Why do you hate CM Punk?

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I would just like to say that I disagree with the person who posted above me. I won't bash him even though he probably deserves to be because I would probably get banned. CM Punk isn't just another wrestler from WWE's developmental territories. He was already a great technical wrestler and a ring veteran when he signed with WWE. He is somewhat limited by WWE's move restriction rules ( which are lame in my opinion). He still has had some great matches with Chris Jericho , Edge, and even John Morrison who is still a bit green, but could be great one day. I personally think Punk is getting bashed because alot of the Cena marks are cheering for him. That's fine in my opinion because atleast he's not getting booed. The reason for that is simple, HE CAN WRESTLE where as Cena is mediocre. CM Punk appeals to the naive Cena fans and at the same time doesn't offend the smarter more dedicated fans. I'm not gonna hate on Cena because he does work hard , but there's no doubt that his fans are dumb. When is comes to being drug free, I'll say Punk takes it a little far when it comes to not even taking a pain pill occasionally when you are hurting. But it's a negative stereotype to say that all drug free people are hippyish emos because they aren't. I personally don't drink and despise beer and alcohol , yet I don't have any tattoos or piercings.
Ok, I'll start at the bottom. I didn't hate on people who don't drink. I don't drink often, and I stopped smoking pot years ago. Never did I say all drug free people are hippyish emos. I said straightedge people get arrested constantly for assault, and the rest are hippyish emos. There is a difference between the "straightedge lifestyle" mall kids, and people who just choose not to get intoxicated. If you don't understand me saying the same thing twice, you need to get off the dope.

Go ahead and bash me, this place would be better if you got banned, as you obviously don't read posts for context before responding.

It's funny how WWE's move restriction rules don't seem to make Shelton benjamin bland. Jeff Hardy seems to excite the crowd, and he plays by those rules. CM Punk is just not entertaining to me, or to many people. I've seen some ROH matches, and they were ok, but he never stole the show.

My main beef with him is that he looks sloppy. When he's in the ring, his sell seems to be an instant too late. I want to see him get sweet chin music one time. That move has to be sold immediately. Head flies up, body goes limp, and fall. Even Randy Orton gets that right. CM Punk seems to lose his place in matches too. I agree with the poster who said during his match with Miz, it appeard as if Miz was carrying him through the middle of the match. That's sad. His finisher sucks too. The anaconda vice was all right, but the GTS looks lame, and worst of all, it's never the same twice.

Comparing him to Cena is unfair. They have different styles. Cena got over because he brawled with the big guys. He never claimed to be a great technician. CM Punk tries to be this MMA, submission kinda fighter with these great technical moves. He's punchy kicky like Triple H. At least HHH looks like Tarzan. CM Punk looks like Jane, and excites me like Jane, if Jane were dead.

And by the way, there are almost 80 posts at this point on this topic. It has to be more than Cena marks that hate him.
I hate cm punk because he beat John Morrison on that "Steroid" SCandal i have heard it was really painkillers and cm punk like framed him or something if anyone remembers that fill me in plz
CM Punk is just not entertaining to me, or to many people. I've seen some ROH matches, and they were ok, but he never stole the show.

Ok, your opinion officially doesn't matter anymore because you have no idea what you are talking about.

First off don't speak for other people. Punk is obvisouly entertaining to the majority of the WWE fans as he constantly gets cheered, and not to mention he's practically a God among indy wrestling fans.

Never stole the show? You obviously haven't seen a lot of his work. Maybe 1 or 2 matches. His feud with Raven had fans talking about his matches all the time. At that point in ROH you bought DVDs for Samoa Joe, Punk vs. Raven, & AJ Styles. Then his series of matches with Joe stole the show everytime. Hell, he & Joe had the first 5 star match from any US company since Bret vs. Owen (according to Meltzer). Then there's the Summer of Punk in which he won the title and again he continued to steal the show with his matches.

Come on dude, if you don't like the guy that's fine just say it, but don't try and argue against him when you don't know what you are talking about.
Ok, your opinion officially doesn't matter anymore because you have no idea what you are talking about.

First off don't speak for other people. Punk is obvisouly entertaining to the majority of the WWE fans as he constantly gets cheered, and not to mention he's practically a God among indy wrestling fans.

