Why do you hate CM Punk?

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Meh, i find Cm punk to be the most overrated wrestler of the last 10 years personally. Maybe he was a good independant wrestler but if this guy wanted a chance to become anything he needed to go to the X-Division in TNA, or atleast gone to tna where he could continue wrestling with wrestlers that could make him look good. I think he is just a mid card jobber in my book, but because he decides to be straight edge he is getting a push to entice the kiddy market wwe are venturing towards.

Not a good wrestler not good on the mic, needs to be carried and thats about it.

Actualy Punk did wrestle in TNA and they booked him poorly. They put him in a stable with Raven when he because of hsi lifestyle would be in direct opitsition to raven like in ROH. it is so stupid to sday every good wrestler has to spend time in TNA and especially their X-division, when face the facts folks WWE has singned very few TNA cast offs while TNA has gone away from their one strength making stars of their own to only using ROH and WWE's former guys
I heard WWE had to place cm punks signs in his home town because their were signs that said CM Junk. CM Punk was great in ROH but he not so great in WWE, i now see as a mid-card wrestler instead of a main eventer i used to see him as.
His finisher is one of the wost in WWE.
I like cm punk in his roh days and also in the heyman ecw with the anaconda vice and what not, he has climbed the laddder far too quickly for my liking,hes not worthy of motb at present time and being on ecw doesnt help bt he one of few fces that are over with the crowd on ecw and his tickey out of that bottomles pit known as ecw, his moves and matches are predictable and secondly he should be heal, the sooner the better and get the blonde hair back
I personally like CM Punk. I think he's an excellent talent, and a future main even player. The reason people are starting to turn against him is because he doesn't get enough mic time to show everyone how good he truly is. He basically has no charisma because he rarely ever gets to speak. Also he's a much better heel than face. I also agree with most of the people posting about the GTS not suiting him. While I like the move, but he's too small to use it effectively. He needs to use something else, maybe the Anaconda Vice, or another high impact move kind of like the GTS, but without the lifting.

I also think people are starting to feel like he's being shoved down their throats (see John Cena). I think if he was moved to Raw and put into the Intercontinental Title hunt, people would start to like him more. He's getting too big for ECW, and he needs a change for people to be able to take him seriously.
Punk has more charisma and better mic skills then 3/4's of the main eventers, just wait till he turns heel within the next 2 years and blows you all away.
Punk has more charisma and better mic skills then 3/4's of the main eventers, just wait till he turns heel within the next 2 years and blows you all away.

I completely hope you're kidding. C.M. Punk is stale, plain and boring. I haven't seen anything of mic skills from this guy.. although they give him the Hardy treatment in never letting him talk. Which to be honest, his debut promos regarding straight edge put me to sleep. (no pun intended) So I fully understand why the guy never talks.

Charisma? Where?? The guy gets pops from the crowd because hes the first big name coming through the curtain. You want a prime example of how horrible this guy is.. E.C.W., 8 man Tag Team match.. Kofi Kingston out performed him, out popped him, and in the end, Punk was stealing spotlight from him.

I hope a heel turn is in the works, because I'd rather see him acting cocky than like the current prick he is. So far, I'm not and have not been impressed with him. And the truly sad thing is.. I WAS WRONG.

"I" originally couldn't wait for him to debut in the W.W.E. because all the indy footage I found on him, he looked half way decent. I enjoyed him in T.N.A. with Raven too. But since joining the W.W.E., all I've seen in shit.

EDIT: I just noticed you said heel turn within the next 2 years! The only thing I hope Punk is turning, 2 years from now, is my burgers at McDonald's. I don't think I can handle 2 more years of this guy in the spotlight, even if it is opening the show.
I don't hate CM Punk... Why would you assume something like that?

