Why do you hate CM Punk?

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Man I love it when people say that CM Punk isn't over with the crowd, and then last night on ECW he got the biggest pop of the night.

Obviously when the crowd is chanting your name loudly, you aren't "over" yet.

So it's pretty obvious that Punk will be using the MITB title shot on the ECW title. Punk vs. Kane? Whoopee. That should be atrocious. I defend CM Punk sometimes, but he can not work a good match with a big man; I think his feud with Big Daddy V proved that.
Man I love it when people say that CM Punk isn't over with the crowd, and then last night on ECW he got the biggest pop of the night.

Which is why the WWE crowds are so different today. That might have been the biggest pop of the night, but is it on par with OVER wrestlers? No. He gets semi over, that's it.

See the Jericho match, got his pops only because of who he was facing, plus it was one of those smarky crowds. Once the Y2J marks overwhelmed the few Punk marks on the first row, they gave up.

Obviously when the crowd is chanting your name loudly, you aren't "over" yet.

He isn't over. He's semi over. He needs more time, he lacks connection at this point.

Also those mic skills, where were they last night?
Which is why the WWE crowds are so different today. That might have been the biggest pop of the night, but is it on par with OVER wrestlers? No. He gets semi over, that's it.


So let me get this straight...getting the biggest pop of the night means you aren't over? Is that a joke? The definition of the word over, means to get the crowd to react over you. A good heel is over when the crowd boos him, a good face is over when the crowd cheers him. The crowd cheered CM Punk every time he was out there. How is he not over?

If Punk isn't over, then who is?

See the Jericho match, got his pops only because of who he was facing, plus it was one of those smarky crowds. Once the Y2J marks overwhelmed the few Punk marks on the first row, they gave up.

...Who cheers somebody because of who they are facing? That's absolutely ridiculious and has no merit whatsoever.

He isn't over. He's semi over. He needs more time, he lacks connection at this point.

He's over. He lacks connection? All of those screaming CM Punk fans at ECW last night would tend to disagree. As would all of the CM Punk signs and shirts at every WWE show.

You seem to be in denial that CM Punk is over.
dude if cm punk cashes the breifcase on the ecw title i will never watch wrestling again mark my words that would be the biggest mistake the wwe ever made why would they make him cash the breifcase on a title he can already win without the breifcase if u want a challenge to see how good he is cash it on the wwe title (basically his only choice undertaker vs cm punk pshhh never gunna happen) anyways i WILL hate cm punk if he cashes it on the ecw title stupidest move IF that happens
maybe the wwe should let punk be what he is best at being the heel. watch his old ROH stuff or for that matter his OVW stuff. maybe they should also let him use the andaconda vice and the pepsi plunge as those moves always got reactions. as for not being over I disagree. If this was the old ECW and of course its not and never will be but if it were or if heyman was still booking this ECW rip off, Punk would be teh most over guy on the brand, because Heyman knew how to conect with the smarks and get them to cheer and to boo who he wanted them to.
Ok for everybody who says they should turn Punk heel, which I agree they should, they won't because right now it just would be a bad time with them being watched by Congress, can you imagine the heat they'd take if they turned their only drug & alcohol free superstar into a heel?, the media would rip them apart, pushing him as a face right now just makes more sense from a business stand point
I don't exactly hate C.M. Punk. In fact, I loved the guy when he was with Raven in T.N.A., and I was even one of the biggest Punk fans upon him entering the W.W.E. to begin with.

However over the course of the year, I've come to dislike him because he seems too plain. It honestly came at Vengeance against John Morrison (Nitro, at the time) when he showed that he just wasn't impressive anymore. I think if they'd let Punk use some of his old finishers, such as the Pepsi Plunge, then he'd be a bit more exciting to watch.

Overall though, his biggest claim to fame is more or less being "plain." The no drugs, no drinking, no addictions thing I respect from him, but how on earth does THAT sell? More importantly, who's it selling too? Because children these days 12 and up are with more addictions that most crack addicts.

So let me get this straight...getting the biggest pop of the night means you aren't over? Is that a joke? The definition of the word over, means to get the crowd to react over you. A good heel is over when the crowd boos him, a good face is over when the crowd cheers him. The crowd cheered CM Punk every time he was out there. How is he not over?

So John Cena isn't over because he gets booed out of the building? Edge isn't over because he got cheered louder than Rey Mysterio at the Royal Rumble? Hulk Hogan wasn't over because the people cheered Shawn Michaels during Summerslam? Vise versa for Shawn because they didn't boo him until the Sharpshooter?

