WM 29: The Rock (c) vs. John Cena [WWE Title]

I like pretty much everybody see a Cena victory coming. He will not turn heel at Wrestlemania or ever. I think they should have a better match this year since they have the experience of working together last year. I'm not looking forward to this match as much as last year just because last year had the feel of seeing a match I never thought I would see and last year had an unpredictable outcome.
I was completely bored by their first match, maybe not because it sucked, maybe not because I didn't care for these men, but maybe because I was exhausted after watching Taker/HHH and Punk/Y2J.

This year their match needs to be a hell lot better than last year's. I mean, The Rock wasn't on Raw, we didn't have many physical nor verbal confrontations like last year. The few we had IMO weren't as great except for that one with a Q&A that ended with a Rock bottom. But besides that it didn't get me as excited as last year where the fans (casuals and smarks) were divided into teams.

That being said, in order to be fair, there was nothig that coul've been done or said to top last year's build up. This year they need seriously to make a classic match, a brawl. I could picture Rocky trying to pull a 5 knuck shuffle or an STF/AA or something like that in order to humiliate Cena but wouldn't be able to pull it off.

Anyway, let's hope we have a great match and well after Mania 29, everything becomes "normal" on WWE, which means, Cena is champion once again *sigh*
Fuck this match. The Rock and John Cena have put together one of the worst builds to a Mania WWE title match I think I can remember. The build has been bad, painfully bad. These two mailed it in for this feud. It reminds me an awful lot of Lesnar vs. Goldberg at Mania 20. Goldberg couldn't work the Mania build because he was shooting Santa's Slay, so Austin stepped into work with Lesnar and keep the build going. Unfortunately, this Rock/Cena feud hasn't had Austin to keep it interesting.

I honestly can say I don't care at all for this match. The match last year was underwhelming and over rated. The match this year is going to be more of the same. Redemption, who gives a damn about redemption? I care about the WWE title being on the line at Wrestlemania, but unfortunately I care more than the characters of John Cena and The Rock.

My Pick: John Cena. It won't be a heel turn that needs to happen, it'll be Cena winning clean, and the story of his redemption will be complete, and we'll be right back to where we were before this painful feud started before Wrestlemania 27, in the same exact place. Cena will be on top, Cena will still get mixed reactions, and we'll go back to the bore of the post Mania season with Cena on top. Last year the build was something to remember, this year the build makes me hope I never see these two wrestle again.

Yea I'm with you as far as not being too interested in the match but there are a few things keeping me excited. It is hopefully going to be a very smarky crowd. Rock vs Cena, not matter what crowd they will be pro Rock, but I am expecting to here a lot of Boos for Cena. I am always real interested in crowd's and crowd reactions, and hopefully this turns out where the crowd is popping for every Rock move, and booing for every Cena move. Cena was boo'd hard in DC and some people blame it on the smarky crowd, but I think it is mainly the fact that WM was almost here and people are finally choosing sides. I am really excited just to see the crowd reaction and am fully expecting and hoping an interesting crowd reaction once Cena wins.

What happens if Cena is getting the shit boo'd out of him the whole match and eventually wins it. This is almost inevitable. Cena might get boo'd heavily with or without the heel turn. This should be very fun to watch how it all plays out.
I'm one of the few who thinks The Rock will win.

Last year going into WrestleMania everyone thought John Cena was going to defeat The Rock and Rock was going to "pass the torch" to John Cena. Instead when people least expected it The Rock popped up, planted Cena with the Rock Bottom and scored the three count - everyone says "I saw it coming" but last years build-up thread to the match was proof that people were lying out their ass because most had backed Cena for the exact same reasons their backing him this year.

When The Rock said, "and I ain't passing no torch" on Raw a week ago that made me believe he'll shock people again this year and defeat John Cena. That's the whole point to this feud, for Rock to pass something on to John Cena, him openly admitting that he isn't doing that just makes me believe The Rock is leaving WrestleMania the WWE Champion. Just as Austin defeated The Rock at two Mania's before Rock would beat Steve, this could be the same pattern.

Either way, loved their match last year, think both of them are class acts, the only people that hate on The Rock for his "light schedule" are the idiots, same for people who don't like John Cena without true reason, their match last year was good I expect the same this year and no matter who wins what or if someone does indeed "turn" although there is little to no chance of that happening, this will be a fitting end to WrestleMania with the two biggest stars in the industry. Enough said.
As most people have said, this is really predictable, have to agree. Honestly, their promos have been better in my opinion. But most expect John Cena to take the victory, because it makes the most sense. John Cena has arguably the worst year in his career, suddenly wins the Royal Rumble right before the Rock wins the WWE Championship, challenges for it thus we get "Twice In A Lifetime".

This match is to put John Cena up on that pedestal to show he is the almighty poster boy for WWE. What way to do it better than put the title on the line, right? IMO this match doesn't need the title, but WWE isn't my company so I have no say. I want and predict John Cena to win tonight so The Rock can go back to Hollywood. Which is wierd considering Rock might be at Extreme Rules. The best thing about this match should be the crowd, because we all know John Cena will get booed out of the stadium, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear some boos for The Rock.
Right I've come in here straight away because I know people are gonna bitch and complain but the match was actually well put together. The problem was it was rushed because they ran out of time and the crowd was terrible. They weren't selling the big moments at all.