CM Punk is a pretty refreshing change from current WWE main eventers. He has a good hard-hitting/technical style that gets over with the fans, and just seems like an overall cool guy to chill with. Plus, he was porking Maria for a while, so you've gotta give him credit for that...
Okay I can see how it would appear that I (and others) hate CM Punk. He lacks charisma, his finishing move stinks, and the WWE is trying to force him down our throats worse than Snitsky. Now he is the Money in the Bank winner! (Side thought: why must everyone who wins the MIB event carry the breifcase? That is just stupid! Oh look at me I have a breifcase! Okay sorry!) He will eventaully become WWE or World Champion within the year and too be honest he is not ready. I don't hate him I just hate the way we are forced to swallow the boost of a never than better mid carder with limited talents, no mic skills and less than World Champion demeanor.

:flair: <~ This is a real World Champion!
i like cm punk but he seems to be gettin lucky breaks in wwe 1st he gets the ecw championship cause morrison gets caught up in the steroid scandal and he wins the mitb that we all knoe hardy was gonna win but besides that i think ppl hate the way he his being pushed down our throats like cena one nite he wins the mitb and the next nite loses to y2j that doesnt make him creditable to beat any of theworld champions on any show
For me i like Punk but really feel he would do so much better as a heel, now i have never got round to seeing any of his ROH matches but have heard all the good things about them and also about him being a better heel which for the what 2 weeks they had him heel in WWE you could see how much better he would be on the mike instead of the sometimes plain face he is now.
honestly, we've all seen what Punk is capable of in his ROH days, so why criticize him for what the WWE's doing to him? it's not like he has creative control so he can do whatever he wants. give him a heel turn, more mic time and let him do some of the moves he used to do (anaconda vise > GTS) and i'm sure he'll be much better than he is right now
I just think he is sloppy. I can remember specifically that in a three way dance with Benjamin and Burke, Benjamin was going for a suicide dive powerbomb onto the floor and Punk seemed to brace himself and it looked bad. Some of his kicks look like they're going to cave in a knee, and his throws look rushed. I just think that if they're moving him up to main event with a few of those guys not being as athletic as Benjamin and Burke, someone is going to get hurt pretty bad.

He's ok n the mic, but not great, but his gimmick bores me. Straight edge? That's a gimmick? That's a life choice, and a dumb one IMO.
Straight edge? That's a gimmick? That's a life choice, and a dumb one IMO.


anyways sure hes had a few slip ups, but his skills are overall pretty decent and original, defenitely needs work on those mic skills, the last few promos hes had have been pretty boring IMO. Give the guy a chance is basically what im sayin he hasnt really been around that long.
honestly, we've all seen what Punk is capable of in his ROH days, so why criticize him for what the WWE's doing to him? it's not like he has creative control so he can do whatever he wants. give him a heel turn, more mic time and let him do some of the moves he used to do (anaconda vise > GTS) and i'm sure he'll be much better than he is right now

Couldn't have said it better myself. The guys that are hating on him need to calm down. Its not his choice what maneuvers he uses in the ring or what his gimmick is. I've seen this guy performing on TNA and he impressed. He was a god in ROH. All im saying is give this guy some time to adapt to the WWE style and he should be ok. Guys please don't have Cena and Punk in the same sentence. I know you guys don't fancy him but the guys deserves better lol.

Living straightedge is a dumb life choice? To be honest, im not straightedge but i fully respect the man for that kind of lifestyle. Not drinking/doing drugs is a bad thing? Thats something a teen would say.
Punk = overrated. However that is once again due to WWE burying their talent. He'll never be allowed to do ROH style matches in WWE, which is why Paul London is doing nothing in WWE.
-Each Morrison/Punk match for the title put me to sleep during the summer. OK Morrison can beat Punk, are there no other contenders in ECW? He then wins it on an ECW show with no build and had a few half decent defenses after that until losing to Chavo.
-Being straight edge isn't a great gimmick for a face, it jus made me ask 'Yeah? And? Why do i give a crap?'
-I can't rate his mic work because i don't think i've ever seen any.
-And the only decent move i've seen from him has been a springboard dropkick. The GTS ranks along the Samoan Spike and Khali Chop as a crap finisher, and the Anaconda vice was pretty much just a key lock on the floor, again ranking with the Masterlock and Khali Vice Grip for crap submissions.
Sorry, just not a fan.
Punk is a good wrestler. He just seems to be getting more than he deserves in his short tenure in the WWE. I mean, how long have guys like Hardcore Holly been here ? and what does he have to show for it ? not much, not much at all.

