CM Punk


Occasional Pre-Show
Cm Piunk has always said that he is not happy about the fact that he has never been in the main event at WrestleMania, even though he is a three time World Heavyweight Champion and a Two time Wwe Champion.

I can see what he is talking about because John Cena was in the Main Event three years after his debut, Batista was in the Main Event three years after debuting. But Punk has been with Wwe for 6 years and still has not Main Evented the Event,

My thinking is it is because every year they are bringing back Legends to fight in the Main Event and not letting Young starts shine.

I have a few questions

1. Do you believe that Punk should have been in the main event before now?

2. Who do you see Punk fighting against in the Main Event and what World Title would it be for if any?
So far as I'm concerned he's in the main event this year.

1. Do you believe that Punk should have been in the main event before now?

Not really. Rock/Cena was too big not to headline last year, WrestleMania XXVII was all jacked up, and he wasn't a top shelf main eventer prior to that.

2. Who do you see Punk fighting against in the Main Event and what World Title would it be for if any?

Cena for the WWE Championship with a loser leaves town stipulation. Sort of a "this town ain't big enough for the both of us," ordeal. Only an aggressive stipulation like that would make that feud feel like it's come to fruition and make the match feel worthwhile to pay for yet again.
Punk was introduced to the WWE at a difficult time. There was a lot of great talent and he wasn't deemed to be above the likes of Cena, Batista, HBK, HHH, Taker, Y2J, Orton. Plus guys like Kane and Mysertio will get the bigger matches.

I think he needed to wait until the right time. His "shoot" promo and the MITB ppv in Chigago worked so well it is crazy. If he had peaked before than that series of events which is now iconic in the history of the WWE would never of happened and Punk would have just been another guy.

He is facing the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. He isn't closing the show but that is good enough. He feels that he should be the guy who is in the "main event" of Mania but that isn't him. I thought his whole career has been based on him putting on the best match regardless of opponent and proving he is the best in the world. He shouldn't care about what match is placed last in the card. Maybe it is a respect thing but who cares. He is facing the Undertaker and that should suffice.

Personally, I like this match with Taker but also think that Cena/Rock should be the main event. WM30 should be interesting. I can see him having a WWE title match but Cena or Taker (or both) will end the show. The only way in which he ends a Mania is if he faces Cena for the WWE championship - which would be a good choice for WM30.
There's a difference between being the main event at WrestleMania and being the last match on the card. To me, CM Punk has the main event this year no matter where he's at on the show. The streak is the most iconic symbol of the event in this day in age, and the fact that he's been put into a match against Taker, just after Taker had Show Stealing matches at now 5 WrestleManias is a testament to what the WWE thinks of Punk.

Face it, he's not going to be the top face and he knows that. And with that, comes the fact that he won't be in the last match of WrestleMania. But he will be the guy that WWE looks to when they need to get serious hype for the show. Yeah Dwayne can gain a little bit of buzz, but Punk can do something more important and that's make people care.
I feel absolutely without a doubt CM Punk should be in the Main event this year. Punk is a different bird marches to the beat of his own drummer always has always will. Punk has been with the E for over 6 years now and came at a difficult time. Kane Undertaker hell even Rey Rey will always get main event status more so than Punk.

As much as this guy busts his ass and is one of the few characters that can make anything gold he damn well deserves the main event this year. I understand that Cena vs Rock will close the show as well it should but this is my dream and call me crazy. Cena and Rock go to Vince say Punk vs Taker deserve to close the show and we will go on before those two. I think its a travesty that Punk hasnt closed a WM before now but again he came at a difficult time and Cena Vs Rock last year deserved top billing.

This year though,the match just doesnt have that nostalgia feel to it. Punk Vs Taker most certainly does,IMO and deserves to close the show
I do believe that Punk should close/maint event Wrestlemania, like he said it souldn't be Rock/Cena II but Cena/Punk. Punk and Cena puts every single time top performances, have an amazing chemistry, they have a fricking 5 star match and an excellent story/feud that definitely deserves to be told at the biggest stage that pro wrestling has to offer.

