How long will Punk's title reign last?

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
So CM Punk once again used his MITB case to win the title. My question is, how long will the reign last? If it's too short it is just like his last reign, and shows he wasn't ready to be champion yet, but I also can't see him having a long reign, as he doesn't seem like a main eventer to me. I think maybe it will last until Summerslam or Unforgiven. Your thoughts.
I think Summerslam where he will drop the title to Hardy, Then they will go and feud until say...Cyber Sunday where Hardy wins and retains the title. Then maybe an up-and-comer will come along and take the title from him ex. JO-MO.
thing is, if punks regin last till summerslam, taker should be back by them. so it wont be any up and coming talent. wwe has done their job on smakcdown. they dont need morrison until next year for main events. they got rey jericho punk edge hardy and undertaker. those guys will finish out this year as the top dogs. i think wqen taker gets back, and if hardy is the champ, thats what we'll see. or even y2j could lose the ic belt to morrison, and become hw champ and fud agaisint taker. i would love to see y2j vs taker at wm26.
so punks reign will last either till the bash, or till taker gets back.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Punk's reign last until at least Survivor Series. They look to be making him a strong champion this time around.
C.M Punk really is being built up pretty strong as the World Heavyweight Champion. Last year, C.M. Punk wasn't really the main focus on Raw, but WWE is making it seem like he's the TOP superstar on Smackdown, which he obvious is not. I like the way Punk is being booked as the champ this time around, even though I'm not as big of a fan of his now as I was last year.

With that being said, I really can't tell when he will lose his title. I've looked at all types of title reigns for the past year and predicted a long title reign, but it didn't happen. I thought Punk would have been Intercontinental Champion for atleast 4 months, I thought Christian would be ECW Champion for about 5-6 months, I thought Rey Mysterio would be IC Champ for a lot longer than he did, I thought Batista would be WWE Champion until atleast No Mercy, but nope. So, it is very hard to predict what wrestler is going to hold what title for how long. Some champs deserve the title for a long time and don't get it.

If I had to guess, I'd say maybe C.M Punk will lose the title around Summerslam, but with the way WWE has been having champions lose their title for no reason lately, I would not be surprised if he lost his title a lot sooner.
I think it'll be a much longer title reign for Punk. Last I heard, Jeff Hardy hasn't signed a new contract, and if that's the case, then he's not going to beat CM Punk. Factor this match with the possible heel turn, there's no doubt Punk will beat Jeff. Having him turn heel by beating the biggest face on Smackdown would be huge for his reign.

Rey probably won't lose to Jericho, and he'd be the other face of Smackdown. Perhaps to add to the heel turn, Punk challenges Rey for all the gold, and then defeats the other biggest face on Smackdown. Having Punk walk down the aisle with two titles over his shoulders with a cocky smile on his face would be great for him. Plus, Edge and Jericho are great complainers, and can enter into feuds with Punk, which keeps Punk as the "worse" heel.

But, whenever Undertaker comes back, that'll be the end, at least eventually (Punk could start getting DQ'd leading to a gimmick match at say Survivor Series). Have Punk then win the Rumble, challenge Taker in a rematch at Mania, and have him WIN. In less than a year Punk goes through the top 2 faces on Smackdown (they could even have him completely take out Jeff Hardy if he chooses not to resign), the top two heels, a Royal Rumble win (cheating obviously), and then ending the streak of the most beloved superstar in WWE. That's one hell of a rub, and if WWE is serious about developing talent, there's no better way. Even losing to Taker at Mania, then winning at Backlash, would be great for him (so that I avoid any die hard Taker groupies)
I'm a CM Punk fan.. not a crazed fan, but I do enjoy him from the music to the simple look to the fact he doesn't sound bad on the mic... overall look of him works and is very "anti-WWE champ." That meaning, he isn't a huge guy (height or muscle mass) and he's one of few remaining dudes with long hair!

If I had to guess WHEN Punk would lose the title I don't see it happening until AT LEAST Summerslam. I doubt Jeff will retain the title from now until he takes his leave/break/whatever it is. It's possible it could happen at Night Of Champions just because of the aura/gimmick of the PPV -- but as people have said they're building Punk to be a strong champion --- and thank god for that. His title reign on Raw was pathetic and it wasn't his fault. He feuded with some terrible in ring performers (Batista and JBL), and the storylines for those feuds were incredibly lame. His reign on SD, even though it's been just a couple of weeks, has been brilliant. He's beaten Jericho, Rey, Hardy, Edge. Clean and not clean, he's beat them. And He's got a minor storyline with each of them besides Rey. Jericho was the one who capitalized on Punk's "injury" at the ends of Orton, Punk cashed in on Edge in '08, and now the storyline with Jeff. Yeah the WWE tends to forget that storylines from a year ago ever happened but wrestling fans don't.

Raw on the other hand is pretty freaking terrible. I love RKO and am happy to see him as champion, but why did you even take it off him in the first place? And I like Hunter, but we don't need to see his 13th(?) title reign at the Bash. Where the hell is your mid card, Raw? Who's Kofi feuding with? Do something good with Santino. And do not under any circumstance give Ted Dibase the microphone AGAIN.

