved about that lol
Oddly enough when he retained against Mark Henry mainly because of WWE's reluctance to put Punk over opponents who are clearly much bigger than he is physically. Punk/Jericho at Wrestlemania was epic even though it was a paycheck match for Jericho...
When he booted The Miz in the face at TLC. Punk's chained to the turnbuckle, Miz is standing just out of reach, doing his cunt (read: default) face. Punk reaches out, grabbing at thin air - millimetres away from Miz's face. This spurns Miz on - he thinks this is hilarious. Bam. Punk's leg shoots out and catches Miz full on in the face. Exquisite.

From the same match, when Punk kicked the ladder apart to free himself. I must have a thing for kicking - it's the only explanation.

Other highlights include Punk finally snapping at cutting that seething promo on Laurinaitis and, oddly enough, the four-way promo with Bryan, AJ and Kane just the other week.

And a very personal favourite: "I have till five!"
The build up to the match at extreme rules and the match that resulted from it, it was the first time in a long time that a rivalry felt personal cause they exploited his straight edge lifestyle, it wasn't a you beat me once i'll beat you in the rematch feeling that i feel that we usually see in the pg era, it was a you beat me at wrestlemania, i want to ruin your life type fued with that rematch storyline, although it could have been better.
I can't think of any defining or "Great" moments for his tite reign. For the 4th longest reign in 16 years (Thank you attitude era for all the pointless title changes) he sure hasn't done a whole lot. My favorite matches would be the champion vs champion match he had with DB on free tv. And then the WWE title match at Over the limit. When both guys won their respective titles this was a match I was hoping for and they pretty much delivered.
My favorite has to be when he won the title at survivor series, and Howard Finkel announcing him as the new champion. Also it was awesome that he went in to mania as champ and came out with a clean win over Jericho. Great run for Punk so far.
My favorite moment was when he beat Daniel Bryan and Kane . It proved he was not tougher than all of them but it really proved he IS the best in the world. He had gotten very strong and had gotten more strong since his title rein came. Aj cant even distract him when he is wrestling I think he has not grown as a wrestler but grown as a man.
I'll go with the TLC match against Miz. Some nice, well executed spots in that match. A close second would be when Jericho smashed the whiskey bottle over his head during the run to WM. His hand was shaking spastically while he was curled up in pain....he really sold that well.
The several reversal spots against Jericho at Wrestlemania. You just had no idea who would end up on the mat. Whether it be Punk pulling his knees just in time to nail Chris in the torso, or Jericho grabbing Punks legs before getting whipped off the top rope and turning it into a Walls of Jericho.
Would have to be MITB he won it then he had alot of great promos that sounded like they could be a shoot. But now the promos dont really carry weight, a little funny at times. There is no I am an outlaw or rebel feeling anymore. Good thing he can wrestle.
Would have to be MITB he won it then he had alot of great promos that sounded like they could be a shoot. But now the promos dont really carry weight, a little funny at times. There is no I am an outlaw or rebel feeling anymore. Good thing he can wrestle.

That's a different title reign. He won it at Survivor Series.

For me, it's the Build up to the ER match with Jericho and their match there. The matches with Henry were one of the best in his (Henry's) career, and Jericho coming out later was priceless. This build should have lead to WM. I was surprised that Jericho did not win it. It's been a good reign that I had predicted to end at ER AND No Way Out. Even though I'd like to see Bryan Kane or Jericho as a champ, glad it didn't happen and I don't see the need of it happening to the MITB winner... Will he lose it to Bryan? Maybe...
One of my favorite moments was the Chicago Street Fight.
Everything about the match was great. It had technical wrestling, weapons, and Punk dropping off the to rope. The match had the feel that it was personal, Jericho and CM Punk gave it their all.
The other favorite moment(s) is the Punk/Bryan feud that is currently happening with the addition of AJ. The Over the Limit match was terrific, Bryan and Punk were equals in this match and CM Punk won within a second of tapping out to Daniel Bryan.

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