Does CM Punk have The Right To Be Upset About The Rock Main-Eventing Wrestlemania?

Yes, of course he has the right to be pissed off! But after his promo I think MITB will draw like crazy and next weeks RAW will pull in a hell of a lot of viewers and it's all down to CM Punk. CM Punk's promo has aroused more interest than The Rock's return, without a doubt! CM Punk wins this one.
People need to seriously stop bashing the Rock. He was in the WWE for 10+ years. Actually no, he was a part of the WWE since birth. The man just wanted to move on after he accomplished everything he could in the company. Was he just going to stick around for another 10 years, winning more multiple HWC's? He walked away from the WWE quietly in 2002/03. He didn't ask to main event WM on his way out, or make a big deal about leaving like some big stars have.

After working for Vince all his life, the man just wanted to work for himself for once. Now he is back part-time, perhaps for nostalgia's sake, but it's what the fans want. Fans have been talking about a Cena-Rock dream match for nearly 5 years. Now that it's finally happening, the IWC is bitching about it? Give me a break people. You all complain about WWE being aimed towards kids now, but you're no less fickle than children yourselves.

CM Punk will be a big star, with or without the WWE. He has no reason to be upset. People are going to pay more money for Cena vs. Rock than they will for Punk vs. Rock or Punk vs. Cena. End of story.
Saying the Rock should main event Wrestlemania over CM Punk is not in any way, shape, or form, disrespecting CM Punk. The Rock is one of the all-time greats. He was THE MAN during the WWE's prime. He was THE MAN even with HBK, Triple H, Stone Cold all wrestling at the same time. CM Punk needs to understand that. I can see where he's coming from. He's thinking, the rock has already headlined wrestlemania and had his time and now it's Punk's time. However, if he respects the business, he has to understand the circumstances. The Rock vs. John Cena is a dream match for millions.

Don't confuse the question of whether or not Punk has a right to be upset or deserves to be in the main event with which match you would rather see. Yes, there are some that would rather see CM Punk vs. John Cena but that doesn't mean Punk has a right to be upset.

WWE may have held him back somewhat but the fact of the matter is, he's not the top guy and I do agree with what Dwayne Johnson said on Twitter, The Rock will draw more money in one night than Punk will in a lifetime.

I like CM Punk, I really do. He's one of my current favorite wrestlers but I'm not a mark and I'm not naive to think he should be the main event at WM 28 over The Rock.
People need to seriously stop bashing the Rock. He was in the WWE for 10+ years. Actually no, he was a part of the WWE since birth. The man just wanted to move on after he accomplished everything he could in the company. Was he just going to stick around for another 10 years, winning more multiple HWC's? He walked away from the WWE quietly in 2002/03. He didn't ask to main event WM on his way out, or make a big deal about leaving like some big stars have.

After working for Vince all his life, the man just wanted to work for himself for once. Now he is back part-time, perhaps for nostalgia's sake, but it's what the fans want. Fans have been talking about a Cena-Rock dream match for nearly 5 years. Now that it's finally happening, the IWC is bitching about it? Give me a break people. You all complain about WWE being aimed towards kids now, but you're no less fickle than children yourselves.

CM Punk will be a big star, with or without the WWE. He has no reason to be upset. People are going to pay more money for Cena vs. Rock than they will for Punk vs. Rock or Punk vs. Cena. End of story.

The reason why people are bashing the Rock is because they think he's "taking" a spot at Wrestlemania that should go to someone else. Remember Wrestlemania is in Miami. So, who on the WWE roster would draw more than The Rock in Miami against John Cena? The answer is no one.

Hell, some of these marks would have you believe that John Morrison should be fighting for the belt at WM or that Zack Ryder should be there, or... well you get the idea. Wrestlemania is about hype. Will The Rock vs. Cena be a great technical wrestling match? No way, but MILLIONS.... AND MILLIONS of The Rock's fans and Little Jimmys and Jennys will be watching and holding their breaths.

Cena vs. Punk is a RAW-Caliber match, The Rock vs. Cena is a Wrestlemania caliber match that will be talked about for years to come.