Never stole the show? You obviously haven't seen a lot of his work. Maybe 1 or 2 matches. His feud with Raven had fans talking about his matches all the time. At that point in ROH you bought DVDs for Samoa Joe, Punk vs. Raven, & AJ Styles. Then his series of matches with Joe stole the show everytime. Hell, he & Joe had the first 5 star match from any US company since Bret vs. Owen (according to Meltzer). Then there's the Summer of Punk in which he won the title and again he continued to steal the show with his matches.

Come on dude, if you don't like the guy that's fine just say it, but don't try and argue against him when you don't know what you are talking about.

See now this is Punks biggest problem, he's great at wrestling an Indy style, but that doesn't work in WWE, and Punk just can't seem to wrestle the WWE style for shit, I agree he's a great wrestler and his matches in ROH are much better than anything he has ever done or ever will do in WWE as far as entertaining matches go
To add more fuel to the fire I'm afraid I have to say I disagree that CM Punk isn't over. Whats my proof you ask? Does anybody remember Survivor Series 2006? If not rent the DVD and watch it. Punk teamed with the Hardys and DX against Rated RKO Mike Knox, Johnny Nitro, and Gregory Helms. DX Punk and The Hardys were in the ring with DX preparing to do their little lets get ready to suck it routine when Triple H was interrupted by a CM PUNK chant. This caught Triple H so off guard he had Punk deliver the Are You Ready line. This means the fans chose to cheer CM Punk instead of Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Matt Hardy, or Jeff Hardy all whom were also in the ring not forgetting the fact that Triple H was talking on the mike having nothing to do whatsoever with CM Punk when the CM Punk chant started. If you are chosen to be cheered over Shawn Michaels, Triple H (as DX no less), Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy (as The Hardys tag team) then I'd say your pretty damn over with the fans. Try to discredit that.
Try to discredit that.

But that was 2006. He was still new to WWE fans. They hadn't gotten tired of his four moves and sloppy stylelike they have in the last 18 months. I was at a live event, the Gulf of Mexico match, and Punk was getting booed by a lot of the crowd. It may not have translated to TV, as WWE can manipulate that, especially when they have a push planned.

I will not be told I don't know what I'm talking about by ROHDude, who is a ROH mark, with an obviously biased opinion. I'm an Astros fan, so I take offense to people who bag on Lance Berkman. I understand. All I said is that it's obvious that I am not the only one who doesn't like Punk because this thread wouldn't be 80 posts long if I was. I get it though, he's an indy hero. So the fuck what. He doesn't have what it takes in the big show. He's sloppy, shitty on the mic, his matches lack psychology (work on his bacl the whole time, and he still hits GTS?).

First off don't speak for other people.

Ok I won't

Punk is obvisouly entertaining to the majority of the WWE fans

You either, hypocrite.

Punk sucks, he bores me to tears, and is losing his heat faster than ROH dude tells someone to do what he says not what he does.
Lol. Man, CM Punk's psychology looks fine to me. He works the same kind of matches that Matt Hardy does, but he works a little stiffer. I for one like him. People are probably starting to shit on him because he's about to be pushed as one of WWE's top faces and you know the IWC hates that. I will agree though that the GTS is kind of lame. He hardly ever gets the guy in the face with it. I'd rather him use the Anaconda Vise. Oh and watch Punk's match against Edge on Smackdown. FARRRRR from boring. Entertaining throughout. But we are not going to convince each other to like the same stuff. So it's all good.
Hey guys, first post!

I think most ppls reason for disliking him is probably because he has been pushed so quickly, there have been guys around for years who have received jack-shit in terms of a push(not mentioning names - the list is huuuuuuge), I dont mind Punk to be honest - there are worse performers on the roster, but i think a huge reason he is gettin a push (and this has been mentioned several times) is due to his lifestyle, with all the drug/steroid related crap the wwe has had 2 deal with it makes sense for them to promote a guy who is "clean", @ the end of the day its a business & they are obviously trying 2 improve their image by doing this, (give snitsky a push instead & promote healthy teeth & gums? - I can see how everyone loves him on these forums)

feel free to disagree, it is just an opinion after all :-)
kurtis, I will back down a little. I have enjoyed some CM Punk matches, like the one you mentioned, but overall, I still can't deny to myself that he is sloppy. Watch the Punk vs. Shelton vs Burke match from ECW. Benjamin flies over Punk over the top rope to do that sick flipping powerbomb. Punk just stands there instead of selling it. That's when I started watching him more closely. He late sells a lot, like he's working in slow motion.

