WWE Royal Rumble 2013: WWE Championship - CM Punk (c) VS The Rock

I'm so excited about Mania this year because I have no idea what the headline will be. Could have Lesnar help Punk win, setting up Lesnar vs Rock at Mania. Then you have Cena vs Undertaker and maybe Punk vs Ryback to settle that, or Punk vs Undertaker in the ultimate challenge for "the best in the world". Lots of stuff.

I'm excited, I have no idea who will win. I just know the promos will be great and the match will be a ton of fun.

Everyone saying Rock will win because he's a bigger star...that's why he won't win. He's already a draw, he doesn't need a belt. You think him carrying around a title everyone knows he was booked to win talking about Wrestlemania vs him doing it without the title is any different? The only way they put the belt on him is to give a reason for Cena/Rock II. Which then it becomes predictable.

You can even do Rock/Cena II without the title. Cena wins the Rumble and uses it to face Rock instead of the title. They could push that it's more important to Cena to do this for his legacy than to win his 11th or 12th or whatever title.
I agree with you but I don't think it's a matter of "protecting" Punk per se, it's more of a business and money matter. If you have The Rock win the belt at the Royal Rumble, then NO ONE on the face of the Earth (other than maybe a handful of extreme Punk marks) is going to believe that Punk is going to win the presumed rematch at the Elmination Chamber. So, no one will buy that PPV. BUT, if the Rock loses (via interference from Heyman and Shield) at the Rumble, then everyone will buy the EC, hoping to see the Rock win the belt there. So, what Vince is going to do, is sucker you into buying both the Rumble and EC, rather than just the Rumble to see Rock win the belt.

A tad bit hyperbolic, but your reasoning is sound. However, not giving The Rock the title at the Royal Rumble could also turn off the casual or returning-from-hiatus fans who got the PPV just to see Rocky, and those are the eyeballs that Vince wants. His base is going to be ordering the next 3 PPVs regardless. Viewers who don't read dirtsheets don't know how long The Rock will be around for, nor are they likely to be analyzing why or when he gets the title. All they know is they paid money to see The Rock win, and if The Rock doesn't win then WWE won't be getting their repeat business.

This match is The Rock's show, folks. The WWE Championship and CM Punk are the supporting cast, in that order. The longer The Rock has the belt for, the greater the potential for WWE to gain more exposure and more new viewers. WWE's more into the business of making money than they are of making intriguing storylines, and IWC members should be the first group to realize this. The Rock is money.
I can see Punk retain in some controversial fashion. Has anybody struck the idea of a triple threat at Wrestlemania, Rock vs Punk vs Cena? That would be a suitable direction for the on going fued between rock/punk and punk/cena. Who knows.
After watching Monday Night Raw, I think Vince's backstage statement that if Shield interfere in Punks match Sunday, he will be stripped of the WWE Championship. Well, I think WWE may have a way now to proceed ahead while keeping everybody strong.
What if The Shield do not interfere...BUT Brad Maddox does, leading to Punk getting a tainted victory over The Rock. As we know the Rumble match itself is closing the ppv, so we will know who the respective champions are leading to Mania, assuming no changes at EC ppv. What if Vince indeed strips CM Punk of the WWE Championship, ending his massive reign. The Elimination Chamber ppv can have the Raw match for the WWE Championship, with the 6 combatants being The Rock, CM Punk, Brad Maddox, Ambrose, Rollins and Regns??? Vickie could arrnage the match stacked against The Rock as they are feuding verbally, she has the power to make the match happen. Rock has to start the match with Maddoz. Obviously he goes through Maddox like butter then the Shield one at a time, leaving it Rock vs Punk. With Punk stuck in the chamber, The Rock gets the clean win. Cena winning the Royal Rumble, he does not need to be in the match, and can challenge The Rock to Rock vs Cena 2 for Wrestlemania. The night after EC, Punk blows a gasket at Heyman for allowing Shield to destroy his title reign, thus leading to Lesnar returning and taking out Punk. Punk turns face, with a CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar match at Mania. Punk goes over, keeping him over and his fans all happy. Thoughts???
I honestly don't expect any interference in this match. WWE has put a lot of effort into building up Rock's return to the Rumble. Rock VS Punk is a blockbuster match that will headline one of the big four pay per views, and tainting the finish with a run-in would really undermine the match. Using The Shield to preserve Ryback's credibility is one thing, and yes Punk is a chickenshit heel, but a run-in for THIS match? Come on. Rock VS Punk is too big, and a screwy finish doesn't feel like a realistic possibility.

