Is CM Punk Right?

I have to say Yes. what CM Punk says is true. I do think the Rock is enjoying being back but he has been handed a WWE title match, Vince is kissing Rocks ass. John Cena while he is not the best wrestler out there he does entertain and the fans love him and hate him. to quote what Rick Flair said when he was in WCW: Weither you love me or hate me it doesn't matter, You watch me! See we watch WWE, we watch those we don't like as well as we watch those we do like.

I wanna see guys like Zack Rydar be pushed into the title hunt, CM punk is right about some getting things handed to them. There are those in WWE who do not need to be given a title to be good, Cena is one of them. There are people like Randy Orton who whould not even be in WWE after the witness program. As you can see not a huge Orton fan. I wanna see guys like Brotus Clay come up and take spots handed to others. I wanna see Miz back on top as Champion, I even wanna see Big Show carry the World title untill 2014.

Going back to Punk/Rock. CM Punk needs to hold the title and put rock back out of the ring and back into movies, yes I think the Rock enjoys being back but I think he needs to stay part time without title shots.
"Of what CM Punk said on RAW Do YOU Feel that The Rock is there really for the fans Or is he just back to get a paycheck and to boost his ego."

He's definately back for that adrenaline which is from the fans. He obviously loves his wrestling but the guy has more talent than just being a wrestler, you can't blame him moving on. For me he misses that buzz a buzz you don't really get anywhere else and I feel that The Rock sees that's he helping out the WWE get a little more exposure also of course he gets a paycheck but bang for buck, he is worth that isn't he? He'll get that pop so i suppose as it feels great to get that attention there is a slight ego trait to it but nothing that overbears it's just standard. It's not The Rocks fault he gets these chances the blame is entirely on WWE's part they haven't built up their own roster well enough which puts them in this position.

So i'd go with he's back for the fans, the buzz and help get WWE a little more exposure. But not ego as i think it's the ego in terms of he wants everything on him and i just don't see that.
I think that it's not as black and white as someone does it for the fans or doesn't. No one wakes up one day after watching something and thinks "When I'm older I will do that but, not because I enjoy but, because other people do and I need to keep that flame burning." All of the best "superstars" start out as a fans of wrestling and they enjoy watching it as a fan and think that they'd like to carry their fandom to the point of dedicating their lives to it and making a career out of it and then they have fans and their fans get them their position in the company. They don't do it for the fans but, they couldn't do it without the fans and they couldn't be it without being a fan because they are all fans. You couldn't go out and wrestle and go on the mic every night day in and day out without loving "the business." People say Brock Lesnar is a guy who doesn't care about wrestling and entertainment but, he is a fan of "Wrasstlin'" and fighting and athleticism in front of and behind the curtain regardless of what we see in his media life which seems to suggest he doesn't like all the aggro of being a "sports entertainer." All I'm saying is that no one does it for the fans and the only thing they say in those times that is true is that "it wouldn't be possible without all of you." I suppose there's a case to be made for someone like John Cena who is a fan but, has sacrificed his image for the sake of being a GI.Joe-esque role model and to be a part of the Make-A-Wish-Foundation but, he could also be the world's most callous and selfish man for all we know doing everything as part of a grand scheme. But, where would he hide his Dastardly mustache?
Every time he steps into the ring to wrestle or be involved in any kind of altercation, he's risking injury. If he gets hurt in the WWE ring, that would sideline him from his acting career for possibly even an entire movie. If he's being considered for a role and then let's say pops a quad or something, the studio might pick someone else for the role. SO, he has a lot more to lose by risking his body than he does to gain (the $$). Sure, he's not going to come back for free but you have to realize that he's taking a big risk and is risking losing a lot of money by coming back. But he's doing it anyway. That doesn't sound like a guy who is selfish or doing it for himself.