CM Punk is also sloppy, he doesn't realy put a 100% in to his matches, he's average at best and he tends to botch alot of moves quite a bit. I've noticed a lot of guys have to carry him a fair bit in his matches to make him look alot better.

I like him, he's still young, give him a chance he might grow on you.
Has anyone seen CM Punk's briefcase it really fits his style, bland and boring and thats the reason I hate him. The WM24 MITB match was real good except for Punk, he was barely in the match. Everyone in the match had a good spot except for Punk. A few weeks ago while I was watching ECW it seemed to me that Miz was carrying Punk through the match. If you have to be carried by Miz then their isn't any hope for you. I don't understand why WWE is pushing him so hard. I feel Mr.Kennedy deserves this push more so then Punk because he has something called mic skills.
The solution ladies and gentlemen is HEEL TURN!!! I mean seriously from the day he debuted it seemed so obvious. His lifestyle is tailor made for a heel. "I dont drink, I dont smoke, I dont do drugs" yet he debuts on ECW of all shows at a time where there were actually a good amount of originals on the roster who were known for that crazy lifestyle. And he works for a company that got a lot of their money with a "beer drinkin' hell raiser" as their poster boy for crying out loud. Sure its been done in ROH alrdy but the only ppl who kno about that are that same "small percentage" who still like him. Look back at when Punk did a swerve on the new breed, he seemed so natural and comfortable after he shook Burke's hand. Unfortunately ECW doesnt need another heel at this point so why not move him to RAW. Hell, put him in an angle w/ Hardy where Punk gets all personal and shoots on him breaking the wellness policy or some crap like that. Punk continues to act all high n mighty, says "screw the fans, they turned their backs on me!" (especially after all the boos he's been getting lately) Draws in a whole bunch of heat from the fans and then he starts the whole "I'm Straightedge which means I'm better that you!" Maybe if he starts now, he can actually become a believable contender for the WWE title by the end of this year.
I am on the fence when it comes to CM Punk, I don't know if I like him or not yet, he is somewhere in the middle. The main reason for this is that I rarely ever watch ECW, but he is starting to show his face quite often on RAW and SmackDown recently, so it is only a matter of time before I start praising him or bashing him. I think ECW is a bad show for Punk to be on right now(good at first, but it should be in WWE's best interest for him to have more TV time, especially after winning the MITB) and I am warm to the idea that he should move to RAW or SmackDown because it will give him a better place on the PPV cards, which equals longer matches. One thing I noticed is that he never actually had a 15+ minute one on one match yet, his matches always seemed to be rushed and out of place, which is the typical way WWE has treated their "C" Brand at their Pay-Per-Views(Kane vs Chavo at WM24 is a perfect example).
CM Punk is a great wrestler...for a promotion besides the WWE. In the WWE, you need to be able to cut a promo, work the mic, and wrestle your ass off. Punk does one of those three things. I believe that with work, CM Punk can become a great part of WWE...he just needs time to learn to deliver an attitude on the mic and get himself over.

But losing to Regal at the KOTR clean didn't help his credibility at all. Can someone tell me why it made sense to have Punk beat the IC Champion clean with his finisher, then have Punk LOSE clean to Regal's submission? It doesn't make sense. Punk is the MITB. At least have Regal cheat to win the KOTR.

What Punk needs to be liked is to get into a good program...and when KENNEDY!!!....Kennedy gets back on Monday...look for a story to be built with Kennedy and Punk with the MITB. Get Punk some exposure...and then make a judgment on him.

Punk's gimmick doesn't work on a face. The whole straight-edge thing works, but he needs a heel turn something awful. It works a lot better if he looks down on people who drink and plays an arrogant heel, his final promo in ROH was absolutely awesome.