But yea. Punk could lose at N.O.C. but I'd say he's champ at least until Summerslam. But I could see him having it until Cyber Sunday.
CM Punk's Title Reign will last longer than his prevous one. which started at the same month. the reason is simple....
think about it, why woul wwe give punk another win with the MiTB and then another chance at the title if they are just gonna waste the opportunity with him again
as much as i dont want this to happen i can see him hold the title until novemeber, then win the Royal Rumble of 2010.....
Ok so i'm sorry but i'm not at all sold by CM Punk, this is the guy who was being used to put ppl over on raw, and yet he wins his second money in the bank title match and does the same exact thing. I'm not an idiot i know wrestling is scripted but nothing looks weaker or more like a heel thing to do then charge in and kick someone when they are down. Jeff Hardy was already an established champion. And in my eyes it's bull that WWE took the title from him. The only person who ever won MITB that actually took somewhat of an honor w/ it was RVD who let Cena know he was challenging him. It's really kind of a weak way to become champ if you ask me. To Me, CM doesn't deserve to be top because he's not. His character is lame, i saw people like him in high school every day, so tell me how he's going to break through? If he couldn't get the job done as champ once how is he going to do it this time? He hasn't shown any improvement. I will admit when he was on ECW and had his undefeated streak i was cheering for him. I liked him but there's just something about him. Also i had once read a report that he was refusing to sign stuff for fans and blew them off.... Now i had Cody Rhodes walk right up to me and talk to me as well as Jeff Hardy one time and sign some stuff for me. But when Punk blows off little kids? Kinda bull. To me he is a paper champ because he did not earn the title
I am not the biggest Punk fan but I do believe that he brings a breath of fresh air to the championship scene in WWE. I like Edge, he is a great heel but I think he needs time away from the title scene. That brings me to Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy is at best an upper-mid card talent. He is like a more charismatic and athletic Mic Foley with a lot of stupid looking face paint and without the lovable personality.

Now I understand that Vince really wants to push Hardy to get everything he can out of the man before he takes time off but right now I think Punk should keep the title for a few months. That would give Edge a break from the title scene and let him help put over John Morrison and guys like him for a while which will help the product. I think Punk can be a very nice champion for Smackdown for a few months.
CM Punk wanted a full-on heel turn, but he's just too real a character to simply break away from his principles like that. This is a nice little experiment to see how well Punk draws heat, although he's too sensible to make me hate him.
I think his reign is still gonna last a couple more months. At least until Summerslam (that's the August PPV, right?)
What WWE need to do is keep the title on Punk until his current character has fully developed. Right now he's floating around in tweener purgatory, and while it is interesting to watch, WWE will eventually have to pick a way for his character to go. He'll either be a beloved face who does things his own way in a style that people go crazy for like Stone Cold or he'll be the misunderstood heel where it's him vs the world. If they don't keep the title on him while they are working through his character, the crowd could lose interest, especially if he ends up falling back down the ladder into the upper midcard again when Undertaker comes back and when the Jericho/Mysterio feud is over.
They also need to give Punk a reign that lasts a good few months. That's as much for the title's benefit as it is for Punk's. The title hasn't had a reign with a decisive champion since Cena's Novermber 2008-February 2009 reign. And even that was less than 3 months long. So yeah, WWE has to prove that there are guys on the SD roster who can hold the title for longer than 2 months. And Punk is the guy to prove that. It'll no doubt make him more over as cement him as a main eventer. And I don't think people will turn on Punk like they turned on Cena when he had his long title run. I'm not saying Punk will have the title for a year, I mean that Punk's character is more intrguing than Cena's has evver been, Cena's character has always seemed somewhat shallow. With Punk's current character I think it could take quite a while for people to get sick of him as champion.
So I'm gonna say he'll hold it until September.

Ok so i'm sorry but i'm not at all sold by CM Punk, this is the guy who was being used to put ppl over on raw, and yet he wins his second money in the bank title match and does the same exact thing. I'm not an idiot i know wrestling is scripted but nothing looks weaker or more like a heel thing to do then charge in and kick someone when they are down.

It doesn't actually matter that much if you win the title. How you defend it is what makes a wrestler into a strong champion and is what makes the title look strong. Punk is on a 6 match winning streak, which is literally the biggest winning streak a World Heavyweight Champion has been on in months. So I'd say the belt looks stronger than it has in a while.

Jeff Hardy was already an established champion. And in my eyes it's bull that WWE took the title from him.

Right now Punk is a much more established champion than Hardy has ever been. In both Punk's world title reigns he has succesfully defended the title at least once, something which Hardy has never done.

The only person who ever won MITB that actually took somewhat of an honor w/ it was RVD who let Cena know he was challenging him.

Yeah, but then it turned out RVD was drugged up in some way. That didn't make the title look too good...

It's really kind of a weak way to become champ if you ask me. To Me, CM doesn't deserve to be top because he's not.