I understand that Rock and Cena are biggest stars and the whole businees part, but I/ll guess we have to wait at some point we need tho vae Cena/Punk at Mania.
CM Punk doesn't deserve to headline Mania unless he's paired with Rock, Taker, Cena, Lesnar, or maybe HHH. He's not a big enough name yet to be at the point where could carry a main event against any opponent and still have people wanting to see it.
It's been bad luck for CM Punk really. I only feel he really made it as a legitimate Wrestlemania headliner after the promo, and both of his Wrestlemanias since then have been dominated by Rock vs Cena.
WrestleMania 28 was the first 'Mania CM Punk looked like a true main eventer. He was WWE Champion, number two guy in the company, more than capable of putting on a main event-calibre match - but The Rock existed. So he main evented the show instead. And unfortunately for Punk, he still exists.

WWE is currently in what I have brilliantly termed the "Part-Time Era". Copyright pending. And in this era, being a WWE main eventer isn't enough to headline WrestleMania. John Cena has proven that you have to be the main eventer. The franchise player. CM Punk not only isn't that, but he will likely never be that. Sad? Maybe. I'd love to see Punk and Cena work the main event of WrestleMania XXX. But as long as Rock, Brock, Triple H, The Undertaker, etc. want to work a couple of nights a year, there won't be room for him.
NO he shouldnt main event mania...The guy isnt a big enough draw. He has only been considered a main event talent for two years. Give him some time before you just shove him into the main event at mania.
Perhaps if CM Punk cause some major upset and defeats the Beer Belly Flabbin , Leather Claddin Mascara wearin underfaker he can gain some sort of recognition for wrestlemania since he has been lost in the shuffle , it was unfair for him to job to The Rock so he can face cena again geeez. Its all about the Legends filling wheelchairMania . I can assure with Heyman in his corner I don't quite see CM PUNK losing I see Brock interfering in this match to further get the fans excited for a Lesner-underfaker match sometime down the year like Summerslam! I don t see Rock jobbing even though many of you john semen fans think he will win he won't! Pay attention Rock will be in Extreme Rules so expect something to happen then

WMania predictions

Team Hell No vs Ziggler and Big E Langstion = Winners new champions Ziggler and Big E Langstion

Miz vs Wade Barrett = Miz new Intercontinental Champion

Albert del Rio vs Jack Swagger = Jack Swagger winning

CM Punk vs underfaker = DQ

Rock vs john semen = Rock retaining

Mark Henry vs Ryback = Ryback

The shield vs Sheamus, Big Slow and Randy Orton = Randy Orton , Sheamus and Big Slow

HHH vs Brock Lesner = HHH
is it just me or have all of you guys missed something. cm punk said on his dvd he will be done after he headlines mania. vkm knows this all to well so how do keep him around just a bit longer. you give taker its big but not what punk wants. next year rock cena 3 and vs someone for wwe title 2nd to last match. then 31 hit punk cena for wwe title loser leaves town.
NO he shouldnt main event mania...The guy isnt a big enough draw. He has only been considered a main event talent for two years. Give him some time before you just shove him into the main event at mania.

He's the second biggest guy in the company and is certainly a draw, i don't know where people got the idea that he isn't. Also, to play devils Cena won the WWE title at Mania after a far shorter push. Cena went from a US title match against Big Show to taking the title of JBL in a year. He did that on his first two Wrestlemanias too.

1) Before this, no, it wouldn't have been a good idea anyway. At WM27 he wasn't a big enough star and would have just been overshadowed by The Rock just like The Miz was. WM28 really was a once in a lifetime thing that had to happen and main event (once) so Punk did have to step aside for that.

As for WM29, they really should have been in a triple threat. 3 guys, the top in the company all with intertwined history, where Punk can compensate for Rock's shortcomings, it would have worked so well. It also would have stopped Mania from being so predictable.

2) He will main event Wrestlemania before he's done, not sure when though. If they bring back Stone Cold for a match/feud, it could happen at WM30. If not, a match against Cena at WM31 or WM32 would probably happen.
But Punk has been with Wwe for 6 years and still has not Main Evented the Event,

My thinking is it is because every year they are bringing back Legends to fight in the Main Event and not letting Young starts shine.