I like Punk a lot and do think he's somewhat gotten a raw deal from WWE in terms of how they've used him BUT with that said he will NEVER ever reach the level The Rock reached in professional wrestling.
See the way I interpreted it was that Punk was speaking about 'wrestling' in an in-ring capacity where one can argue he is more technically adept. I don't for a minute imagine he meant it in the sense that he is a bigger box-office draw than The Rock. Or if he does, he maybe aint straight-edge anymore! ;)

The way Punk has repeated over and over that he is the best 'WRESTLER' they have, and would want to show-case himself at Wrestling's biggest spectacle is what I thought he was meaning. I mean people made a commotion that, 'OMG why didn't he mention TNA!?', but by mentioning ROH and NJPW, by association that furthers my belief he was talking wrestling as in the technical side, rather than the 'Superstar/Box-Office draw' side. TNA does have technical talent, but they are more akin to the WWE style which Punk/Punk's character seems to be despising at the moment.

It'd be awesome if the much rumoured Punk-Austin match comes to fruition by WrestleMania too though! As well as potentially Taker's last ever match? The WWE could charge whatever they want and probably still get over the magic million.
The reason why people are bashing the Rock is because they think he's "taking" a spot at Wrestlemania that should go to someone else. Remember Wrestlemania is in Miami. So, who on the WWE roster would draw more than The Rock in Miami against John Cena? The answer is no one.

Hell, some of these marks would have you believe that John Morrison should be fighting for the belt at WM or that Zack Ryder should be there, or... well you get the idea. Wrestlemania is about hype. Will The Rock vs. Cena be a great technical wrestling match? No way, but MILLIONS.... AND MILLIONS of The Rock's fans and Little Jimmys and Jennys will be watching and holding their breaths.

Cena vs. Punk is a RAW-Caliber match, The Rock vs. Cena is a Wrestlemania caliber match that will be talked about for years to come.

I like Punk a lot and do think he's somewhat gotten a raw deal from WWE in terms of how they've used him BUT with that said he will NEVER ever reach the level The Rock reached in professional wrestling.
He hasn't "taken" anything. It was announced a year in advance for one thing, so nobody was even up in the running. Not to mention that Melina had a gripe with Trish Stratus being at WM, but everybody here shit on her and said JoMo should dump her for being a bitch. You hit on the other point -- he'll draw more money, and in a business, that's the #1 goal. I really don't understand why people here (as smart as they pretend to be), can't look at things like Mark Madden. It's the wrestling business, not a wrestling fantasy league. Key word there -- business. It's a company that will do anything it can to make the top dollar. Unfortunately, just because a small percentage worship CM Punk, that doesn't mean he will lead WWE to become the most successful product it can be.

I used to enjoy reading people's opinions on this site years ago. But these days it's just a bunch of marks whining about what they want the WWE to be, not discussing what the WWE *should* and *has* to be. =\
Saying the Rock should main event Wrestlemania over CM Punk is not in any way, shape, or form, disrespecting CM Punk. The Rock is one of the all-time greats. He was THE MAN during the WWE's prime. He was THE MAN even with HBK, Triple H, Stone Cold all wrestling at the same time. CM Punk needs to understand that. I can see where he's coming from. He's thinking, the rock has already headlined wrestlemania and had his time and now it's Punk's time. However, if he respects the business, he has to understand the circumstances. The Rock vs. John Cena is a dream match for millions.

The rock was never the man when either hbk or austin were their. When he was the man, austin was injured and michaels already split two years earlier. And to say rock vs. john cena is a dream match for millions is pushing it just a tad. Now will rock's return draw money. Yes. Will it draw as much money as the wwe or the iwc thinks it will. No. As you saw with the raw ratings when the rock returned, they flatlined after the first couple times. Thats because he was running off nostalgia. And the thing about nostalgia, it only lasts so long. And with this last wrestlemania, i think he just shot his wad.

Now if he does draw good is neither here nor there. The fact of the matter is cm punk is a game changer. He has the ability to get the WWE out of this slump that wwe has been in (ratings wise.) Say he just helps brings the ratings up .5 each week. Add that to getting more fans to buy the monthly ppvs. That would be way more than the rock could in one night. But hey I could be completely wrong. I guess we should just let the young stars sit on the bench while the old guys run off a reputation they made years ago.
The simple answer is no. First off, I highly doubt that Punk is actually and legitimately upset. Punk's an intelligent guy and I'm sure he knows the score. For all each and every one of us knows, Punk has resigned with WWE and could be WWE Champion by the time WM 28 comes around or he could wind up facing the champ, assuming Cena drops the title at some point.