He runs the same risk doing stunts in movies. He's an action star. There is going to be risk no matter what he does. He has to decide if the risk is worth the reward. Clearly he has decided it is.
You think a guy that has 6 movies coming up isn't taking risks when he films those movies? If so then you're delusional.
Yes of course he's right, I mean you don't have to be real smart to understand the concept of sports entertainment. The most popular wins and that's how they should do, it's a company driven to the world and to get profit, lots of profit. They have to please a general big group of people and what's most popular is what those people want to see, simply put, the most popular are the ones that make people pay their money.

But does anyone find how much hypocritical CM punk is? He talks about the fact that guys like Tyson Kidd doesn't get TV time however CM Punk can be allowed to have a 40 minute segment? That's insane, and last nights promo was all rice and I for once prefer the meat. CM Punk stayed for 20 minutes insulting the crowd and the hometown, and he's been proving how he relies too much in cheap heat - I mean the number one heel of the company is using techniques that Marc Mero used in 1998, the difference is that Mero only needed and was handed 3 minutes to say those things. He was monotone with his new found tone of voice and he made the crowd go to sleep (pun intended) and you feel that because when The Rock cameback they were not that pumped up - CM Punk is getting too predictable and his lack of sell of The Rock Bottom after a grueling match didn't help it either.

The Rock returned for the love he has for the company, I mean the guy has four big movies in the early 2013. Just that is going to cover up probably CM Punk's pay in his entire career until now, he does not need that, he is really doing it for the fans and for the product. However I must say that I found Rocky in a shitty game last night as well, but that was probably because CM Punk dragged the crowd to a snooze fest and don't get me wrong, I think CM Punk is the best talent overall WWE has, but first and foremost fans overrate him to a new different level and second he's a weak heel and he sucks at that, he has no content and he's pretty much bland nowadays which shouldn't happen and not even The Rock boosted a new interest in Punk's character.
I saw the segment, and to be honest, I agree with a lot of things Punk said. Bryan, Kidd and Clay deserve a lot more than to be off screen or a comedy act. The WWE performers like Tatsu, JTG, and others need to be utilized more effectively especially since you have a 3 hour Raw (among other programming) and a roster in need of some new blood and some fresh and exciting matcups.

Where I disagree with Punk is his attacks on Cena and Rock. The WWE needs people who can make money for their company and need to have people like Cena, and Rock in their main events on their ppvs because they are bonafide cash cows.

The Rock could have stayed away from WWE and made a lot more making one film than Vince would ever be willing pay him for 100 appearances. Cena makes more money at the top of the roster at ppvs than a lot of other performers, and carried the company after the departure of Rock, and transitioning of Triple H to behind the scenes work. WWE calls on Rock and relies on Cena because WWE has a problem. A problem they should have foreseen. The problem is WWE has done a less than stellar job finding, keeping and promoting the right talent to the main event level and the storylines have been real shit. The talent they have do good work but they aren't mega stars. The pickings are so damn slim, that if Cena or Punk get injured, WWE is in panic mode, trying to figure out what to do next. The Benoit tragedy, the exit of Angle, Benjamin, Carlito, Haas, MVP, Anderson (maybe to a lesser extent), Morrison, and many other fine lower to mid card workers who could have been moved up, has left WWE with few places to go in terms of matchups.

Who could WWE actually turn to on that roster, besides Cena, or call to besides the Rock, who could deliver in the ratings, buyrates and revenue these guys can ? I don't see anyone. That includes Orton, Sheamus, Punk, Bryan. Their good maybe even great, but they don't bring in anything that can sustain the company nearly as long as Rock or Cena, at least not yet.
I don't know the motivation's of the Rock, but I think as some said above it makes sense from a business point of view for the Rock to come back periodically for more or less free movie promotion. It's seems to be a good quid-pro-quo, just like how he is allowed to use 'The Rock' when making non-wwe activities through a duel ownership.

In regards to the Punk shoot, I think he did a better job than Cena did during his "I'm doing this for all those in the back." Punk really just rephrase the arguments Cena made prior to Wrestlemania. While I enjoyed the promo much better than Cena's work last year, it was pretty much the same shtick Cena was saying.