Punk is over because hes most likely the first known wrestler fans see. They've been pumped for going to a live event for monthes, weeks, days & hours.. finally to see Punk typically come out first. Hes over because they just wanna start cheering for someone.

If Punk isn't over, then who is?

Triple H., Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, the guy who sells beer, Edge, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, etc, etc, etc.

...Who cheers somebody because of who they are facing? That's absolutely ridiculious and has no merit whatsoever.

Matt Hardy seemed to get a huge reaction every match he had against Edge, and now M.V.P. but you damn sure don't see him getting those "over pops" with each match he has, or everytime he walks out through that curtain.

He's over. He lacks connection? All of those screaming CM Punk fans at ECW last night would tend to disagree. As would all of the CM Punk signs and shirts at every WWE show.

The guy's a walking billboard. People love Cobra/G.I. Joe & Pepsi, what more can I say. His logo's easy to draw when you're 8. And all those pops hes getting are from kids. Maybe females who don't have a lot of options.

You seem to be in denial that CM Punk is over.

I think you've confused C.M. Punk for someone famous too. :p
I am confused why people dont see CM Punk as being over. I mean he gets cheered all the time and during his match on Raw against Y2J there were CM Punk chants at the beginning, then Lets go Punk/Lets do Y2J chants going on, everybody tried to say the pop was all Jericho, but there was punk pop too.

Now regards to turning Punk heel, WWE cant possibly do it right now. I mean yeah, he probably is a better heel, but his image is clean, is of a face and everything WWE wants to reflect right now. In a business that is filled with steroid issues, pressure from Congrass there is no way they can turn there drug free wrestler into a heel, what kind of a mess does that send?

Basically I think that all of the CM Punk hate is not completely deserved, no he is not the most over person in WWE, he is not the best on the mic or in the ring, but he is pretty decent in all categories. Give hiim a chance, if he doesn't get completely over and become a main eventer after his MITB reign is over, then you can stick a fork in him, this is his chance though, if he "cashes in", he will be a main eventer for a while, if he doesn't then the hate will be warrented.
The easiest way to turn punk heel is have hardy come back and say hey I would be money in the bank if i did not get suspended. Punk responds with one of his old school antidrugs anti alchol semi shoots like he use to do with Raven in ROH. Then all the little girls and all the spot fest wrestling fans will hate punk thus he is now heel or at least a tweener. after the hardy fued you have do the same withg others who have been suspended.
I am confused why people dont see CM Punk as being over. I mean he gets cheered all the time and during his match on Raw against Y2J there were CM Punk chants at the beginning, then Lets go Punk/Lets do Y2J chants going on, everybody tried to say the pop was all Jericho, but there was punk pop too.
If you watch that show, you will also notice a "you can't wrestle" chant during a Big Show vs. Khali segment. Now, at the risk of being stereotypical, generally you will only hear a stupid chant like that where people who like to think they are smarks are present.

Why is this important? The very fact that those so-called smarks were there trying to get themselves over is a great explanation as to why Punk was getting his chant. If I'm not mistaken, the Jericho chant was noticeably louder than the Punk chant, once again, lending credence to my theory.

"Buy Sly," you might say, "Jericho is a smark favorite too!". Well, that's certainly true, but Jericho is the more successful of the two, so it is currently MUCH more impressive, if you think you are a smark, to cheer for Punk.

See last week's Raw, where Punk came out...and basically got no heat in his match with Carlito, outside of an ok pop for the GTS and win.
I'm neutral when it comes to CM Punk. I haven't watched many of his matches in ECW, so I can't say if he sucks or not. He's just a watered version of his former self. What I do know of him is from his indy days and back then he had some strong showings. The Pepsi Plunge was a vicious finisher and he had a solid move set. His charisma on the mic was also great in drawing heel heat. That's the Punk I used to watch, so I know that he isn't a bad wrestler. I guess he's a bad 'entertainer' in the world of sports entertainment though. It's not where he belongs.
So John Cena isn't over because he gets booed out of the building? Edge isn't over because he got cheered louder than Rey Mysterio at the Royal Rumble? Hulk Hogan wasn't over because the people cheered Shawn Michaels during Summerslam? Vise versa for Shawn because they didn't boo him until the Sharpshooter?

You're talking about isolated incidents. Of course there are going to be exceptions. But to say that CM Punk isn't cheered the majority of times he comes out to wrestle would be a fallacy. Because he is cheered. And he is over.

