Punk VS Rock Promo #1: Who Won?

Who Came Out On Top

  • CM Punk

  • The Rock

  • Even: They both did a great job & set up the match well

  • Both sucked

Results are only viewable after voting.
For the first time, I read every post on a 5 page thread, because I wanted to see if someone got it. A lot of people seem close, and some might get it, but no one mentioned it out right, so I will.

Some people on here (more on the comments sections though, you all seem pretty intelligent) complain and scream, and want to act "cool" by calling the Rock "Dwayne" (as if Punk made it uncool to use a character's name, but yet no one calls him "Phil"). These people want to say Punk "won" because The Rock did everything Punk said he would: catchprases, jokes, etc. The fact of the matter is no one won, it was just a fantastic promo. (by the way I'm a huge Punk fan...). But the issue here, the point that was made, was Punk said the fans don't matter, and they will eat everything up and he can play them, and he could and he did. So point made. However what the Rock was saying, without his words, was that the fans DO matter, that they WILLINGLY eat out of your hand and are "manipulated" (for lack of a better word) because they love it. The Rock proved that staying in kayfab and using catchphrases and jokes is JUST as good as breaking kayfab and "shooting", if you know what you're doing. That was the basically the argument between the 2 on that point, one said you can't, the other said you can, and both proved their point, and it was brilliant. The Rock played his part because his point was you do it for the people and they will love you for it, and that is what happened.

Again, Punk was fantastic too, and neither of them won, but everyone seemed to miss the point of what the Rock was saying and just jumped to "oh he proved Punk right because he used catchphrases" when that was his point.

To quote someone else (I'm too lazy to look back), who won? WE did, and hopefully we will continue to.
just watched it again and um......those two are amazing, and like I said the first time the fans won with that promo. This shows that the wwe needs more stars becuase CM Punk looked great against The Rock but doesnt look as good with anyone else. Only other person he has to verbally battle with is Cena and Cena just does that stupid I dont care what your saying look. Imagine how good punk could be if he had someone that could push him to that limit that the rock did last night on a weekly basis

And that's why I think it's great The Rock is back. While others want to complain that he's "taking away the spotlight" from others, who else on this roster can bring out the best in Punk, like the Rock can. That promo last night should have showed anyone that doubt it, that mic skills are extremely important, maybe the most important thing in the WWE. Talking develops the characters, the storyline, and the feud. I don't care how well you can wrestle, if you can't talk, you'll never get over. That's the problem with most of the young stars on this roster. They can wrestle and are entertaining in the ring but they simply can't talk. So, instead of whining and complaining about The Rock being back, they should study these promos between Rock and Punk.
For the first time, I read every post on a 5 page thread, because I wanted to see if someone got it. A lot of people seem close, and some might get it, but no one mentioned it out right, so I will.

Some people on here (more on the comments sections though, you all seem pretty intelligent) complain and scream, and want to act "cool" by calling the Rock "Dwayne" (as if Punk made it uncool to use a character's name, but yet no one calls him "Phil"). These people want to say Punk "won" because The Rock did everything Punk said he would: catchprases, jokes, etc. The fact of the matter is no one won, it was just a fantastic promo. (by the way I'm a huge Punk fan...). But the issue here, the point that was made, was Punk said the fans don't matter, and they will eat everything up and he can play them, and he could and he did. So point made. However what the Rock was saying, without his words, was that the fans DO matter, that they WILLINGLY eat out of your hand and are "manipulated" (for lack of a better word) because they love it. The Rock proved that staying in kayfab and using catchphrases and jokes is JUST as good as breaking kayfab and "shooting", if you know what you're doing. That was the basically the argument between the 2 on that point, one said you can't, the other said you can, and both proved their point, and it was brilliant. The Rock played his part because his point was you do it for the people and they will love you for it, and that is what happened.

Again, Punk was fantastic too, and neither of them won, but everyone seemed to miss the point of what the Rock was saying and just jumped to "oh he proved Punk right because he used catchphrases" when that was his point.

To quote someone else (I'm too lazy to look back), who won? WE did, and hopefully we will continue to.

