WWE Royal Rumble 2013: WWE Championship - CM Punk (c) VS The Rock

Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy with how far Punk has come and that he's a top dog in the company and I'm glad he's not going away. I just feel that there were better ways to take the title off him. Not knocking on Rock. He IS a nine time champion after all. I just would've rather seen a younger talent that the WWE will invest in in the future get the rub from ending the historic title reign.

Ah I can dream. I promise you won't see me up in arms all "GAHDDAMMIT I'LL NEVER WATCH WWE AGAIN." Good God, I've seen enough of that tonight, trust me.

I'm not knocking you here, I just don't get this logic. I mean honestly, if you weren't happy with Punk losing the title to a WWE Legend, would you really be okay with him ending his reign to a new talent?

I mean think about it. Punk would of probably had a fit if his reign ended to idk Seth Rollins or someone like that. He lost to The Rock. Not the Great Khali. Not Cody Rhodes. Not The Godfather. Not Val Venis. Not Sin Cara. But to The Rock. I'm pretty sure that's how you would want your reign to end if it has to.
Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy with how far Punk has come and that he's a top dog in the company and I'm glad he's not going away. I just feel that there were better ways to take the title off him. Not knocking on Rock. He IS a nine time champion after all. I just would've rather seen a younger talent that the WWE will invest in in the future get the rub from ending the historic title reign.

Ah I can dream. I promise you won't see me up in arms all "GAHDDAMMIT I'LL NEVER WATCH WWE AGAIN." Good God, I've seen enough of that tonight, trust me.

Thank you for using common sense and not acting like an eight-year-old like some people.

As I said in an earlier post, the whole thing with them making a superstar out of it slipped by them when they didn't let Ryback win it. He was the only one hot enough to do it. When they let that past, they found themselves in a spot. Punk's title reign sort of got to the point where it was getting a little stale. Now, I'm sure some would disagree. As a Punk fan, I'm sure that you enjoyed it. I just think that a casual fan would like, "Really? That's guy's still champion?" Title reign do have expiration dates. You right about them using it make a superstar, but the problem is how long would it take to make someone hot to take it from him and by the time that they do, will anyone still care? Part of me says that they should have gone along with the Ziggler face turn and had him win it, but that would mean one less heel and with all of the face turns, they really need some heels. I don't know. JMO
Punk fans know he's such a weak champ ever. He's nothing without the belt and nothing with it and he'll be still nothing if he held all belts in wwe for 5 years. Now they want to the annoying skinny guy break the streak! Id rather have A Jee break it or someone more believable like ryback or sheamus. I had stopped watching wwe for the length of his title reign, now am interested. Go Cena go
No wrestler was going to be 'made' by ending CM Punk's reign. Every star made their own stardom. What do people want? Have Punk hold the title for 700 days until Cody Rhodes finally gets over? Wait on someone from NXT? Wait until the crowd actually starts caring about Antonio Cesaro. Have him drop it to Tyson Kidd? Curt Hawkins?

This could and probably will end up being better for Punk. It's not like he is never going to be in the main event. It's not like he will never win another title.

Also, people are not factoring in 'the Shield'. What's the story with them and Punk? They cost Punk his title. Where is that headed? Did the Punk/Shield story need the belt? It's a compliment to Punk that he can be in a main event level story and not have the belt. That's a spot reserved for only the biggest of stars. You've transcended championships and titles when you reach that point. Punk doesn't need the belt. He's Punk.

With the Shield story yet to play out, I think some of us might be jumping the gun with the Chicken Little act.
Come on now guys you can't tell me the WWE didn't do well with that finish? I certainly wasn't expecting that. Also the same people who moan about Rock being a part timer are probably the same people who wanted Brock to interfere. You can't tell me you didn't mark out just a little bit seeing Rock win the title :p

In all seriousness this could better for the other superstars that you think. The Rock is gonna be on the majority of Raw shows up until WM, he's gonna be at EC...think of how much opportunities that gives for the younger guys to learn from him and even do promos with him like Sandow and Cody did. Of course Vince is thinking $$$ too but I think it goes further than that. I think Rock should be applauded for what he's doing and what he's gonna do for those superstars in the back. The experience they will get from seeing him first hand will be great. Yeah you'll get some who still he's think stealing the spotlight blah blah blah but he doesn't have to do this...about he got some props now. Understood the jokes when he first returned 'via satellite' etc...but he's working his ass off for the WWE now despite being an incredibly busy man.