Vince's new stipulation will surely put fans on edge, and those in attendance will keep a close eye on the entrance ramp and the surroundings in the arena. But I highly doubt interference from The Shield will end Punk's one year+ reign. It would be a lousy and deflating outcome, and I have to believe in WWE aiming for a more momentous end to Punk's reign as champion.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised to see WWE play up The Rock's internal injuries on Smackdown and during the Rumble pay per view. Rock did a wonderful job of selling The Shield's attack. I wouldn't be surprised to see some taped up ribs for Rock, and Punk will have a "target" during the match.

All in all, The Shield's attack and Vince's stipulation adds more intrigue to the match on Sunday, but I highly doubt we'll see a run-in from The Shield.
A tad bit hyperbolic, but your reasoning is sound. However, not giving The Rock the title at the Royal Rumble could also turn off the casual or returning-from-hiatus fans who got the PPV just to see Rocky, and those are the eyeballs that Vince wants. His base is going to be ordering the next 3 PPVs regardless. Viewers who don't read dirtsheets don't know how long The Rock will be around for, nor are they likely to be analyzing why or when he gets the title. All they know is they paid money to see The Rock win, and if The Rock doesn't win then WWE won't be getting their repeat business.

This match is The Rock's show, folks. The WWE Championship and CM Punk are the supporting cast, in that order. The longer The Rock has the belt for, the greater the potential for WWE to gain more exposure and more new viewers. WWE's more into the business of making money than they are of making intriguing storylines, and IWC members should be the first group to realize this. The Rock is money.
You seem to have this fascination with the WWE and money, like they are great stewards. If the WWE is so interested in money they would not have spent 6 million for Lesnar and then jobbed him in three weeks turning off the returning the viewer.

As for the Rock, I would have no problem as a fan seeing him with the belt. But is he going to be there every Monday? Do you sacrifice the future, legitimizing Punk as a top guy by beating the Rock? How much will the ratings increase except for maybe that one night bump? They hoped that ratings would increase with Hogan in 02 and they really didn't and realized he was a draw without the belt. If Rock loses and is going to wrestle at WM he will still be on TV. And you only have one PPV between Rumble and WM. Rumble is already purchased and they get the buyrate bump. And WM sells itself.

WWE is going to have to wean itself away from bringing guys back to sell PPV's. I love the Rock but at the same time he does not need the belt.
Just throwing this out there. I dont know if anyone has said this yet didnt really feel like going through four pages of this. But, I really think that Brad Maddox will help CM Punk at the Royal Rumble to beat The Rock. Maddox has been bothering Heyman for weeks now and it seeemed that Heyman kinda gave in on him. Vince McMahon said that the shield can not get involved in the match or Punk will be stripped of the title. He never said anything about Brad Maddox. Heyman and Maddox have been acting sort of awkward around each other like something is up between the two. But I really think that's how the match will go down. Boxing with GOD!
Just throwing this out there. I dont know if anyone has said this yet didnt really feel like going through four pages of this.

I am getting so tired of reading this. Sorry to be a jerk, but statements that are synonymous with "TL ; DR," just grind my gears. I consider reading the whole thread (unless it's just ridiculously long or you're pressed for time) a courtesy; not just to keep from repeating what's already been said, but because this is a discussion. Ideas flow better when they're exchanged. Ignoring the rest of the discussion just because one is in a rush to get their idea out is rude and does that person a disservice to his/herself. Just my two cents and it's nothing personal in the least, Mr. Excitement. I've just seen it a bunch, and I wish people wouldn't do it.

