Does CM Punk have The Right To Be Upset About The Rock Main-Eventing Wrestlemania?

like i said I know she draws millions of dollars and like everyone said from a buisness standpoint its a great move. but to me its bullshit. The Rock left to do his own thing. Instead of thinking way ahead of time with all this Youth movement and producing superstars who can darw by the time WM roles around they go to the Rock and say "this is a signed blank check put in the amount it would take to buy you back." I didnt buy WM because of the Rock. I didnt buy it at all because only one match was going to be worth it(taker vs HHH. of course since that was edges last match i regret it now). Sure i marked out when the Rock showed up but i dont think the Rock drew 1.1 million buys. I think he drew alot but not all of them. Kids bought it for John Cena. Marks bought it just because its Wrestlemania. So anyone who sayd the Rock brought in 1.1 million buys is completely ignorant.

Also the Rock had his time to main event WM. Why take that away from a current star. Morrison Punk Christian all deserve to be in there along with all the current Main Eventers but nope. The Rock is back! so everyone hop in the backseat because the poster boys are gonna wrestle. I also think that planning a match a YEAR in advance is incredibly stupid. What if one or the other gets injured then you have millions....and millions! of dissapointed fans. All you need now is hulk goan as the special guest ref.
There is no way there are this many stupid people. How can you legitimately think Puck vs. Cena is a better Wrestlemania Main Event that Rock vs. Cena

Puck is one on the biggest names in wrestling today. Rock and Cena are two of the biggest names in wrestling History. This is a no brainier. If you were a wrestling promoter, which match would you pick to head line Wrestlemania?

Also this isn't the first time they've done a match like this, and it wont be the last. Rock fought Hogan in the passing of the torch match, now it's Rock passing it to Cena, and down the road Cena will pass it to the next big superstar, and so on.

We all knew one day we'd see Rock vs. Cena at Wrestlemania, and now because of one shoot by CM Punk, we are going to scrap the most anticipated match in resent history.

Look, Punk is my favorite wrestler right now, and I only like him more after his shoot, but for all of you who really think he should take Rock's spot at Wrestlemania, you're delusional.
1. If given the chance, should Punk Main-Event at next years Mania over The Rock?

Yes and No. I don't know if it has to do with Punk being truly upset over the Rock being in the ME at WM, I think it has more to do with the fact Punk is never promoted in main events for big events and is usually a mid carder in a mid card feud when truthfully he should be their top guy right now. Punk is better than Cena is every conceivable way, he even gets a better reaction than Cena and has never been treated as a true main eventer, just someone for Orton and Cena to fight along the way. My gf has a kid who has alot of kid friends, all of them watch wrestling and all of them like Punk even though they are supposed to hate him, most of them even put Punk over Cena as their favorite and thats no lie.

The Rock equals ratings and PPV buys, WM even with a boring ass card did a million buys last year and it was because of the Rock for the most part. The Rock was possibly the biggest star WWE ever had and his first match in 8 years only should be at the main event at WM over ANYBODY including Punk.

So in an aspect Punk has a point because for the last 2 years he has been their top guy and was never treated that way and once again is getting overlooked for someone who doesn't even wrestle anymore. At the same time its The Rock and you have to respect what his popularity and what he does for wrestling. I think Punk deserves a spot in the Main Event but so does the Rock.

2. Does CM Punk have the right to be upset over The Rock at Wrestlemania?

It kind of ties in with my last answer but No he doesn't. At the end of the day its Vinces decision not to push him and to push the Rock for the main event at WM. Even though Punk should be their top guy IMO he shouldn't be mad at the guy who sells the event.

3. Do you think Punk will return to the WWE ? If so will he be billed as a Main-Eventer once again?

I don't think Punk is leaving, if he does it will only be a matter of time before he will be back. He should be a main eventer but thats vinces decision not mine.
He has every right to be upset. All I've heard this week is how it was a "Stone Cold" level promo but is he allowed to be that guy? Has he ever been given that push? Does he get any of the promotion? Is he infact allowed to be anything more than the highest midcarder in the WWE? No, he is not. The WWE have held him back from potentially being a massive star because they don't see it. Instead of developing him into the main event next year, they've instead decided to take a step back and use an old star instead of creating a new one. He has every right to be pissed off.
Simply put The Rock is not a part of the WWE unless Vince pays him to be, he's a movie star doing his own thing. The Undertaker puts in more work than The Rock as far as the WWE goes and Undertaker is never around. Headlining Wrestlemania? No...