And the rest of the WWE roster needs to take notice of these promos, rather than complaining about not being pushed. If anyone on the roster could play their part as well as The Rock or Punk, they'd be in the main event and they wouldn't need to bring The Rock back. Both Punk and Rock are world class talents with different gimmicks but both are doing extremely well although I think Punk needs to evolve the character a little bit at this point.

As I mentioned before, Dwayne Johnson is a professional actor and so he's doing what he does best, he's being a character, The Rock. Why change that?

And to your point about the "Dwyane" thing, I agree with you. I really don't see what's so "cool" or "funny" about calling a man by his real name. He's not denying that he's a professional actor and his real name is Dwayne Johnson. It's not a big secret. So why is it that Punk is using that as an insult? That's the one big thing about Punk that's annoying me right now.
You know that the Rocks ego tends to get in the way and his programs with people in the past have suffered because of it right?
You know that Punk has real heat from as well as towards guys who have thrived in the WWE Machine and that could hurt the program, right?
You do know wrestling may be fake, but it's politics can be very very real right?
Please do not talk to me like I am stupid and I will not return the favor.

The Rock, by the promo standard he has set, really felt lazy and forced last night. He seemed to be mailing it in and was not ready for the level of intensity that Punk brings to his promos.
Take a lesson in body language and reading facial expressions, The Rock was struggling to keep up last night, probably because he was working from a script and Punk (true to form) was not.

I am a Punk fan, but I am not simply out to cut the Rock down due to that.
I want to see these two put on a good show and, in my opinion, The Rock needs do his homework and put some real effort into this program.

Rock ego getting in the way? WTF are you talking about, start giving exemple because I remember him putting freaking Hurricane over the last time he left before coming back.

You can believe the Rock ego or that Punk hates the Rock (he doesn't by the way, Punk made it clear that he and The Rock where fine and had sort out their animosity).

I'm not saying you are an idiot and didn't mean to imply it either, but you spoke like Rock didn't know what to say when it was clearly not the case.

I didn't watch the whole thing, but I listen to it all and to me it seemed perfectly fine and I'm okay at deciphering body language (I won't pretend to be a master at it though).

And don't get me wrong, I'm a GIANT Punk fan, but I also like The rock and think it's petty to pit them against each other like one is there to bury the other, they are both there to make money and they will make money.
For those who say that Punk can only shoot to do his promos, you are forgetting that is CM Punk's character in the WWE. He's the WWE version of Marvel's Deadpool. A guy who breaks "kayfabe", truly says what is on his mind, and has the fans loving him for it. #Knees2Faces
My first thoughts was that it was even. I think both men did a good job of building up this match at the Royal Rumble.

Now i'm starting to think The Rock edged it.

I particually liked the way The Rock said he is going for "That" (points at the WWE Title in Punk's hand). That one line right there is making the WWE Title feel pretty special at the moment. Some people complain that The Rock is making a handful of appearences every year and "Spotlight Hogging"
I am certainly game for The Rock doing a bit of spotlight hogging, if both the WWE Title and it's champion CM Punk are made to look bigger in the process.

I think Paul Heyman should step in at some point and reveal a scheming plot or something to worry The Rock going into the Royal Rumble. Punk and Heyman together planning something nasty for The Rock, could even up these Promos a bit more, and maybe even shoot Punk over The Rock in the war of words. I think this may happen in the next week or two. Perhaps The Shield will appear from the crowd during a Rock/Punk promo. They surround The Rock. Rock starts to panic. Punk smiles sadistically at The Rock. This will then give CM Punk ammo to destroy The Rock on the Mic.

I really do believe that Punk needs something to make The Rock feel insecure. 1 on 1 The Rock just looks to good. Punk is a heel afterall and it's logical for him to plan some sort of scheme to outdo The Rock both in the ring and on the microphone.
It's funny how The Rock called John Cena out on his rapping and asked him to stop acting like a child but with CM Punk now the role is reversed.