But, I really think that Brad Maddox will help CM Punk at the Royal Rumble to beat The Rock. Maddox has been bothering Heyman for weeks now and it seeemed that Heyman kinda gave in on him. Vince McMahon said that the shield can not get involved in the match or Punk will be stripped of the title. He never said anything about Brad Maddox. Heyman and Maddox have been acting sort of awkward around each other like something is up between the two. But I really think that's how the match will go down. Boxing with GOD!
This probably has to be the most likely scenario for Punk to retain now. It'll be interesting to see how they pull it off if they go this route as well. Maddox is roughly 1/8 the size of The Rock, so I'm not buying it if he interferes physically. If he just distracts Rocky, that'd work, but it would be a groaner of an ending. There should and hopefully will be a clever and subtle way to make this work (if it happens), otherwise it could be one of those SummerSlam 2011 deals where a schmoz ending sort of tainted a highly anticipated and well-worked match.
This is the biggest non WM title match in years.The whole WM booking depends on this match.It isn't going to be the end of the world if Punk retains.Again The Rock winning wouldn't be bad either.If Rock wins WWE gets big mainstream exposure.Imagine,the Rock promoting Fast 6 or G.I.Joe with the WWE title.Big exposure.If Punk wins,EC buyrates can be boosted by putting The Rock in it.If WWE looks for instant big pay,put the title on Rock.If they look for a long term bigger pay,keep the title on Punk.But i'm okay with whatever the result is.I just expect a great match.
Anybody think The Shield will come out anyway and cost Punk the title (it would be played off as a mistake to the viewers)? Then, they can follow up after that with the following ending to the RR match (I'm going to copy and paste what I put in the other thread about this)

This is how I would book the Rumble if I were in Vince's ear.

This is assuming WWE is adamant about making it Rock-Cena for the title at WM and they want Cena to win the RR (personally, I think it should be those two and Punk in a Triple Threat with Punk getting his WM moment by beating them, but that's not what reports are saying they want, so.....).

I'd have Cena, Ryback, Sheamus, and Orton as the last 4, since they're the ones that have been shown as having the best chance (all 4 are face....it would be odd and memorable) (in the interest of full disclosure, Ziggler would get all the way to 5th left after entering 1st with a great performance by him). After Ziggler is eliminated, those 4 are going at it for another 5-10 minutes. The Shield comes out and the 4 break away from each other. Shield comes in the ring and they each go after one in the ring. Cena sees an opportunity and helps Ambrose eliminate Sheamus, then he helps Rollins eliminate Orton. Ryback throws Reigns and Rollins out before he gets thrown out by Cena and Ambrose. Cena cuts a heel promo talking about how for years, the WWE universe has booed him no matter what he did for them and no matter how many 'bad guys' he tried to beat.

If I (Vince) really wanted to throw some more layers into this, Lesnar would be a surprise entrant at 30 and there would be 5 left in the ring with those 4 plus Lesnar at the time Shield comes out (Ziggler lasting until 6th left). Shield acts like they're there for Lesnar while the 5 wrestlers in the ring act like they have no clue what's going on.....Ryback, Sheamus and Orton still get eliminated, with Cena and Lesnar in the ring left, and then Shield goes after Lesnar and he gets eliminated.

It ties everything together perfectly. Shield going after the other 3 makes sense because that's been their feud for the last month. Shield was Cena's idea 2 months ago when he got injured and he wanted all the Main Event challengers not challenging Punk. WWE presumably shouldn't be wanting an exact replica of Cena-Rock from last year, so turning Cena heel would create a different element to the build up to WM.

Before all the 'Oh no, it's another Cena heel turn guy talking about turning him heel again'....listen, it's gotta happen sometime. If you're going to do it, you might as well do it big and at a time that can be looked at as the change into a new era, which is what it's slowly looking like for the past 2 months. And by doing it like this, you're setting it up so one of the many faces in the WWE can be leveled up and become a true top level star. IWC already complains too much that there's too many faces at the top and not enough good heels.

Also, the Shield has a built in excuse for why they'd help Cena. Simple.....Cena has carried this company for years and has been the biggest star, and yet he gets booed. He's the one moving the most merchandise, he's the one that the WWE goes to every time a 'bad guy' is taking over too much and they need a face.....it's an Injustice that Cena gets treated the way he does, despite every wrestler in the back owing Cena for being the draw that he is and bringing so much money into the company.