I think it came across as more real last night because Cena's arguments had an air of hypocrisy being the "Golden Boy," while Punk can actually make a case that we can say, "You know, he makes a good point." On the other hand, couldn't we have heard the same shoot being directed at Cena? Looking back at last night, I believe I was more of "when is the rock going to come out" than "what is Punk going to say next," which was probably the purpose of the segment.

It definitely had the Attitude feel of build-climax-end, while the PG or "modern' era raw has generally felt like build-falling action-anticlimax-end, and sometimes without the build. On the other hand, I was still in elementary school during the start of the Attitude Era, so maybe it's wrong for me to judge things as entertaining as an adult compared to what I considered to be entertaining when I was a kid.
The Rock deserves his shot at the title. He was never given a rematch after his 2002 loss to Brock Lesnar. Every time you lose a title, you're granted a rematch.

It's continuity. And people say the WWE doesn't do long term storylines. That's 10 years of story!

I kid, of course, but I think Rock has done more for WWE in his last few runs than imaginable. The guy is so busy making all these movies and promoting them that he still makes time to come to the WWE.

I think some of the wrestlers in the back that are complaining have a valid point but they need to do something about it. CM Punk complained and look where it got him. The Rock hated his old character and he revamped it, Stone Cold did the same thing. It's about progression.

That being said, I think CM Punk had a valid argument. But as long as guys like Undertaker (a part timer now regardless of his stature in the company), Y2J (another guy who comes and goes as he pleases and got several title shots upon his return) and The Rock are there, the WWE is going to make some money. That's what it's all about.
The WWE is in so far over its head. Vince wants to make every dollar he can here and now and worry about tomorrow some other day. That's a shitty business model. You have to have a future plan. Rock and Cena are going to be gone sooner than we know and then the WWE is screwed and it's nobodies fault but their own for their poor decision making -- like putting the title on the Rock.
jtg yoshi tatsu.....really....really? the iwc is always about guys like that, "not getting a shot". they are not over with the crowd and never will be. jtg comes out and its crickets. wake up. brodus clay and daniel bryan got huge pushes.
I'm not saying put jtg and tasu in the main event. I'm saying use them. You can make time on your show to showcase them, put them in a tag team, do something with them. We've made room for Khali's dancing, Brodus and his funkettes (or whatever), R-Truth and his imaginary friend little Jimmy but to ask for a 5 minute match featuring JTG or Tatsu or someone else who is hardly ever seen is too much to ask for ? No time on a 3 hour Raw or Smackdown, Main event or whatever. Imo, I don't think it is. Put them in the mix. They are talented, can do solid work in the ring but they never get.

Brodus is saddled with a bullshit gimmick that is limiting and one dimensional and in the minds of some people, stereotypical. It's stale as hell and a number of people are tired of it. That character has been done to death, the product of lazy thinking, a lack of any real imagination.

Bryan had a run as champion, that's true, loses to Sheamus in ridiculous fashion was incredibly over and gets put in the tag team division with Kane. The two of them have great skits and are helping or hurting the Tag division depend on what you think. Still, that is a demotion. He's out of the main event, so we can see Big Show be champion. I wouldn't make that trade ever. The point is he isn't kept in the main event picture forever, like a Sheamus, or Randy Orton or Cena, which he should be, he is that talented and with the main event depleted as it is, they need all the hands on deck.
Punk is right, but the argument seems a little flawed in a sense. At the end of the day most not all, fans are into buff and powerful wrestlers who seems like a bad ass. Example. Ryback. This seems crazy, but it's very rare to see actual and technical wrestlers in the sport of wrestling go over with fans. So they need a schtick. This is why DB is over and Tyson Kidd isn't. Punk saw that and developed an exceptional mic skill. He might not be funny, but he's very charismatic on the mic and that is what has propelled him to where he's at now. So yeah while guys like Tyson Kidd are overlooked is not only because of people like The Rock and Cena, but also people like him. He knew what it took to get there and he took advantage, and I promise you he will not let that spot up just so Tyson Kidd can get recognition.