You have to remember that The Rock isnt promoting the WWE the way Cena does, or Punk has, or Miz Has, or Orton has, so in that sense yes Punk has every right to want to put a boot up the Rock's ass. That takes away from his bonus for Main Eventing WM.

From a business side I understand why Vince wants The Rock but frankly we know that Cena will win, we know that the Rock will not stay after, we know the deal. So it all depends on what side of the fence you are on, business or wrestling.
As much as I love CM Punk, he cant sell WM28...and that is partly WWE's fault. Rock is going to bring BIG money to WWE with WM28. WWE (Vince especially) is all about money. Parents are going to get it for their kids to see Cena, older fans are going to buy it to see Rock wrestle again.

But Punk doesn't have the ability to sll like the Rock can. But like I said...thats partly WWE's fault. Vince ALWAYS has his core main eventers that he knows can he uses them until the star power fades, then he makes more. Back in the day WWE used to have 10 or 15 guys in the ME, now its a rotating door of 4 or 5 guys. WWE has a habit of only pushing so many guys. Punk got lost in the shuffle.

Should Punk be in a WM ME...yes. But WWE doesn't believe in him because they never pushed him. His title runs were premature and he feuded with crap. Orton was NOT at the top of his game and dont even get me started on Hardy.

Im placing blame on WWE and Vince for this one.
Does he have a right? Yes.

The Rock left for 7 year's, come's back and say's "I'm never going away," but after 4 month's and 4 live promo's is gone again.

CM Punk on the other hand has been working his ass off for 6 year's, day in and day out. He is one of the best wrestlers in the company, arguablly the best talker, and is even a good commentator. I don't think CM Punk is the only one who is upset that The Rock in main-eventing Wrestlemania. There's other wrestler's that are working their asses of just as much as Cena, or Punk, and are pushed aside for a guy who left seven year's ago. I even remember CM Punk wearing a "I Bring It...Via Satelitte" T-shirt in a RAW dark match, or house show.

Unfortunetly, I don't think Cena vs. Punk would be the draw Rock vs. Cena would be. Then again, both CM Punk and John Cena have alway's delivered and have very good matches together, but the name value behind Cena and The Rock will make it an immensly bigger draw.

But yes, he does have the right, even though the shoot was a work, I think he does have the right to be upset with a guy who hasn't been in the WWE for 7 year's, and even had his own damn Birthday show, get's the main event of Wrestlemania.
Alot of you act like the rock is some no talent, washed up,has been. Lets please not forget who the rock is. He's at the age where many would consider to still be in their "prime", the most entertaining wrestler ever, and he can draw. Does Cm punk have a right to be upset? Yes, but don't be mad at The Rock be mad at the wwe.
So now back to my point about CM Punk. Should he be Main Eventing WM? HELL YES!!! And I know the perfect way to do it. CM PUNK vs The Streak!!!!!! EPIC!!! MAtch would be a hell of a lot better than Rock/Cena. Does this work??? Yes it does. In fact if WWE wants to put Punk in the drivers seat what better way than to do it by ENDING the Streak. 19-1 sounds great to me, Does it to anyone else????

[YOUTUBE]3zNjQecyjE8[/YOUTUBE] Start at the 4 second mark.

Anyway, back to the thread. Assuming that he is upset, does CM Punk have the right to be? Hell yeah. I would be. I don't see how people can think he has no right. Punk is one of the best wrestlers they have, in the top five as far as mic skills go, and has busted his ass for six years. Now granted, to say the Rock doesn't draw would be like saying Zack Ryder could be a WWE Champion one day; it's not true. However, if you're Punk, or anyone in the back for that matter, you work there for about 300 days a year and bust your ass whenever you get the chance so you can have that main event spotlight shining on you. The Rock hasn't wrestled in seven years, and BAM, just like that, he's in the main event at Wrestlemania because he's the Rock? If your a boy in the back, you have every right to be just a little pissed.
Heck yea he does. If u want to main even mania u should win certain matches to get there. The royal rumble. # 1 contenders matches. raw gm says 5 weeks before mania. NOT THE DAY AFTER 27. Heck yea he has the right.
question 1. yes
question 2. yes
question 3. he should be
Should CM Punk Be headlining Wrestlemania over the Rock? As much as I would absolutely love the answer to this question to be yes, and this is coming from a Punk mark, no he should not be. As said earlier.