Cena doesn't even have to change his attitude all THAT much to pull off a hated heel turn. He can talk about how he sells so much merchandise and always is called upon to win, and he can really play into his 'SuperCena', 'IWC thinks he wins too much' persona. He already played into it a little tonight....he might even be able to incorporate playing to the kids and women in the crowd, while hating on the guys that yell 'Cena sucks'.

I think it could be the start to a new era.....Cena goes on to win at WM....Ryback can be built up to win the title 6 months or so later, as the new superstar face (I'd really like this to be Bryan, since I think he'd be great at it.....WWE should build him up after WM as the Master of Submissions, and he can start getting wins with about 6-8 different big time submissions, and no one ever knows which one is coming....he could finally beat Cena later on in the year)....either way, the next superstar face would be built up in that time.

I really like the idea, and it'd be the way I would do it.
For Brad Maddox to interfere the WWE would than have to put a lot of emphasis on him afterwards. You can't interfere in a match of this magnitude and then disappear. The Heyman/Maddox conversion on Raw just made me think Maddox would do something later. (When I heard the Rock's music I thought it was going to be Maddox taking the piss). This random guy just doesn't deserve to get involved in this match unless they know he will be big; however, I feel he just might.

That being said, I don't see the Shield interfering or John Cena. The Undertaker is a long shot but plausible. It is really difficult to pick a winner. A few weeks a ago I would 100% said The Rock but for some reason, I just cannot see them taking the belt of Punk and pushing him aside. Therefore, Punk wins in a very good match. I'm looking forward to it but the fact we can even contemplate a bullshit ending takes away from the match.That and it was always going to be second to the Royal Rumble match itself.
Anybody think The Shield will come out anyway and cost Punk the title (it would be played off as a mistake to the viewers)?

To follow up on this idea, the WWE title would be stripped as per match stipulations, and EC would serve as the place where Rock wins it. This does a few things.....it allows Punk to lose the belt without losing it, so he can stake a claim in that later on. Rock still gets the belt and holds it for a month, which is about all he's used to holding it for. While the rest of my post up there would play out, Punk could feud with Vince if he's serious about coming back for a little bit, which could elevate Punk even more. I think it would make perfect sense, combined with everything else I posted.
I see two possible scenarios after Vince McMahon's statement:

The Shield, after Smackdown's incident (won't spoil it), doesn't give a damn and interferes anyway, attacking both Rock and Punk. Punk won't lose the title immediately because he will say that this proves he isn't aligned with them, and Rock will win in at EC.


Brad Maddox, after what happened on Smackdown (won't spoil it) comes out and looks to help Punk, but spites Heyman, who he blames, and costs Punk the title, leading into an unforeseeable buildup to EC.

No one will win this match clean, that's for damn sure.
I have yet to see anybody entertain the thought of The Shield interfering in the match and taking CM Punk out, thus causing him to win by disqualification,.,.,,,,,,this leads to the show ending with people thinking oh dear, Shield must not be cahoots with Punk, they left him decimated at the Rumble, thus costing him the match BUT keeps the belt. Vince cannot strip Punk of the belt as he has been assaulted by The Shield. Of course, over the course of Raw the following night, we find out Heyman arranged for The Sheild to do this to save the belt for Punk, sewing the seeds of doubt in Punk that Heyman felt Punk couldnt win on his own back, and needed help. Makes sense to me, and nobnody else has put that out there so maybe this could be the curve ball that is coming.

This leads to Elimination Chamber with CM Punk defending and the other 5 participants being The Rock, Ryback, Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns. The Rock gets his viictory and his title , then Cena, after winning the Rumble, challenges Rock on Raw the night after EC ppv.
Well there are ppl who think Rock will help wwe title belt get more exposure by showing it off on red carpet and stuff but sure it will but unless he wrestles much ppl wont watch wwe then.