At the end of the day, a lot of those wrestlers might be friends, and accept putting over the next guy, but once you reach that superstar status, that ego gets real big and it then becomes an all about me business. That's just the mindset when it comes to competition in general.

And like most have said and I have also have said, The Rock doesn't need the WWE to get income. Guys like Cena and Punk need the WWE. That's their source of income. I forgot what list it was where it showed The Rock as one of the most highest paid actors today. Whether you like his acting or movies, he gets paid. He's obviously getting paid by the WWE to make appearances, so it's not solely just about the fans, but I can bet that's majority the reason why he's back and for nostalgia reasons.
what punk said is true.but i do not fault the rock for going to Hollywood.look at hogan and so forth they broke their backs to earn money.the rock can make way more making a movie and less wear and tear on his body by doing so.i say the rock is smart.
The short answer is yes, CM Punk is right. But he's only right to a certain point.

Look at it this way... Punk's persona is saying that he does what he wants regardless of the fans (more or less). But if what Punk is doing wasn't working with the fans, he'd damn sure have to do something else because Vince would make sure he was doing something else. Punk is as over as he is because he's an asshole and people love it. But make no mistake about it, people loved him when he was a babyface before "turning his back on the people" too.

As for the Rock returning for a paycheck, for glory, for headlines, etc... who cares why the Rock is back ? It's the *bleeping* Rock ! If Stone Cold came back in the same form and fashion as the Rock, great ! Guys like that are good for the product. Yes, they sell tickets, merchandise, PPV's, etc... Keep in mind, wrestling fans need them to do all of that so we can continue to enjoy an industry or "sport" that we've loved since kids.

Like him or not, John Cena is a major reason why the WWE is as big as it is, and it's no where close to what it was in the 80's or 90's. Right now, the product would be considered a pimple on Big Show's ass and his ass is wrestling in mid to late 90's. Cena is the reason we can even consider wrestling that pimple.

Sorry folks, but Zack Ryder, Santino Marella, ADR, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, and others couldn't carry the company. They just couldn't.

So is CM Punk realistically right. No. But is he right in the kayfabe world of wrestling. Absolutely. And he has the fans, including me, right where he wants us. And so does Vince, the Rock, and Cena.
Punk has some valid points, but he is also a guy who is very much in his own world.

Punk is currently my #1 guy, I love watching him and I love listening to him, but he isn't perfect, and neither are his opinions. One of the biggest issues is the company Punk works for. This isn't a knock on the WWE, but what Punk and many IWC fans consider pro wrestling and what the WWE considers pro wrestling are two different things. IWC guys are geared more toward move counting and great technical displays. The WWE is geared more toward sports entertainment.

Does a guy like Tyson Kidd deserve recognition? Oh hell yes he does. He is very talented and works hard. However he isn't great on the mic, and while he may be able to pull of thirty or forty different moves a match, is he telling a compelling story? I honestly don't know because I can't remember the last time I saw a Tyson Kidd match that was long enough to tell a story.

In Punk's world, in his head, he truly is the best in the world. He cares about wrestling, it is probably the most important thing in his life. He is dedicated to it. However, his opinion on what wrestling should be isn't the same opinion as the company he works for. You can call a guy like The Rock or Cena out for kissing the WWE fans asses or kissing Vince's ass, but isn't Punk kissing IWC ass each time he "shoot" in one of his promos.