Punk is over because hes most likely the first known wrestler fans see. They've been pumped for going to a live event for monthes, weeks, days & hours.. finally to see Punk typically come out first. Hes over because they just wanna start cheering for someone.

Thats an odd explanation for Punk being over, and one I can say I've never heard before about any wrestler. Typically shouldn't that mean that any face who comes out first should get the same reactions as Punk does on ECW? I can't imagine Stevie Richards would get the same reaction if he came out first.

Triple H., Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, the guy who sells beer, Edge, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, etc, etc, etc.

Come on now, everyone you just named has 10+ years in this business, whereas CM Punk is still relatively new to the professional wrestling business. And you named some of the biggest heels and faces in the WWE (and of course the guy who sells beer; god bless that balding, overweight man with hair on his knuckles) so I can't imagine thats a very fair comparison to make when Punk has only been in the WWE for about a year and a half.

Matt Hardy seemed to get a huge reaction every match he had against Edge, and now M.V.P. but you damn sure don't see him getting those "over pops" with each match he has, or everytime he walks out through that curtain.

I'd disagree Will, Matt Hardy has always been over with the fans; he's a Hardy for chrissakes! The fans will cheer anyone with the last name Hardy who takes their shirt off during matches; that is a theory that is tried and true in my book.

I get what you're saying though. If put against one of the more hated heels, the face will get a better reaction; I don't think thats the case with CM Punk at all though, because his situation has been inherently different that Matt Hardy's has been.

The guy's a walking billboard. People love Cobra/G.I. Joe & Pepsi, what more can I say. His logo's easy to draw when you're 8. And all those pops hes getting are from kids. Maybe females who don't have a lot of options.

Totally agreed. His logo is a very eye-pleasing thing; still, it doesn't change the fact that those with those signs are CM Punk fans; I can't imagine someone putting up his logo if they weren't.

As for the kids and females comment, isn't that the same complaint always made about Cena? Seems like a fallacy to me; women & children have ALWAYS, ALWAYS been the biggest supporters of face wrestlers; thats a fact of life. From Hogan to Sting to The Rock to John Cena. Men seem more likely to cheer for a heel for some reason. Still, I hardly see how that somehow makes his fans invalid or something; women and children count just as much as teenage guys do.
Eh, I dont HATE CM Punk. I started to become a little annoyed with the posts I kept seeing all over these boards touting CM Punk as "the bestest greatest wrestler of all time ever anywere ever in the universe ever" award, when he isnt particularly anything special. He always puts on solid matches, but never anything REAL above average, save for the match he had with Morrison were Punk took the belt off of him on ECW.

And Punk has certainley been over in the state of FLorida lol. He got a HUGE pop at WM, when he entered, and after he won. He also got a massive pop on RAW the other night. And what SLy said about the smarky crowds may be true, but Im not sure how that invalidates Punk as being over. Are the smark cheers inferior to the cheers of small children and women that Cena receives the majority of? And Will said that many children cheer Punk as well. Im still trying to define the reasons why people feel someone isnt over based upon what people cheer for them. A pop is a pop. Over is over. It makes no difference the age or gender, or style preference of the people who own the voices that are making the noise. So everyone should stop using that weak excuse.

I think hatred that Punk receives is the same IWC turning that Kennedy experience. Everyone called him overrated SO MUCH that he then became OVERRATED, and after somebody become successfull, and known, or not doing as great as so many say, it then becomes the "cool" smarky thing to do, to say how shit that person is. Its the cycle of the IWC. And from a personal standpoint, ive always just got a vibe from the guy that he was a total douche fuckhead. I dont know why, there is just something about him that screams "prick" IMO. But he does a LOT of charity stuff for WWE, so I would guess that vibe to be false. Doesnt help how many might feel about the guy.
And Punk has certainley been over in the state of FLorida lol. He got a HUGE pop at WM, when he entered, and after he won. He also got a massive pop on RAW the other night. And what SLy said about the smarky crowds may be true, but Im not sure how that invalidates Punk as being over. Are the smark cheers inferior to the cheers of small children and women that Cena receives the majority of? And Will said that many children cheer Punk as well. Im still trying to define the reasons why people feel someone isnt over based upon what people cheer for them. A pop is a pop. Over is over. It makes no difference the age or gender, or style preference of the people who own the voices that are making the noise. So everyone should stop using that weak excuse.