IMO Punk if lost clean to Rock then even the slightest possiblity of match with Stone Cold will only dim. Stone Cold wont feel like facing him after Rock beats him clean first up is what i think.
That said so i think for anyone to win they have to do sneaky ways IMO.
Aw shit, what I’m looking forward to at this year’s Rumble pay-per-view. The showdown between two of my favorite wrestlers; The Rock and CM Punk. While I have read many a post on this site claiming they haven’t felt the epicness that you’d expect from these two, I certainly have. Their clashes between one another have been some of the best exchanges on the microphone since – well Rock and Cena last year. Other than the Royal Rumble, this match is the hardest to predict. CM Pink’s reign as WWE Champion has been simply amazing. I don’t know the exact figure but 400+ days a WWE Champion is certainly something to write home about. In a perfect world (my perfect world), we’d see Punk hold onto his WWE Championship until Wrestlemania where he defends it against The Undertaker in a Streak vs. Championship showdown. But that’s unlikely.

I don’t see Punk getting past The Rock here. It’s Wrestlemania season. And The Rock personifies Wrestlemania season. There is no way the WWE will pass up on The Rock walking into Wrestlemania one last time as WWE Champion. Once Punk loses, we’ll get past Elimination Chamber and we hopefully see him challenge Undertaker’s streak at Wrestlemania. Beyond that, I fully expect John Cena to recapture the WWE Championship once again and we’ll see Punk and Cena finish their rivalry mid-2013. Punk’s not going anywhere whether he’s wearing Championship gold or not.

Hamler's Prediction -The Rock will win the WWE Championship.
Here we are. CM Punk is facing The Rock for the WWE Championship. I'm going to take a risk here and say that CM Punk will be winning. As much exposure as The Rock holding the WWE Championship might get WWE, it would be a bad decision. They are trying to build the stars of tomorrow, right? Cena already lost to The Rock at Wrestlemania last year in one of the worst booking decisions in recent memory. He should have won that match. Punk needs that win now desperately. If he wins he will be able to brag that he did what Cena could not do, and now will ultimately have "earned our respect". The Rock cannot and SHOULD not defeat Punk. If the current and future faces of the federation have both lost to a legend like The Rock it woud only push him further up the pedestal and WWE might NEVER be able to create another star at his level again.

Now, onto the match itself. I'm execting a great match here, as I do with any dream match. I also expect it to close. As much as I anticipate the Rumble each year, this match deserves to go on last. It's a dream match AND it's for the WWE Championship. If it doesn't, the Rumble can still make an argument in deserving to go last at its PPV event also, so it wouldn't be the end of the world if Punk and Rock don't close the show. I do look forward to it and hope Punk retains. If Rock wins I'll still give the resulting angle a chance, but I would highly disagree with the decision. Punk's reign needs to continue through Wrestlemania.

CM Punk will retain the WWE Championship.
For the first time in a long time I can't pick a winner. Normal long term business logic would dictate that you build on to the longest WWE title reign in recent times. But quick buck money making logic says you let the Rock go over for Wrestlemania season. With Vince's "decree" of if the shield interferes then Punk gets stripped of the title and the segment with Punk and The Shield on Smackdown this could add a new dynamic. What if Shield attacks anyway and Punk gets stripped of the Title. That way Punk doesn't "lose" the title. And the Raw chamber match can be for the vacant title. Have the Rock win it there. But anyways...

Gamma's Preditcion:
Too close to call but leaning towards Punk
My head says the Rock, my heart says Punk. Have to say WWE have done this well, usually title matches are very easy to predict, but this one is totally unpredictable, both challengers could legitimately win. Im going to say Punk wins, possibly with a Lesnar or Brad Maddox interference. Far as im aware the stipulation only covers the Shield so Punk would retain the belt.
Finally (pun intented) this match is going to take place. I've been waiting for this since the 1000th episode of RAW. Unfortunately, I have a feeling (like many here) that Rock is going to take the gold from Punk. Honestly I don't give a fuck about the business part of wrestling, I'm a fan and I seriously would like to see Punk as champion until Mania where he could have a triple threat match against Rock and Cena.

Now onto reality, for me this is going to be epic, it feels epic, a good ol' confrotation face/heel. Plus I really liked the fact that Rock has been putting over Punk's reign telling him that is impressive, historic and proved taht he is the best in the World. That being said, I'm expecting a great confrontation, very physical, and all makes it better without the possibility of interference from The Shield. But ultimately Rock is going to win.