As for Punk it was the best for him to lose. Because 1) Well he won...sort of...and 2) He lost to the Rock. It wouldn't have been the same having him lose such a long title run to someone beneath him. The loss won't hurt Punk at all, he'll still be in the title hunt, he's still gonna be huge in the business.

The PPV was great overall, predictable yes but sometimes that's the best way.
Jesus guys stop being suck marks and calm down for a minute. Look at it like this;

From a Wrestlemania point of view

Who would draw more money to Wrestlemania? Rock or Punk? The answer is clearly the Rock and Wrestlemania is all about making money for the entire card. Rock being champion just boosted the pay packets of a dozen or so guys and is going to draw old fans back (hopefully they'll stay).

Now we're obviously getting Rock vs Cena, but I wouldn't discount a Rock vs Cena vs Punk three way, but honestly I think Cena needs to get his win back over the Rock in 1v1 situation so I'm going with straight up Rock vs Cena. But would Rock vs Cena 2 sell as well without the title on the line?

I don't think so to be honest so in my eyes a rematch needs the belt on the line. Plus Cena will not have held the title in about 18 months so they could play that up a lot.

From a Raw point of view

What would pop a rating better tonight? CM Punk bragging about another win where there was interference, basically a rehash of every Raw after a PPV since he turned heel, or the idea of Cena coming out to confront and challenge the Rock with the added bonus of Punk talking about him getting screwed? It's quite clearly the scenario with the Rock as champion and this goes for the Raws from now on. It's just more interesting for all three guys to go this route.

From Punk's point of view

People seem to think Punk should have held the title to drop to an up and comer at Mania? Like who? Ryback? Ziggler? No matter how you paint it that would be a comedown from facing the Rock at the Rumble and would be a rehash of last year when the Rock overshadowed him as champion.

Moving the title off Punk was smart, but protecting him in the defeat was a genius move. He now gets to complain about being screwed out of his legendary run, how he should still be champion and he also might get to reignite his feud with Vince McMahon and, and a lot of more interestingly, Triple H. We've all been wondering what Punk would do at Wrestlemania. he never gets a banner match at the event and it looked like it was going to happen again this year. But what if Punk kicks off the Road to Wrestlemania by beating the hell out of Vince during the rumoured Vince & Heyman segment tonight? What if Triple H wants revenge on Punk for that act and we get Punk vs Triple H at Wrestlemania?

This is the start of the Road to Wrestlemania guys, don't stop watching just because Rock beat Punk with a people's elbow. Oh and to someone who asked earlier, yes the Rock did Hogan at Wrestlemania 18 with the very same move.
Jesus guys stop being suck marks and calm down for a minute. Look at it like this;

From a Wrestlemania point of view

Who would draw more money to Wrestlemania? Rock or Punk? The answer is clearly the Rock and Wrestlemania is all about making money for the entire card. Rock being champion just boosted the pay packets of a dozen or so guys and is going to draw old fans back (hopefully they'll stay).

Now we're obviously getting Rock vs Cena, but I wouldn't discount a Rock vs Cena vs Punk three way, but honestly I think Cena needs to get his win back over the Rock in 1v1 situation so I'm going with straight up Rock vs Cena. But would Rock vs Cena 2 sell as well without the title on the line?

I don't think so to be honest so in my eyes a rematch needs the belt on the line. Plus Cena will not have held the title in about 18 months so they could play that up a lot.

From a Raw point of view

What would pop a rating better tonight? CM Punk bragging about another win where there was interference, basically a rehash of every Raw after a PPV since he turned heel, or the idea of Cena coming out to confront and challenge the Rock with the added bonus of Punk talking about him getting screwed? It's quite clearly the scenario with the Rock as champion and this goes for the Raws from now on. It's just more interesting for all three guys to go this route.

From Punk's point of view

People seem to think Punk should have held the title to drop to an up and comer at Mania? Like who? Ryback? Ziggler? No matter how you paint it that would be a comedown from facing the Rock at the Rumble and would be a rehash of last year when the Rock overshadowed him as champion.

Moving the title off Punk was smart, but protecting him in the defeat was a genius move. He now gets to complain about being screwed out of his legendary run, how he should still be champion and he also might get to reignite his feud with Vince McMahon and, and a lot of more interestingly, Triple H. We've all been wondering what Punk would do at Wrestlemania. he never gets a banner match at the event and it looked like it was going to happen again this year. But what if Punk kicks off the Road to Wrestlemania by beating the hell out of Vince during the rumoured Vince & Heyman segment tonight? What if Triple H wants revenge on Punk for that act and we get Punk vs Triple H at Wrestlemania?