Plus, as sad as it is, not everyone can be world champion. Look at Tyson Kidd, then look at Ryback. Look at Daniel Bryan and then look at John Cena. Based on looks alone who would win a fight? It may be part of backwards thinking, and I don't agree with it, but it still exists. Having "the look" is a huge part of being a pro wrestler, just like it is a part of being any entertainer, which in the end is what pro wrestlers are, entertainers.
Come on, the fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
Do they really matter????
of course not, each single person in wwe is there to both have fun and make a lot of money by deceiving us and make our pocket empty to fill their own and everyone is included in this example more than all Vince mcMahon. when I say everyone I mean it. It is The Rock, John Cena, CM Punk, and every other assholes in wwe and I don't care if any of you are a fanatic fan of those who I named but you have to face it and that is the TRUTH.
And I don't know what the hell is wrong with us and why we keep watching wwe when we know it is all fake. Maybe because we love action movie so much or we just like being fooled.
Ok i think some folks are missing the point of the CM Punk “shoot”. And on most points i agree with what he is saying

Lets break it down shall we:

“The truth about WWE is it doesn’t matter if you’re the best wrestler or best talker because there’s a glass ceiling and nobody is allowed to break. The more popular you are the more money you can make. Why do you think John Cena is getting title shot after title shot?”

That’s fair enough and understandable and completely true. If you do not draw or sell then you wont be in the main event. But you cant draw or sell if the company does have faith in you. In the case of John Cena even though he has not lost to Cena on PPV in nearly two years the WWE has a storyline where Punk has to validate his title reign by beating Cena again instead of the pushing Punk to be a top guy he still had to be in cena’s shadow. Even after out selling him merchandise wise for a couple of months.

This leads to the second bit

He wondered why Daniel Bryan puts a smile on his face to spout catchphrase. He wondered why a 400 pounder like Brodus Clay would rather play with kids. He then talked about how Little Jimmy is better positioned than a workhorse like Tyson Kidd. The crowd cheered, so he said the crowd was doing it now. He called it like a circus.

This i agree with too. You see the crowed can pop or cheer all they want when someone is mentioned, or they can scream out YES!!! all they want but the fact remains they wont buy the merchandise of these guys they would more than likely buy Cena’s. They can cheer all they want and scream all they want and even if they do if the company doesn’t believe in you then you get ignored (enter zack riders career here). It can be compared to stories about the games at the colloseum in ancient rome. Where a gladiator would be the equivalent of Massivley over with the crowed but when it came time for the crowd to make a choice between that guys life or death invariably they would pick death.

He said he’s the most dominant champion of all time, not just of the modern era. He said he wrestled so many demanding matches on television for one year that it’s more difficult than the schedule that guys like Bruno Sammartino & Hulk Hogan had.

I agree about the schedule and matches (probably) the most dominant....not so much. Quality of work yes he is up there as for being dominant i don’t really think so.

Standards compared to then and now..a lot higher (the modern audience is a lot harder to please than in the past because we have seen it all). Level of censorship and politically correctness in the product between now and then. A lot tighter. You think that Piper and the WWE could of ever gotten away with the coconut thing today?
There is an article up about Billy Graham moaning about what punk said about Bruno Sanmartino here it is: (sorry about the copy paste)


I watch the last hour of WWE Raw last night. It was the worst excuse for a show I have ever seen! My agent Scott is tight with legendary World Champion Bruno Sammartino. Scott has told me that WWE has been calling Brunno regularly begging him to go into the Hall of Fame. Bruno has been polite but has always said no thank you.

Tonight on RAW for the last 45 minutes of the show all they did was have CM PUNK talk, talk and more talk! The killer line came when Vince had Punk putting over his 314 straight days as world champ and then said and I quote, ” you had people like Burno Sammartino , only wrestled in Madison Square Garden only wrestled one a month.”

This was by far the biggest put down of Bruno ever. Why would WWE have Punk say that about someone they have been begging to go into the Hall of Fame for untold years? When that teenager looking CM Punk made that statement he was also talking about me, Ivan Koloff , Stan Hanson etc. Find the re run and listen closely and answer me this my Facebook friends – How can they justify putting down a real icon like this, and not get called out on it?