As for the exchange, I would have to say Punk edged it for me. His promo felt much more intense and real while Rock was playing to the fans and joking half of the time which was rather out of the place in such a serious segment. I particularly love Punk's line "Boxing with with god". However Rock did well at the end after Punk called him out on his catchphrases. Stellar promos from both guys but Rock needs to step it up next week, jokes work on Cena but Punk is a whole different ball game.
Punk won, even though his promo dragged for a bit. The amount of his speaking time seemed to exceed what he had to say, but his words were delivered impressively.

On the other hand, it was the same old Dwayne promo that featured sophomoric insults with little substance. I get that many still find him entertaining but it would make for a better feud if he took Punk more seriously. His promo delivery is still as sharp as always though, I'll give him that.
It was as even as you could get. Punk came out and did what he does. When he said Rock would come out and tell jokes and use catchphrases that's what Rock did. Guess what though? The fans loved every second of it. Now to address the issue of the Rock "spotlight hogging" whatever that means, It's simple. Back in the 60's and 70's they had title unification matches which for the most part ended up being awesome. Rock comes in because he seems to be the only guy that can deliver that prime time bright lights feud with the top stars and have it feel fresh. The Rock's not hogging the spotlight he's bringing the spotlight back to the sport and it's amazing to see how he can come back at any time of year and do this.
After all is said and done, at the end of the day, we as fans won, their can be no doubt, amazing promo, two of the best mic workers, and a legitimate heated build to a PPV match.

Gun at my head, i would have to say CM Punk, just because Rock seemed like he was playing it the same way he did with Cena, PG insults and stupid trends.

The last 20 seconds of the Rocks promo were electric though! Too bad he didnt get in his face about not being able to hang in the Attitude Era, only having 5 World Championships compared to i think The Rock is at 7, and not being Mr Main Event and really hitting him where it hurts
I have to give this one to punk, it was his night. He was on top of his game the whole night, he performed awesome in the match against Ryback and his last little bit at the end when he was climbing the later, and him grabbing the belt was perfection. I loved the bit when he rubbed the blood he had on his side and gave himself war paint with it, then when he was back out in the ring wiping more of it on his shirt before his promo. Then when he was talking, everything was spoken perfectly, and he did it while staying in heel character and even laughing at the crowd because they actually are eating out of his hands with every word that he speaks, and the bit with them having to go to commercial was great as well as taking the WWE logo off of the mic.

Now the rock came out, somewhat interrupted punk to a huge pop, and he just comes out and does the whole Rock promo similar to what he did the first week with Cena. He definitely killed it, as he always does and also made it very comical but we've seen it all before just towards CM Punk this time.

Overall Punk knew he had to just wow the crowd and he did, and I believe won the battle for the week. All in all though this made me super excited for the next few weeks heading into Rumble and what they have planned for the the road to Wrestlemania!
I thought Punk and Rock were amazing last night. I honestly thought it was a tie.

Punk's promo before The Rock came out was amazing and true. I was a little confused with the crowd's reaction though. I mean he was bashing them and the reaction was very dry. I don't know if they were just waiting for The Rock or they were just taking in what he was actually saying. Idk but I expected a better response.

As for as Rock it was electrifying as usual. I think some people in the IWC need to get over themselves when it comes to these jokes. I mean granted if you don't think a joke is funny then that's your opinion, but let's not act like we're holier than thou when it comes to childish jokes. You probably laugh when your friend makes a bathroom joke so let's not act like we are so mature. At the end of the day The Rock is who is. He was making jokes like cookie puss, etc back in 98 with roody poo and all that bs and we ate it up. I'm not sure what else you're actually expecting? It might seem silly, but not only a grown ass man doesn't want to be called cookie puss, but it makes sense because of the ice cream bars. Clever.

As far as his promo in general it gave you everything as far as what you needed. He gave you funny, he played to the crowd and got serious. I loved that he got back into referring to himself in third person more. I felt like he lost sight of that in the Cena feud. I would love him to be just a little more arrogant.

Say what you want The Rock has that IT factor whether you're tired of that schtick. Same way Cena will be forever associated with Fruity Pebbles, Cookie Puss will always be attached to Punk.