If you want to improve him as a character, work a little more realism into him. He doesn't drink or do drugs right? Get him to feud with someone who violated wellness. Not that WWE announces them, everyone is aware of why they are suspended use it. say Jeff returns, and CM Punk comes down and critises him for being wreckless, risking everything on suicidal tactics and for using drugs. Punk is awesome on the mike, taking on probably the 2nd biggest face in the company (behind HBK) in this sort of promo would get him major heat. He doesn't have to come out on top in the program, but he can look a legitimate threat to the titles he is now going to compete for
In all honesty, after this week when C.M Punk defeated Chris Jericho on Raw and on Smackdown! when he almost defeated Edge, I actually believe that the WWE is doing a good job of making Punk a main eventer.

O.K so he lost to Edge, but Edge is a true main eventer and a 4 time world champion, hell he was in the main event of Wrestlemania against the Undertaker. Punk lasted over 15 minutes against this superstar, and he even had the match won until interference came into play.

Plus Punk has the Money in the Bank briefcase which is a guarantee title opportunity any time. So, if Punk keeps winning against high profile wrestlers, he can easily become a main eventer on Raw and but preferably, Smackdown!

I think it has now gotten to the stage where C.M Punk is too big for ECW. I mean he can beat anyone on that brand now and yes even the ECW champion Kane. I can almost guarantee Punk will be drafted to another brand or will stay on ECW but cashing in his briefcase on a different brand just like Edge did last year.

I don't think Punk should turn heel, because if he does, how can we take him seriously when he tries to beat big guys like Batista, Undertaker, John Cena, Triple H. Hell, I find it hard to believe Chavo Guerrero is in the same league as the names above. On Raw this past week where Chavo was involved in that 8 man tag team bout, Chavo just look so much smaller than the rest and so out of place in my opinion. Punk isn't much bigger than Chavo.

But if he turns into a main eventer while staying a face, theres many options. Mysterio is a main eventer and hes much smaller than Punk, but because of his high flying style, he has to remain face because who will take Rey seriously as he tried to take on The Undertaker or Triple H WHILE BEING A HEEL?

Anyway after this week, Punk has definitely moved up the card a bit IMO. After 7 to 8 months, he should cash in his title shot and become a world champion. The longer the WWE waits for Punk to be World Champion, the better it will be.
Some people on this forum claim that punk has no in-ring skill following his match with Chuck Pallumbo. Ok Punk had no offense in that match at all, just a couple of kicks, but the match ended on a DQ.

Guys it was SCRIPTED for god's sake. If they tell you that you can only kick and punch for 2 minutes then win by a DQ, then you have no other choice but to do just that. Instead of shooting on Punk, why don't you guys shoot at the WWE's shit ass creative writing team.

As far as I know, CM Punk is being booked wrong when you have him in a match against Chuck Pallumbo. Hell Chuck Paullumbo doesn't even work well in the ring. Watch his match against Matt Hardy, you can tell he didn't follow the script because Hardy had to do things twice before he got it right.
For some reason they seem to keep jobbing CM Punk out to everyone. If they are going to build him as creditable Mr. MitB he actually needs to win some matches. I don't understand what they are trying to do with him.
Posted by some crotchety old man
Living straightedge is a dumb life choice? To be honest, im not straightedge but i fully respect the man for that kind of lifestyle. Not drinking/doing drugs is a bad thing? Thats something a teen would say.

Ok, quickly....

1. I am 26, not a teen.
2. Have you ever seen a straightedge kid? They put all kinds of holes in their faces. They cover themselves with tattoos. They wait outside of bars and assault tipsy people. They listen to whiny ass emo, which has put Rock N Roll out of the misery that Nickelback put it into. Basically, as clean as their lives are, most of them work at the mall, shun college, and will never be productive members of society. Meanwhile, a drunk ass frat boy is President, and the democratic frontrunner smoked dope and did coke.

Being able to pass a drug test is one thing. I can respect that. The straightedge lifestyle is a different animal, you twit. Tatting yourself up like you're a coloring book is stupid.

And Cm Punk is sloppy, can't hold his own in the ring with athletic guys, and can't carry older guys to a decent match. That makes him worthless to the WWE. He should go back to ROH, where there is enough technical matwork to where he won't look like a dick when Shelton Benjamin does something awesome, and he no-sells it. He hurts the careers of everyone he's in the ring with.

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