Best Title Reign - Shawn Michaels


Welcome to part two of this little series. In case you missed the first one, I'll take this chance to let you know what this series is about. I pick a wrestler, list details on each of his title reigns, and you say which is your favourite and why. Simple enough?? Maybe not, because up next is HBK, Shawn Michaels. A legend, no doubt, but only a four-time champion.

So, let's take a look at his reigns.....

Shawns first reign as WWE chsmpion started at WrestleMania XII (where better for Mr WrestleMania??) in one of my favourite matches of all time, a 60 minute Iron Man match against Bret Hart. This reign would be Shawns longest ever reign, lasting nearly eight months, before he finally lost the belt to Sycho Sid at Survivor Series.

Two months later, at the Royal Rumble, Shawn defeated Sycho Sid to regain the title. Shawn vacated the title less than a month later, due to a knee injury (or being unwilling to drop the belt to Bret Hart, which ever you choose to believe)

HBK would continue to fued with Bret after his return. This fued culminated with Shawn winning his third title at Survivor Series in a match best remembered as 'The Montreal Screwjob'. It was during this reign that Shawn Michaels broke his back (an injury that caused a four year hiatus from wrestling) in a Casket match against the Undertaker. Shawn held the title, despite the injury, until WrestleMania XIV, when he would be defeated by Stone Cold Steve Austin.

After his long injury lay off, HBK returned to fued with former friend, and champion, HHH. After defeating him in an unsanctioned steer fight at SummerSlam, the two would face off again in the first ever Elimination Chamber match (also featuring Booker T, Jericho, RVD and Kane) Michaels' final run as champion would only be brief as he lost the title to HHH in a 3-Stages of Hell match at Armageddon.

So, there you have it. Great matches and contoversial moments. But which was your favourite HBK championship reign and why??
It has to be the first. The others were all too short without enough matches. The first was won in the main event of WrestleMania. He defended in very good matches against Diesel, Bulldog, Vader, Mankind, and even a young Hunter Hearst Helmsely on raw. The second was only three weeks long before he lost his smile. The third was a result of the screwjob and was hurt by injuries. The fourth only lasted a month with maybe one title defense. It's easily the first. The others aren't even close.
Yep, it was definitely the first one. Shawn had some great matches with a lot of different wrestlers, as well as some great promo time alone, as well as when he was still champion when forming D-Generation X.

The thing that really hurts the other reigns is like The Brain said, they weren't long enough. None of them really lasted worth a while, with the exception of perhaps his 3rd reign, which was dominated mostly of an Undertaker feud, alongside a Steve Austin feud. Where as Shawn's first reign has a multitude of feuds, and great moments.

So the first one it is.
The first one. That one was just totally special to me, and it had a lot of meaning behind it. I liked the whole 'boyhood dream has come true for Shawn Michaels...".

Although, I also liked his last title reign, with his poop pants. :lol: Just because Shawn was on a role when he returned after his back injury. It was a great moment for me, because I was just hoping Shawn would get the title.
Shawn Michaels' first reign as WWF Champion was by far his best world title reign he had. Not only was this his longest reign with a world title but he had many great and memorable matches during this reign as well. One match that always sticks out in my mind was that classic SummerSlam encounter he had with Vader. That was a great match and one of if not the best of HBK's first title run. He also had matches with the likes of Diesel, the British Bulldog, and Mankind as well.

He held the title from late March all the way until mid November. He finally ended up dropping the title to Sid (for whatever reason). This was by far the best Michaels' title reign and was his only real dominant title run as well. First title reign was the charm for HBK.
First off...

I think he should have had more title reigns. It sucks pretty bad that they limited him so much. I could go on forever about this but I'll get back on subject.

It is easily his first! When he came back after retirement, is up there for him I bet simply for the sentimental value alone.

But, his first reign was epic for his size and the guys they were having him face. It was a pretty long reign, especially for the days lying ahead in the company. He faced the company's top Faces and Heels. Big, small, all competition! He beat everyone they put in front of him. They had him working his ass off too. He was constantly defending it. Even if it wasn't being defended, he was still working his ass off in some sort of meaningful match!

Shawn's first reign is indeed a classic, the moment he won it will always be remembered. Plus, I was soooooo glad they had him take the belt off Bret Hart!
It has to be the first one here, as others have said all of the others were too short or didnt feature enough defences. His first reign was eight months long and featured some classic title defences against the likes of Diesel, Bulldog, Vader and Mankind some of the biggest names at the time. In addition to that the "boyhood dream" storyline was perfectly built and the match he won it in was a classic match and moment.
It has to be his first reign as it was his longest and most remembrable one. The way that he won it by beating Bret at WM XII in the Ironman match to defending the title against the likes of Vader, Sid, and Mankind. Shawn was the face of the WWE during this time too. He did more in his first reign than all three of his other reigns combine.

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