I love how Punk look generally annoyed with the Rock making him look foolish when he was trying to be serious. That's why the comedy thing from Dwayne makes sense, because it's like "I"m the champion, I'm the "new face of the WWE" and you're making jokes? Respect me damnit." I wish he had more to say for me to actually give him the edge. There wasn't really any zingers from him, but that whole thing about Rock's arms being too short (which is crazy for anyone to say especially him, since Rock's whole arm overshadows Punk's body lol) and that you're going against GOD, was frigging beast! I was like dude you're insane! Lol. Then I love how Rock got serious told him he knows who is dealing with (acknowledging that Punk's is probably one of the better entertainers of this era) and letting him know he didn't forget and Rock Bottomed him was sick! Lol I felt like I was 10 again.

And for those who says Punk didn't sell the Rock Bottom is crazy. I mean of course you're not going to get two million flips like The Rock oversells moves, but he did enough. Made like his back was hurting, and then sat up looked like he was beaten but smirking back like "Oh let the games begin." Awesome.

This really doesn't do much for Rock's career, but this can really elevate Punk if done right. Loved this and it can't only get better from here.
When the whole "respect me" thing first started, one man came to my mind...Heel ABA Undertaker. Punk is saying the same exact words that taker used to say when he was a heel. Same attitude, same idea.

^ This.

Some of the fans who are blinded by favoritism only liked Punk for his first pipebomb promo. Don't get me wrong, Punk is a great wrestler. But if any other superstars were given a chance to drop a "pipebomb" aka scripted shoot promo like when he first did I'm sure the IWC would be behind that guy aswell.

Heel Punk's character is just too generic compared to The Rock. Hell, I'm not even sold on their RR match.
I thought last night was a great set up to the Rumble. Rock did his thing, but he also got serious when the time called for it. Punk was a little long winded in the beginning, and I am not sure why they decided to have him go so long. That would be my only complaint though as I think they matched each other well. I wouldn't say either of them crushed the other either. IMO it was an evenly matched promo that set up the match pretty well.
Okay, I've gone back and watched a couple of times and I still think it was pretty even. Here's the thing that irked me about Punk's promo and The Rock kinda alluded to it but not directly or as hard as he could have. When Punk first turned heel, all he talked about was being the best in the world and that no one respected him. Cut to Monday Night, now he's talking about the fans not mattering and that he doesn't care. But wait a second, I thought you did care punk? I thought you were clamoring for our respect? But we don't matter? Which one is it? If we don't matter and you don't care, then why were so mad about us not giving you any respect? It was a great promo by Punk BUT before we shit all over the Rock, let's look at what Punk was really saying Monday vs. what his whole heel character is based off of. There you have it, that's what the Rock should be focusing on.
What's the problem with The Rock being "Repeatative"?the guy is a walking-talking greatest hits collection.Nobody complains when a legendary musician redoes his greatest hit songs.The same applies for The Rock.His cheesy-corny catchphrases made him one of the most charasmatic talker in history.He draws a huge number whenever he appear with his 'Boring' catchphrases and promos.He is the face here.He is supposed bury punk with his promos.But he got intense whenever he needed to be so.
This promo was amazing.

CM Punk is such a good talker that he normally draws you in with his promos regardless. Yes, lately his content has been a little tired: "respect" "412", "413, "414" etc. But Monday night he was on fire. He is so smooth and natural in his delivery, I can't remember the last time I saw someone who was that good on the mic. This was the best promo in WWE since his first pipebomb.

As for the "pipebomb", this was more kayfabe than the last one. He scraped the surface of shooting, but I don't think people should have expected him to shoot as much as he did in the summer of 2011. This was just enough, and it was perfect and totally within his kayfabe character.

The Rock was good.. His usual stuff and I understand how a lot of people found it old and tired. I didn't mind. It's what The Rock does.

But Punk outdid it for sure. Not only did he have some great one liners like: "In your face, jerks" and "Arms are too short to box with GOD"...

But he came back very nicely every time The Rock tried to belittle him. He had a great response each time, mocking the crowd for being "puppets" and then getting serious by reiterating with "Every time you come back I'm going to kick your ass".