This is the start of the Road to Wrestlemania guys, don't stop watching just because Rock beat Punk with a people's elbow. Oh and to someone who asked earlier, yes the Rock did Hogan at Wrestlemania 18 with the very same move.

Great points here, specfically about Punk. Losing to The Rock, keeps Punk and his streak totally legitimate. If he lost to some nobody, unestablished guy then he would come off the loss looking weak. He beat Cena, Jericho, Rock, ADR etc. but couldn't beat Joe Six Pack? This is the best possible scenario for Punk to drop the title and he'll be right back in the title picture after WM and probably going into Summerslam. The problem that WWE has to figure out a way around is, how do you have your top heel lose at 3 straight PPVs (including RR and WM) and keep him legit. He's going to lose in either a rematch at the EC or in the Chamber itself. He's also going to lose to Undertaker at WM. So, after all of that, how do you legitimize him again? Probably has to go back to being a face
You people are mad because the rock beat him with the people's elbow?? Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt hogan used to beat everyone with a fucking leg drop?? Including Shawn Michaels and Randy orton in their prime!!

I was in the building tonight and the crowd was hot for the rock from the beginning. Every time they would show him on the screen the arena would erupt. And that's before the event even started!! I'm a crazed rock fan and would take two months of the rock over a year of anyone else, granted I though rock vs punk should be saved for mania and cena vs rock at the rumble, but doesn't matter how its done the bottom line is that the rock is the new wwe champion!!! And btw for those who weren't sure. Seating in the arena close to the action it was clear who attacked him. It was seen very clearly with all the camera flashes
The problem that WWE has to figure out a way around is, how do you have your top heel lose at 3 straight PPVs (including RR and WM) and keep him legit. He's going to lose in either a rematch at the EC or in the Chamber itself. He's also going to lose to Undertaker at WM. So, after all of that, how do you legitimize him again? Probably has to go back to being a face

Assuming Punk Vs 'Taker at WM...

Why do you instantly assume Punk will lose?

'Taker's not getting any younger, he's not got many more matches in him. He made it to 20-0. IF it is Punk/'Taker at Mania, I say let Punk beat 'Taker. He can cheat, of course, but it ends the streak, and probably gets Punk more over than ANY length of title reign at all, possibly the most hated man in the wrestling world.

I'd then assume 'Taker announcing retirement...
Assuming Punk Vs 'Taker at WM...

Why do you instantly assume Punk will lose?

'Taker's not getting any younger, he's not got many more matches in him. He made it to 20-0. IF it is Punk/'Taker at Mania, I say let Punk beat 'Taker. He can cheat, of course, but it ends the streak, and probably gets Punk more over than ANY length of title reign at all, possibly the most hated man in the wrestling world.

I'd then assume 'Taker announcing retirement...

I know Punk is heel, but if Punk is to end the streak, it should be clean. Interference or any other kind of cheating will just weaken the significance of someone breaking the streak, IMHO.
Jesus guys stop being suck marks and calm down for a minute. Look at it like this;

From a Wrestlemania point of view

Who would draw more money to Wrestlemania? Rock or Punk? The answer is clearly the Rock and Wrestlemania is all about making money for the entire card. Rock being champion just boosted the pay packets of a dozen or so guys and is going to draw old fans back (hopefully they'll stay).

Now we're obviously getting Rock vs Cena, but I wouldn't discount a Rock vs Cena vs Punk three way, but honestly I think Cena needs to get his win back over the Rock in 1v1 situation so I'm going with straight up Rock vs Cena. But would Rock vs Cena 2 sell as well without the title on the line?

I don't think so to be honest so in my eyes a rematch needs the belt on the line. Plus Cena will not have held the title in about 18 months so they could play that up a lot.

From a Raw point of view

What would pop a rating better tonight? CM Punk bragging about another win where there was interference, basically a rehash of every Raw after a PPV since he turned heel, or the idea of Cena coming out to confront and challenge the Rock with the added bonus of Punk talking about him getting screwed? It's quite clearly the scenario with the Rock as champion and this goes for the Raws from now on. It's just more interesting for all three guys to go this route.

From Punk's point of view

People seem to think Punk should have held the title to drop to an up and comer at Mania? Like who? Ryback? Ziggler? No matter how you paint it that would be a comedown from facing the Rock at the Rumble and would be a rehash of last year when the Rock overshadowed him as champion.