But as to go into depth with my answer of no, this is where reality kicks in. I can't stress this enough people: pro wrestling is a business. The ultimate goal of any wrestling company is to make as much money as it can whether it be TNA, ROH, WWE or whoever. Any promoter that says otherwise is a fool and won't be in business for very long. The main reason why The Rock is in the main event at WM against John Cena is because The Rock is still a massive draw. This match will take place at the biggest wrestling ppv of the year, it'll be between two of the biggest stars in the history of the WWE and it'll be The Rock's first wrestling match for the better part of a decade. The WWE is counting on this match to be a huge draw for WrestleMania and it's all but written in the stars at this point that it will be.

CM Punk is a fantastic talent. He's arguably the overall best pro wrestler in the world and he's certainly the most talked about at this point in time. However, Punk isn't nearly on the same level as The Rock when it comes to drawing power. Could that all possibly change at some point? Sure, but that's not the way it is right now. WM 27 had a great buy, over 1.1 million ppv buys plus over $6 million at the gate. Vince wants to duplicate or possibly even exceed those numbers and he has a much better shot at it, at least at this point in time, with John Cena vs. The Rock.
Of course CM Punk has a right to be upset. Heck I’m sure many guys in the back must be upset that their spot to headline WrestleMania is taken by a part time WWE superstar. Surely guys like The Miz, Christian, Sheamus who are all past maineventers and currently WWE does not have them in any big feuds or plans at WrestleMania and most likely will be in grudge matches. CM Punk definitely has the right to be upset that Vince is forgetting about fulltime talents and employing a man who rarely ever shows up. But, Vince doesn’t give a damn what CM Punk or anybody thinks, he run’s the show and the pure reason why The Rock is in the mainevent instead of CM Punk is purely because The Rock will generate 10x the amount CM Punk would. The Rock is so very popular around the world and WWE are going to use his popularity by using him in the mainevent to earn as much as they can. CM Punk must know that the business does not reward superstars on how good they are now days, it is who can earn the most money for the company and sadly for CM Punk, The Rock will earn more money by The Rock being in the mainevent. To conclude he has the right to be upset but he has to realise it’s all about the money.
1. If given the chance, should Punk Main-Event at next years Mania over The Rock?

if he wins the royal rumble he still gets the chance to be in the main event

2. Does CM Punk have the right to be upset over The Rock at Wrestlemania?

no WWE is a money making machine and sorry to punk he is great in ring but the Rock sells Vince and rest of the WWE big tops will use who ever they will bring in the money and that is the Rock. I am not bad mouthing Punk on that he is one the top stars but there will never be another Rock he gets a bigger pop than anyone fact

3. Do you think Punk will return to the WWE ? If so will he be billed as a Main-Eventer once again?

I hope so he is a great star and one of the best in the sport today
Something befuddles me about the criticism of The Rock and how you want the younger guys to shine. I may not be accurate on this but when was the last time he had a match? I think it was 2004. Even this year, he's appeared on Raw around four or five times I think. So if you want the younger guys to shine, then you have pretty much the whole damn year. Punk doesn't have any right to complain because when has he shown that he can draw near The Rock on a bad day? What exactly in Punk's WWE career makes you think that he deserves to headline a Wrestlemania. It's all about getting the best buys for your #1 PPV and Rock delivered that and will next year. Punk simply won't. Deal with it.
I believe the rock does love the business. It's a business tho. The point of running a business is to make money. Now if Punk was as popular as the rock he'd be headlining WM. The fact of the matter is he's not tho. Nor will he probably be. From a putting in time point of view, yes be mad bc he has the right to be. Again, it's a business. WM had over a million buys. Not bc of punk/orton. Bc of the rock alone. Yeah the rock took up a lot of time but he was the lone reason for those buys. Punk/orton was a really good match and a million of ppl saw bc of the rock. The next WM will probably beat what this years did. All the media attention it will garner of the year will be insane and come I'd say RR it'll probably dbl with attention. The rocks draw power is second to none and bc of him, a lot more talent is seen. So again, I see where Punk is coming from, he's there day in and day out but a business makes money so they're gonna put the biggest cash cows out there to ge the most money. Not put out the extremely good wrestlers. We see where wrestling stands with WWE.
No, he doesn't. The Rock deserves the spot more than him, because that's what the fans want to see, and that in turn will make WWE the most money. He's simply being selfish and ignorant if he thinks he should have the spot.