Any news sites can quote me on my statement below:

CM Punk, I have lost all respect for you for nor saying no to the writers of the WWE for saying Bruno Sammartino only wrestled once a month in Madison Square Garden. You talk about one of the greatest icons ever in pro wrestling like he was a JOBBER??? You should be ashamed of yourself for not having the self-dignity to say NO to the writers on that line. That line you delivered indicates that I am a big loser like Bruno as well and insults me as I wrestled in the same era as Bruno. This only confirms more that I want my name out of the WWE Hall of Fame.

How many monthly sell outs have you yourself drawn at Madison Square Garden? Not a PPV or the Raw TV show. Quit talking trash about Bruno. It’s an insult to him and all the wrestlers of his era including myself!

Superstar Billy Graham"

Chances are if you add up the amount of times Punk has wrestled in the past year compared to the guys of that era then Punk is right. Punk has probably had more title matches in the past year than those guys would have had total matches in the same period. So take what Billy is saying with a grain of salt.

Punk made fun of others saying “let’s hear it for Tampa, Florida” and like dummies they cheered. Punk said he saw Roddy Piper crack a coconut over Jimmy Snuka’s head and that inspired him. CM Punk brought up how guys like Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels and Edge all said they competed for the fans. Punk said he’s not weak or dishonest. He said he’s the best in the world. Punk said there are winners and losers – guess which one the fans are? Punk said they’re born to see champions like him. He’s never done this for any of the fans.

What he is saying is true. Just ask Mic Foley hell even the Rock does it. The cheap pop is part of wrestling no doubt. The rest is done for heel heat so thats not really a point to comment on.

Ok so thats basically the only points that we needed to agree with. Like i said the rest was just heel heat as we have become accustomed to.

Now something else that has come up in this thread was that guys are upset backstage about the Rock getting a title shot.

What I would think pisses they guys in the back off is that this match was made 8 months ago. The same with Cena vs The Rock that was made a Year in advance and was already decided to be the Closing match of Wrestlemania. Now in any profession. If there is supposed to be a motivator for you and someone comes in and tells you well you can work all you want but in 8 months the bosses have decided that i get what you have been working for and i only have to pitch up 20 days before then to get it. That would upset anyone.

But anyway to the point:

I agree with most of what Punk had to say.
I feel it's for the fans and also for his enjoyment. Guys like Rock and Jericho get a LOT of heat for switching back and forth from Wrestling to Hollywood and Music. People can have multiple passions in life. Plus when you consider Rock realizes he can make a LOT more money doing a big action movie opposed to Wrestling all over the world with wear and tear on the body. Maybe Rock felt his body needed some rest. After all "wear and tear on wrestler bodies" is the number one reason why so many on this very forum seem to be so in favor of a wrestling off-season. On the other hand, while I'm not talking from experience, I've read lots of stories/reports that there is nothing like getting that immediate feedback from the fans for a big spot or great match.

To those who say Rock wouldn't do this for free, they are right that he wouldn't BUT he is taking a HUGE paycut to do so. I don't think people realize just how much money A-list movie stars make (and yes Rock is in that category now IMO) so for everyone complaining "Rock is only doing this to make a million dollars for 4 months of work" he could EASILY be making 10 million in that same 4 months shooting another movie.
So here's my question to everyone

Of what CM Punk said on RAW Do YOU Feel that The Rock is there really for the fans Or is he just back to get a paycheck and to boost his ego.

Of course CM Punk is right. It's a semi-shoot. They're ALL only there to get a paycheck.

The Rock especially knows that he can work a very limited schedule and cash in on a BIG pay day at WrestleMania. Of course that's the only reason he's back. And Vince pays him because Vince knows that he can use The Rock to get over a million buys for Mania 29.

It's all business. Vince pushes the guy and will put the title on the guy who makes him the most money. It's been that way since the beginning of pro wrestling.
WWE reached out to the Rock, because they needed him. They needed him because the company was losing money. With the main event stars, they had they were losing money. Rock didn't have to return, he could have said, 'you want me to come back to save your ass, and screw up my promising Hollywood career ? You want me to come back to less money and harder work ? Fuck no. Get out of your mess on your own.' What would the lockerroom have said then ? Many would have cursed the Rock for not returning.