Moving the title off Punk was smart, but protecting him in the defeat was a genius move. He now gets to complain about being screwed out of his legendary run, how he should still be champion and he also might get to reignite his feud with Vince McMahon and, and a lot of more interestingly, Triple H. We've all been wondering what Punk would do at Wrestlemania. he never gets a banner match at the event and it looked like it was going to happen again this year. But what if Punk kicks off the Road to Wrestlemania by beating the hell out of Vince during the rumoured Vince & Heyman segment tonight? What if Triple H wants revenge on Punk for that act and we get Punk vs Triple H at Wrestlemania?

This is the start of the Road to Wrestlemania guys, don't stop watching just because Rock beat Punk with a people's elbow. Oh and to someone who asked earlier, yes the Rock did Hogan at Wrestlemania 18 with the very same move.
I am glad that the overbooking was kept to a bare minimum. I will say that Rock does not necessarily need the title. He is a part-timer and you want to focus on the future....That being said, it is also part of the storyline arc where Rock was going to win the title for the first time in ten years. The comeback. Everything telegraphed a Rock win and so ultimately I am fine with it as it fits with what the WWE is doing.

The major concern I have is that when 5 of the last 6 guys in the Rumble are faces and then the other three televised matches were won by faces you have a problem. I like seeing face v. face every now and again. But there is something to be said about having a bad guy facing down the top guy(s). WWE needs to build more and better heels.

I did enjoy a lot of the Cena boos and the huge pop for Jericho when he nearly eliminated him. But that is juvenile quibbling....though it was awesome. I cannot wait for his 20 minute promo about winning and recapping everything and then challenging the Rock with more recapping. Fun times.
Assuming Punk Vs 'Taker at WM...

Why do you instantly assume Punk will lose?

'Taker's not getting any younger, he's not got many more matches in him. He made it to 20-0. IF it is Punk/'Taker at Mania, I say let Punk beat 'Taker. He can cheat, of course, but it ends the streak, and probably gets Punk more over than ANY length of title reign at all, possibly the most hated man in the wrestling world.

I'd then assume 'Taker announcing retirement...

Punk kinda needs to lose, Taker has established he wants the streak to end if it does end with a young guy, CM Punk will most likely be done with wrestling within 5 years or so we are told so why give it to him?
Jesus guys stop being suck marks and calm down for a minute. Look at it like this;

From a Wrestlemania point of view

Who would draw more money to Wrestlemania? Rock or Punk? The answer is clearly the Rock and Wrestlemania is all about making money for the entire card. Rock being champion just boosted the pay packets of a dozen or so guys and is going to draw old fans back (hopefully they'll stay).

Now we're obviously getting Rock vs Cena, but I wouldn't discount a Rock vs Cena vs Punk three way, but honestly I think Cena needs to get his win back over the Rock in 1v1 situation so I'm going with straight up Rock vs Cena. But would Rock vs Cena 2 sell as well without the title on the line?

I don't think so to be honest so in my eyes a rematch needs the belt on the line. Plus Cena will not have held the title in about 18 months so they could play that up a lot.

From a Raw point of view

What would pop a rating better tonight? CM Punk bragging about another win where there was interference, basically a rehash of every Raw after a PPV since he turned heel, or the idea of Cena coming out to confront and challenge the Rock with the added bonus of Punk talking about him getting screwed? It's quite clearly the scenario with the Rock as champion and this goes for the Raws from now on. It's just more interesting for all three guys to go this route.

From Punk's point of view

People seem to think Punk should have held the title to drop to an up and comer at Mania? Like who? Ryback? Ziggler? No matter how you paint it that would be a comedown from facing the Rock at the Rumble and would be a rehash of last year when the Rock overshadowed him as champion.

Moving the title off Punk was smart, but protecting him in the defeat was a genius move. He now gets to complain about being screwed out of his legendary run, how he should still be champion and he also might get to reignite his feud with Vince McMahon and, and a lot of more interestingly, Triple H. We've all been wondering what Punk would do at Wrestlemania. he never gets a banner match at the event and it looked like it was going to happen again this year. But what if Punk kicks off the Road to Wrestlemania by beating the hell out of Vince during the rumoured Vince & Heyman segment tonight? What if Triple H wants revenge on Punk for that act and we get Punk vs Triple H at Wrestlemania?