I think Punk really knows why The Rock is in the main event and not him. That was just another relevant facet of the worked shoot Punk thought of to get the desired reaction.
I believe the rock does love the business. It's a business tho. The point of running a business is to make money. Now if Punk was as popular as the rock he'd be headlining WM. The fact of the matter is he's not tho. Nor will he probably be. From a putting in time point of view, yes be mad bc he has the right to be. Again, it's a business. WM had over a million buys. Not bc of punk/orton. Bc of the rock alone. Yeah the rock took up a lot of time but he was the lone reason for those buys. Punk/orton was a really good match and a million of ppl saw bc of the rock. The next WM will probably beat what this years did. All the media attention it will garner of the year will be insane and come I'd say RR it'll probably dbl with attention. The rocks draw power is second to none and bc of him, a lot more talent is seen. So again, I see where Punk is coming from, he's there day in and day out but a business makes money so they're gonna put the biggest cash cows out there to ge the most money. Not put out the extremely good wrestlers. We see where wrestling stands with WWE.

Good points and you hinted at something that some people are missing here.

Putting the Rock vs. Cena as the main event at Wrestlemania will garner HUGE mainstream hype and popularity for WWE and for wrestling. People are going to tune in to Wrestlemania to see The Rock as he has huge mainstream popularity, beyond WWE fans. So, if WWE put some of it's young stars or top talents like Punk in matches at WM, not necessarily main event, people are going to see that and maybe they'll say "wow this guy is cool, I didn't even know he was a wrestler." Or, wow, this WWE stuff is not so bad. SO, the Rock's presence will actually help the rest of the roster get attention.

If it was Punk vs. Cena in the main event, pure wrestling fans and WWE fans would love it but you wouldn't get any fans outside of that buying it just for that.

The Rock = $$$$$$ and exposure for WWE and that's benefits everyone.
1. If given the chance, should Punk Main-Event at next years Mania over The Rock?

2. Does CM Punk have the right to be upset over The Rock at Wrestlemania?

3. Do you think Punk will return to the WWE ? If so will he be billed as a Main-Eventer once again?

1) Yes

2) Definately, I mean how would you feel if some guy who decided to give the company the finger and go star in movies came back out of nowhere and said he was sorry only to be welcomed back with open arms by the fanbase?

3) IDK, I've been hearing rumors that he's already re-signed with the WWE and will be taking the rest of the summer off after Money In The Back and will return in the fall. Hopefully
Something befuddles me about the criticism of The Rock and how you want the younger guys to shine. I may not be accurate on this but when was the last time he had a match? I think it was 2004. Even this year, he's appeared on Raw around four or five times I think. So if you want the younger guys to shine, then you have pretty much the whole damn year. Punk doesn't have any right to complain because when has he shown that he can draw near The Rock on a bad day? What exactly in Punk's WWE career makes you think that he deserves to headline a Wrestlemania. It's all about getting the best buys for your #1 PPV and Rock delivered that and will next year. Punk simply won't. Deal with it.

What does it say about CM Punk's drawing power when a guy who has been out of the business entirely for 7 years can step right into the main event of Wrestlemania? CM Punk has to understand that.