I hope they play on this more in upcoming weeks. It can tie Punk's "respect" heel turn all together if he goes off on how he's been around the entire time, working every house show, every RAW, every PPV while the Rock is in hollywood and he just comes back and gets a title shot.

Great stuff. Can't wait to see more.
Makes me sad Punk's reign is actually going to end....
3-way tie..... The Rock was Amazing, CM Punk was amazing, and the Crowd was Amazing!!!

they really knew how to do their part!!! I was VERY impressed by everyone involved Monday night. this will probably go down as one of the Key Moments in wrestling history for Promos... I was expecting both of them to come out swinging and boy did they deliver!

The crowd reminded me of a good Attitude era crowd and they played their parts EXCELLENTLY!!!

cant wait til round 2!!!!
But Punk outdid it for sure. Not only did he have some great one liners like: "In your face, jerks" and "Arms are too short to box with GOD"...

But he came back very nicely every time The Rock tried to belittle him. He had a great response each time, mocking the crowd for being "puppets" and then getting serious by reiterating with "Every time you come back I'm going to kick your ass".....

Did he really? I agree Punk was great, but I felt he had nothing to really respond with? Idk that's just me. This is the first time someone has actually made Punk look silly. Either Ryback is intimidating him, Cena's trying and missing with his attacks, or Punk is actually the one belittling someone. His great response to The Rock was attacking the crowd not to him. He got serious told him he was going to kick his ass and Rock got serious and told him his time was up and that he was going to kick his ass. There really wasn't any one upping the other there.

Not trying to debate your point, cuz I basically agree, but if you actually watch the whole promo between the two. Punk's shining moment was before Rock came out and the God line.
Did he really? I agree Punk was great, but I felt he had nothing to really respond with? Idk that's just me. This is the first time someone has actually made Punk look silly. Either Ryback is intimidating him, Cena's trying and missing with his attacks, or Punk is actually the one belittling someone. His great response to The Rock was attacking the crowd not to him. He got serious told him he was going to kick his ass and Rock got serious and told him his time was up and that he was going to kick his ass. There really wasn't any one upping the other there.

Not trying to debate your point, cuz I basically agree, but if you actually watch the whole promo between the two. Punk's shining moment was before Rock came out and the God line.

Plus, he looked like a little shrimp in the ring against The Rock and then he said "I'm gonna kick your ass every time you're back" only to get his own ass kicked shortly thereafter.
To make Punk look strong, they should have had him hit a GTS on the Rock after that to back up his "I'm gonna kick your ass" statement. Otherwise, it just looked like the punk-rocker teenage trying to stand up to the QB of the football team only to get his ass handed to him.
Did he really? I agree Punk was great, but I felt he had nothing to really respond with? Idk that's just me. This is the first time someone has actually made Punk look silly. Either Ryback is intimidating him, Cena's trying and missing with his attacks, or Punk is actually the one belittling someone. His great response to The Rock was attacking the crowd not to him. He got serious told him he was going to kick his ass and Rock got serious and told him his time was up and that he was going to kick his ass. There really wasn't any one upping the other there.

Not trying to debate your point, cuz I basically agree, but if you actually watch the whole promo between the two. Punk's shining moment was before Rock came out and the God line.

He did better than a lot of heels I've seen who get belittled in a Rock encounter. I don't think he made Punk look silly at all. Sure there was lots of name calling. But he quickly shrugged it off by showing the crowd he didn't care. Other heels would have gotten wrapped up in the insult and played in to it.

And Rock was trying to get the crowd to chant "cookiepuss" towards Punk... so attacking the crowd was a good response. Turning it back on the crowd fit exactly into what he was talking about before Rock came out.

Punk made the point that "You just come and go whenever you feel like it. I'm here all the time, so I can and am going to kick your ass". That's the right point to make for this story.

Now yah, I get it that Punk kicking Rock's ass might not be believable since he was just manhandled by Ryback 30min earlier and hasn't won clean in 5 months. But that's just poor booking.

