Why do you hate CM Punk?

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What I really don't get, perfect example this past Tuesday on ECW, he had a great match with Kane, hard hitting and back and forth and Punk "botches" one move where he was meant to land on his feet after Kane elevated him, instead he lands on one foot and a knee and the fans IMMEDIATELY TURN ON HIM! If peeps had done that when Jeff Hardy was starting out, he wouldn't have lasted a year! Give Punk a break, at least he's got a character and unique (to WWE) style.

What I don't get is since he started in WWE (a year and a half ago??) he's had what, like 2 interviews, wheras his ROH promos were kick ass, esp his heel stuff, I know WWE won't turn him cos he sells merch but I pray some fans give him a chance or he'll become another Cena and split the fans down the middle!
Hmm, this is an interesting thread. I'm really on the fence with Punk. I dont think turning him heel would be the answer. I'm pretty sure they tried to do that with the whole New breed storyline and that backfired straight away so they had him turn on the new breed.

But I do think that maybe a few more promos might help get his character across. WWE doesnt seem to produce half as many promos as they used to.

I know people go on about his ROH days but sadly those days are gone. He's in WWE now so he'll have to do as he's told if he wants longevity.

Everyone knows he only got the MITB because hardy got suspended and I think thats why so many people dislike him. but also, he gets put in a feud with Chavo, and frankly Chavo sucks. So neither of them are going to get over. So who can WWE put him in a feud with that will not only make people like him again, but also keep people entertained??
I really think CM Punk needs some sort of push or a program pretty soonish. I didn't agree with giving him the MITB but they did, and to me it seems like he's not being written to use this opportunity, he came from relative midcard status and he's gone straight back there but with a briefcase. At least the last winners of the MITB were used with an angle of the "power of the briefcase". If Punk came out next week and used his title shot and won, I wouldn't care. He'll never really be truly over but a move in the draft coupled with some angles could help. I'm no fan of Punk but he's got the case and it looks like we'll be seeing him more, I just hope its in something that I'd not change the channel for.
What has CM Punk done to deserve a push? Do you think that that will make him better? He's sloppy as hell. It was more than one move he botched. Kane started off working smooth with him and then got ultra stiff later in the match. He pissed Kane off in the ring and Kane made him pay. He doesn't deserve a push, he deserves a trip to FCW to learn how to sell properly. Kane taught him that if he doesn't sell right, he's gonna get hurt hardway. Instead of a push he deserves a soap raping from JBL to get him in line.
Point being he's not ready for it, but he's got it and that puts some heat on him. Not enough to turn him heel, but some heat. Start using him like he's got some heat. Make him start throwing the power of the case around like previous winners did. Give him some legitimate contenders and push him up a bit before having him face Kennedy and losing the case the same way Kennedy lost it last year. Punk's not ready for a World title shot, but I could see him holding a midcarder belt, so push him up to that status, have someone take the case from him, and let punk fight out for the midcard belt seems like the best option to me. I don't hate the guy, but I do agree that at the moment he's just not ready for a championship title run. He's too sloppy, doesn't have enough charisma, and doesn't have enough credibility for a legitimate championship reign.
In my opinion, Punk just isn't at the level yet that we're supposed to believe. He needs several things to happen:

1. More mic time. Coming out, tapping on a briefcase, and leaving isn't going to make me think you've got a personality.

2. More moves. His matches have already become, for the most part, rather stagnant. Clothesline off the top rope? Check. Knee to the face/chest in the corner, followed by a bulldog? Check. GTS, unless they elbow you in the face, and then you counter something and do it right afterwards anyway? Check. A lot of people rave on about the Pepsi Plunge, but its just a pedigree off the ropes, and we all know Trips isn't going to let Punk or anybody else use that move. Anaconda Vice, yeah, I think he could start using that. If older wrestlers like Taker and HBK are still learning different moves, a young kid like Punk can add some to his repertoire as well.

3. Downgrade. One of the reasons that I think most people like or dislike a wrestler that they used to like is that they're being considered higher up on the scales than they seem to be capable of withholding, so they look out of place. Punk, to me, would be a VERY solid IC or US champion right now. World Heavyweight Champ or WWE Champ? No. I can't see Punk drawing massive $ for a ppv he headlines, not yet. If Jericho isn't even considered a main event talent right now to the WWE and he gets a much better and consistent reaction, why should Punk be considered for the step above?

Punk isn't horrible. I'm not saying that. In my opinion, he's on the same level as Matt Hardy - HIGHLY overrated by some of his fans that refuse to take an objective viewpoint just because they like him, underrated by a few that do the same just because they dislike him, and could be a decent midcarder until he learns how to wow an audience and maintain stability in all realms of his performance.
No Fate, i think you make alot of sense.
PUNK isn't really ready for a title push, nor will he recieve one and him having the briefcase is a last minute decision.
I think PUNK could pull out a good fued with Someone like Wang Yang, gives Yang a bit of a push and someone PUNK can kind learn off while hes learning off punk.

Also about No selling, i dont think i ever see punk no selling, but maybe "under" selling but seriously? who wants to see like WM 21 where Kane was out for 15 minutes due to one spear. It's alot more entertaining if they are fighting for who has got more heart and will keep on fighting to win. that kind of stuff attracts wrestling fans and people who seem to think wrestling is an all round fake sport.

Same point as i make before, not his moves so...unless you go to the WWE and tell em to give him a nice moveset, not happening. also, He has alot better moves then the Pepsi Plunge, it's just cool cause its top rope, high risk..but he has stuff like the Devil Lock DDT, sit-up shining wizard, Welcome To Chicago. heaps o' stuff he's got under his belt..but really people shouldn't be complaining, cause he can wrestle better then all of us and WWE isn't going to worry wether we complain they are just happy to get the amount of moolah he makes.
my thing with CM Punk, i think hes way too over-rated, i hear the guy had a great ROH career (although ive never seen a match yet), and thats true the only reason hes holding that MITB case is because jeff got suspended, i thought that it was maybe the time for shelton benjamin or carlito to win it but i was wrong, his matchs dont entertain me either, i agree that yea he was great in ROH but he hasnt proven anything to me in WWE, hes not ready for the main stream main event world title spot to me. so i think that he will become the 1st to lose when he cashes in the MITB case, unless he does something dumb and do it for the ECW title a title in which he always seems to be the #1 cont....... oh yea and i also tivo'd/ recorded that match where THE MIZ cleanly pinned him without cheating or bending the rules or nothing.

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