I think what Sly was trying to get across (correct me if i'm wrong) is that smarks go out of they're way to get noticed at a show, therfore cheer louder and/or cheer obscure chants. Those are the lets go Punk, Kennedy, MVP, or other mid card name you here when they are up against a main eventer. You can hear them on TV, but there are still more people cheering for Cena or Jericho than Punk. The smarks just try to drown them out because they put themselves above the show and think they are better than others because they have the latest copy of PWI's newsletter with them. I'm not saying Punk isn't over cause he is, but those same people who go out of their way to cheer him will hate him when he's been world champ for two months.

On him winning MITB, at first I hated it but now I think its a good idea. ECW needs some attention and Punk MITB shot can raise the credibility of that title greatly. Shelton Benjamin needs to enter a feud with Kane and somehow take the belt. Then Punk can cash in his shot against Benjamin. If the Kane Benjamin feud does good and Punk/Benjamin takes off, the title will be back closer to the WHC and WWE titles rather than the IC belt. They could also have Kane vs someone else and a Punk Benjamin ladder match at Summerslam for the breifcase. There is a lot for ECW to gain out of this and they need it.
You're talking about isolated incidents. Of course there are going to be exceptions. But to say that CM Punk isn't cheered the majority of times he comes out to wrestle would be a fallacy. Because he is cheered. And he is over.

C.M. Punk when he debuted with those 'Straight Edge' promos for weeks before ever entering the W.W.E., never got over. Most people I know looked at Punk as trying to claim he was unofficially better than everyone else simply because he didn't make the same human errors as they did.

Finally, when he did debut, his finisher was a submission hold that barely got any type of pop whatsoever. It wasn't until the G.T.S. & Kelly Kelly did people start taking notice. (isn't it odd, how a diva is always brought in to get a guy over?)

Then, you jump ahead to Survivor Series when its arguable that Punk was indeed the most over guy in that match, that also included Triple H. & Shawn Michaels. HOWEVER.. I see that "over" pop that he received as being false however as a way for the fans to cheer for the crappiest guy in the group. (remember Eugene's ungawdly pops?)

Thats an odd explanation for Punk being over, and one I can say I've never heard before about any wrestler. Typically shouldn't that mean that any face who comes out first should get the same reactions as Punk does on ECW? I can't imagine Stevie Richards would get the same reaction if he came out first.

The only reason I argue this being one of the main reasons is because when you attend a live event, you're syked and pumped to just get into cheering for anyone.

Several live events I've attended, people popped louder for seeing Val Venis take on a jobber just because Venis was the first known guy to come out through the curtain. When you go to an E.C.W. taping, you don't get very many top quality names to 'cheer' for.. Punk unofficially wins by default in that brand.

If Punk jumps to Raw, he'll be taking Super Crazy's position in jobbing within a year. If he jumps to Smackdown, he might have a chance to be a midcarder, who always comes up short to win a Championship. (not saying he never will for a period of time, it just won't be meaningful -- and I'll be downright shocked if they actually go through with giving him a World Heavyweight Championship that isn't the E.C.W. title)

Come on now, everyone you just named has 10+ years in this business, whereas CM Punk is still relatively new to the professional wrestling business. And you named some of the biggest heels and faces in the WWE (and of course the guy who sells beer; god bless that balding, overweight man with hair on his knuckles) so I can't imagine thats a very fair comparison to make when Punk has only been in the WWE for about a year and a half.

So then Punk would fit into the same group as Mr. Kennedy, M.V.P., Cody Rhodes, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, & possibly a couple others. Correct?

Look at all those names.

Kennedy & M.V.P. - are arguably the top two future guys in the business. They always receive some type of heat, especially M.V.P.

Cody Rhodes - Received one of the biggest pops/pushes in a failing effort against Randy Orton & the fans latched onto him quicker than anything. I still have no reason for it. Granted, right now hes drowning in a crappy Tag Team division, but hes the Champion of it.

John Morrison - I would argue until I had no breath left that Morrison is more over than Punk. He has more talent, he has a better look, better mic skills, and he was put over Punk on countless occations during their E.C.W. Championship feud. In fact, the ONLY reason Punk went over him in the end, is because Morrison was apart of the steroid scandal.

Kingston - Will pass Punk up within this year, if not definately by next year.

I'd disagree Will, Matt Hardy has always been over with the fans; he's a Hardy for chrissakes! The fans will cheer anyone with the last name Hardy who takes their shirt off during matches; that is a theory that is tried and true in my book.

But the majority of people cheering for a Hardy when he rips his Hoganized shirt off are all females & Konnan. Sure they have an opinion, but its a very one sided opinion based on who has the better looks.