Then you have The Rock. His latest move, Fast Five, made 600 million dollars. Wrestlemania 27, with Rock headlining, was the second PPV ever to draw 1 million buys at let's say 50 dollars a buy. In other words, this year alone, Rock has drawn over half a billion dollars and he hasn't been in a single match. Rock is mainstream, a success, and someone people will pay to see. By the time Wrestlemania 28 rolls around, it will have been 8 years since Rock was in the ring. He'll be 39 years old and in his home town. Without him wrestling, the company had 1.1 million buys. With him against the biggest star in the world and in a match literally over a year in the making, how big do you think it'll be?


Regardless of what you think wrestling is, or as a matter of fact what any business is, it is all for the same soul purpose. Money. Hell, even Oskar Schindlers original intentions were for that. Money is what has separated the WWE from any other promotion in history, as at the end of the day, these performers are employees trying to earn a wage. Now you may argue that CM Punk is also a draw. However the key fault in your argument is in bold here.

Now CM Punk has been with the WWE for at least 6 years now and has been a house hold name among wrestling fans. He was a three time world champion, a Intercontinental champion, ECW Champion(defunct) and tag team champion with Kofi Kingston. Needless to say up until this shoot the WWE has been very good to Punk. He really worked hard and it has shown in his mic work, and his ring work.
Meh, depends how you look at it. From a kayfabe POV, he sure as hell does. Punk has been busting his ass week in and week oput, and then Rock comes along and automatically, without winning a single match, gets in the ME at Mania. I'd be pissed.

However, as has been mentioned, Rock draws £$£$£$£$£$. Big £$£$£$£$. If he's in the main event, buys will go up. FACT. From a business POV, it makes more sense than anything. Punk is a better pro wrestler than Rock, but Rock is a star compared to Punk's very bright candle. Punk may be in Rocks position one day, or similar, but pro-wrestling isn't what it was. When I was 10, Austin and Rock were household names; everyone, even non-wrestling fans, knew who they were through some degree of exposure. Now, no none-wrestling fan knows who Orton or Miz is, and some don't even know Cena. So it makes sense to put a world-recognisable face in the ME.

I personally don't like it, because I liek the main event to mean something title-related, and to not just be a past vs present dream match. This match should be one of the last ones before the world title matches. It shouldn't be more important. But meh, what can ya do.

Also...Punk might not be THAT bothered, seeing as it was a worked shoot. Can't be that bothered about something that isnt actually real. Y'know, just FYI...
Well im kinda torn on this, but if i were Punk I'd be pissed to see Dwayne main event at WrestleMania next year. I mean the WWE superstars and Diva's work their arses off and for someone (Snookie the grenade) to come and get a main event spot and it's against the face of the company that would suck. But on the other hand what The Rock said on twitter, the man draws money. Im defiantly ordering Mania next year (i would anyways regardless of the lineup) but Rocky draws money, puts buts into seats and more people would watch. Its as simple as that.

Even tho Punk is "leaving", whether he's actually leaving or not, i am sure he would come back to the company. And if he does of course he'd be billed as a main eventer. Vince would be very stupid not to. Punk is a lot of peoples favourite superstar including me, and he draws money. He is the best thing currently in the WWE and has been for quite a while.

And to answer your other question Punk shouldn't main event at Wrestlemania over The Rock next year because its The Rock, a Hollywood star. Enough said . . .
Does Punk have the right to be upset about The Rock main eventing Wrestlemania, Yes, is the simple answer, he works his ass off every week and The Rock turns up for a few weeks without even having a match and is given the main event of 'Mania 28 a year in advance, i mean wouldn't you be annoyed, but the reason The Rock is in the main event of 'Mania is, as many people have already stated, because he sells...big! He is an actor and that is what some people see him as now , but what we see him as is one of the biggest stars ever in the wrestling business and he's up against the top guy today, its a huge match and Vince would have been an idiot to turn it down.

Punk, whether he is leaving or not, has every right to be annoyed about this but who knows maybe it was one of the reasons why he is leaving or maybe it is just scripted. When/If Punk comes back he will be billed as a main eventer, monday was his '3:16' moment and i'm pretty sure he'll have a main event at 'Mania soon.
1. If given the chance, should Punk Main-Event at next years Mania over The Rock?

No. The match between The Rock and John Cena at WM28 has been talked about since Cena became the top dog and talked negatively about The Rock. This is the dream match up that everyone wants to see. I would love to see CM Punk in the main event or even semi main event at Wrestle Mania one of these days. The Rock helped generate over a million buys for this year's WrestleMania and he didn't even have a match.