Rock says, sure I'll put my career on hold to help the company that made me a household name and take far less money to do so. The lockerroom, or those in the lockerroom who are pissed about the Rock returning, just don't get it. It's not the Rock who came back to mess them up, it's the Rock who came back to save their company. It's not Rock who failed to create stars who could carry the company forward, Rock didn't fail to keep talent that could have helped the talent progress, it was Vince or the people who are surrounding him giving him these failed ideas on who to push, release and so on. The lockerroom's anger (if it's there) is horribly misplaced.
The Rock didn't have to come back but he did. As a fan from the Attitude Era I welcome the Rocks return. However I can understand where CM Punk is coming from...

The Rumble Match between Punk and The Rock is going to be a great match non the less even if it is set up for the Rock to win.
Maybe he was right.Maybe The Rock came back for the BIG paycheck.Maybe The Rock came back only for himself.So,what's the big deal?The Rock draws twice the ratings and buyrates than your heroes Punk and Cena would ever do.Tyson Kidd is a workhorse?Good for him,but he,himself can't deny the fact that he ain't a draw.Bryan in the next 3-4 years will be main eventing shows for the company,and you know what will get him there?These comedy skits which got him over to be in the ME.WWE is a business company.They will feature the guys who draw.Rock draws,Cena draws,Punk to an extent draws.That's why love them or hate them,they will be getting titles and airtime more than anyone else.Punk,himself knows that.So right or wrong,Rock should be and will be getting title matches because he draws.
Punk has some valid points, but he is also a guy who is very much in his own world.

Punk is currently my #1 guy, I love watching him and I love listening to him, but he isn't perfect, and neither are his opinions. One of the biggest issues is the company Punk works for. This isn't a knock on the WWE, but what Punk and many IWC fans consider pro wrestling and what the WWE considers pro wrestling are two different things. IWC guys are geared more toward move counting and great technical displays. The WWE is geared more toward sports entertainment.

Does a guy like Tyson Kidd deserve recognition? Oh hell yes he does. He is very talented and works hard. However he isn't great on the mic, and while he may be able to pull of thirty or forty different moves a match, is he telling a compelling story? I honestly don't know because I can't remember the last time I saw a Tyson Kidd match that was long enough to tell a story.

In Punk's world, in his head, he truly is the best in the world. He cares about wrestling, it is probably the most important thing in his life. He is dedicated to it. However, his opinion on what wrestling should be isn't the same opinion as the company he works for. You can call a guy like The Rock or Cena out for kissing the WWE fans asses or kissing Vince's ass, but isn't Punk kissing IWC ass each time he "shoot" in one of his promos.

Plus, as sad as it is, not everyone can be world champion. Look at Tyson Kidd, then look at Ryback. Look at Daniel Bryan and then look at John Cena. Based on looks alone who would win a fight? It may be part of backwards thinking, and I don't agree with it, but it still exists. Having "the look" is a huge part of being a pro wrestler, just like it is a part of being any entertainer, which in the end is what pro wrestlers are, entertainers.

I don't understand Punk fans. Do you guys seriously take every word he says as if he means it? He is a character like everyone else, and like all the real successful gimmicks in the WWE part of that character is rooted in who he is as a person which gives him the ability to take it to another level.

It was all show, some of it is rooted in some grain of truth. Most of it omitting the fact that heels work in the same way, the more heat you draw the more you win. It isn't just popularity and Punk knows that, that's his current position. However, he can't just say I come out here and talk out my ass half the time just to get under your skin so I stay relevant. Now if he did that too it'd be shoot promo.

So in my opinion their isn't a right or wrong, it's a fucking angle. I can't believe I've read 5 pages of people actually deliberating over a kayfabe story line as if it were the words of a prophet.

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