I get what you're saying though. If put against one of the more hated heels, the face will get a better reaction; I don't think thats the case with CM Punk at all though, because his situation has been inherently different that Matt Hardy's has been.

Punk is over in a different kinda way than Matt, because Matt went over huge due to real life issues. Whereas (to me) Punk is receiving a Eugene type push. The fans want to show up creative so much that they feel the guy is crap.. that they cheer the shit outta him, just to see how long before W.W.E. gives up on him willingly.

Totally agreed. His logo is a very eye-pleasing thing; still, it doesn't change the fact that those with those signs are CM Punk fans; I can't imagine someone putting up his logo if they weren't.

I agree that most people would be dull-minded to draw tons of logos of guys they didn't like. However its not that it hasn't been done before. And I've seen several signs of people who steal the logo design, only to add their own name or something else in.

That doesn't mean they have to like the guy, it just means they like the design.

As for the kids and females comment, isn't that the same complaint always made about Cena? Seems like a fallacy to me; women & children have ALWAYS, ALWAYS been the biggest supporters of face wrestlers; thats a fact of life. From Hogan to Sting to The Rock to John Cena. Men seem more likely to cheer for a heel for some reason. Still, I hardly see how that somehow makes his fans invalid or something; women and children count just as much as teenage guys do.

The Women & Children act has been played out since the days of sinking ships. Frankly while I agree their opinion is on par with that of males.. they don't know half the shit about the industry that males do. (barring a very rare few - such as our very own female members)

However look at why MOST females cheer for a selective guy.. hes "hot." Look at why most children cheer for a selective guy.. hes a "hero." Of course they aren't going to boo him, but you do come across several more knowing female & children fans that think Punk is plain and boring.

I'm not saying the guy ISN'T talented, I'm merely saying he doesn't deserve what hes current in line for, and hes only even considered for it due to a Hardy screw-up. Punk was drowning on the E.C.W. brand when he was taking clean losses to the guy who got squashed on the Mania stage. How's THAT look on a record?
yeah Orton suck on the mic but he still has that cocky attitude that makes you hate him

Orton is excellent on the mic, listen to him shouting at JBL on RAW last week. Watch the build up in his feud with Jeff Hardy. All very good, he's just a bit hit and miss sometimes.

Back to the topic - noone cares because CM Punk is incredibly uncharismatic, in my opinion he's the light heavyweight equivelant of Batista. It's not going to be interesting seeing him as Money In The Bank. Edges MitB reigns made him a super-heel and everything he did was so unexpected and spot on. RVD, bit of a wast, but the MitB is usually more suited to heels. However he was universally popular at the time so noone was disapointed with him winning, as there was really no better alternatives in the match anyway.

I basically can't wait until Punk turns heel, he suits that character so much more and the killswitch theme song is more heelish anyways.

If only MVP wasn't in a feud with Matt Hardy (probably Matt Hardys best feud ever, it annoys me when Hardy comes out with embarrasing lines like ''he kicked me in my appendix, where it used to be'' they could actually make a gimmick out of it and turn him heel, like the good ol' days of Mattitude in 2003) because MVP would have been the perfect MitB winner imo. Jericho a close second.

Also CM Punk did very little in the MitB match. I'm not even talking about big spots, he just genuinely f**king lay about the place until the end where he still got his ass kicked mostly anyway.
I don't hate CM Punk...I'm just not convinced yet. Several reasons why...

1. His finisher. I don't think it suits him at all. I can't really think of a better one for him at the moment...same goes for Kennedy and MVP...but perhaps he should just start using the Anaconda Vice.

2. Personality. Punk doesn't get on the mic enough for him to develop much of a personality outside of the standards (ie, you're the face, so you're a good guy who respects his teammates and fellow faces, you don't want to give up, blah blah).

3. Bigger Fish. With the likes of the mega-stars (Undertaker, HBK, HHH), the secondary ones (Cena, Edge, Batista, Orton, Jericho), and now the tertiary (MVP, Morrison, Punk, Kennedy, Umaga, Hardy), why should Punk get the nod over everyone else? He is still young, as are the others in the tertiary stage, so they shouldn't have a hotshot to the 2 top titles just yet. As the mega-stars start fading out and the secondary start taking their places, then the tertiary can move into the secondary phase and be given title reigns and everything. A few here and there, yeah, but I don't think we should make Punk have a long WWE/WHC reign and take up time from the ever closing gap before HBK and the Undertaker retire. Punk needs 3 or 4 solid feuds before I can consider him someone that can hold these 2 titles.