2. Does CM Punk have the right to be upset over The Rock at Wrestlemania?

I can understand kayfabe wise why a wrestler that has been busting his ass for the WWE and has never missed a day or main evented a Wrestlemania could be upset. A veteran wrestler who left years ago for Hollywood comes back and makes a few appearances, and already has the main event for next year's Wrestlemania.

3. Do you think Punk will return to the WWE ? If so will he be billed as a Main-Eventer once again?

I wouldn't be surprised if he already signed a new contract or if he takes a leave of absence only to come back to WWE in a few months. I think he should be billed as a main eventer considering that he is the future of the business and that there aren't many main event heels WWE has right now.
Simple answer, yes, CM Punk has every right in the world to be pissed off that Duane is in the main event of Wrestlemania. Punk is a guy that works his ass off week after week, bleeds the wrestling business, gets injured for the business, and a year out was told like everyone else on the roster that they have no chance of being in the main event of Wrestlemania the next year. Hows that for a golden carrot dangling in front of your head?

CM Punk isn't the only guy pissed off with the Rock coming back. You have a guy like Randy Orton talking publicly against the Rock. John Cena has been taking shots for years against the Rock. Triple H has made snide comments as well. You have four of the guys that are likely to get away with saying something negative against the Rock, and all four guys have said something negative about him over the years. Sure it might be all a work, but my guess is the majority of that locker room isn't happy that the Rock is coming back and taking one of their spots.

Look, I get it, the Rock is a draw. This starts to get into the Vince is a millionaire that should be a Billionaire portion of the promo. What does it say about the WWE and it's "creative staff" that over the course of a decade since it's two main draws left that the WWE has only been able to make one legit superstar? That's all you need to know about the WWE. The WWE has a roster STACKED with talent, but an inept creative team that knows fuck all of what to do with that roster.

So yes, CM Punk and everyone else that is being told you have no chance of being in the main event, because the WWE is relying on a guy that hasn't been a full time performer for a decade, has the right to be pissed.
How can ppl say these crazy things??? Ppl need to understand again it's a business. What has Punk done to garner a main event at WM? He will never accomplish what the Rock has done. The Rock is second to none with his popularity. Those guys should be happy the rock is there to give wrestling a shot in the arm. WM had over a MILLION buys thanks to one man. Not HHH, not punk, not Orton, not even Cena. It was bc of the Rock. They wanted to see the Rock and his interaction with Cena. He didn't even have a match and over MILLION ppl bought it. Now throw in a match & it'll be nuts. Punk has Jericho popularity. Amazing mic skills and amazing in the ring but nowhere near the Rock. The Rock is a cash cow. Cena is a cash cow. Punk is not. I'm all for Punk/Taker. I think that's where his popularity ranges which is real high. Again, it's Jericho popularity bc ppl want that match as well. Wrestlers who wouldn't normally be seen will get there chance and it's bc of the Rock. Ppl will tune in bc of the Rock but might continue to tune in once they see other wrestlers that catch their interest and they should send a thank u card to the Rock.
Simple answer, yes, CM Punk has every right in the world to be pissed off that Duane is in the main event of Wrestlemania. Punk is a guy that works his ass off week after week, bleeds the wrestling business, gets injured for the business, and a year out was told like everyone else on the roster that they have no chance of being in the main event of Wrestlemania the next year. Hows that for a golden carrot dangling in front of your head?
I'm sure Primo Colon physically and mentally donates to the business as well. Doesn't mean he should be in the main event at WM.

CM Punk isn't the only guy pissed off with the Rock coming back. You have a guy like Randy Orton talking publicly against the Rock. John Cena has been taking shots for years against the Rock. Triple H has made snide comments as well. You have four of the guys that are likely to get away with saying something negative against the Rock, and all four guys have said something negative about him over the years. Sure it might be all a work, but my guess is the majority of that locker room isn't happy that the Rock is coming back and taking one of their spots.
They can think what they want. But, they would be ignorant to believe that they belong in the WM main event more than the Rock.

Look, I get it, the Rock is a draw. This starts to get into the Vince is a millionaire that should be a Billionaire portion of the promo. What does it say about the WWE and it's "creative staff" that over the course of a decade since it's two main draws left that the WWE has only been able to make one legit superstar? That's all you need to know about the WWE. The WWE has a roster STACKED with talent, but an inept creative team that knows fuck all of what to do with that roster.
So, you believe the WWE and creative are incompetent and could be making more money, yet you want to see a "hard worker" in the main event as opposed to one of the greatest money makers ever? That is a little contradictory of you.