I liked Rock's stuff too. But I thought Punk came across better, even if he didn't get the upper hand at the end. Can't wait to see more.
RD_21: I think Punk won but I also think that the playing field is uneven. Punk is playing "outside of the rules" so of course he is winning with our dedicated crowd, but The Rock did a stellar job of being The Rock. I will say this, if more people could cut a promo like The Rock can inside of kayfabe we wouldn't need shoot promo to be excited all the time.

^^^ This - green repping you as soon as I can, sir

The Rock is a huge star, while the casual fans don't seem to care about Punk. I'm so annoyed with Punk, this little shit who can't keep from shooting. He'll be the final death of kayfabe. In time, complete shoots will also be passe. Rock has so much more charisma and doesn't need to revert to that.

Now on to the size thing: If Punk promises to kick Rock's ass, I lol. Maybe he'll pin him or the Shield will help him, but he'll never "kick Rocky's ass" one-on-one. If the roles were reversed, then maybe I could buy into a determined, face Punk besting this taunting, raging Goliath.

I feel they should have went for "I can outwrestle you" or "I can outsmart you", instead of "I'll kick your ass".

*disclaimer: Yes, I know Punk has a martial arts background and he can kick MY ass
Everyone except John Cena.

Here's the thing; these guys are part of an unspoken social contract with each other. CM Punk addresses the crowd in Tampa Bay and focuses part of his commentary on them to draw heat. The tension builds over time, then The Rock comes out. The Rock delivers a hell of a promo.

Notice CM Punk while The Rock was speaking and vice versa. CM Punk didn't break character, he knew what the deal was. Same for The Rock.

What I'm getting at is; a certain sack of shit named John Cena would never be mature enough to behave that way. He would smirk, give a little golf clap and sarcastically acknowledge what was said.

The Rock won, CM Punk won, Tyson Kidd won, the fans won. We finally have our fucking show back.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android
This promo was amazing.

CM Punk is such a good talker that he normally draws you in with his promos regardless. Yes, lately his content has been a little tired: "respect" "412", "413, "414" etc. But Monday night he was on fire. He is so smooth and natural in his delivery, I can't remember the last time I saw someone who was that good on the mic. This was the best promo in WWE since his first pipebomb.

As for the "pipebomb", this was more kayfabe than the last one. He scraped the surface of shooting, but I don't think people should have expected him to shoot as much as he did in the summer of 2011. This was just enough, and it was perfect and totally within his kayfabe character.

The Rock was good.. His usual stuff and I understand how a lot of people found it old and tired. I didn't mind. It's what The Rock does.

But Punk outdid it for sure. Not only did he have some great one liners like: "In your face, jerks" and "Arms are too short to box with GOD"...

But he came back very nicely every time The Rock tried to belittle him. He had a great response each time, mocking the crowd for being "puppets" and then getting serious by reiterating with "Every time you come back I'm going to kick your ass".

I hope they play on this more in upcoming weeks. It can tie Punk's "respect" heel turn all together if he goes off on how he's been around the entire time, working every house show, every RAW, every PPV while the Rock is in hollywood and he just comes back and gets a title shot.

Great stuff. Can't wait to see more.
Makes me sad Punk's reign is actually going to end....

Yea In your face jerks is a great one

And your arms are too short to box with god, maybe if Punk came up with it woulda been nice. But that shit is played out.

It's like referring to your arms as guns, or thunder or lightning lol...
Everyone except John Cena.

Here's the thing; these guys are part of an unspoken social contract with each other. CM Punk addresses the crowd in Tampa Bay and focuses part of his commentary on them to draw heat. The tension builds over time, then The Rock comes out. The Rock delivers a hell of a promo.

Notice CM Punk while The Rock was speaking and vice versa. CM Punk didn't break character, he knew what the deal was. Same for The Rock.

What I'm getting at is; a certain sack of shit named John Cena would never be mature enough to behave that way. He would smirk, give a little golf clap and sarcastically acknowledge what was said.

The Rock won, CM Punk won, Tyson Kidd won, the fans won. We finally have our fucking show back.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android

Could not agree more. Punk did what he does best, Rock did what he does best. You'll also notice that Punk, even after explaining what Rock would do, STILL set Rock up beautifully fo "it doesn't MATTER!"... 2 co-workers at the top of their game entertainment-wise.

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