As I said, I like CM Punk a lot. He has talent and should be a top star in WWE, I don't think anyone is denying that. But simply put, he's not, nor will he ever be, The Rock.
Yes Punk has the right to be upset!! He should main event next years WM without a doubt!! But the people out there will suck up to the rock no matter what!! Granted the rock is a talented person fast five was a kick ass movie and he helped WM reach over a million buys... At the end of the day its about money money for vince!! The rock could have planned this for two years down the road and the universe would still suck up to him!! Punk is very very good quite possibly the very best out there but at the end of the day doesnt matter if u cant outdraw the rock
People have to realize that what Punk said about The Rock main eventing WM28 is what 90% of the rest of the WWE locker room is thinking. Is The Rock being in the main event going to be good for business? Most likely, yes. But, WWE superstars bust their asses day in and day out for that chance to main event WM and to bring in someone who doesn't do that - regardless of who that person is, its a slap in the face to all those wrestlers who work full time schedules.

Am I, as a fan excited for Cena/Rock at WM28? Hell yeah, I am already planning on attending! But, try looking at it from wrestler's perspective. Imagine at your work, every year you all work hard in order for two of you to receive the highest honor your work holds. Say its a dream vacation. So, imagine if one year they said "hey, about next year's vacation...we're giving it to this guy here. He doesn't work here, but he used to and we feel it would be better for business if we send him."

How would you feel?
People have to realize that what Punk said about The Rock main eventing WM28 is what 90% of the rest of the WWE locker room is thinking. Is The Rock being in the main event going to be good for business? Most likely, yes. But, WWE superstars bust their asses day in and day out for that chance to main event WM and to bring in someone who doesn't do that - regardless of who that person is, its a slap in the face to all those wrestlers who work full time schedules.

Am I, as a fan excited for Cena/Rock at WM28? Hell yeah, I am already planning on attending! But, try looking at it from wrestler's perspective. Imagine at your work, every year you all work hard in order for two of you to receive the highest honor your work holds. Say its a dream vacation. So, imagine if one year they said "hey, about next year's vacation...we're giving it to this guy here. He doesn't work here, but he used to and we feel it would be better for business if we send him."

How would you feel?

I agree with you that most of the locker room probably feels that way but the thing is, The Rock paid his dues, he put in the time and he became an All-Time Great, arguably the best ever on the mic. If I were in the locker room, I would be more mad when they bring in celebrities to headline wrestlemania. These people have no business being in the ring, they have not paid their dues, and they have no idea what it takes to get to the top.

Any wrestler with half a brain should realize that the Rock is a model of success in the WWE. He connects with fans in a way very few if any, ever have. He doesn't have great wrestling skills but he has charisma and a personality that is perfect for wrestling.

There is no one in that locker room that can legitimately say "I deserve to fight John Cena at Wrestlemania, over The Rock."

The Rock reached a level of success and stardom that most of those schlubs in the locker room will NEVER achieve.

If these punks can't respect their elders and the achievements of their elders, then they don't deserve to be in the business.
Should punk main event Wrestlemania? no. Should he main event over the Rock? Hell yes! The Rock comes back after all this time and takes a main event spot form people who bust their ass every day to get there. THe Rock had his time. It was called the attitude era. Yes I know he is a HUGE draw. But lets not forget ho much that WWE has just shoved punk into the background. Losing a 3 on 1 handicapped match to the big show? Really? REALLY? Punk has the potential to be the best heel in this company all because he DOESNT do drugs. tell me how many other people could pull that off? I have the utmost respect for CM Punk but very little for the Rock.
Do you people understand that CM Punk and The Rock are simply excellent at their jobs and the whole thing is a work?

These are two are merely blending the lines between work and shoot.

Punk is a professional and he realizes that the main event of Wrestlemania goes to the guys that can draw the most money. He understands this...TRUST ME.

CM Punk has no problem with the Rock and the Rock doesn't care what CM Punk says. YOU ARE BEING WORKED.
Everything CM Punk said in that "shoot" was a work. Had it all been real, WWE wouldn't have made a little video/trailor out of it and have it posted on their website for everyone to see.

Check out his promo from Wrestlerave 03' while in ROH. Basically the same thing. Blasting on Raven, comparing Raven to his alcoholic father, telling us why he hates Raven for pissing everything down the toilet for booze and drugs, and woman. And yet, Punk was still in character.

Punk is the best at making you believe what he says as "real". Everyone thought he truly hated Raven.

He isn't a moron, he understands perfectly well why The Rock is in the mainevent. Punk understands the business and knows that it's all about money for the company.