Additionally, WWE and creative can't make a star, the star will inevitably be made. With Stone Cold, Rock, Hogan, Cena, etc. , they had the talent necessary to succeed. WWE creative can only do so much, but if the talent's there, it'll show and they will become a star.

So yes, CM Punk and everyone else that is being told you have no chance of being in the main event, because the WWE is relying on a guy that hasn't been a full time performer for a decade, has the right to be pissed.
Fact is, WWE is making good business decisions. The WWE audience wants to see this match, and it'll entertain them. If helping the longevity of the company and giving the fans what they want is making their superstars unhappy, I believe they are, for a lack of better term, ignorant.
No, he has absolutely no right to be angry about The Rock main eventing WrestleMania.

Simply put, in some way or another, Rock deserves to be there over CM Punk? How? Well, Rock outdraws CM Punk in EVERY way, shape, or form. Hell, Rock's appearance at WrestleMania probably outdrew all the WWE main events Punk has worked at WWE PPVs, and while Punk is presently working his ass of for the company, he seems to be forgetting what Rock did for the WWE. The Rock was a big part of the WWE having their most successful stretch ever. The Rock, arguably, helped the WWE survive the threat from WCW and put them on the road to success. If he doesn't deserve to be main eventing, then who does?

Now, I'm sure everybody will go on and say that it's in the past and that he doesn't deserve to be main eventing 'Mania now, but you'd be wrong. Rock is still a proven draw and he offers the WWE their best opportunity to make a lot of money. Isn't that what it's all about? Entertaining the fans and drawing money? Correct me if I'm wrong, but The Rock certainly does a good job, on both counts.

It's stupid to think that the WWE should cater to guys like CM Punk, just because he thinks he's worthy of main eventing 'Mania. Yes, he's a tremendous talent and yes, his promo on Monday is AMAZING and will go down in history, but that doesn't change the fact that he isn't as much of a proven draw as The Rock is. That doesn't change the fact that, while he may be a better wrestler than The Rock is right now, he's not a better entertainer. He doesn't fit what the WWE is looking for with their current product, whereas The Rock does.

It doesn't matter if The Rock has been away from wrestling for 8 years, fans have been clamoring for his return since he left. The storyline has written itself, he build-up is already done. The WWE basically had it written out for them, they'd be fools not to capitalize on it and cash in on The Rock's mainstream popularity and let him main event WrestleMania with John Cena. WrestleMania 28 has the potential to be the most successful PPV of all time and it might change the way professional wrestling is seen in the mainstream media... isn't it a little selfish of Punk to be angry about that? The WWE is basically going to do this and make themselves a whole lot richer and a whole lot more successful, that will all translate to the wrestlers too. Even if Punk isn't main eventing WrestleMania, he's still benefiting from it.

Look, I love CM Punk as much as anybody. I think he's an awesome wrestler and he does a great job, but frankly, he has no right to be angry about this. In all likelihood, he wasn't going to main event WrestleMania 28 anyway, so what difference does it make if The Rock does, instead?
I know a lot of people have a sustained boner for Punk and think he can do no wrong (which is kinda creepy btw), Punk really isn't all that marketable to the level of the other names in the WWE. He isn't clean shaven and handsome in an American sense (i.e. movie star looks); he always sounds so bitter and/or unfriendly when he opens his mouth; and he is covered in emo-riffic tattoos. Which is why he has never been considered the top of the WWE mountain da internetz make him out to be.

Compare that to The Rock, whom is a much bigger movie star than CM Punk is a rasstlin' star.. Yeah. At this point, The Rock was a celebrity appearance that actually financially benefited the show. Punk wasn't even dubbed to be in one of the show's main events.
I think CM Punk feels that he has such good mic skills that if creative gave him better material on the same level they gave Dwayne years back, he would've been on the same level as The Rock. Which I will admit, Punk is the best on the mic besides The Rock and Stone Cold and if given the material that was given to Rock and Stone cold, he would be a top seller.