This is the start of the Road to Wrestlemania guys, don't stop watching just because Rock beat Punk with a people's elbow. Oh and to someone who asked earlier, yes the Rock did Hogan at Wrestlemania 18 with the very same move.

I'm 25, bit of a jaded cynical fan, and I'm as big a Punk mark as they come, but guess what? I'm not ashamed to admit that I was jumping around with joy like a 13 year old when the Rock won. Punk's reign had to end at SOME point, better it be here. We've been far too spoilt, no one thought Punk would make it past Wrestlemania, let alone Summerslam as Champ, now Punk's been champion for 14 friggin' months, and apparently that's not enough?

Get some perspective
Great points here, specfically about Punk. Losing to The Rock, keeps Punk and his streak totally legitimate. If he lost to some nobody, unestablished guy then he would come off the loss looking weak. He beat Cena, Jericho, Rock, ADR etc. but couldn't beat Joe Six Pack? This is the best possible scenario for Punk to drop the title and he'll be right back in the title picture after WM and probably going into Summerslam. The problem that WWE has to figure out a way around is, how do you have your top heel lose at 3 straight PPVs (including RR and WM) and keep him legit. He's going to lose in either a rematch at the EC or in the Chamber itself. He's also going to lose to Undertaker at WM. So, after all of that, how do you legitimize him again? Probably has to go back to being a face

Great post To anwer the highlighted point, he's been champion for 14 months, that'll be enough to keep him legit.

If he beats the streak they could sell it as him earning respect, and turn him face that way (not gonna happen, him ending the streak would gain him nuclear heat) but more likely than not, Undertaker beats him, and teaches Punk about real respect, much easier to turn him face that way.
Great points here, specfically about Punk. Losing to The Rock, keeps Punk and his streak totally legitimate. If he lost to some nobody, unestablished guy then he would come off the loss looking weak. He beat Cena, Jericho, Rock, ADR etc. but couldn't beat Joe Six Pack? This is the best possible scenario for Punk to drop the title and he'll be right back in the title picture after WM and probably going into Summerslam. The problem that WWE has to figure out a way around is, how do you have your top heel lose at 3 straight PPVs (including RR and WM) and keep him legit. He's going to lose in either a rematch at the EC or in the Chamber itself. He's also going to lose to Undertaker at WM. So, after all of that, how do you legitimize him again? Probably has to go back to being a face

This is a very good point is something the WWE often neglects to think about so is a worry.

My preference for Punk would be to enter the Raw elimination chamber (people seem to be forgetting that if Cena chooses Rock for Mania than Rock has to defend his belt in the EC) and lose in the final two to the Rock, have Cena distract him or have him drop his guard for two seconds and get hit with a Rock Bottom, whatever it is make it a finish that seeks to build his frustration.

That could feed into him taking it out on the WWE and Vince and lead to Triple H returning to challenge him at Mania. That could also pave the way for Taker vs Brock, as I don't see Triple H getting his return win at this Mania now that Brock has signed on for two more years.

But anyway, back on point, I would keep Punk strong as a heel by having Punk defeat Triple H at Wrestlemania. He would be hot as hell coming off a win over HHH at Mania and would be posed to challenge Cena at Summerslam or take the title off Cena at an earlier PPV.
Undertaker beats him, and teaches Punk about real respect, much easier to turn him face that way.

This. I was thinking the same thing. Have Punk talk about "respect" and how he's been disrespected. Have 'Taker come out and tell Punk that to have ultimate respect he has to achieve the phenomenoninal, do something that has never been done before, and if he can do that then he will be respected as the "Best In The World". This all leads to Punk challenging The Streak.
Come WrestleMania it needs to be booked so that although Punk loses, he takes 'Taker to the limit. After the match 'Taker then shows Punk respect, a handshake or a nod or something. How it goes after 'Mania I have no idea.
This. I was thinking the same thing. Have Punk talk about "respect" and how he's been disrespected. Have 'Taker come out and tell Punk that to have ultimate respect he has to achieve the phenomenoninal, do something that has never been done before, and if he can do that then he will be respected as the "Best In The World". This all leads to Punk challenging The Streak.
Come WrestleMania it needs to be booked so that although Punk loses, he takes 'Taker to the limit. After the match 'Taker then shows Punk respect, a handshake or a nod or something. How it goes after 'Mania I have no idea.

That would work, OK Punk loses, but he comes out of the match looking good, and the streak is intact, good result on both counts IMHO.

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