How much does CM Punk HATE The Rock!

CM Punk is one of those guys that you'd label as "mid-card 4 life", remember when he told Jericho "You were never really "the man" like I'm "the man" right now, were you?".
I think I cried out of laughter when he said that.

He was champ for over a year yet he couldn't main event a PPV if he wasn't working with Cena / if Cena wasn't injured.

He tarnished the WWE championship and it's prestige just like he did with the WHC in 2008.

CM Punk says all these words out of pure jealousy.

The Rock is a bigger draw than CM Punk, cm punk knows that as long as The Rock is on the card, he'll NEVER main event WrestleMania.

Rock already explained what he meant when he said he's coming back, I can't believe how ret@rded WWE fans are, he got injured in both WM matches performing for WWE fans and in return he got a BS chant, why should he come back again?

He's the highest grossing actor in 2013, why should he come back to WWE? For ungrateful fans who turn on him in a second? He should leave Hollywood and money for injuries and people that boo him?

You Rock haters are so pathetic.

-When Rock is in WWE: GTFO out of WWE, stop stealing the spotlight from young talents.
You can't wrestle rock, all your promos suck.

-When Rock isn't in WWE: Aaaaah you said you were never leaving again and now you left again , ROCKY SUCKS.


In 2013, Rock's movie GI Joe release date was postponed, it was scheduled to be in the summer of 2012 but it got postponed to early 2013.
WWE had already planned for Rock-Cena II at WM29, Rock couldn't do anything so he was stuck in both jobs.
That's why he wasn't able to show up to all RAWs.

The guy saw that when he's not going to give the WWE fans 100%, they're going to boo him so he decided to keep his return to when he'll be able to give it a 100%, that's why he won't be at WMXXX. I don't understand what's wrong with that.

When Rock said he was never ever going away, he meant he'll still be part of the WWE family, from 2004 to 2011 Rock was rarely mentioned on WWE TV.

But in 2013, he came back, won the WWE Championship, unveiled a new WWE title, main evented WrestleMania, when he wasn't there they showed the WWE 2K14 cover which had The Rock on it, they had The Rock win a Slammy.

The Rock is part of the WWE family, that's what he meant, I'm ok with him being a part timer.

Excellent post.

I just don't get the hate the Rock gets. People just don't seem to grasp the concept that The Rock has paid his dues already many years ago. Therefore, he has every friggin right to come back whenever he wants. He's earned that.

I don't understand those people who say he takes away time from the younger guys yet they turn around and complain that he doesn't come back enough? I think people just like to hate on him because of his success inside and outside of the WWE. Get over it already.

If a wrestler deserves to be in the main event, he will be there. End of story. The company is filled with top notch part timers ie: Brock, Jericho, Undertaker, now Batista....even Triple H only wrestles part time. Hell even Nash came in and took over the main event spot for a nice stint. Why don't these guys get called out?

There's so many of them and only 2 spots for the main event, but that doesn't stop anyone from getting a great match. Punk wrestled Jericho and Undertaker the last two years. Wtf is wrong with that exactly??? You guys act like he was forced to wrestle Sin Cara at Mania.

As far as I know, the only people you can even maybe say were affected by the Rocks match was Sandow and Rhodes...that's fine by me.
But in the question of best mic workers, the best of them know HOW/WHEN to shoot. Cena can shoot, but he doesn't do it all the time and can do a good promo without it. Same with Rock, HBK, Jericho, HHH, etc. Shooting is a very delicate thing to use in character, and when its abused or used unnecessarily it loses its effect. Not saying Punk can't cut a good promo, because SES Punk did it like no other. But nowadays, the pipe bomb made him dependent on saying something from a dirtsheet, which stopped being cool already.

And Rock being pretty much nothing but catchphrases and sing-a-longs stopped being cool quite a while ago as well.

Shooting fits the post-SES Punk fairly well. Why should you drop that when shooting was what helped make the current version of him?
And Rock being pretty much nothing but catchphrases and sing-a-longs stopped being cool quite a while ago as well.
Shooting fits the post-SES Punk fairly well. Why should you drop that when shooting was what helped make the current version of him?

That pretty much sums up Punk.
He can't cut a great promo without breaking kayfabe which is lame and weak.