Also people will hate the hugging and shaking of hands but again its the business. The same happened with Hogan and Rock. So yeah I know I'll more than likely be the only one to think this but the match and ending was fine but the crowd spoilt it being a great moment between two of the best.
Right I've come in here straight away because I know people are gonna bitch and complain but the match was actually well put together. The problem was it was rushed because they ran out of time and the crowd was terrible. They weren't selling the big moments at all.

Also people will hate the hugging and shaking of hands but again its the business. The same happened with Hogan and Rock. So yeah I know I'll more than likely be the only one to think this but the match and ending was fine but the crowd spoilt it but being a great moment between two of the best.

Because the crowd are sick of Super Mega John Make A Wish Cena. Rocky passed the torch to the wrong guy. I wish it would have been Punk, who is far more popular among a far broader audience than Cena.
^ how can Rock pass the torch to the face of the company?

Crowd was dead because the match sucked. Big moments were OK, but still I think everyone was dead because they KNEW the outcome of a Cena win

**Great WM moment with Cena exiting the ring right after, and Rock's music hits. Cena won the match yet he's not even going to celebrate IN the ring?

simply pathetic.

**maybe they would have had more time if they didn't waste it hyping up the big matches with promos. We already know Cena-Rock is the Main event we don't need to see 2-3 more promos for it.

predictable and boring ... the Cena novelty has worn off IMO and even the crowd reflected that. They're the ones who paid, and at least on my TV didn't seem to care all that much

even when Cena got the victory, only the first 2-3 rows erupted with joy
I did find the match rather underwhelming tonight. Clearly, times were messed up (with the mixed tag match not even going ahead due to something running longer than expected) disrupting the flow and timing of the match. As well as the normal entrances of both superstars taking away from the occasion. But I also think that people just weren't as interested this year as they were last, I know I certainly wasn't, and it seem that way in the crowd tonight (you could hear a pin drop at times), and on here after reading many comments.

The clean win is predictable, upsetting to many of us? Probably. But I think we all know deep down that it was gonna be this way. The handshake doesn't bother me too much, as long as it means the end to their feud, you can't shake hands then carry on, especially when its been made to be so personally over the last two years.
I found this match to be better than last years. I am a fan of the multiple false finishes in big matches but will admit that they pushed it here last night. While I am not a big fan of having them shaking hands to end the show just like they teased a heel turn throughout the build, they also teased the respect factor between the two and that's what we got.

Also, after the match with Cena leaving the ring after winning Rock did not look like a guy who is suposed to be at the next ppv, as well as SummerSlam. Judging by what I saw out of The Rock post match this could have been his last match for a while if not his last match entirely.
Despite my doubts, I tried so hard to like this match. I've always been a fan of Rock, even though Cena will always be the goof who freestyles on his way to the ring to me. I was massively underwhelmed.

Both their finishers are completely devalued now. I'm sick of even seeing the AA by now, let alone believing it as a match-winner. It also bugged me that Rock couldn't get his laying-the-smack-down, spit-on-his-hand punch sequence in even once and it seems that both men decided only to use a couple moves out of their respective arsenals.

The handshake at the end was fine, but implies that what they did was worthy of any sort of main event. Even if that was on Smackdown I'd be like "eh."

Cena doesn't deserve a championship and I hope Ziggler cashes in on him soon.
I keep seeing people saying Ziggler should cash in on Cena but isn't his briefcase for the world title? I wish they'd make it clear what the deal is with the brand split.
Persoanlly I think the WWE creative dropped the ball here and could and should have pulled the trigger on the much lamented heel turn. It would have made Cena ineresting again, now we have a reset of the satus quo, Cena fights Orton or Swagger, or Ziggler, the match is pretty much interchangeable. Cena is stale at this point, all his promo's run together, all his fuure title defenses will have a "been there done that"(applogies to Dr. Dre) feel to it. Rock is going away to be Hercules, and FF VII, so WWE needs to do something, to make Cena relevant again. I'm still hoping on the faintest of hope that maybe just maybe we will see a Cena heel turn on Raw.
I'm still hoping on the faintest of hope that maybe just maybe we will see a Cena heel turn on Raw.

I hope I'm wrong but I think if they were going to turn him heel, it would have been last night. Instead, it will be the usual John Cena on RAW. Expect Rock to get attacked by someone or a group (probably the Shield) and then Cena will run down to the ring to help Rock. This will set up a Rock & Cena tag team team match at E.R. against The Shield or whoever it is that attacks Rock. The reason I think this is because Rock is booked for Extreme Rules and I do not see them having a rematch for the title. Furthermore, Rock is not going to start a new feud at Extreme Rules and then just leave again for several months until Summer Slam. So, the only other thing to do is a tag team match with Cena.
Heel Cena will possibly get a lot of people who currently boo him to cheer him whenever he comes out, meaning that mixed reactions would possibly still exist on a pretty big level, therefore leaving things similar to how they are now, only with Cena having a different attitude. If that is believed to be the case then a permanent shift in attitude of some sort while remaining as a face is probably the better bet. That way the benefits of being a face continue, only some of the people who boo him may like him a little better. That is just in theory though since at this point a lot of people may not ever change their stance on him. Being heel can mean different opponent options too, but at the same time, so can being more of a tweener of sorts.

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