But, hey, he has fans. I can't disrespect them for liking him. I think that most of my hatred for him stems not from him getting a push, but his getting Jeff Hardy's push. I know Jeff fucked up, and it's his own fault. But at least give it to someone as exciting as Jeff, like Shelton, or even Jimmy Wang Yang. Punk just doesn't do it for me. If they continue this push much longer, he's going to get Cena crowds. Half love, half hate, very little middle ground.
If they continue this push much longer, he's going to get Cena crowds. Half love, half hate, very little middle ground.

If you're not a Punk fan I wouldn't mention this to WWE or he'll be a main eventer by tomorrow. They love stars who get a reaction from EVERYONE in an arena. If you're right then CM Punk might be the next big thing!
I think the thing that could easily improve Punk is his look. He could play one hell of a heel in the WWE. He could play a loner who doesnt trust anyone. To turn him heel, they should set up Burke and a Chavo match, where Kingston becomes a babyface. They could then set up a 3 way match between Kingston, Chavo and Kane, where Punk comes out, and hits Chavo with the GTS while Chavo is alone in the ring, and the Ref is outside the ring dealing with Kane and Burke fighting at the announce table. Kane could hit Burke onto the table. CM rolls out and hits the GTS on Kane, and while hes out, Burke could roll into the ring, lock on a submission, and have Chavo tap. After a Feud with Kane for a while, In which Punk leaves the ring during matches for countouts, they set up a match with him against Burke. Fans would start to love the loner Punk. This will finally give Punk a great wrestler to work with in Burke.
CM rolls out and hits the GTS on Kane, .

LOL a lil off topic but i'd sure love to see CM put kane up on his shoulders... he seems like he'd struggle with a 120 pound grown man letalone Kane.

Back on topic though to me... he's just flat out PLAIN. I dont know but his gimmick (or lack of) just doesnt appeal to me at all. So boring.. i mean he may have the skills but he's in need of a good gimmick in my opinion. AND a new finisher cuz everytime i've seen him use it it looked some sloppy.
I have enjoyed some CM Punk matches, like the one you mentioned, but overall,

True, some Punk matches are pretty good.

I still can't deny to myself that he is sloppy.

No one can deny that he is sometimes quite off with his moves.

Watch the Punk vs. Shelton vs Burke match from ECW. Benjamin flies over Punk over the top rope to do that sick flipping powerbomb. Punk just stands there instead of selling it.

I don't remember him not selling it. I thought that was done pretty well.

That's when I started watching him more closely. He late sells a lot, like he's working in slow motion.

Are you sure your not just watching him in slow motion? He doesn't work that slowly.

But, hey, he has fans. I can't disrespect them for liking him.

I agree with you.

I think that most of my hatred for him stems not from him getting a push, but his getting Jeff Hardy's push. I know Jeff fucked up, and it's his own fault.

He is hardly getting Jeff's push. I did win the MitB, which I agree I am not that happy about, but the way he is getting booked. He is gettting no Hardy push. In fact with Jeff's return I wouldn't be surprised if CM got overshadowed more than he is now.

But at least give it to someone as exciting as Jeff, like Shelton, or even Jimmy Wang Yang. Punk just doesn't do it for me.

I think they should have given it to Morrison.

If they continue this push much longer, he's going to get Cena crowds. Half love, half hate, very little middle ground.

I don't think that he will, his push isn't even in comparison to Cena's. The crowd will love CM, but there will only be a few smarks who boo.
I don't hate CM Punk , I think he's quite the talented wrestler, however he just hasn't gotten over enough to be in the spot he is right now, however, this is more due to booking that anything else. People claim he's bland, however you can't justify that due to the fact that he barely receives any mic time in order to get his character over. Also, his gimmick is a bit boring, I wish he'd turn heel like some people have said with it, I'd love to see him try the I'm better than you because I'm straight edge aspect, think it'd be interesting.

The little mic time he's seen, i feel that CM is someone who can speak, maybe a bit nervous but that can be fixed, and I've enjoyed alot of his matches. The dude can wrestle.

He needs to get rid of the GTS though, preferred the Anaconda Vice.
I don't hate CM Punk , I think he's quite the talented wrestler,

I think he is talented, but you can't deny he is sometimes sloppy.

however he just hasn't gotten over enough to be in the spot he is right now,

I disagree, to a point with this. He is over enough that he sells alot of merchandise. But he probably shouldn't be holding the MitB yet.

however, this is more due to booking that anything else.

Once again I partly agree. Being put against Palumbo.... and being partly beaten is sad for someone with the MitB. But he does have the MitB whihc will help get him over.