He earned a title shot anytime anywhere by winning MitB. He beat 6 or 7 other men in a ladder match. Hardy beat.... 1 guy in a ladder match. And earlier in the night, Punk got pretty beat up by Umaga. And as I've already said, it matters way more how you defend the title than how you win it.

His character is lame, i saw people like him in high school every day,

Wow, you must have one hell of an interesting school!

so tell me how he's going to break through? If he couldn't get the job done as champ once how is he going to do it this time? He hasn't shown any improvement.

He's going to do it this time by being booked better. Which he has been so far. 6 match winning streak. Hardy is on a 1 match winning streak. Which streak sounds more impressive?
And he's shown vast improvement recently. In the triple thread match he was doing most of the work. Until he got thrown on to the steps, the whole match was either him vs Hardy or him vs Edge and he did a great job keeping the match together. And his promos since he's been champion have been superb.

I will admit when he was on ECW and had his undefeated streak i was cheering for him.

Then why aren't you cheering for him now? He's on quite a little winning streak. A bigger one than literally anyone else in the WWE is on right now.

I liked him but there's just something about him.

Yeah, I think Vince Mcmahon sees that too... But he sees it as a good thing, y'see.

Also i had once read a report that he was refusing to sign stuff for fans and blew them off.... Now i had Cody Rhodes walk right up to me and talk to me as well as Jeff Hardy one time and sign some stuff for me. But when Punk blows off little kids? Kinda bull. To me he is a paper champ because he did not earn the title

I read that same report. It stated that Punk signed some autographs for a few people, but then he saw a large crowd of people coming towards them who looked disorderly. Like the kinda crowd who's grab you and try to push in front of each other. And if they look like that, they really don't deserve autographs. Aside from that, Punk is known as one of the friendliest guys in the WWE and he actually does care about his fans....

Wait hold on, since when does treating the crowd well affect whether a guy should be champion or not?
I think that Punk should definately turn heel before dropping the title to Taker at Summerslam (Thats when he's returning...I think). Then we could have about 9 different feuds from 3 face main eventers (Mysterio, Taker, Hardy) and 3 heel main eventers (Jericho, Punk, Edge). Which shows that Smackdown IS the better brand!
Smackdown needs Punk to be a good champ because even though it may have the better talent, it still does not have the superstars. Edge seems like he is taking a hiatus from the title, Hardy might not be here for long, Mysterio is not world championship material anymore, and Undertaker is not going to hold the title. You need Punk/Jericho to carry the upper card until a mid carder has enough time to develop.
So far they are booking Punk strong. As he already has wins over Jericho, and Hardy and Edge in the triple threat. As well as winning his match with Mysterio. Now I think they are slowly turning him heel. Which can only make him stronger. He really is a much better heel than face. I really see him holding the title till at least SummerSlam, with him dropping the Belt to Hardy. If not then he will give up the belt at Survivor Series.

I think that creative could be booking a Taker Punk feud in the near future.
For some reason I don't see Punk holding the title past Summerslam, IMO that will be the PPV that Punk will drop the title, after the feud with Hardy Punk will begin a feud with Jericho who will take the title from him. But then again I'm just goin on a big wild guess....or maybe just something I'd do.
I am hoping that CM Punk has the tools to hold onto the belt until around Survivor Series time, or maybe even until December's PPV, but my guess would be around October or somewhere around there. The belt needs a solid run by a solid competitor to help build some prestige and elusivness, maybe Punk will be that guy?
I think CM Punk will probably hold the World title longer this year than he did last year. Punk vs Jeff Hardy is a lot better than what Raw is doing with another Triple H vs Orton feud. I also believe sooner or later Jericho could probably get involved, and maybe the Undertaker as well when he returns.
I really dont like punk as champion dont ask why but I hope he has a solid run until SummerSlam for the prestige of the title. If jeff doesn't stay then i'd say the title will stay on him past Summerslam maybe until Survivor series.
I think CM Punk will have a decent title reign. He won the title at Extreme Rules on Sunday, June 7, 2009. I predict CM Punk will lose the title at Survivor Series on Sunday, Novemeber 22, 2009. I think he deserves a good run with the title to really establish himself as a credible champion. I think he should start a feud with Undertaker at around Summerslam after Punk beats, say, Jericho to retain his title. Then, Undertaker comes out and says he wants Punk's title. Punk then keeps dodging Undertaker with DQ loses, Counout victories, and cheap pinfalls until they end their feud at Survivor Series in some sort of gimmick match (Hell In The Cell). This would establish CM Punk very nicely as a true Main Eventer.

Although the above with probably not even come close to happening, it would be a good way to establish Punk as a believable main eventer. In all actuality, Punk will probably hold the title until Summerslam or ?Breaking Point? (nlot sure if that's the new name). He will probably drop the title back to Edge.
I see Punk holding the title until Survivor Series. His reign has been good so far and after his program with Hardy is finished, I think that's when Morrison will get his opportunity. If Punk is heel by then, I see Morrison taking it off him. If not, I see Jericho become your new champion at SS.

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