Rock can make you cry (Owen hart promo), laugh (Rock concert) and build matches like no other wrestler.
Rock can do it all on the mic.

Punk is a one trick pony
Well, since I'm apparently not allowed to "counter that argument", back to the point.

That video came at a point where it was really difficult to tell what was Phil Brooks the person, and CM Punk the wrestling character. And it's not our right to know what's going on with Phil Brooks. Whether or not he believed everything he said on the mic or not, that's besides the point. Even if 10 years from now, Punk came out and did an RF Video shoot and spoke freely on the whole issue, it'd be hard to tell where the line between reality and fiction ends and begins.

If I were CM Punk, I would have had an issue with The Rock being given the WrestleMania main event. I mean, imagine you spend all year kicking ass at your job. You make a bunch of money for your company, you stay after work and come in early, and kill yourself each and every day to get that promotion at the end of the year. But when the end of the year comes, your company decides to hire outside its bubble instead of rewarding you for all your hard work. And if you really want to get technical with this metaphor, at the end of the year you actually have to get demoted and take a pay cut so your company can reward this new guy that doesn't have the trust, respect or dedication of you or all your co-workers.

It's not a perfect metaphor, but I can understand why Punk would be pissed off at Rock coming back.

Why should he be mad at The Rock? It's WWE's decision to put him in the main event of WrestleMania because Rock = $$$$ .

WWE isn't "rewarding" The Rock by putting him in the main event, they're doing it because Rock brings money, nobody will pay to see The Rock in a mid-card match, Rock belongs at the main event of every card he's in.

Why should Punk be mad? Why? He's probably the #2 guy in the company, he worked with 4 part timers last year (Rock/Taker/Brock/Jericho), he goes over the entire roster in 2012 and 2013 ( Dolph Ziggler / Daniel Bryan / Mark Henry / Sheamus / Big Show / Kane / Mysterio / Randy Orton / The Shield / The Wyatt Family / Fandango / Big E Langston / Ryback / Curtis Axel...).

I really hate Punk because of the type of person that he is, the whining type, the type that see the glass half empty rather than half full, he is #2 guy in the company, he's getting millions of dollars a year, he's living his dream, why complain about not getting a WM Main Event spot?

16 years with the company, Kane has been 16 years in the company and never did he once main evented WrestleMania nor complained about it.
Arguably the greatest pro wrestler ever, the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair never main evented WrestleMania.

If that's what people will remember Punk for, if that's his legacy as "the greatest to have never main evented WrestleMania" then so be it.

The Rock doesn't deserve the hate he gets, he didn't ask to be in the main event.
WWE's decision is to put him in the main event and fans are blinded by that, they say "he stole the title from Punk and gave it to cena", it isn't like this at all, it's WWE's decision, Rock is in that spot so it's normal that blinded fans blame him for it.

Also, Rock won't be at this year's WrestleMania, will Punk main event it?

Answer is simple: No.
WWE have many options to main event Mania, there are MANY guys ahead of Punk: Rock, Brock, Taker, Cena, Orton...

Punk isn't option A or B or C or even D but once those options ahead of him retire. Punk will be there and one day, maybe in 5 years he'll be a part timer and finally get that WM main event spot but right now he should enjoy the fact that he's in the prime of his career and stop b!tching about meaningless cr@p
That pretty much sums up Punk.
He can't cut a great promo without breaking kayfabe which is lame and weak.

Rock can make you cry (Owen hart promo), laugh (Rock concert) and build matches like no other wrestler.
Rock can do it all on the mic.

Punk is a one trick pony

He's not cutting Owen Hart promos anymore.
Nor is he doing Rock concerts anymore.

Punk stood toe to toe with him for the Rumble promos. "Your arms just aren't long enough to box with God" was amazing.

One trick pony? Maybe? But there's also another saying:

If it ain't broke, why fix it?