People claim he's bland, however you can't justify that due to the fact that he barely receives any mic time in order to get his character over.

Yeah, he isn't bland. I think he should at least get some mic. time now he has the MitB.

Also, his gimmick is a bit boring, I wish he'd turn heel like some people have said with it, I'd love to see him try the I'm better than you because I'm straight edge aspect, think it'd be interesting.

Not now that he is so over as a face, he sells alot so it would be stupid to do it the moment.

The little mic time he's seen, i feel that CM is someone who can speak, maybe a bit nervous but that can be fixed, and I've enjoyed alot of his matches. The dude can wrestle.

He can speak, not the greatest though. Once again, he is a bit sloppy in his matches though.

He needs to get rid of the GTS though, preferred the Anaconda Vice.

I don't like the GTS too much either. But I can't say the Vice was that much better. You would be surprise though, at the ammount of marks who really like the GTS. It sells.
I think he is talented, but you can't deny he is sometimes sloppy.

Yes he is, especially when he does that Air Punk (springboard clothesline off the ropes), Sometimes I wish he just doesn't do it.

I disagree, to a point with this. He is over enough that he sells alot of merchandise. But he probably shouldn't be holding the MitB yet.

Exactly, if WWE were so keen to have Punk with the MITB, they could have given it to a hated heel like MVP, build up Punk enough and have him feuding winning the case from MVP, this in itself would give Punk that extra overness by beating an established heel.

Once again I partly agree. Being put against Palumbo.... and being partly beaten is sad for someone with the MitB. But he does have the MitB whihc will help get him over.

Another thing, I would have preferred him being in a feud with at least someone reputable, and at least ESTABLISHED...freaking Chuck Palumbo? Wtf?

Yeah, he isn't bland. I think he should at least get some mic. time now he has the MitB.


Not now that he is so over as a face, he sells alot so it would be stupid to do it the moment.

He isn't as over as he should for an individual holding an opportunity for a shot any of the world titles. But he IS over...just not over enough.

He can speak, not the greatest though. Once again, he is a bit sloppy in his matches though.

Again, I agree here, I thought he was gonna have a program with La Familia...but once again, horrible booking decisions, he had me laughing a bit in his promo where he came out and they all were in the ring. Though I can see them having Edge win the title back just to eventually lose to CM.

I don't like the GTS too much either. But I can't say the Vice was that much better. You would be surprise though, at the ammount of marks who really like the GTS. It sells.

Yes it does, I notice it, the crowd pops once he has them in position. Just takes TOO long to set up, and he looks like he struggles to hold them half the time.
Punk is my favorite wrestler so I'd hardly say I hate him. Right now Punk has two problems. One is that he's being told by WWE to not use the majority of his moveset. In ROH, one of his finishers was called the Pepsi Plunge, and it was a pedigree from the second rope. No way WWE would let him use that. His other issue is that he needs to be a heel for awhile. In ROH he delievered some of the best heel promos I've ever heard and they were all based on his straight edge persona. All he had to do was talk about how he was better than everyone else because of his lifestyle. Now how can no one hate that?
Punk is my favorite wrestler so I'd hardly say I hate him.

Haha, true. Unless your a very confused person, your favourite isn't someone you usually hate. Unless of course you hate everyone.

Right now Punk has two problems. One is that he's being told by WWE to not use the majority of his moveset.

I think I have heard this somewhere. Not sure what the hell is up with that. Why would the WWE not want him to use the majority of his moveset. Probably because they want him to have 'trademark' moves that are more noticable.

In ROH, one of his finishers was called the Pepsi Plunge, and it was a pedigree from the second rope. No way WWE would let him use that.

Damn true, I don't think it would be good for him to use it either.

His other issue is that he needs to be a heel for awhile. In ROH he delievered some of the best heel promos I've ever heard and they were all based on his straight edge persona.

Not while he is over as a face he doesn't. That would be silly. Even if he is good at being a heel.

All he had to do was talk about how he was better than everyone else because of his lifestyle.

Everyone brings this up. Although is may be good right now, see my above comment.

Now how can no one hate that?

People would hate it, but once again see above lol.
I said in another thread
Punk is not nearly as over as all the ROH honks like to say he is. In fact, every offensive move was met with boos in the Kane match. That and he was late reacting to some moves and totally fucked up a sunset flip. I've been saying he's sloppy, and feel justified. That being said, Kane carried Punk to a nice match. Kane played the heel, dominating the action, but received cheers. Kane is super-over, and once the draft comes, should be given a push on one of the real shows. I was happy to see Punk not bore me to tears. He reminds me of the Spurs, usually. He is fundamentally good, just boring as hell.

