Does CM Punk have The Right To Be Upset About The Rock Main-Eventing Wrestlemania?

Yes he does have the right do be upset. Fulfillment is essential for humans, particularly goal orrientated people like CM Punk.

If you work in a job, you strive for bonuses, promotions, pay raises or symbols of apprieciation and respect. When these goals are impossible, morale and quality of work decrease.

In a sport team you strive to stay in peak shape, to perform at your highest level to win each night, for the goal of end of season glory. Its no secret that once a team is out of running for the title thier urgency, effort and passion decrease. This would be even more clear if told on the first game of the season, that they would recieve no points per win, and thus could never reach the finals.

Wrestling is a combination of the above.

So it should be clear that you WANT punk to be trying to reach wrestlemania at the end of each 'season final'. You WANT punk to be trying to get a promotion.

Saying Punk doesnt have the right to be upset, is akin to sayin, its ok to have no passion goal or drive. Imagine if all wwe wrestlers merely went through the motions devoid of desire. I dont think anyone enjoys watching anyone wrestle like that.

So i think clearly the answer for anyone who wants wrestler to be passionate and always trying to excel, is YES.


Does WWE have the right to put the Rock in the main event at WM, is an entirely different story.

Yes. They do. They are a company that are trying to make money in a capatalist democracy.

The fact that the corporate philosophy, is incompatable with the ethos of the philosophy of the workers is IRRELEVENT. Its not paradoxical its simply the environment that exists.

Life isn't fair and shit isn't perfect.

/nerd mode off
(dont quote above and below together please)

I bet 50 bucks he's pissed at Rock more than WWE. Rock shat all over wrestling in interviews, burying the business that feeds cm punk, the one punk is trying to excel in. Then he walk back into something he doesn't like and gets put above him! Its like ur girlfriend dumping you for her rich good looking ex boyfriend who she knows is going to cheat on her again. And your supposed to wait for that to end and hang around to be there when she's done? man. of course he's pissed and he has a right. Wwe is is making the right move and Rock is a douche for saying that to punk. If HBK hadn't broke his back "The Rock" may have never passed the point where cm punk is now. I remember HBK was champ and the rock was a mid carder who's heat depended on how good the segment was before he's. In a spot I would consider far lower than the one Punk is in now. HBK has last match at WM n leaves, 6 months later, breakdown PPV rock has breakout moment and starts his march. If HBK had still been there to hold rock bad, it COULD have never happened.

You'd think the Rock could have a little more empathy. I'd like to think it was kayfabe and he was dissing him as a heel, but the more you hear about Rock from the guys who are still there... well.
Hogan is more known as an actor than a wrestler..

A really bad actor maybe, i think you are dillusional if you believe that. Everyone who knows the name Hulk Hogan knows he was a wrestler and the most well known one at that.

Maybe at the time of Rocky III he was known more as an actor since he wasn't full time wrestler at that point and hadn't been shoved down everyone's throat for 15yrs, sure he was a big part of the merging between wrestling and entertainment but it was a "Wrestler" who acted in a few movies.

but that's off topic.

Simple answer, from a personnel standpoint Punk is justified in feeling left out, however nephatism and brownosing happens in most work placed, if you don't like it, you have 3 options
1) Say something to the boss. which he obviously did
2) Quit
3) Put up with it and be thankfull you still have a job in the highest profile company in the history of the sport. and the fans respect u. Which is what it's about right? not about titles or money.. Wins or losses.

but from a work standpoint he has nothing to bitch about, he's always in the top of the roster, on TV more then most others, was world champion twice, was the face of the revived ECW. and even now that he's apparently leaving they are still giving him a run at the title and vignettes that are putting him over as being rightly bitter.
1. If given the chance, should Punk Main-Event at next years Mania over The Rock?

Not a chance. That's insane for any one, including Punk, to say that Cena vs. Punk would be the way to go instead of Cena vs. Rock. You say anything you want to, but the Rock is a huge star. He's bigger than Punk and probably bigger than Cena, and his presence in the ring will bring WM a buyrate total that WWE hasn't seen in a long time.

2. Does CM Punk have the right to be upset over The Rock at Wrestlemania?

I'm not certain, that Punk really means what he said in his promo. If he does, he might think from a performer standpoint he might feel Rock shouldn't be there and that he would deliver a better match if he were there. Let's face the facts though, every one wants to headline WM but very few can deliver the money that Rock and Cena will. Just to be a part of the event when Rock and Cena headline will make the performer there a considerable amount of money.

3. Do you think Punk will return to the WWE ? If so will he be billed as a Main-Eventer once again?

I think it's a possibility. WWE is still the bigger company and they can pay him more money and he'll be under the bigger spotlight there than anywhere else. I think if WWE lets him go, it would be a mistake. If he stays in WWE, he should be in the main event but the way WWE uses performers nothing would surprise me.
yes everyone has the right to be angry the rock is going to main event WM 28. but like eveyone says it will draw $$

i do think that punk is going to leave for a little bit but then wwe is goign to throw him a big pay day his way that he wont shy away from

cm punk vs steve austin at WM 29 or 30

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