The current version of CM Punk (or at least the one displayed in the video from two years ago), is based on his real feelings and frustrations. He cut kayfabe promos well in SES, but he's now based on the real side of pro wrestling. Why would you have a character with a new layer like that revert back to the old kayfabe?
Holy old news Batman. I guess new-age CM Punk smarks will go to any depths to hate on the Rock (or anything else that will appeal to more than 50 people)

It's really kind of sad that you live a life of jealousy over a product designed to be fun.
I don't think there is a grudge or animosity from Punk towards the Rock. If anything it showed you that right before the Cena-Punk heated rivalry, they shared a common bond: THEIR BELIEF IN WHAT IS BEST FOR BUSINESS REGARDLESS OF HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT EACH OTHER IS EXACTLY THE SAME!!!! Cena and Punk respect the business 1st. That's not to say The Rock doesn;t or hasn't but Punk came from a place of frustration having a great year, hitting a stalement, abouu to get to the next level and have it taken from you by a part-time name. Yes, its The Rock, yes 3 years were planned in advance, yes it created a must see moment for the fans, but for the boys like CM Punk it created resentment since they can't be rewarded for their efforts to face the top guy at Wrestlemania cause that honor was for The Rock.

If nothing else that wasn't a shot at The Rock more than it was respect for the face of the company. I think just like the fans, the boys in the back like Cena or hate him, but either way they respect him for doing what he's done for so long and always strives to do more.

Its kinda funny cause it was a shot at The Rock while respecting Cena while letting him know in the ring he's better than he is. Which is the whole point probably Punk is making. Wrestlemania should be about the best vs the best. Yes The Rock helped make Wrestlemania what it is and should be rewarded if he can still go and why not give the fans what they and face the top guy? It makes absolute sense, but Punk probably wanted his chance to leave his mark at Wrestlemania and what better way to do it than against the top guy?
He's not cutting Owen Hart promos anymore.
Nor is he doing Rock concerts anymore.

I hope to god he doesn't do Owen promos anymore, because that means someone has to die. And he JUST did a Rock concert before EC, which was weeks before he left. Actually, for the 3 years he's been back, he's had Rock concerts in 2 of them.

Punk stood toe to toe with him for the Rumble promos. "Your arms just aren't long enough to box with God" was amazing.

That line was delivered with perfection. Kudos to Punk even if it's a line used by like 15 rappers before him.

One trick pony? Maybe? But there's also another saying:

If it ain't broke, why fix it?

The current version of CM Punk (or at least the one displayed in the video from two years ago), is based on his real feelings and frustrations. He cut kayfabe promos well in SES, but he's now based on the real side of pro wrestling. Why would you have a character with a new layer like that revert back to the old kayfabe?

Because kayfabe and shooting are essential to pro-wrestling as a product, and to bend that CONSTANTLY for one wrestler is a lot to ask. Shooting is not something to be done excessively, because then it loses its effect and just breaks the illusion of pro wrestling for no reason. Other than his feud with HHH back in 2011 and maybe the pipebomb he did this year, Punk shooting all over the place is becoming a crutch.
First off, I'm not going to applaud him finishing a match after getting injured, that's what wrestlers do,

Sin Cara, Triple H, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett, Joey Mercury, all wrestlers who were full time and stopped wrestling mid-match to get help. Were they obligated to keep going for your entertainment?

Last but not least, I respect Punk because he's honest. He's not giving anyone any false hope about "never leaving again" Yet Rock isn't going to be at the biggest show of the year. Unfortunately, Rock said what he said, he and everyone that defends him has to eat that statement. In my opinion he came back to appease, and I'm sure the money was good. No he doesn't need money, but how much money does anyone need? the answer is always more. Point is, no matter how much he may already have, money talks.

But Punk straight up left! Then came right back once he got what he asked for, so if the money argument is going to anyone, it's Punk. Rock coming for money is absurd. He could have made just as much, if not more, by signing on for some other movie, and would have saved his body the strain in the process. Easiest interpretation says he came back to show love to who made him.

Rock was already at the 3 Wrestlemania's he signed on to do. WM 30 was not set in stone, so its not his obligation. He said he's never leaving again, and he went on to explain in a later promo that it meant he is never leaving the WRESTLING world completely behind again (i.e. when he said don't call him the Rock anymore before). He's still tweeting for WWE, giving respect in interviews, etc. And with the way people complain, I wouldn't be mad if he did just up and leave again anyway.
That pretty much sums up Punk.
He can't cut a great promo without breaking kayfabe which is lame and weak.

Rock can make you cry (Owen hart promo), laugh (Rock concert) and build matches like no other wrestler.
Rock can do it all on the mic.

