Should HBK have another title reign?

Nahh...Shawn needs to retire. For god sakes, the man was on the first televised episode of WWF Raw.

He's been in WWE almost as long as The Undertaker. If I was him, I'd retire, and let my nagging injuries heal up.

He's already had like, what, 2 Grand Slams? Or is it 1? He's done it all.
Shawn has been there longer than Undertaker but I wouldn't be completely averse to another title reign from him. I did actually want Shawn to be drafted to Smackdown and feud with Edge. That is a match I'd love to see and when I found out Morrison had been drafted to SD! to I really wanted him over there. Shawn could be a great champion on Smackdown and have a few months on top. I'd not like it on Raw because he'd be up against the same old people again, billed as the ultimate underdog.

Shawn - Edge
Shawn - Morrison
Shawn - Rey
Shawn - Jericho
Shawn - Punk
Shawn - Jeff

Are you passing on any of these matches yet?
no offense but why would they give the title 2 hbk again
they shouldn't focus on old wrestlers about to retire and giving him another title shot
they should build up new up and comers so that they will still be there
and be stars when the old hbk is gone and just does some appearances
no offense to u hbk fans aha

Why can't the 2 go hand in hand? As we've seen in the last couple of years, Shawn usually stays out of the Main Event, choosing to wrestle people who aren't quite there yet; their feud with Shawn often showing us how good they can be. I'd see no problem with giving Shawn a title, no matter which, and having him feud with a younger guy over it, until he eventually beats Shawn. It'd be a great way to put someone over - winning your first title from HBK would be a great push.
Yeah, he's got my support. The guy has been working his tail off for the last few years without a respectable title around his waist (not that I can remember anyways).

He's put asses in the seats and more specifically, he did his job at Wrestlemania. Popular opinion is that he and Taker both had the best match on the show and that says something.

He deserves one more reign with the belt before he retires, I agree.
Why does everyone think it would be such a great idea for Michaels to win the title and drop it to Morrison now? Morrison is very talented and young but nowhere near ready for a title reign with the WWE or World championships. Plus they are on seperate brands anyway. One more HBK title reign would be good for one reason it would make for exciting television every week he was the champ on Raw. Which the WWE needs right now.Who says you need to get a rub out of winning a championship. They have recycled the belts on Edge,Triple H,and Cena for like four years now and none of them need a rub anymore. HBK deserves one more reign because he is simply one of the best. Here is how I would do a championship reign for Michaels. Have Randy Orton hold the title going into SummerSlam and have Orton defending the gold against Triple H at the ppv. Orton wins and after the match Legacy beats down HHH and Orton is about to punt him in the skull again when Shawn Michaels returns and saves his best friend. Michaels comes out on Raw the next night and says he has to prove to himself he is still the showstopper by beating Randy Orton for the title at Unforgiven since he lost to Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Orton comes out and accepts. The week before Unforgiven on Raw Legacy attacks Michaels and Orton punts him in the skull. Noone thinks Shawn will be able to wrestle. Orton is about to win by forfeit when Shawn comes out. They have the match and Legacy tries to interfere when Triple H comes down and takes them out. Michaels ducks an RKO and hits Sweet Chin Music to win the title. It's an emotional moment and after a few weeks of builtup animosity between both members of DX. Triple H wins the Rumble and teases challenging the champion on Smackdown before turning his back on Shawn and challenging him at Wrestlemania. Shawn beats Triple H in his last Wrestlemania match. Shawn retires the next night on Raw and they hold a tournament for the vacant title. That's what I'd do in the situation. So yes Shawn should have one more title reign.
I believe Shawn needs another title reign, at least one more time. It seems like every time he gets a title shot, he ends up losing. Why always give him a title shot if he's going to lose every one he's involved in? At least let him win one more time even if it's just for a week. He's a good wrestler and deserves it one more time.
Us as fans WE DESERVE it and HBK sure as hell deserves it!
I honestly think he wont coz if hes retiring shouldn't he be giving rubs to the younger guys and giving them wins or what Flair did for Sting to make him what he is today and give the young guy a GREAT LONG and ENTERTAINING match up were the young guy earns HBK's and the crowds respect!
but yeah I'd love another HBK title run! it would totally ROCK!
HBK deserves another title run. He is looooonnnggggg overdue for one and he has proved time and time again that he still has it and I would love to see it. The last time HBK even came CLOSE to winning it was at WM 23 against Cena and we all knew he wasnt gonna win that. His match with Orton back in late 07 was ehhhhh and that was it and the same goes for the one against Jericho at No Mercy
HBK deserves to be champ again but he's made it clear he doesnt want another title run due to the scheadule he'd have

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