If he stays and/or returns to WWE after taking some time off he'll be in the Main Event at Mania within 3 years.
Ok, I am the biggest Rock fan in the world. I am also a converted Punk fan.
Punk to me the other night had the greatest promo i've ever seen. Based on emotion, content and delivery. He has stepped it up in every way imaginable and is arguably the best in ring competitor on the WWE roster right now. But we can end this conversation now by analyzing what the WWE is about. Are they about wrestling? Nope... Are they about entertainment? Yup. Are they about making money. absolutely without question. So what does that ultimately mean? It means that Entertainment + Money = The Rock. Not Punk. He's ALREADY sold WM28. Its already going to be one of the biggest WM's in history and definitely the most lucrative. The Rock is not trying to take the spotlight away from the younger guys. He's making it so that the younger guys get seen. By being in the main event, he AUTOMATICALLY puts over the ENTIRE roster. Why? because people are going to PAY to see the Rock, and as a buy product, they're going to see EVERYONE ELSE. If the Rock hosting wrestlemania got 1.1 million ppv buys and countless people watching, how much more money will they make, how many more eyes will be watching when he's actually wrestling. I bet you as much as anyone wants to complain in the back about Rock stealing the spotlight, not one, AND THE ROCK MEANS NOT ONE, of them boys in the back that actually made it down that ramp at WM27 was upset about how many people got to see them. Ask Alex Riley was he upset about not actually wrestling in the main event? Ask Cody Rhodes if he was pissed that the Rock was the main name at WM27. Ask Kofi Kingston did it upset him that he was in a squash match that MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people watched. Just having the ROCK in the building means that these guys get exposed to millions of people. CM Punk does not, WILL not, probably never will have this effect. Truth is truth, and you may not like it but you will definitely not be able to argue against it.
I would take CM Punk main eventing WrestleMania over anyone else main eventing WrestleMania but not The Rock. I cannot even believe that this is up for discussion. It's The fucking Rock we are talking about, a guy that was the second biggest draw of his era, a world famous movie star and a guy who has more charisma than the sum total of the charisma of the entire WWE locker room of today, with the exception of Cena and Punk. All this and he also has a history with Cena.

Now, Punk vs Cena could be a great feud. If done well, this could even be the Austin vs Rock feud of this generation. However the Rock vs Cena match is the Hogan vs Rock match of this generation and bigger than any match that Cena can possibly have. It is a clash of the generations that everyone in this world has been waiting to see for well over 5 years at this point. Maybe even more than that. Niether in its present incarnation or in any other form can a Cena vs Punk feud or any Cena feud or any Punk feud match the mere expectancy of a Rock vs Cena match-up.

CM Punk is a great talent. He can talk, he can go in the ring, he has a very compelling character. He very well may be the best in the world today by some standards.

Then you have The Rock. His latest move, Fast Five, made 600 million dollars. Wrestlemania 27, with Rock headlining, was the second PPV ever to draw 1 million buys at let's say 50 dollars a buy. In other words, this year alone, Rock has drawn over half a billion dollars and he hasn't been in a single match. Rock is mainstream, a success, and someone people will pay to see. By the time Wrestlemania 28 rolls around, it will have been 8 years since Rock was in the ring. He'll be 39 years old and in his home town. Without him wrestling, the company had 1.1 million buys. With him against the biggest star in the world and in a match literally over a year in the making, how big do you think it'll be?

In short, a lot bigger than any match Punk has ever had. Punk has zero right to be jealous. When he draws money like Rock does, he can complain.
Rock drew for Fast Five? Give me a break. Trailers with Vin Diesel crashing cars drew money. Rock was a supporting player. Making it sound like HE drew 600 million dollars is ass-hatted.

Wanna know why Rock is far above everyone else in terms of drawing power? Because the last decade has been spent pushing nobody other than John Cena, Batista, Edge, and Randy Orton. Nobody gets to breakout and be as big as Rock in today's WWE because everything so heavily scripted and getting over when it's not your turn is punishable by death. Punk never drew money because Punk was never given the chance to draw money. Is Punk right to resent an institution that doesn't appreciate what he brings to the table? Absolutely. He's good enough and has been fucked over enough to justify his anger.

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