I just wanted to put that passage in the right thread. A heel change would freshen him up, but until he shores up his in-ring style, he's going to be a mess to me. One of WCW's strengths is that the cruisers fought the cruisers. Styles make fights, and CM Punk's style is not a main event heavyweight championship style. The same could be said for Y2J and Benoit and Eddie, but they adjusted. There's a reason Rey's title matches are against Edge and not Batista. Styles make fights.
WWE and CM Punk himself are both to blame. WWE should let him be more like his ROH days. I'm no ROH mark or anything, but I was amazed when I youtube-d some of Punk's ROH matches. His moveset was much better than the one he uses today. I understand that he can't use the Pepsi Plunge since it's too dangerous and too much like the Pedigree. But that doesn't mean he needed to revamp his entire moveset. He also needs a better finisher. The GTS is more of a generic maneuver than a finisher. I would love to see Punk as a heel using the Anaconda Vice again.

Punk tends to be sloppy in some of his matches which is probably why he is losing so much. He really needs to improve his ring work before he cashes in that MitB. It's quite obvious that he was just a Jeff Hardy fill-in for the MitB winner. He's lost many matches and barely beat Chuck Polumbo. It's clear that he isn't ready for to be a main eventer.
I will admit I am a big Punk fan, but the wwe is trying to capitalze on his original fans from ROH and the other indie promotions he worked for. For the first little while the fans from those places loved seeing him but when they saw it wasn't the same CM Punk anymore, they gave up and went back to ROH. He still has his fans, but the wwe has to let him be more like he was in ROH. I do beleive he should go heel and take the mitb case to raw. It would bennefit him. especially now that kennedy is face that could be a really good feud. At this point i agree that CM Punk would be the first mitb winner to cash in and lose. He's gotta be built up first and all wwe is doing right now is tearing him down.
Okay i've gotta say in response to these people saying PUNK has no charisma, go look at his ROH fued with Raven or some of his stuff in OVW, he's really good on the mic and plays a very good role.

Also for people saying he's not a good wrestler, here's a bit o' the reason he doesn't look that good on tv...70% of the moves are not his, most stolen from KENTA's moveset as WWE throws out the movesets. Punk has a much more impressive moveset for himself, wrestling his own style instead of this muay thai nonsense. but also just go ahead and look at the Orignals vs New Breed fued, he had so many good matches and well the people complaining about his finisher the GTS, face it..nobody in the WWE has the nads to take that how your meant to, no landing on your feet, just a straight knee to the chest, with a slight landing on feet afterwards.

I don't believe Punk needs that MITB though, it would've been more deserved for someone like Morrison and for Chavo to retain over Kane. Punk needs to fued with someone like Burke or even Sydal now that he's debuted on ECW. (btw, Punk and Sydal have wrestled each other before).

if anyone has an argument, feel free to message me.
Another thing i shall note is that i noticed people are mostly ragging on his moves, if you want to see most of his moves look up KENTA and yeah.
The GTS only takes too long to set-up cause he's gotta make sure that the person is ready to have the timing to take the bump, also if you haven't all noticed he hasnt been booked very well due to some supposed "heat" in the back so you can't blame not winning on him...unless genuinely the creative team thinks he cant wrestle, in that case he'd be back at FCW.

The GTS and his moveset isn't a generic one, unless everyone apparently that watches WWE suddenly knows KENTA? i'm sorry i have to mention this so much but it is apparent some people think they know it all about wrestling....and pretty much what it comes down to is, would you rather watch a match with two minor stuff ups that you all constantly nit-pick or watch Cena, Batista, matt hardy(come on you know it, he is soo bland and fake) and other crap guys like that in matches?

Punk though will lose the MITB but should get a heel turn, but not using the straight edge gimmick as too many kids watch WWE and they really wouldn't give a rats.

also like before, got an issue message me...i enjoy these kinds of arguments.
You brought up some goods points dude. Good to see someone siding with Punk. People started disliking him for getting the MITB briefcase that he didn't deserve. Well it wasn't up to him guys. He does botch a move or two in a match, but like PWAQfan said, those aren't his original moves and he isn't used to doing them. We've seen other wrestlers botch moves yet people aren't on their cases like they are on punk.

I stopped watching WWE a while ago but since Punk's debut in 2006, ive been hooked on it again. I have faith in that gay.

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