Ok I do not want to nit pick but Punk can do comedy, serious, controlled, and frenzied. Make you laugh as a heel then cut you off and boo him more. Thankfully he has rarely had to do a post death promo (I think Krispen Wah was the only one he has had to do)

go back and watch the Rocks Owen promo... you will notice The Rock was IN CHARACTER, which i find horribly out of place. I do not think he was trying to be disrespectful, but it really rubbed me the wrong way.
This is from a few years ago so is a non-issue now really but it does amaze that a guy like Punk couldn't understand the value of having the Rock back and on a Wrestlemania card. For the company and for himself, it's genuinely mind boggling that he got so bent out of shape about it and couldn't see the short term picture of more money on every wrestler's pay cheques and the long term picture of trying to position himself as a future opponent of the Rock for a massive pay out
He goes over the entire roster in 2012 and 2013 ( Dolph Ziggler / Daniel Bryan / Mark Henry / Sheamus / Big Show / Kane / Mysterio / Randy Orton / The Shield / The Wyatt Family / Fandango / Big E Langston / Ryback / Curtis Axel...). cr@p

He went over Ziggler, yes, but look where he went after that. He ended up winning MITB, cashing it in and winning, receiving one of the biggest pops in the last 5 years. The concussion ruined Ziggler.

Daniel Bryan, yes again, but look where he is now. He beat Cena clean to win the title in one of the best matches this year!

Randy Orton is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion for christ sake!

Big E is the Intercontinental Champion and one of the best big men on the roster.

The Shield and The Wyatt Family are both apart of the biggest angles in the company right now outside of the WWE Title. Punk has been putting The Shield over by having singles matches with each of them. Them being in the ring, with what you say is the number 2 guy, is an honor! The Wyatt Family now has Daniel Bryan which is going to PUT THEM OVER!
It's entertainment, chill.

Everyone has their flaws, one of the miracles of Jesus involved his becoming so mad at a fig tree for not blooming out of season that he killed it with his divine power.

Whether or not Punk was spot on for his comments toward The Rock, it riled up both fan bases. When Tupaq and Biggie were shouting hate filled lyrics at each other, they were doing so mostly for the extra money it made.

CM Punk has become, to his fans, a well spoken rabble rouser. It strikes me as ironic that his ire is directed at someone who basically played that same role in 1999.
Sin Cara, Triple H, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett, Joey Mercury, all wrestlers who were full time and stopped wrestling mid-match to get help. Were they obligated to keep going for your entertainment?.

To my Knowledge, all those names, except Sin Cara physically COULDN'T CONTINUE. Since Rock was able to he did the right thing by finishing the match.

[/QUOTE] But Punk straight up left! Then came right back once he got what he asked for, so if the money argument is going to anyone, it's Punk. Rock coming for money is absurd. He could have made just as much, if not more, by signing on for some other movie, and would have saved his body the strain in the process. Easiest interpretation says he came back to show love to who made him. [/QUOTE]

Could be, I think "to appease" is more Accurate though.

[/QUOTE] Rock was already at the 3 Wrestlemania's he signed on to do. WM 30 was not set in stone, so its not his obligation. He said he's never leaving again, and he went on to explain in a later promo that it meant he is never leaving the WRESTLING world completely behind again (i.e. when he said don't call him the Rock anymore before). He's still tweeting for WWE, giving respect in interviews, etc. And with the way people complain, I wouldn't be mad if he did just up and leave again anyway. [/QUOTE]

You call it an explanation, I call it a cop out. Don't get me wrong I'm glad he's acknowledging what helped make him famous, but what he does, especially when he's involved in a storyline is pathetic excuse of pacifying wrestling fans. I hope he comes back, but I think it's ridiculous he can't commit to an "Undertaker" schedule.
Punk doesn't HATE The Rock, but he does speak his mind and most times when he SHOOTS he tells the truth or at least how he and most viewers see it. I do suspect some jealousy, but nothing he said hasn't been said by Ziggler or Cena in the past!

Honestly since he pipebombed WWE they've gone with a more bts approach to storylines for example Randy Orton's current run is playing up on the perception that he gets rubs becuz he's Triple H's guy. Thats something WWE would have NEVER done 5 years ago!
Maybe it's time for Rock to shoot back now. He has done it before.

Obviously it looks like CM Punk is a ego selfcentric asshole.

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