Only reason Punk isn't a big seller right now is because he hasn't gotten the infamous WWE force shoved push that Orton, Cena, and the Miz get.
i think a lot of the guys have the right to be upset, but it all comes down to the money. i was really hoping for a taker/cena match at wrestlemania, cause taker doesn't look like he has that much time left anyway. but after that promo monday night, if punk was to hang around and they push him right, he could be one of the top guys easily.
no he doesnt. the rock did a ton for the business and it hasnt been said that he is going to be in the title match main event. hes main eventing because hes an icon. its a dream match with him and cena, not nearly as big as hogan vs. rock but its gonna be good. i think punk should be fighting for the championship at wm 28 no doubt but just because the rock is good friends with vince doesnt make him an ass kisser. hogan and cena no doubt because they hold talent back just like macho man and warrior were and now guys like punk etc. still loved his promo though. might be just what the wwe needs
I'm sure Primo Colon physically and mentally donates to the business as well. Doesn't mean he should be in the main event at WM.

Doesn't mean he should be told a year out that he has no shot of going anywhere. What incentive is there for the talent to go out and bust ass if they aren't going to get a pay off in the end?

They can think what they want. But, they would be ignorant to believe that they belong in the WM main event more than the Rock.

No, but it says more about the company that is relying on a guy that left the business full time 10 years ago, spent a large period of that time separating himself from said business, and then came back to rejuvenate his film career when it started to bottom out.

So, you believe the WWE and creative are incompetent and could be making more money, yet you want to see a "hard worker" in the main event as opposed to one of the greatest money makers ever? That is a little contradictory of you.

Again, it says more about the WWE as a whole. Yes, the Rock makes money. Yes the Rock is going to bump the buyrates, but at the end of the day, the WWE is relying on a guy that's not going to be there in the long run. The guys in the front office might like the little bonus they get on payday, but is it worth sacrificing morale in the locker room?

Additionally, WWE and creative can't make a star, the star will inevitably be made. With Stone Cold, Rock, Hogan, Cena, etc. , they had the talent necessary to succeed. WWE creative can only do so much, but if the talent's there, it'll show and they will become a star.

You need television exposure to become a star, something that the Rock takes up when he's there. The Rock gobbled up how much time at Wrestlemania? I'm not sure how much, but it cost the show an advertised match, and who knows how many matches were shortened because of a promo.

I'm not denying the Rock pushes the needle. I think people blow it out of proportion though. The Rock did not get 1,000,000 buys for Wrestlemania, the Rock might have brought 100,000 buys to the car. It's impressive, but he's not the only reason people watch. Sure he bumped the numbers for the ratings, but in the long run, what has it done for the WWE? The numbers are back to where they were, which says more about the WWE and it's inability to grow an audience.
Doesn't mean he should be told a year out that he has no shot of going anywhere. What incentive is their for the talent to go out and bust ass if they aren't going to get a pay off in the end?
I see what you're saying. But, I hope they understand why the Rock is in the main event and they're not. Maybe they need to look at the bigger picture, and see that if they want to take those spots, if they want to grow in their vocation, they need to take the appropriate steps. They need to realize that the Rock entertains the audience more than they do, and if they want that spot, they need to find a way to elicit better reactions.

No, but it says more about the company that is relying on a guy that left the business full time 10 years ago, spent a large period of that time separating himself from said business, and then came back to rejuvenate his film career when it started to bottom out.

Again, it says more about the WWE as a whole. Yes, the Rock makes money. Yes the Rock is going to bump the buyrates, but at the end of the day, the WWE is relying on a guy that's not going to be there in the long run. The guys in the front office might like the little bonus they get on payday, but is it worth sacrificing morale in the locker room?

Well, that, if anything, just shows how rare mega stars are. Not WWE's fault, though. If you have the ability to entertain the masses, it will show, and the creative team will nurture that and help it grow.

You need television exposure to become a star, something that the Rock takes up when he's their. The Rock gobbled up how much time at Wrestlemania? I'm not sure how much, but it cost the show an advertised match, and who knows how many matches were shortened because of a promo.
The guys get enough time to get over with the audience. If they can't get over well with the time they're allotted, maybe they just have to accept that guys like Cena and Rock are rare. Maybe that speaks to their ability.

I'm not denying the Rock pushes the needle. I think people blow it out of proportion though. The Rock did not get 1,000,000 buys for Wrestlemania, the Rock might have brought 100,000 buys to the car. It's impressive, but he's not the only reason people watch. Sure he bumped the numbers for the ratings, but in the long run, what has it done for the WWE? The numbers are back to where they were, which says more about the WWE and it's inability to grow an audience.
This debate at its core is if Punk should be in the main event instead of the Rock. Do you think it's a better financial and business decision to put Punk in there? I hope not, because that definitely wouldn't help the growth of the WWE audience as much as Cena/Rock.

No wrestler should be upset with Rock taking the WM main event spot. Every party involved benefits - the fans get what they want, and the WWE will make money.

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