The first thing I would say is that while his last 2 years have been very good, they coincided with the return of The Rock interacting a lot with the face of the WWE. Vince knew there was/is money to be made with everything that Rock and Cena do so unfortunately Punk has had to make the most out of his situation, allthewhile knowing that the main event of Mania was off the cards.

As for the other 4 years, Punk was seemingly having to prove that he was a Bonafide WWE Superstar who could be engaging, perform in the ring and adapt his Indy character accordingly for WWE to market. Even when he held the WHC belt before on several occasions, it sometimes just felt like a test run without a whole lot of commitment.

As for the whole part timers versus young stars thing, it really wouldn't surprise me that next year Punk faces and beats either Rock or Cena in the main event to be cemented as the flag bearer for the WWE. Punk knows the politics and reasons why it's taken him so long to reach this point but he doesn't strike me as a person whose ready to be content with second place and when he does get that WM ME victory, he'll have definitely earned it.
For me personally, it usually doesn't matter who goes on first or who goes on last. I think people are putting too much emphasis on such things as match order as a means of assigning importance to certain wrestlers.

Punk didn't close WrestleMania last year even though he was WWE Champion, so people went around saying that he's not really a "main eventer". In the grand scheme of things, CM Punk hasn't really been on the top tier level in WWE for even 2 years, yet look how far he's come since the summer of 2011. Vince went with Cena vs. Rock because he felt it was the match that would probably generate the most interest & money. Like it or not, Vince was right. Will he be right again this time around? We'll have to wait & see.

As for Punk's proclamations about being unhappy that he hasn't been in the closing match of WrestleMania, it's hard to say. So much of the time, even when Punk is giving interviews in which he's not supposed to be in character, he still sounds very much like he is in character. Back in the old days whenever wrestlers gave interviews to outside media, they stayed in character as a means of protecting the business. In a lot of ways, CM Punk is very much an old school wrestler. He's aware that everyone knows that pro wrestling isn't "real", but that means that he can work harder to convince those he's speaking with that he's being legit, even if he isn't.
Hasn't been a main-eventer for long enough to main-event WM? Seriously??

Batista main-evented Mania' after never doing anything accept being a side-kick for HHH and Ric Flair.

Edge main-evented at WM24 even though he had only recently become a top guy on SD!

Not that I have a problem with any of these situations mentioned above, but to say that a guy who is a 5-time world champ, has had rivalries with the likes of Cena, Orton, Undertaker, and The Rock, and has consistently been a top-tier superstar for the past several years still isn't good enough to be a main-eventer at Mania' is bullsh*t.

Punk was good enough last year. Hell, look back at his SES days - main-event gold. The main-event is usually the top face vs. the top heel. Not strictly, but it makes sense, right? So what's wrong with Cena Vs. Punk in the ME? Or Rock Vs. Punk? Or Taker Vs. Punk?

Nothing. The timing isn't so great right now seeing as it looks like management wants to milk the rest of Cena/Rock. I also think that Rock is abit of a road block (No pun intended) for Punk. Let's face it, as long as Rock wants to stick around, he will always be the first one chosen for a main-event spot at Mania'. Why? Because he's The Rock. Is there anything wrong with that? Nope - just means Punk might have to face Rock if he wants to fulfil his dream of headlining/closing WM. You could argue that he could face Cena, but let's be honest - can you imagine Vince putting Rock on a Mania' card without him closing the show? Highly unlikely. It doesn't matter whether it makes sense or not, it just won't happen these days.