It may be a long shot, but I have hope that if Punk lose, since the royal rumble match is the main event, someway, somehow, Punk inserts himself to the royal rumble match and win it. This way not only being a very hateful heel but mos importantly, having a rematch at Wrestlemania....a man can dream right?

Either way is going to be a great match and an even more interesting road to Wrestlemania.
I haven't been this excited for a match, and a PPV, in a long time. I'm jacked and counting down the hours!

This match will be better and faster-paced than Cena/Rock because Punk can carry a match better than Cena. I expect it go to a solid 25 minutes and it WILL NOT DISAPPOINT.

Prediction: Punk retains and holds on until Elimination Chamber
Rock winning is way too obvious, even if it means more publicity. Use your heads people, Vince's ADHD has never served him well when it comes to logic or what's good for the company. If its obvious it just won't happen.

Prediction: Punk wins after interference from Lesnar.
Prediction, Punk wins with interference from Brad Maddox and Paul Heyman. Punk will get the last laugh by saying The Shield didn't interfere and he still beat The Rock. I want to make this clear though: There's a 0% chance that Punk wins clean, if he wins the match despite what the Punk marks probably think. Also, Rock is going to win the belt either at the Rumble or Elimination Chamber. He will will be the one to end Punk's reign, the question isn't IF it's WHEN, at this point.
Man I just can't decide....

I think Rock will win. I always thought he would ever since we knew this match was going to take place but I've had my doubts in recent weeks. But when you think about it he's gonna take the title into WM I think that's fairly certain and when you think about it having him win at EC just doesn't have the same impact as winning at RR. Also whilst many would say he shouldn't have this title shot it would be even worse if he loses tonight then keeps himself in the title picture again come EC. Even if he's screwed by Lesnar, Maddox it just doesn't add up.

I'd also like Punk's reign to end now. I'm not totally bored of Punk but I'd like him to go after the streak. Let him focus on something else. I know a lot of people are saying have Taker Punk Streak vs Streak but Taker's not gonna win the belt so it makes no sense really. Also chances are Punk/Cena will have to hold the WWE up on their own again after WM so why not have Rock hold the title? He's here near enough full time over the coming weeks. Doesn't look like we're gonna have him not on Raw live too often.

I really like both guys so its win win for me. Even some of you guys who think Punk has to win have to admit you'll get a tad excited seeing Rock hold that belt one more time. But on the other hand having Punk win would be incredible to keep that streak going after beating the arguably the biggest star in the industry. Its gonna be immense whatever happens, we'll be on the edge of our seats no doubt. As Mike Killam just this second tweeted I don't think the WWE can wrong tonight, every possible situation sounds great to me.
I'm leaning toward The Rock winning the WWE Championship tonight. Ever since last WrestleMania, I've been firmly behind the idea that they're building toward Rock vs Cena II and nothing has changed my mind since then. I like CM Punk a lot, but I don't he should win tonight, nor do I want to see him in a match with Rock and Cena at WrestleMania -- the natural progression of the story lends itself to Rock and Cena having another match, which would make Punk the logical odd man out. Then again, that scenario could be entirely too predictable for WWE's liking -- though, it's not necessarily a bad thing -- and they could choose to shake it up. Regardless, the entire WrestleMania build is contingent on the results of this match tonight. This match will literally set the tone for WWE programming in the coming months.

The more I think about it, the more I'm confident in the fact that The Rock will win tonight. CM Punk has had a 400+ day WWE Championship reign -- he's been the centerpiece of the WWE and has done basically everything with the title. I don't see any reason to drag his reign on any longer, especially when you consider that The Rock is in the other corner. Punk can lose here and go on to different things and get out of the holding pattern his character has been in for a few months now (or, he can talk about how underappreciated he is and how he was screwed out of his title), and The Rock can take the ball and run with it for however long WWE needs him to. The Rock's drawing power is untouchable -- for the WrestleMania build, could you think of a better champion? I sure can't.

The Rock's gotta get the win here.

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