To me, Punk would be much better suited as the Intercontinental champion. A long reign with that belt to help give it (and himself) some more credibility is an option I'd choose over giving him one of the top titles. That being said, even though I don't think it'll happen, I'd love to see Punk lose his Money in the Bank shot to someone else (preferably Morrison or Kennedy) or take his shot and lose the match, then win the IC title. After a run with that belt, then I'd be more willing to accept him as a main event wrestler.
Meh, i find Cm punk to be the most overrated wrestler of the last 10 years personally. Maybe he was a good independant wrestler but if this guy wanted a chance to become anything he needed to go to the X-Division in TNA, or atleast gone to tna where he could continue wrestling with wrestlers that could make him look good. I think he is just a mid card jobber in my book, but because he decides to be straight edge he is getting a push to entice the kiddy market wwe are venturing towards.

Not a good wrestler not good on the mic, needs to be carried and thats about it.
I don't hate CM Punk...I'm just not convinced yet. Several reasons why...

1. His finisher. I don't think it suits him at all. I can't really think of a better one for him at the moment...same goes for Kennedy and MVP...but perhaps he should just start using the Anaconda Vice.


the real finisher shoudl be the pepsi plunge but since the wwe took it away from him i think the gts suit him well like at all the new finsher back breaker code breaker elijah express all uses the knees
the real finisher shoudl be the pepsi plunge but since the wwe took it away from him i think the gts suit him well like at all the new finsher back breaker code breaker elijah express all uses the knees

Well the WWE would never let Punk use a pedigree even if its from the top rope. If Triple H gets mad enough that people are using his colors of black and white, he'd never let someone use his finisher.
I don't hate CM Punk...I'm just not convinced yet.

Same here. I think C.M. Punk has all the potential to be a major player in the WWE. He just lacks alot of charisma in the babyface role hes in.

I think they should turn him heel. He's got a gimmick that alot of people hate in being straightedge. Alot of people smoke,drink,and do drugs. If he flips it around and starts saying he is better than all of us because of him being straightedge he will get some huge heel heat. If they do that he will be over as a heel and probably be a more prominent role on T.V.

With that being said i don't think they will do that. With the hammer being brought down on wrestling because of the steroid/drug scandal, they need someone who is an ambassador of all things against all of that. With him being a face though i think he is very bland and i also think C.M. Punk is a natural heel anyways.
I dont hate the guy, I just think CM Punk should not have won MITB, as a lot of people think. he is just not ready now, nor will he be ready whenever, or if he ever cashes it in. hes just boring, and has had crap feuds with Chavo, is crap on the mic and hardly any charisma.
he should be in feud for the US title and build him up from there. Y2J should have won the MITB match, and gone on to eventually do what Edge did - go to Smackdown, cash it in and defeat Undertaker for the title and become heel. Then he can dominate Smackdown for a while feuding with Taker and Edge, Batista etc.

just a thought.
Well the WWE would never let Punk use a pedigree even if its from the top rope. If Triple H gets mad enough that people are using his colors of black and white, he'd never let someone use his finisher.

That... and that move is death on anyone's knees.

As for CM Punk:
I. I don't like his look
1. His facial hair makes him look dirty
2. His frame and physique aren't impressive
3. For being 'strait edge' and all about competition he doesn't really look like he goes to the gym
II. I don't like his finisher
1. The finisher, when performed, is hit and miss(i.e. the knee strike is different almost every time and almost none of the places he hits it look effective)
III. I don't like his style
1. His matches are predictable(i.e. I can literally call everything in the match before it happens)
2. I don't to consider him to have "educated feet" in that his kicks are simple and unremarkable.
IV. I don't like his push
1. His matches are more predictable because he almost always wins.
2. Most of the aspects of him as a wrestler I don't like.
Well it seems that a lot of you all have negative things to say about CM punk, I personally like the guy but would like to see a heel turn from him.

The point of this post is to see all of you guys with nothing good to say come up with ways to get cm over enuff to legitimately cash in mitb.

An unlikely idea that crossed my mind was a fued, even non wrestling, just promo based fued with stone cold. It could really see cm pull the I'm better than you cos u drink and I don't. Scsa wouldn't take very nicely to that and could see some great promos and the odd stunning. Also set stone old up for the final match they are talking about (not against punk but this could be a bit of a warm up fued/run)

Keen to hear your ideas becos I feel there is a lot of potential storylines to get punk over either as a face or heel

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