There's nothing wrong with never main-eventing a Wrestlemania. Plenty of big names have never closed the show, and it doesn't make them any less of a star. If Punk retires after his match with Taker', will he be any less of a star amongst fans? Probably not. Most historic moments don't occur at Mania'. Sure, alot can happen potentially, but Punk has already secured his relevance in the WWE for long after retires.
I can assure with Heyman in his corner I don't quite see CM PUNK losing I see Brock interfering in this match to further get the fans excited for a Lesner-underfaker match sometime down the year like Summerslam! I don t see Rock jobbing even though many of you john semen fans think he will win he won't! Pay attention Rock will be in Extreme Rules so expect something to happen then

WMania predictions

Team Hell No vs Ziggler and Big E Langstion = Winners new champions Ziggler and Big E Langstion

Miz vs Wade Barrett = Miz new Intercontinental Champion

Albert del Rio vs Jack Swagger = Jack Swagger winning

CM Punk vs underfaker = DQ

Rock vs john semen = Rock retaining

Mark Henry vs Ryback = Ryback

The shield vs Sheamus, Big Slow and Randy Orton = Randy Orton , Sheamus and Big Slow

HHH vs Brock Lesner = HHH
ok, I HOPE and WANT CM Punk to end the streak, but I don't see it happening. I don't ever see Taker losing at Mania. I do think it will be a classic though as Punk can put on a 5 star match. as for the rest of the WM predictions, let's go. I think the Tag Title match can go either way. my guess is that if Ziggler doesn't leave WM with the World title it's the Tag Titles. I hope it's the world title though as Del Rio needs to lose it and I think a WM moment of a cash in would be perfect. i think Miz wins the IC title, Cena will win the WWE title. i expect Ryback to beat Mark Henry and do a huge shellshock. Fandango likely beats Jericho an di think The Shield beats the Big Show, Orton and Sheamus after Orton turns on the team and walks out of the match.
Punk definitely should be in the main event of WM next year. I wanna say he should have been in this year, but putting him with Taker was a good plan because he will once against put on a match that ends up being much better than the actual main event.

Next year should be Punk v Cena. After their last match, there is NO reason not to book that.
1. Do you believe that Punk should have been in the main event before now?

2. Who do you see Punk fighting against in the Main Event and what World Title would it be for if any?

1. Last year admist a epic title run Punk was forced to play second fiddle to Rock & Cena at Wrestlemania although he was champion. The WWE gave him a worthy opponent with Jericho, but the match seemed like filler.

2. I see Punk vs Cena vs The Rock would have worked this Wrestlemania, but I do NOT think Punk can be the biggest draw in any Mania Main Event he HAS to be "the other guy" because thats his role.
I have never really seen CM Punk as the Best in the World or even close, he is a good wrestler, but as far as I am concerned the number of people in WWE that are better than him is longer than the list that isn't. I don't think anyone should hold the title as long as he did in this day and age no matter how good they are, the title has become rather stale in the last year. I do think that he belongs on Wrestlemania but he has a long way to go before the main event should even be considered. I have heard all of the "he works so hard" but he is by no means the only one, he should just be honoured that he has the privilage of being in a match with the Undertaker because honsetly, regardless of match order, that is the main event of Wrestlemania.
I think tonight showed that Punk deserves to headline the big one! Out of the 3 'main events' I think (after reading many opinions) that the Punk Taker match was the most well received, and that Rock/Cena should not go to a third tie break at WM30. I think that has been Punk's biggest problem, since he has become a true main event star. (and I say true with caution as I believe it has only been the last 2 years or so where he has deserved to be mentioned as a true WrestleMania headliner) he has had to deal with The Rock returning and facing Cena twice in a row. He cannot compete with that, there is no way that they would let him close a show when them two have produced the mollions of buyrates they did last year, and probably will again.

I am a big CM Punk fan, and I am not too unhappy that I have not seen him headline WM yet, because I am waiting for the right time. His time is now, he has to headline WM30, whether its against Cena for the title, or my personally choice, the dream match with SCSA.
HBK was not a big draw financially and main evented Wrestlemania! Your argument is null in point!
dumbest thing ive ever heard...HBK was the top guy of course he would main event mania but Punk has never been the top guy. When I said he wasnt a big enough draw I was comparing him to the drawing power WWE already has. Punk should not be put above Taker, Lesnar, HHH, Cena, or Rock. I would love to see Punk-Cena main event mania but the question was not what I would like to see its what should happen. Business wise NO Punk should not have main evented a Mania yet and neither should The Miz or Lawrence Taylor and Bam Bam Bigelow

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